Its very simple, i dont know why you tards are arguing about it so much.
This is how Endgame Time Travel works
I know Tony is a genius n shit but he created a time travel machine in 5 seconds. Cmon. 3hrs long and they skipped so much shit.
Ah, so that's what they meant by that if they return the stones there will be no splits. But then what does happen to the other realities? They cease to exist? Does that mean Cap.America basically erased trillions of people by returning the stones? How are the Avengers different than Thanos?
Fuck capeshit and fuck you
Either way its terrible, because either they get erased or time keeps splintering so theres universes where Dormammu now eats earth and Ego destroys the entire universe.
5 years.
No, he created it in the span of a few minutes, he only started doing time travel shit after the 5 years had happened.
If it's split timelines, then how was Captain America able to remain in the exact same timeline when he left?
>the infinity stones create the flow of time
bullshit asspull ignoring their own established lore
stopped watching right there
peggy's titties are the 7th and 8th stones so they kept that timeline intact
directors said it's alternate universe
but now they're saying just by going back in time and taking a decision create another timeline, unrelated to the stones
all bullshit
50% of earth's life returns. Not instant crises and mass death.
>mock Back to the Future's simple single timeline theory
>come up with some convoluted bullshit related to some glowing anal beads
The splintered timelines are erased and brought back to the real timeline and nothing of value was lost
Nothing is erased. They can't go to their own actual past. They can only go to the past of alternate realities. So the Avengers 2012 NYC battle you see isn't the same MCU one, although the events are the same. By taking the stones forever, they're dooming that reality to not have all the stones. So Thanos can't snap but it'll change things so that some other threat will fuck things up. By putting the stones back, that reality continues forward, with minor changes due them traveling there (loki escapes with the space stone). It's more time travel + reality jumping rather than pure time travel like other movies.
If it was consistent, then Cap wouldn't have shown up as an old man in their timeline. It's best regarded as a handwave and storytelling device to say "He had a happy ending that he deserved, ok?"
>jarvisbox make a time machine
No, its stated to be the same timeline. The Ancient One makes that clear with her glowing diagram that the stones create time and removing a stone splits time, nothing else is stated to do this, and she constantly refers to hers as "new".
It was simple, but then they made it a little misleading at the end when they talked about going back and un-branching the timelines, and then showing old Steve on the bench.
>Our only chance to repair the present is in the past at the point the timeline skewed into this tangent.
They could've avoided people second guessing them if they hadn't indulged themselves by putting old Cap at the end.
Just have him not come back and have Bucky smile and be like "I know where he went" then show him dancing with Peggy and be done with it. You can establish negro Cap in the next movie.
But in BttF those tangents erase and replace the main timeline, instead of just branching off independently.
Or even just show him come back old on the platform.