kinos to enjoy with a glass of Black Booster?
Kinos to enjoy with a glass of Black Booster?
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If I down all of that, will I die?
>best before
every time.
Whisky so strong that it has to be stored in plastic bottles.
For relaxing time...
>West African whisky
I kinda regret not buying a bottle of thiz strawberry schnapps for 50 cents.
I bet your pussy gets wet pretty easy
Looks like a jug of horse semen.
Fucking lel, didnt even notice before.
Honestly though. What even is this shit made of?? Is it the plastic container that requires you to throw it out? (Leeching chemicals into the whiskey)
It would be extremely painful.
One of these bad boys - or two if I'm feeling frisky - make any film kino.
>yfw when you realize that Ghana does CGI better than the Black Panther
Based Tescochad
Drink it down
only 2%? and you seriously call this piss beer?
It's like those Frisco drinks for millenial roasties.
You can basically down ten of them, go drive and never get DUI.
May as well be slurping my semen lad
I thought this was those disgusting bottles of popcorn oil
>down 5 liters of liquid
Yeah right
That's the idea.
Ten beers in one night is standard in slavland, you sojboi.
I have no idea mate, all I know is if you are buying any kind of liquor that states best drunk by, it's better used as bonfire fuel.
>sierra leone
>blended and packaged in Sierra Leon.
I drink 16 beers every Saturday and Sunday. Sometimes Monday.
>made in liberia
this is methanol right
does anyone know what this stuff actually tastes like?
we all die someday
Why do retards feel proud of being able to drink more or stronger drinks?
Do they wash out the antifreeze before bottling that shit?
the picture was posted on SA before 2012
have sex
youll go blind
fuck capeshit
'The fuck man
Drinking stronger drinks is brainlet tier, the average human kidney can process about a pint of 5% alcohol solution every half hour, or more pertinently, you can drink about a pint of lager every 30 minutes and process it through your liver. The rest of the alcohol gets stuck in your body, it seeps into your organs and you end up pissing the rest of it out and it's empirically a waste of alcohol. Beer drunks are patrician because even if they don't know it, they're utilizing every last bit of that alcohol.
I'd try it
I have 40$ left and I'm unironically homeless. What can I buy that will keep me as drunk as possible for as long as possible. Don't tell me to fucking get a job or beg for money or any meme shit like that, just help me get drunk and stay drunk for as long as humanly possible
Piss from other drunk bums.
I actually do live in a tent community and we have "alpha" bums who fuck other bums in the ass if they don't have a tribute for the alpha bum(typically drugs or liquor)
You can by a 40 of Steel Reserve for like $3, so buy two.
How do I delete a post, I'd like to delete my last post
Are you sure you aren't in prison?
Blade Runner
Blade Runner 2049
What's it like to be the highest IQ member of your homeless tribe?
How does a homeless bum not know how to best get drunk. Go buy a steel reserve or a fifth of bankers.
Why do pussies who can't hang try to cope so hard?
I drink a bottle of 10% once per hour
Life is the real prison, am I right brother?
I am that alpha bum and I am way smarter than this guy
>literally watered down beer
I'm actually the alpha bum and I fuck this guys ass unless he brings me BUM TRIBUTE
Our bodies are flesh prisons holding our skeletons at bay.
Legit true to their word homeless vodka people always find a way to get booze.
You think this is a fucking game? Try watching a 60 year old man get sodomized while a dozen homeless drifters look on and touch themselves. I've seen things you people wouldn't even beleive
I've seen bums sodomized by the park gates... all these asses lost to rape... like MD20/20 in the rain...
That's nothing, I used to leave next to black people.
Hobo semen is the most intoxicating substance known to man, so get out there and start sucking some dicks
I didn't know whisky could be found in a windshield wiper fluid plastic jug.
Bum cum can induce a trance-like state making the user easy to manipulate.
couple years of that and you'll be able to write the great american road novel. people will pay good money to read about hobo sex.
Can't even get artificially colored grain alcohol out of a plastic antifreeze jug in the states... welcome to Drumpf's America....
>alpha" bums
I guess you do learn something new everyday
hahaha lmao so drunk bro hahaha shit was CASH LMAO hahahah
Me on the right.
*record scratch*
Thats me in the corner
the ld50 for alcohol is 1 liter of 40% consumed in an hour. so yes, if you could hold enough of it down.
I wish we had bath tub brands in Ontario. We pay out the ass for literally any sort of booze and it's expensive to be an alcoholic.
A 26oz is around 27$ for garbage brands. Goose is like 60$+ for a 26oz
6 tall boys of bottom shelf brands are 13$
A 24 of lower/mid beer is close to 45$
Fucking horseshit
that’s me in the spotlight
not losing my virginity
You can find out for yourself by going to the nearest Home Depot and taking a swig out of one of the cans labeled "isopropyl alcohol".
make your own
chinese stores sell some food grade rice wine that isn't taxed as alcohol
bit of weed helps knock you out quicker
How much of this could you drink before it became a problem?
That stuff is good for you, it's keto friendly. Try it out.
Why does he have only one leg? Is he a veteran?
you can get Alberta Pure for like $20 and Alberta Premium for about $22, it's not that bad
Were the onlookers hootin and hollerin the whole time or was it a quiet ordeal aside from the dick friction fighting hobo swamp ass
looking at this makes me sick. just the image gives me a hangover.
Bruh you try that No Name beer? Not fuckin bad when it's on the dollar beer sales.
Yes, same for salt and honey. It's for the plastic container, not the food item.
>no one points out the wine corker
Malt liquor or fortified wine.
t. ned flanders
What is that? Warm urine mixed with alcohol?
do you get drunk by drinking coke or something?
i pity american drunks, we can buy a liter of 96% drinkable alcohol here for 2 dollars
>american alcohol
pick one
how can americans claim they are free yet cant buy pure ethanol?
Why do non-Americans always write like blacks?
depends on the state. some states have very strict booze laws, some states have a whiskey isle at the grocery store. shout out to arizona, it blew my puritan east-coast mind.
you can find this in every supermarket in the country, its 96% pure grain alcohol, in america you can buy grenades easier than find this
grenades are about the same level of difficulty as pure grain moonshine, you have to know somebody.
and there are some counties where booze is completely prohibited but that's probably because the citizens can't handle their alcohol.
Because everybody knows the coolest Americans are the blacks.
they're like cats. it's fun to watch a video of them doing stupid antics but at the end of the day someone else has to clean up their shit.
Low quality bait.
> Whiskey with a Use By date
Tres bien!
For you
>yfw 'Fires off the shoulder of Orion' is a code phrase for a hobo being pinned down and fucked in the ass
This is fucking poetry.
you'll likely go blind before the movie's over
>Freetown Sierra Leone
Wouldn't drink that even with a rented esophagus.
Why would you jungle up with home bums anyway? Yeah there's rape. They form little "families" even. That guy who threw the kid off of an escalator is just the tip of the iceberg. There is violence on the streets that Hunter S Thompson would be too chicken shit to associate with. A lot of murders too, people just go missing. Hit the rails you faggot. If it's stopped it will go somewhere else eventually
FYI, this gets posted almost every day. It's advertising.
no wonder he's babysitting this thread
It's changing in a lot of places. I live in Washington state and you had to go to the liquor store for anything above beer/wine until 3 or 4 years ago, now the grocery stores are all flushed with booze. I doubt the east coast will be far behind with a lot of this stuff.
My drink is Alberta premium and its 27$ at the lcbo
This shit is probably made with methanol
Solid bait
I bet this would feel really good if you attached a fleshlight to it
based 9th grade stoner music poster
I've been seeing Wellers 107 again at LCBO, and it's $35.95 CAD. Strangely it's cheaper than the Special Reserve, which seems like a pricing error or oversight to me, but it's always been the case.
You can buy this in any old liquor store in Kentucky
>drinking any beer that is less than 9% at any given moment
Not all of us are Belgian
dekuyper isn't bad though, no idea why that's so cheap but normally those around $15-ish, at least they were when I still drank booze like a goyim. have you never seen dekuyper triple sec? it's one of the most famous brands of triple sec in the US
Why even drink alcohol at that point?
You grow out of it after college where you no longer feel special for drinking Vodka neat. But if you are drinking alcohol you want a buzz so low % is just a waste of money. Even if you like beer like I do, you only stop once you get a buzz.
What the fuck even
Near Beer here is at least 3.5
>Extreme Quality
>beer for christians
That's pure white distillate where they dip huge tea bags of charred oak chips into it to make "whisky" with no aging
That stuff isn’t real. That pic is the only pic on the internet. I looked for it
>listening to dubstep and not based Death Metal
and? Racist!
Alcoholics are wastes of skin.
>listening to death metal in 199
while drinking yes
>listening to death metal in 1999
pretty good!
>listening to dubstep in 2009
good also!
>listening to death metal in 2019
kinos for this feel?
There's something so comfy about shitty malt liquor and I can't even explain it.
Jesus christ imagine the taste.
Jesus, you would probably get a better buzz sipping on expired juice.
>cooking oil bottle
>printer paper and packing tape label
>expiration date
Too many red flags, not even once.
> YFW you grew up before baby formula was kept in locked cages.