> SW9 hype thread
> SW9 hype thread
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Lmao why did they give him a zoomer haircut?
I'd rather watch Sonic or Jumanji than this trainwreck
if it's true, day 1 pirate for me
admirable gow they did all that mess in only four years - at the point they have to bring back the fucking prequels to 'save' the franchise.
Based. But where is the source?
Pls don't bully him, he doesn't deserve the hatred of toxic SW fandom. This is comeback on the big screen.
I don't give money to Disney and Shit Wars is dead. That's all my thoughts on that matter for today. Have sex instead of obsessing over Disney Wars.
Wut how. Is he gonna be a force ghost or a clone?
>Hayden Christensen will appear in Star Wars 9: The Rise of Skywalker
At this rate episode 10 will just be a tribute slideshow made in powerpoint featuring settings and characters from the prior films while john williams music plays overtop.
This. Grow up OP
Mike Zeroh youtube.com
Mike thinks he might be Anakin's dad
not even joking: any normal person fucking up that hard on their jobs in real life, like kk, jew jew, rian johnson and the faggots and dykes from lucas film failed, and you wold get fired and be tainted at the point of getting no jobs ever.
hes a clone of anakin called annaakkiin
Your meme sucks from panel one. Baby Anikin was molested by Spielberg and went full Dark Vader in real life. And the new cast were virtue signalling victimhood while openly mocking male fans and white-men.
>On June 17, 2015, Lloyd was arrested in South Carolina for reckless driving, driving without a license, and resisting arrest.[1][11][12][13] After serving a 10 month jail sentence, Lloyd was transferred from jail to a psychiatric facility after he was diagnosed with schizophrenia.[14]
>not AnaKKKin
Wasted chance. kys
He looks handsome on the right pic. Finally the sequels will get a hot actor on screen.
Why so mean? Maybe it's going to be good. JJ is way better than Ryan.
lol, no, he will be the butt of every joke on the screen, humiliated, lectured and bested by the black women of color, showing him how the Force realy should be and he will then sacrifice himself for the nigger and white girl kissing in the background. I'm not even slightly ironical, i think it will actually happen and i won't be even a bit surprised.
base on wat?
His ex wife divorced him cause he didn't like to socialize and party, pretty sad damn.
that was for a movie he did with nic cage called outcast
nah he got that way because of sexual abuse from natalie portman
He just wants to live a quiet life. Doesn't he own a farm up in Canada or something? Hell, if I made the money he did I would retire and do the same. Just live a quiet life on the farm, too bad he ended up marrying an actress.
I wonder what made him comeback to Star Wars.
shill thread
Mike Shilloh has literally never been right about anything. Post a credible source.
Is he supposed to be Starkiller?
This would actually make me watch it. Right now I probably won't even bother to pirate it.
Yeah he was just doing the quiet life, he married his co-star from jumper (i liked it, better than the book imo)
AJ Soprano is looking pretty good there
>he married his co-star from jumper
They separated.
Probably why he's back to Star Wars.
>praising jj even if thats true
Yeah I know, I even said they split because the girl didn't like How Hayden was satisfied with the quiet life.
Just when you thought they couldn't do any more damage control they start pandering to prequelfags.
But the USA has devolved into exploit capitalism.
No refunds for movie tickets, so all they have to do is trick you with the trailer and they got your money, and that's how they measure success.
what a fucking cumguzzling whore. imagine dumping fucking DARTH VADER when you're THIS CLOSE to hitting the wall lmao, what a dumb bitch.
Based. I'll unironically pay to watch this garbage just for /ourguy/
Is that david beckham?
Yeah pretty dumb since Hayden is a household name because he was in Star Wars, only know the girl from Chuck and Jumper
Sounds like he married an immature whore
Worse. It'll be two onionboys discussing Star Wars as a whole.
Why would that hype me up?
>let the past die, kill it if you have to
>btw here're your prequel favourites ;^)
The interview she had made her seem like a cold immature bitch. Remember reading something a long the lines "He'd stay at home rather than going out with friends"
At this point just fuck shit up lol who cares about a tight story, a through line, character arcs, set ups and pay offs.
Just get weird with it. I want jar jar to make a cameo, rey's a clone of sheev, ben kenobi cgi force ghost, luke force chokes kylo from the afterlife, chewbaca gets crushed when two planets collide, whatever
Is this going to be a flashback or what the hell is going on? He has a totally different haircut from the prequels so he can't be playing flashback Anakin, yet he is holding a lightsaber?
If his character works much better than the prequels, that's going to be some salt in George's wound. People will start talking about in mass "yeah it was just George's shitty direction and dialogue". But I guess Abrams is consulting George so that might mitigate it.
Kylo, you had your fun, it's enough. Go back home to your mother. That's grandpa's order.
Like Lando, its far too late to introduce them into the story
Not enough to make me see the movie.
oh look
even more new characters
>My lord, is that... legal?
>pls watch our garbage pls pls pls
The complete state of nu-Wars
He looks so fucking tired of everything.
and palpy... Awkward as fuck to bring him up in the third movie in a trilogy. But I'm not complaining because its already gone to shit so might as well do things like drudge up Hayden Christensen and Sheev... I'm not going to pay to see it I just like listening to the youtube reviews rip into, so go crazy with it and trigger the fans.
those hips on emma. you know thats a fat butt on her
Has there ever been a bigger U-Turn for an actor than this? What happened? I remember him being despised in Episode 2 and 3. Yet now everyone would love to see him back and he's even going to those Star Wars celebration things.
If they bring him back and it's more then just a cameo, I will unironically pay disney kikes for tickets and to go to the cinema. Prequel era is my nostalgia, and I am willing to pay for it.
How quiant.
Those happily-ever-after love stories always seem so golden at the beginning (actor marries his hot co-star and moves to the country) but of course, life's usually not so simple.
There isn't one. It's about as credible as the Obi-Wan spinoff that was in the works.
>having premarital sex
enjoy hell faggot
It wasn't his fault. Good actor, bad writing and direction.
She did it, lads!
Because unlike the rest of the cast he's pretty good looking
>I wonder what made him comeback to Star Wars.
>not having a voluntary wish to go to Hell in order to fight demons in the name of God
No proof, this is bullshit.
I would unironically would have rather watched this movie then the last jedi.
Why did Ryan Johnson bully Mike?
I'm still not impressed nor am I surprised that the trailer did so badly compared to earlier films.
>The Rise of Skywalker
They will resurrect Anakin from the force state won't they. Oh God.
He's based and in episode III gave an unironically great performance. Plus he BTFO his roastie wife with best Emma because his ex was too much of a hollywood skank
>thinking you'll have any sort of free will in hell and that god would give you any divine grace with which to fight demons
that's gonna be a yikes from me dawg
enjoy eternal damnation
I remember him posting on Yea Forums a year or two after RotS and asking about it, and the general consensus was "You did what you could with what you had."
He did seem mad when I told him only an excellent actor could be in the same room as Natalie Portman and seem completely uninterested in her like Anakin was.
For anyone who's unaware, American Heist is kino
>Hayden Christensen came to Yea Forums
screenshot or it didn't happen
>speaking in the name of God
>being a coward
SW9? There are only 6 SW movies matte. How do you figure 2 extra ones? DW is not SW.
>I remember him posting on Yea Forums a year or two after RotS
sounds like schlocky fun honestly, no one's ever really gone. Fuck all the new characters and bring back Anakin and Sheev. Anakin can be like the EU version of Luke Skywalker.
TLJ is shit but I have a feeling Rey and Kylo battling Palpatine is going to be sneaky Kino.
fucking hate all these white guys like chris evans and aquaman and shit. fuck hollywood.
He just wants to retire and live a quiet farm life existence. To me that's a step up from being an actor and constantly in the spotlight.
>anakin skywalker, adrian brody and akon made heistkino
how did i not know about this?
Rogue One and Solo, dingus
>imagine coping so hard on the internet because you want to put your peepee in some roastie's wet hole
your excuses aren't going to work in hell user
Would love to see a clone of Anakin just absolutely destroying Kylo Ren and Rey (NoOne) in combat, at the same time.
Idk tell him they adore sand.
he wasn't that bad
>speaks of Hell
>just engaged in the sin of arrogance of speaking in the name of God, putting words in God's mouth, having the arrogance and stupidity to dictate God's thoughts
My presence in Hell is voluntary out of respect and out of just cause, whether God will recognize this is God's wisdom.
You on the other hand showcased arrogance and cowardice that even Humans would not tolerate, you posed yourself as the word of God, a sin which is very punishable.
You are going down with me, as a stupid cowardly piece of trash unworthy of being given the honor and support of killing demons for your reluctance and stupidity.
>Time Travel confirmed
aw fuck
More like Starkiller BASED
rey and kylo are twins like luke and lea. rey kills kylo and luke kills palpatine obviously.
> inb4 palpatine's laugh is just a recording or hologram
>not following your autistic LARP condemned me to hell because scripture clearly says premarital sex is wrong
>actually having to debate this
I don't know if you're genuinely a good shitposter or this psychologically disturbed. Maybe you should have sex
>As well as the rumoured Kylo Ren scene, fans are also hoping for an echo of the iconic Force ghost moment from the Return of The Jedi
: ^ )
that's fanart from his crusader in China movie with Bic cage
fucking hate trailer bait like that, such a hideo kojima thing to do
Who? Do they mean the random twitter voices who type in all caps with excitement at anything deemed "nerdy" and made by disney?
No he won't.
Putting words in God's mouth, putting thoughts in God's mind, are sins far more damning than premarital sex. Cowardice is as well. Not only have you engaged in high sins of arrogance and cowardice combined, you weren't even appointed judge by God yet you'd be more inclined to judge fellow Humans than wage war on demons. Tell me, why should anyone care about what such garbage combination of vices such as yourself has to opine? How God will judge me is on Him and Him alone, not some random coward who even watches Capeshit and browses Yea Forums which is enough to condemn you to Hell alone.
naa mike bully him.
Honesty returns.
Im with you but the "have sex" line is retarded
I've had better fap sessions than sex
Because the prequel dickriders that still have a hard-on for hating TLJ will think it's cool.
Why not?
subverted softly
>Source : MIKE ZEROH
not even him but every religious authority in the west encourages the spreading of scripture and its fundamental rules. this is some gay new age schizo take on things please neck yourself spaz
Hayden sucks
>religious authority in the west encourages
Fucking altar boys and being gay pedophiles. Go close yourselves in caves and meditate/pray till the last days of your lives you Cucktholic faggots. You shat on Jesus's words and virtue with your retarded revisions.
>ywn get molested by Natalie Portman until you turn schizo
why should I even continue with this cursed life, why?
Fucking hell. I didn't know he married that cunt. Could have told him back there and then. Lol.
Good for him though, so he can still replace that aging roastie in time for a homely country side family of his own.
The Boyega shit was always overblown, and I'm sad that they didn't do more with his character because he starts out legitimately interesting. The Asian chick was also not that bad, it's just the movie was a stinker.
The mouse must love it when people post shit calling them ugly or whatever though. It feeds their false controversy, and they can ignore the fact that Episode 8 was dogshit.
It's that, and then they get you back in with false controversy, which sites like Yea Forums don't help with. They can either cherrypick awful posts or make them themselves to get everyone to feel self-righteous about how toxic the critics are. They've been doing this shit since the Ghostbusters reboot, and Disney seems to do it with every single marvel or SW release nowadays.
>Remember the death star?
>Remember Lando?
>Remember Palpatine?
>R-remember Anakin?
>mfw the only semi-good elements of this movie will still refer to OT stuff because the new characters suck so hard and no one fucking cares about them, and all people will talk about is Palpatine, Vader, the past, the nature of the dark side etc.
>mike zeroh
He comes across as alright, despite the horrible script and directing. He was never the issue.
>throw trash at basket, but slips out of your hand and falls behind you
what an absolute faggot
It's sad how much of an impression shitty YouTube thumbnails have on people.
Honestly, I might see the movie on camrip now that Hayden is it, but nothing more than that.
>I remember him being despised in Episode 2 and 3.
It's the Plinkett fags that put all the blame on him for no reason whatsoever even though there were much worse performances in the prequels than Hayden's. Now that the retarded mass of fanboys realized that the new movies ares hit, they look favourably on the old ones
Every piece of news about this movies sounds ducking terrible
Just desperation trying to Undo rain’s abomination and attempting to please old fans but in the end they’ll piss off everyone
Is this porn?
>ep8 kill the past
>oh shit the fans hate it, lets call them losers
>oh shit they boycotted han solo
>ep9 bring ALL the past back
T b h, at this point there is no way they can salvage it, so they might as well go out with the fanservice. I kinda like Hayden and his Anakin, especially when I was a kid. I do not care a single bit about Kylo, Mylo and the "bypassed the compressor" character.
Plinkett directly mentions that Hayden is not to blame at all
Only in the third review. In the second he whines and whines about Hayden and his acting totally ignoring that Hayden is probably the only actor from the prequels who shows any deep emotion, despite the dialogue.
And I will. Fuck Star Wars and fuck Disney for making me hate what it's become.
>hey remember this youthful guy from way back? h-he's still as youthful as ever, we promise! just look at his hair!
>Let the past die. Kill it if you have to.
>Fans: k.
Sincerely, fuck this transparent clownshow.
...it's gonna involve time travel, isn't it?
Dude time travel in Star Wars would be such a fucking mistake
If it undoes the last two movies I would be down for it.
>they kill the franchise
Still not giving you my money, fucking mouse.
which is why they're exactly gonna do it
Already introduced with world between worlds. Only few rare force users could travel through it. Star Wars also has multiple dimensions and universes shit done too.
Probably a force flashback which will reveal that Anakin was Rey's daddy as he has force raped some chick in the future.
Kylo ren isn’t interesting though
Angry white male fans were already pissing and moaning about 'muh forced diversity' in the film from the release of the first trailer for episode VII. You either have to be willfully ignorant or retarded to not remember the "#BoycottStarWars" bullshit that started immediately after the trailer dropped. Why do you think they were mocking those demographics? Because those where the one who started to mock them first. They were on the defensive, dipshit.
Here's an article about it, just 3 days after the first teaser trailer dropped in 2014 in case you selectively forgot how things actually went down.
If you look back at the Yea Forums archives, I've always stood up for hayden and AOTC. I was ahead of my time it seems
Give him some muscle and he'll look like a better version of that homosexual who plays Superman and likes to lick black men.
I bet there will be retards taking the bait and praising IX for this.
because it looks cool
Do you guys think his slut ex will come back begging for a second chance now that he's in demand?
Fuck this TV hack
I hope Hayden being in it doesn't help at all and it still makes less than $1 billion
Yeah, and they hammered down on it while not-so-artfully sidestepping every single other valid criticism, thus painting everyone who doesn't like their uninspired shit as a racist.
It wasn't enough for Disney to ruin Han, Luke, and Leia. Now they are going to find a way to retroactively ruin Darth Vader too. Then the mouse's humiliation of the fans will be complete.
K but why is this a gif.
boy are you in for a big surprise, as-of over a year ago.
He seems like a good dude to me. Is he?
>The Boyega shit was always overblown, and I'm sad that they didn't do more with his character because he starts out legitimately interesting.
I agree. He's probably the most interesting character in TFA, but he was basically used as a joke punchline and now they don't know what to do with him after the joke's done.
>Shit is better than stinking shit
Wew lad
Has anyone ever pointed out to Boyega that Finn's actual "name" - FN-2187 - is basically ghetto slang for "about to commit murder?" I'm curious if he knows that and whose idea the name originally was.
Not really, he was painfully inconsistent. The concept alone was ok, but they fucked it up from the very start.
Boyega doesn't have the look to be a lead character anyway. He was literally to revolting to chinks to look at. And his body proportions are funny.
Meh, I've never heard that term and I'm sure pretty much no one has. It's actually an old name Irish name, Finnegan -- it's not made up in Star Wars.
>When your franchise has been cucked to fuck but you still cling onto little hope like the cucked fan boys you are
Yeah, I meant the idea for the character, rather than the execution.
They're going to have OrangeButtcheeks in the movie too. Disney wouldn't pass up that easy fan service.
His name is FN-2187. They named a black guy "Finta 187," and I'd like to know whose idea that was.
It was Leia's prison cell number in A New Hope. Lol i thought it was 187 because he was black.
>Anakin can be like the EU version of Luke Skywalker
>rights his wrongs and fights sheev one last time
>starts a jedi temple and gives students proper training
I'm okay with this
they fired mark hamil so now sounds like they're gonna have hayden as anakin's ghost to do lukes part instead
They're really pulling all stops for this one. How desperate is KK and her entourage really?
>too retarded to "get" the whole past dying theme
that was kylo's philosophy in ep 8, where he suffered immessurable failures at everything he tried to accomplish
judging by the fact that the mask is back you can kiss that shit goodbye
He's the Thanos of actors.
Good man
You'd have a point if that theme was being drubbed over our heads from the earliest scenes of TFA, and not just through Kylo. There are multiple scenes that allude to it. All of the new principal characters are about severing ties to the past while stealing what they want from it. The First Order itself *represents* the past. Those "lies and betrayals" Hux rants about in TFA represent the older fans(the First Order of fans, one might say) ranting about Disney shitcanning all the old canon just to rebrand it as their own. Multiple times, we're given scenes where the principals must sever their ties to the past before their own adventure can begin.
When Poe and Finn escape, they have to literally sever a tie from the First Order's ship to make their escape, and I imagine JJ sucked his own dick quite a bit over how clever he thought that was.
God I hate Nuwars so fucking much. It will never be canon to me.
He would have died of old age a long time ago if that were the case.
Disney's shit treatment of this IP along with its fanbase has guaranteed that they will never see another thin dime of my money, not for Star Wars nor anything else. They are fucking cancer.
He would appear in a flashback or Force vision
Probably to show that Dobson can't draw. He traces.
Most definitely
sw 10 staring red letter media
this is sad
The problem with anakin n wasn't him but the writing
>They separated.
>Probably why he's back to Star Wars.
why? He needs money after she took everything he had?
This appeal to authority, specially when the authority in question consists of corrupt pedophilic pseudo politicians, is quite pathetic desu.
Many people who watched the prequels when they were kids liked it (just like George intended).
These kids are now adults, and not everyone fell for the MUH PREQUELS ARE BAD meme
>I remember him posting on Yea Forums a year or two after RotS
Yea Forums wasn't a separate board back then you fucking clown
I had a dream last night that Luke is alive and well in episode IX. He uses the force to fuse a bunch of guns to C-3PO and gives him two blue lightsabers. Then Threepio, who is now wearing a crown, goes on a flying killing spree against enemy droids. I'm already disappointed that the movie won't be able to live up to this.
If it happens it's obviously a desperate attempt at connecting a third trilogy that the first two trilogies didn't anticipate. To be fair, the OT didn't exactly anticipate the PT either, but the PT nevertheless existed to supplement the OT story (even if it sucked at it). Abrams' mission statement about IX connecting all three trilogies is a fundamentally bad one. IX would be better off just trying to conclude the story TFA started. Leave it at that.
LOL! they have no new ideas! LOL!!!
That sounds fucking retarded.
You should just get Vegas Pro or something and make it yourself. With those characters, you can't fail. Legit cool dream, user, Keep being you, please.
he will force ghost with kylo, he will drink ectoplasm at the ghost cantina with yoda and ol ben.
So you're saying Disney will take it?
Might be cool if they use it to imply that the EU used to exist before someone started messing with time.
Holy shit. We may actually see Obi-Wan, Anakin, Luke, and presumably Yoda on screen together! Imagine if they sneak Qui-Gon in. Maybe even Palpatine..hnnngggg
you should watch these
Friendly reminder here is the revised list:
Jedi Ghost tier:
>Return of the Jedi
>The Empire Strikes Back
>A New Hope
Republic guard tier:
>The Phantom Menace
>Revenge of the Sith
>Attack of the Clones
Grey Jedi tier:
>The Force Awakens
>Rogue One
>The Last Jedi
The Last Jedi is kino. Most kino big franchisey movie this decade. Plebs leave and go back to marvel
Okay if he looks like that then this will most definitely be kino
thats not message of the tlj u tard
zoomers like the prequels. This is a good idea.
'I'm cool because I pretend to like garbage."
theyre both returning characters fucking lol
wtf i unironically love hayden now
do you have autism
Holy fucking based sheev and anakin returning for episode 9, imagine if obi wan and mace windu appeared
>kylo ren: "lets kill the past" (aka basically what anakin said to luke and padme about ruling the galaxy how THEY want)
>rey: no fuck you
>dual wielding lightsabers
We Starkiller now?
yet kylo has his mask back, rey has her white robes back, c3p0 is back with a huge role and SKYWALKER is in the title
maybe going back and embracing the past is the theme of this movie
but of course you just want to hate it regardless
Star killer would be meme tier op, remember him smashing a star destroyer using just the force
Posts like these are convincing me that star wars fans deserve the shittest movies possible like ROTJ or ROTS and I should move on
Will they have Ray do that now?
I'll watch the Sonic shit-show instead, thanks. No offense to Hayden, but Disney destroyed Star Wars.
ok but what about when luke skywalker becomes a jedi again and saves whats left of the rebellion and by proxy the galaxy?
fuck she is perfect I don't even care if she beats my ass like what's his face
>gives up on the series and shits out a lazy conclusion
>makes terrible edits to all three movies decades later
>makes 3 more movies that are some of the most infamously hated of all time
>nurtures a fanbase of cartoon watching turbo manchildren
>works on terrible ideas for sequel trilogy
>works on live action tv franchising
>works on spinoff films
>hires kathleen kennedy
>sells to disney
>disney basically do what he was gonna do, only a little worse
>massive shitstorm
>george gets 4 billion dollars and remembered a hero
Dobson is a lazy fuck who traces what he sees at any given opportunity.
"I'm cool because I love the worst movies on the planet, while hating good ones"
TLJ is the capeshit of Star Wars, you absolute retard. It will never be kino.
People like Darth Vader because of Return of the Jedi, not because of TESB and RotJ because he was more than one dimension in it.
*and A New Hope, but not deleting 'cause phew
People like Vader because he looks cool. He was a massively popular character years before RotJ.
Kill yourself, disney shill. I never asked for the sequels, Disney should've NEVER touched Star Wars.
Yup. It got 91% good reviews by all critics, 95 by top critics, and I liked it. Considering the total cinematic fuckups of VI, I, II, III, RO and the museum-piece TFA, it's based. I do not care that toy-buying, actually autisic, Lucas cockriding, often underage mongoloids don't like it.
Pretty sure he is
Being massively ridiculed either makes you insane or extremely humble
We got to see two examples of that from the prequels and both actors played the same character
>He was a massively popular character years before RotJ.
True, but the cult of Vader really hadn't solidified until he became the hero. He went from being a cool villain to something much more complicated and interesting. His voice and mask are the biggest things that grab people, there's no doubt. I know I had a costume of him as a little boy.
t. sw blogfag
>and I liked it.
That's fine.
>Lucas cock-riding
I have plenty of complaints toward the prequels and even RotJ, but that doesn't make TLJ good. It fucking sucks on its own merits, just like TFA.
>is a bad guy jedi
>is a bad guy jedi but also lukes father but also actually intimidating now
>stands around and does nothing, luke believes hes redeemable because..?, has a less impressively choreographed duel with luke (but the music is nice), redeems himself by killing the emperor which he was going to do anyway in esb with luke
unless you meant ROTS in which just Lol simply Lol
Blame george for selling it, cuck
Anakin is the son of the force, he died to save the galaxy and now he will rise.
I blame him for it, retard. Doesn't stop me from shitting on Disney's creative and moral bankruptcy.
>the mouse during TFA and TLJ
>"fuck prequel kino, eat shit with our mary sue"
>episode 9
>"never mind, prequels are gud, we like the prequels now, please come back, give us your money, please"
He's being fair.
Even pirating is a stretch for me m8.
That's the stupidest tumblr bullshit I've ever seen
>SW9 hype thread
I couldn't even get ironically hyped if they had him drop the sand line in the trailer.
Anything the mouse throws at you imbeciles you just eat it up. No wonder there are so many pussies in this day in age. Keep forgiving bitches for disrespecting you
>>stands around and does nothing, luke believes hes redeemable because..?
Everyone forgets how Darth Vader stopped Boba Fett from blasting Chewbacca and C-3PO, and it's not right.
It better be Starkiller
I want a Jumper sequel.
>andrew, son of dob
does this guy have any real fans? what keeps him doing what he does?
I like how deleting one's Instagram is equated with contemplating suicide
>paid critics
Are you a retard, an npc or something?
I will try to make it easier for you
Even the actors didn't like this movie (not just Hamill, but also Boyega and Isaac), I bet it must have felt like rape.
This is going to be some time travel/alternate dimension/timeline split shit isnt it?
Fuck Star Wars
>yfw he's just Palps in a clone Anakin body
I think Mike might be losing weight
>episode 8 references prequels
>rian even watched the mortis arc
its jj alone that hated the prequels. I would bet money the "force visions" during duels that show some prequel locations from actual leaks are the only prequel content in the entire movie
>endured a boycott of the movies
>that broke box office records
how is it anything you tards who call disney "the mouse" say is so retarded
>Rey and Kylo dies
>reincarnates as pre-O66 Anakin
>Nearly committing suicide
>Deleteing their Instagrams
You're probably right desu
feminist sjw cunts won't be satisfied until they've ruin every single bit
> (You)
>how is it anything you tards who call disney "the mouse" say is so retarded
Because that's what they are. Are you offended that I called your masters The Mouse ?
One of my close friends from highschool is related to him, he's his second cousin or something. One of these days I'll ask if he's talked to him lately
And what exactly was the message of TLJ? You go gurl? Niggers are people too?
>Across the platform, Boba Fett brought up his blaster rifle, but Vader — hoping to preserve his other captives — lashed out and grabbed the rifle’s barrel, forcing the bounty hunter to aim away from the melee
>Disney needs to start aping the Prequels to get people to watch their new movie
>paid critics conspiracy
>youtube critics
>first one is a furry
Lucas wrote part of 9 and directed some scenes too. Fun time to be alive.
He was terrible in episode 2 and did a better job at episode 3
But very weak actor imo
You're a brainlet dude. It was pretty much objectively shitty writing. Jew Jew and Rian "Soi" Johnson played mad libs with a multibillion dollar franchise, how is that not obvious to you? It's cool if you found it entertaining but to say it was a good movie is fucking ridiculous.
I think it had a lot to do with how is it was written and directed desu. I don't think he deserved the backlash
Can't wait for this GILF
>dat Bilson bOOty
Why didn't Vader just use the force and force grab boba's gun like he did han's?
>why isnt star wars, a hollywood franchise created by a guy born in san francisco, who thought the soviet union was sometimes good, loved the vietcong, and made palpatine a george bush conspiracy theory stand-in, (and did he compare trump to palpatine in that james cameron interview I cant remember,) not catering to imageboard extreme far right racism and misogyny??
Because it would have looked stupid since he's standing right next to him?
It's actually dovahkin skyrimwalker
>looked stupid
>right next
>Jew Jew
>Rian "Soi" Johnson
Star Wars threads have convinced me that anyone who uses cringey nicknames to criticize people is terminally retarded
>Objectively shitty writing
>To say it was a good movie is fucking ridiculous
If this was remotely true it would have gotten reviews on par or worse than Iron Man 3, Thor Dark World, Age of Ultron (almost 2x Last Jedi's budget), Solo, or Captain Marvel
100% fake news
Yeah, ROTJ sucks
Why? people were starting to like him too.
Why support this disney trash?
its fake you moron
She said he cheated with Emma Roberts
see? nobody cares
Bigger Anakin.
I wish this would mean that the "leak" about the entire nuwars trilogy being Anakin going through his personal purgatory was real, but that would be way too fucking kino for D*sney.
If i were dating myself i would cheat on myself with emma
At least they're not paid and have higher IQs that your critics, Jar Jar Abrams and Ruin Johnson.