I'm i supose to hate this futuristic society?

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You're supposed to learn to write intelligibly before posting here.

the left have always done themselves more harm than anyone else

Buenos Aires was an inside job

>communist state who endorses degeneracy
disgusting, the bugs deserved to win.


Ok do you idiots actually admire this society or are you trolling? Be honest.

Better than globohomo.

You're supposed to dislike it bc #punchnazis

but in reality they make some great points..

>no racist

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>rights are earned
Sounds pretty based.

>Oi! You gotta loisence for that pregnancy?

Would unironically be a utopia

It's an undercover basedboi flick, satirizing about authoritarianism in a way that makes you both laugh and like it

>Go to war to serve your country, earn voting and ownership rights

>Be a lazy schlock to not have shit in the society you live in

How is this bad?

Militarism good1111111!!!!!!!!!111111111111

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There's no heroin junkies and bohemian artists shitting on canvas on the streets, what a nightmare world.

ooooh I love my jew overlords sending me to die for them. then when my leaders die I can lead more faggots to their deaths yayyyyyyyy!!!

>"earning" rights
Dumb pinko - rights are either inherent and inalienable, or they do not exist at all. There is no middle ground. Anything and everything that government "grants" is a privilege that - if it is detrimental to the growth of the surveillance state - will eventually by rescinded.

Man they really fucked up with 2 and 3

What the hell happened?

You say that like you wouldn't immediately be cut in two by some insect

You're "supposed" to hate it, but because of the filmmaker's incompetence and political ignorance, most people liked the people they were supposed to hate.

>but because of the audience' incompetence and political ignorance, most people liked the people they were supposed to hate.


I know right so great that they bombed that city and blamed it on some bugs and then sent us to wage war against them and die in droves, I bet there were homosexuals in that city anyway!

The problem was that Verhoeven, who is normally a good film-maker, was so ass-blasted that he didn't bother to really understand the material or the author and completely failed at satirizing the novel by not actually addressing its points or politics and instead turning it into full blown parody due to the absurdity and stupidity of the characters in the movie.

I disagree, he has a point, the setup left little to reflect about regarding the society as it is just bug war where there are the grunts and the bugs who cleave them in half, rip of arms and legs, drag them into their tunnels screaming in panic and fear, all out in a battlefield where their society at large is left out almost completely.

>You're supposed to hate it because #punchnazi
Yeah, you definitely have no idea what the fuck the original novel was like. Or why this movie is applicable to the Iraqi War despite being shot years before.

but muh gommunisttrannygayboomerhippieSJWs!

no, just question it

You are supposed to pity them

I’ve read the book but that has no baring here.
The script was all but finished before being retooled as a ST adaptation and Verhoeven never read it.

For argument's sake, et's accept your premise: that the audience was too stupid to get the satire.

In that case, the blame still lies with the filmmaker for being too obtuse or cerebral with his satire.

If the audience believes the exact opposite of what you want them to believe, then you fucked up as a director.

Anyone else watch the sequels? I thought the one where they stop enforcing atheism and instead turn religion into a government institution was hilarious.

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>using Yea Forums
>being intelligence

I just watched the second which felt a lot less about the bug war as the bugs were largely absent in their typical manner, brain bugs was just boring.

was the character portrayed by NPH argentinian as well?

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how to get a perfect starship troopers gf?

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Klendathu bugs would fucking dominate the undead army. The arachnids would chew through the dead and those tanker bugs would fuck shit up and wreck the night king.

desu those women look like bugs disguising themselves as humans to infiltrate our ranks. Would smash with boot

It’s an ideal society

please do not smash the perfect starship troopers gfs

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There's also the animated sequels where Johnny Rico is basically Big Boss.

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SST just seems a lot more realistic than Star Trek. And, all things considered, a SST government wouldn't be so bad. It's not a utopia, but that's part of what makes it believable.

Read the book. Everybody has inherent rights but you have to earn the privilege of voting among other things, same as earning a drivers license in the US.

You could be a drooling idiot and still become a citizen because the Federation was obligated to find you a job to earn service. It’s not all just jarheads fighting space bugs.

I love the scene in American History X when Norton starts talking about IQ and crime stats and everything he says is true, so they make his character unsympathetic by having him get violent at his mom's jewish boyfriend. Like they couldn't even write an argument in the script that disproves the crime rate argument

The only real difference it has with modern liberal democracies is the limited franchise.

The rights aren't granted by the government. It's explained in the book and film that the rights were taken by the soldiers and veterans by force, and enfranchisement remains, only with them. It's not a civilian government. By joining the military, you are joining the government. The government is going to take rights away from itself?

The sequels are quite the action porn and actually more faithful to the original material desu.

unironically just watch this video. how can anyone dislike the government of starship troopers, or even think it's close to fascism?

>81 minutes

left wingers delusionally deny any association between the left and militarism, and therefore equate any militarism with fascism.

It left plenty to reflect. If you can't see the political commentary in citizenship requiring military service, including children in war propaganda commercials, total ambivalence for meat grinder mass casualty battles over meaningless objectives, etc then I don't know what to tell you.

>ruining your hair with shitty colors
why do people do this, are they really that depraved of attention

>rights are either inherent and inalienable
Lol, your rights are only enforceable thanks to the force projection of the system you live in.

Fuck off.

I'm absolutely willing to concede that the director was at fault for making a movie too sophisticated for the average retarded movie viewer to understand.

>unironically listing Goblin Slayer after months of leftist scum crying about muhsoggyknee

>missing the point
normal people don't really give a shit about what sort of ramblings a trailer living goblino uses to try and feel superior to others

Oh shit, I forgot this is millenial site so everything has to be less than 7 seconds, otherwise they will go back to playing Fortnite and crying about oppression.

If you don't see the problem with it, you're a literal manchild

They do this shit in every movie, though. Like in Starship Troopers. The director wants us to hate the society because it has NatSoc imagery and policies. That's because jews literally condition the goyim to accept their viewpoint without question. Just simple obedience. So that when the next time a person, brainwashed by that propaganda, hears a good argument about crime statistics or jews (for example), he can immediately turn his brain off and say "wow, what you're saying makes a lot of sense, but you're a 'Nazi' and evil".

That is how you create the perfect goy.

What problem? Unironically?

maybe instead of a big conspiracy you're just obsessed with jews because of excessive virginity?

Should have hit me with the have sex meme instead, Moshe

If they needed to be an army citizen to have a baby, how did Riko's parent raise him? Where do the children come from? Is there an adoption program?

>everything comes down to sex and how much one is or is lot having

What sort of brainlette clown world do people like this live in?

It’s easier to get approved for having a baby if you are a citizen.

That isn’t from the book tho in the book it’s just like our society but without universal sufferage

You want a day in politics, you need to serve the society in the army or the government bad a volunteer.

You just want to be a spaceship salesmen and make a bunch of dough? You are free to do that.

It’s honestly and ideal society

>movies in which jews accidentally failed in their propaganda efforts by making the bad guy a lot more realistic and reasonable than the good guys

You're mom

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Explain the point then. The point that the only logical argument against crime rate correlation is emotional outbursts and temper tantrums?

There is literally no other reason to hate it. The only reason one would hate it is if they had preconceived notions that they were supposed to be morally bad. If you went into the movie blind without inherent bias against militarism or anti democratic thought then they are not bad guys.
The problem with modern leftists is they assume only power hungry and greedy people would ever want fascism and only for themselves. On the contrary fascism is always popular when times are rough, and for good reason too.

Threadly reminder that BUENOS AIRES WAS AN INSIDE JOB.

Voting rights should not be universal. It should be a symbol of recognition that you value the society and are willing to take its well being as a paramount concern.

But no one would ever agree to that.

However, in a better world voting should be:
Age 25+
Native Born
Full Time Employment/Career training.

Sufferage as recognition for service to all.

He can't explain the point and neither can the movie. That's why he resorts to saying "hurhurhur u missed da point and norton is a goblino me smart liberal"

He literally can't explain why it's wrong to not want to live around a race that has a lower IQ and commits more crime.

>conservative militarised culture
>whamyn soldiers
You lost me Paul. Everyone knows only delusional liberal retards pull that shit.

The only logical explanation is that the Federation's war machine is just a population control. It's double easy to control the population when you convince the retards to get their babymakers butchered too.

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I think they were allowed in the regular ranks for troop morale, you know, the sexy sexy

Only citizens can have babies

Nope, just makes it easier, retard.

By Israel, the hypocracy here is strong

>people don't like something you derive from movie
"ur 2 dumbe"
"Ur miss le pointe xD"

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I could end your life with my bare hands

Yes because you have to fight in an obvious false-flag war just for citizenship

3rd one was pure kino

>you're a flight attendant so STOW IT

>buenos aires was an inside job
>even though the bugs had the capability to do it and even admitted sending the space rock

Dreams of women being effective in the military apparatus go back to Plato and likely long into history behind him. Looking at anime and video games now it seems like the wish for warrior women is deep seated for people of all stripes, even if they acknowledge it's folly in practicality.

no, youre the retarded zombie that movie was warning us about, sadly it became true.

Smart people are the bugs

The only people who can send you to die are former veterans. In Starship Troopers you know for a fact all your leaders went through what your going through. Earth and its colonies are united and their is peace.
Do you not expect them to go to war against a race of bugs that struck first?

So why are their tactics often really bad?

>Do you not expect them to go to war against a race of bugs that struck first?
pay attention to the movies, some say it was because retarded mormons invaded their territorry
but if your society is 99% nazis and retards(aka soldiers) then youll have a hard time seeing it coming, you need humanities, sociologist and historians for that

They underestimated the bugs, simple as that. The fact that the Skymarshall gets sacked after screwing up the invasion shows that it's not a dictatorship. Later in the war they learn how to fight back. They start using bug nerve gas to just wipe out whole colonies later in the war.

I must have blanked at that point for whatever reason. Thanks man

We didn't go to war with them cause they killed mormons. We went to war because they attacked Buenos Aires. If they had just killed the mormons, its doubtful we would have retaliated since we told the mormons not too settle there.
99% of society are not veterans. Veterans and the army are a small minority of society. Humanities and historians still exists and they can lecture all they want, but unless they go through the 2 year service (which doesn't have to be in the military) they cant do shit. As for sociologists and psychologists, you have to remember that in the lore, the world governments collapsed and the veterans of the previous war took control in the chaos. The previous world governments collapse was blamed on sociologists and a lack of discipline on society

Are we supposed to invite bugs into our world? For diversity.

they assaulted buenos aires because we sent the mormons, its CRYSTAL CLEAR in the movie.

Jesus, how much more do they have to dumb it down for an illiterate incel to understand it.

youll be surprised that according to xenobiology theres more than one course of action after an alien race assaults you thinking you have dealt the first blow.

Of course, EVERYTHING about that sentence will surprise you, that xenobiology exist, that violence is not always the asnwer and that people actually study things.


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>Crystal Clear
Wrong. Go on show kne piece of evidence that the federation sent them. You cant because it was illegal to settle them their.
Not an argument

have sex

have love

You talk down your nose at people like an 18 year old. Also correlation does not always equal causation in regards to the Mormon settlers causing Buenos Aires

>violence is not always the answer
The entire book is based off the premise that everything in life boils down to violence.

>The entire book is based off the premise that everything in life boils down to violence.
It's not wrong.

>tfw ywn know more

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In the movie, yes.
In the book, no. Heinlein wanted you to like and embody the values of his based and redpilled society.

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until you put a system like that in action and the rich kids get their citizenship through cushy military jobs while the plebs have to shovel shit and get disemboweled by insects because of a false flag

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

>using adverbs

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>Those who sacrifice and serve their country reap the benefits of helping to guide it
>cowards and narcissists have no say in how a country they won't protect is run

As comical and ott it is I would rather have the satire laden society of starship troopers than our current nightmare

Obsessed, rent free etc.

>"oy vey goyim don't you want to vote? don't you want to serve da fedaration? dem disgusting arachnid bastids could strike at any time. remember buenos aires"

>normal people don't really give a shit about facts
lol nice argument

It's fantastic. Cry more chapo faggot.

Really makes me think. Perhaps the "bad evil Nazis" can only be maintained as such through artifice and competence.

Read the book. Rights are guaranteed other than the right to vote. It is only this specific right that doesn't apply, after voting day the treatment by the law is identical (and not across any racial/monetary grounds). Rich kids getting their cuchy military job is better than rich kids getting their cushy non-military job that serves nothing back to society like in current system. The idea is to have a military/state infrastructure that is productive to the people, citizens and non-citizens alike. There is no segregation.

>implying the jew federation would even bother to fight annihilation to defend the lives of white citizens instead of just becoming jizya to the bugs

Yes, it's fucking terrible.

It's not conservative, it's Fascist. Women were unironically more involved, Mussolini and Oswald Moseley were pro-suffragette.

Back to discord

Do the Bugs actually possess the means to aim and launch asteroids from planet to planet? Movie, book ,anything?

I'm really bored of you people. Jews are responsible for propagandising us, yes or no?

I can't see that working irl

Am I supposed to hate this futuristic society?

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What's wrong with that?

>there are people who think this movie wasn't satire

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>starting endless wars for Israel is good

What if I just enjoyed the movie at face value?

It's a classical liberal democracy in its purest. Not conservative at all, vote by birth is an essentially conservative idea.

It's a sheer miracle that anything works at all. I'm not even advocating it, but it has its advantages and disadvantages like any system . If the Romanovs get shot and ideas are battling in the street I might toss it in the ring though, can't be worse than marxism.

Everyone knows what it's "supposed" to be you absolute fucking moron. It's about what the reception was, death of the author.

Yes, because the tau are superior

The subjects are heavily politicised and unified under a common culture. It's Fascist, the vote by birth is a red herring, if they are allowed to vote it's not consequential.

The movie infers that too. In fact, in the classroom Mr. Radcheck states, "Violence is the supreme authority from which all other authority is derived."

The movie isnt a portrayal of how starship troopers society works, it was made to be the movie that the society in the movie would make to be patriotic and glorify their military. If you cant see the layers and irony in that and want to live their then you deserve to be a shit kicking rube being sent to die for the profit of oligarchs, so knock yourself out

Violence is always the answer. What is sovereignty? What is revolution? It is violence, the world is violence and it will continue to be so no matter how many people you call incels.


Have sex, unironically.

>sent to die for the profit of oligarchs
Fascism changes the dynamics of oligarchy in that they are not purely motivated profit.

I have plenty. You on the other hand seem literally obsessed with Fashies.

Aren't the bugs half way across the galaxy or something? How the hell do you even throw a space rock at your enemy when the rock itself would take hundred, if not thousands of years just to reach your enemy. That's some serious fucking premonition powers they got apparently.

A more accurate statement would be that all authority is derived from the capability of genetic propogation.
And when the odds of propagation can be increased through violent or non-violent measures, they are morally justifiable.

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Fascism is citizenship means service, utopia is service means citizenship. Read the book, this isn't speculation, Heinlein lays out his manifesto through the schoolteacher character. This book is barely sci-fi.

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That still doesnt make the troopers anything but dumb suckers, the difference you are pointing out is splitting hairs

Have sex

Starship Troopers land has more in common with the USSR than any fascist regime

Wow epic I'll take instructions from people who hate me now

>entirely free market economy that creates billionaires but whose kids decide to sign up for the service out of moral obligation despite constant dissuasion


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Yeah wow imagine sacrificing your life for something you believe in, your society and posterity. Crazy suckers!

Their society is based around keeping the war machine going. They need an enemy to fight or everything goes to shit

I understand Heinlein's minor differences, it doesn't change the notion of the utopia being corporatist and unifying the core populace. It is a form of Fascism. These quibbles are just not substantial enough to differentiate it.

There is no reason to assume that, the bugs launched a comet, they're in a war. Or is Wartime britain 1943 "fascist" too now?

You could always join the military over at Winterfell, they'll never have you zerg rush towards a powerful enemy like the Terran Federation does with its Mobile Infantry.

"Human infantry are squishy, heavily-outnumbered and armed with weak but massed ranged weapons. Rather than set up kill-zones and defensive feint traps and making use of explosives to counter their numbers, they simply send the troops rushing over to fight the bugs in a Zerg Rush. Not very good when the enemy is the actual Zerg." -tvtropes.org

All those Dothraki.

>I saw a YouTube video about this theory once! I love ChapoTrapHouse and Contrapoints!

Shoot yourself in the fucking head.

Literally the opposite, the bigwig character who is Juan rico's father doesn't have a vote.

You don't know what corporatism is. Look it up.

>Be a lazy schlock to not have shit
Rico's parents didn't join the federal service and they were rich fucks.

There's no indication that any bodies other than the military were represented in government.

The military is used to represent several different state interests.

Yes I get it, it's basically current USA, which isn't fascist. You have failed utterly to describe an actual feature of the society depicted in Heinlein's book that is fascism. All you have said is shit that either
>Isn't in the book
>isn't fascist
>is something you saw in a youtube video then watched Starship Troopers and agreed with

>Corporatism in ST
What? The point is that only those who serve gain a political voice in order to stamp out the corruption of people in positions of power.
The federation forms as a counter to a failed corporatist society.

that blonde chick was so fucking hot

>that blonde chick

glad zoomers are discovering Denise Richard's milkers and upturned lip

Again, you don't know what corporatism is. It's not the crony captialism of the United States.

You're mistaking corporatism for crony capitalism.

Race and gender are completely irrelevant in that society and its painted as a positive

If you don't mind a chink, get a chink gf. Their society is pretty much the Starship Troopers society anyway.

Define it in a way that relates at all to Starship Troopers and not in your vagueries designed to fool yourself into thinking you know what the fuck you're talking about

Adolf Hitler was a veteran, but so was Theodore Roosevelt and Ulysses S. Grant. Even Winston Churchill served in the military.

Sure, it's a modicum of overlap. It's essentially not authoritarian though.

If you read Heinlein at all you'll get that he's a progressive libertarian, but in the 1940s sense of the word. He is explicitly contrasting with the main regimes of his day. Calling him fascist is like calling JRR Tolkein pro-Kaisar

Corporatism is a way of making the state into one body. Corpus means body in latin. It is a way for the state to reconcile many different interests under a unified common body, which is usually expressed through a sovereign. In this case, it is the military.

Start with the Greeks, you utter middle brow pleb.

>Start with the Greeks, you utter middle brow pleb.

lel how about you continue with Heinlein you faggot bitch

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Let's bring back the draft to piss off the liberal progressives and send rich capitalists to die is some godforsaken hell hole. That'll solve all your problems about corporate interests pushing that sjw crap in your entertainment.

But seriously, rich people should be conscripted and sent to the frontlines of whatever battle or war is ongoing, then fragged.

We should use the money for that idea and just send all the niggers back to africa instead and then bomb it

What's funny is the guy that wrote this accidently wrote it good, he meant for it to be bad but it ended up being awesome. How would you feel that you are so bad at your job, you meant to fail on purpose and write a parody or satire but ended up writing one of the best movies of that decade.

was there a moment in one of the movies where a soldier yells "I LIKE IT" because I remember a soldier in what I think is one of those starship trooper outfits yelling that but it might have been from an entirely different movie altogether and it's driving me fucking nuts
he did it with this stern conviction and it was hilarious and I can't for the life of me find that movie or scene

In the book, they don't really say how the Bugs smeared Buenos Aires, but the Bugs do build spaceships and are capable of interstellar travel, so probably they found Earth and landed some of their spaceships and attacked a human city. The movie is different, Buenos Aires was attacked from some massive object being dropped onto the city which the Terran Federation said was from the Bugs attacking.


Doesn't make much sense for a bug, maybe, but people are definitely capable of calculating the trajectory of incoming objects in space, and the speed and method it would take to, say, land on it, so it's not really out of the question that, if you know where you need to go, someone could potentially figure out the math behind it.

The rules of the jungle mean if your species can't negotiate verbally or nonverbally a peace agreement then your ass is grass

In a more practical sense it has different parts of society and industries represented in government by a council or person. Not dissimilar to a guild have a representation in legislature. Farmers, artisans, military, etc. each being fundamental blocks for structuring and governing society. Some fascists like Mosley wanted that. Non fascist states like Salazar's Estado Novo were structured this way.

I want a human not a bug society

This actually happens all the times, I think Jews are actually fucking retarded and great at making people hate them even more

>Thinking (((World Banks))) will ever allow you to fix their broken system.

Our overlords sold us out bruh, there's no fixing this without hard change

>sarmatian women had to kill an enemy before being eligible to marry
>federation women have to serve in the military in order to get voting rights.
Seems ok to me. Everyone should have the right to fight for their race and nation but only the eligible should be allowed to do so

Fascism isn't racist retard, that's nazism. Fascism glorifies the nation before everything else

>Only the people who fight in war can vote
>This is a good thing
If the only people in your society who have the right to vote or make decisions are people who are brutalized by war it pretty much guarantees your society will be a shit hole in a perpetual state of conflict since brutalized people have a tendency to project their shit onto everything else.

so I read the book and the society there was unironically utopia

In the animated series Roughnecks the bugs got around in giant living ships that resembled beetles. They were pretty cool.

Could have been something else because TriStar rented extra costumes out to a lot of other studios.

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gee, I dunno, they lost their publishing deal, their entire budget, their director and writing staff, most of the production team, the whole cast, and went from wide release to direct-to-video. why in god's name would the quality drop off?

>calling tall paul "too cerebral" and "too sophisticated"
hey I liked robocop too, guys, but let's not get carried away here

Worked for Sparta and Rome, your argument has no proof.

>Worked for Sparta & Rome
>Don't exist anymore

name of the movie?

friendly reminder heinlein was also the guy who wrote practically a whole book arguing that swords beat guns on the basis of a "while you were doing X, I was mastering the blade" argument. He often didn't completely think through the implications of all of his ideas. He was basically a Yea Forums shitposter 4 decades too early.
it's a good book though and you should read it

They both exist as core concepts of European culture, which was in turn spread through the entire world. Sparta is immortalized as an ideal militant society, Rome as the greatest empire to ever grace the earth.

Meritocratic republics with a high amount of social capital are evil, goy.
>Inb4 anons ITT start arguing about fascism despite the fact that the Terran government is far from fascist as it still holds democratic elections and is actually extremely egalitarian towards different races, religions, and genders.

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I love forced diversity police states that have destroyed all sense of family and self worth and enshrined liberal values like emotionless sex and feminism! Long live the soulless state! I can't wait to do my part!

B-but corporal punishment is immoral, user! You can't use force to teach people! You can't just hang people immediately after they've been convicted and been given the death penalty, no, you have to let them rot away for decades costing people twice as much as life in prison before you just kill them.


y-yeah user but they're militaristic because the movie is about a soldier in a war so that's fascist

More like he was the idiot since he thought he could make people hate fascism by showing it working flawlessly

It wasn't that, the director thought it sounded fascist and wanted to make a movie mocking "fascism" but in reality the values and ideas espoused by the society in the film aren't fascist are are incredibly based. SO he just dressed them like nazis and that's the extent of his retarded message. The joke was played on him.

Damn. I've been btfo

Dude, It's like he just skim read the first 2 chapters of the book where Rico is slaughtering the "skinnies" and thought "fascism" despite the fact that 90% of the book is just Rico relating his memoirs of training and the history/ modern function of the global meritocratic republic that came out of global war out of sheer evolutionary necessity.

Like, the entire reason they went to war with the the skinnies was because the bugs made an alliance with them, the bugs being a hyper aggressive hive mind species of interstellar insects who want to conquer every world around them. The movie is such a slap in the face to the source material, it's ridiculous

>worked for Sparta
That's not even how Sparta worked. And Sparta was a majority slave population. Actual citizens were a minority who only gained citizenship through birthright and they all started to die off because of continuous wars.

Well that was how the Roman Republic worked at least, also the earlier days of Athenian democracy

ITT a bunch of retards constantly spouting the evils of collectivist societies while simultaneously masturbating over one of the most collectivist utopian societies in fiction.

>Be a lazy schlock to not have shit in the society you live in
I pay taxes nigger. If you're going to force me to pay you money I at least deserve to have some voice in how its spent.

Answer me faggots

You're too young for this thread

No what the original novel was like was satirizing military propaganda to the point of utter absurdity. What the end result was, was an unintentional argument in favor of a Facism and all that entails.

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>No what the original novel was like was satirizing military propaganda to the point of utter absurdity.
Want to know how I know you haven't read the book?

Never seen the sequels but I'm told they are bad.
Should I watch them anyway?

Someone explain the clown world thing to me

You don't need it explained, you're living in it.

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Buenos Aires was 9/11. Total inside job.
There's no way a bug could toss a rock from the other side of the galaxy and hit earth.

Everything going on in the world being so absurd and only getting worse to the point of no longer even being depressing, but becoming humorous due to just how absurd everything is now.

No. You're just supposed to believe that the movie could take place within it.

The bugs are a hyper intelligent hive mind who have evolved interstellar capabilities and conquered much of the known galaxy. In the movie, it's meant to be a 9/11 metaphor but in the books the destruction of Buenos Aires doesn't occur until well into the campaign against the bugs, after many exchanges between humans and them all over the galaxy.

It's a brainlet movie meant to be a topical parody of the US government circa GW Bush's tenure

I think this user just had a stroke...

Starship Troopers was released in 1997.

>I'm i supose
Get your shit together, you fucking inbred puke. What the fuck are you even typing, you mildly retarded fuckstain?

Was it really? Huh, then I guess it was just a parody of US politics in general. I just remember Verhoeven saying in an interview that a lot of the movie was just contemporary political satire after he moved to the US, even admitting it was just "loosely based" on the book

>trailer living goblino
Edward Norton is a pretty handsome guy, and he's fucking shredded in that movie.

>military service completely voluntary
>Can leave at any time without punishment, won't be able to vote
>Entire point is to weed out anyone who cannot put the greater benefit above their self interested benefit
>Private industry still completely exists if you want to do that
>Somehow this is "fascism" to anyone who didn't understand the book or movie

>it's meant to be a 9/11 metaphor
>meant to be a topical parody of the US government circa GW Bush's tenure
Like said it came out in '97. Maybe it works as an allegory of general Western policy towards the Middle East up to that point, but the rest hadn't taken place yet. The aspects of the film do seem eerily similar to the U.S. Afghan war though. Though I've also seen it been argued that these policies toward the Mid East has been created much earlier and the film is playing off what was to surely come in the future.

Why is everyone pretending Heinlein is some redpilled fascist when they clearly haven't read any of his other books where he depicts libertarian, anarchist and free-love communes with similar glowing praise from characters.

Starship Troopers is the worst film that I have ever seen It was so bad that I had to walk away for a few minutes during the tunnel climax scene, whatever occurred there, but then I came back just in time for Doogie's ridiculous "It's Afraid!". Whenever I learn that someone likes Starship Troopers, I automatically, permamently, irrevocably and correctly think less of them as a person.

Kinda weird how the US started going downhill after voting rights became universal to both genders and all races. Really makes you think...

No, you couldn't. One, you're probably an unathletic fagboy, and two, I carry a gun, retard.

Spotted the redditor newfag

there's a reason for the crime rates because racism is institutionalised. to explain it by saying "they're more criminal" is a gross oversimplification

Better than a society that's ok with child trannies.

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>No Falling Down

are all starship troopers threads gonna be fascism debates now?

That's what the whole movie is about

Its amazing how Starship Troopers is such an effective satire that it transcended the screen to effect real life. People like these are why dictatorships and totalitarian governments get into power. They're unable to think critically as they believe things because of emotion not logic. It's epitomized in the bug asteroid, where the info graphic shows it was supposedly launched halfway across the galaxy and use as justification for the war. And the war in turn is used to legitimize the military government in peacetime and also used as a pretense to eliminate dissenters as bug-sympathizers. The irony is that Colonel says that peace is silly and war was resolved all conflicts in history. This naked acceptance of war is what fuels the military government's ability to launch false flag attacks.

And in reality, getting into such wars would absolutely destroy your economy. A more realistic portrayal would see the average people getting taxed at wartime rates at 80-90% and have a very low standard of living.

And that's different than US history...how? We joined the Spanish American War because we thought Cuba blew up our ship, the wreck shows the hull blew outward. We joined WW1 because the British said they intercepted a German sub headed to Mexico with a letter saying, "plz hurt neutral US thanks!" We joined WW2 because another ship blew up in European waters. Korean War started because Koreans chose the wrong government how dare they. Vietnam war because 19 year old told the President he was shot at. Iraq/Afghan war all because our airport security sucked.

>the blame still lies with the filmmaker for being too obtuse or cerebral with his satire.

No, the fault lies entirely in the public being too fucking dumb. This is America after all, where satire is almost a foreign concept to people. The movie literally couldn't be more tongue in cheek about it's gung ho militarism and propaganda brainwashing the populace in the movie to control everybody.

Tau women prefer human men.

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Yeah core concepts such as not being able to vote unless you enlist amirite

>American history x were a white kid learns racism is bad but a nigger murders him in cold blood anyway.

>Voting rights should not be universal.

People who say this are always the kind of delusional morons who think they'd be the select few who could keep power and lord over others when in truth it's far more likely that you'd get fucked over the second the power was given to just the select few who would then go on to abuse their power and further strip rights away in order to consolidate all the power to an increasingly small group of people.

but I don't care about that. I wanna talk about the bugs

In the Anime, some of the Bugs or whatever they were, hijacked an interstellar civilian transport ship and started attacking when the spaceship landed on Buenos Aires.

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He's right though. 1 person = 1 vote is a terrible system. Voting rights should be earned in some form or another. I agree with pic related despite the fact that I myself would not be able to vote presently.

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Mhm, that is very interesting. Tell me more.

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I don't think having children is the only way to "prove ones stake in the future", but I agree with the idea that voting should be a privilege that's earned.

I read the entire book, you asshole, Paul Verhoevan probably didn't get past chapter 3. Also, I knew a bunch of liberal progressives in college, one who has just turned thirty, who hates the book. Also, the movie was actually based on a script called Bug Hunt on Outpost 9, they only bought the movie rights to the Heinlein novel after they realized some few similarities between the script and the novel.

Nobody should vote. Because I am the leader forever.

Implying racism is bad. Get a load of this retard.

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>Voting rights should be earned in some form or another

And what happens when that right has to be earned by exploiting people, like forcing them to become NPC cogs in the eternal military industrial complex machine that grinds people down and then spits them out to benefit only the top 1%?

>I get to vote now and all it cost me was losing all my limbs and being in constant pain and suffer for the rest of my life from PTSD! Thank you!

>And what happens when that right has to be earned by exploiting people, like forcing them to become NPC cogs in the eternal military industrial complex machine that grinds people down and then spits them out to benefit only the top 1%?
You prevent that from happening the same way we prevent dictators from seizing power presently. Write it into the constitution.

>I don't think having children is the only way to "prove ones stake in the future"
What's a better way then? Why should anyone care what happens after they die if they have no offspring, and how could you actually prove that you do? If you don't have kids you're shirking your most important social responsibility.

It would also have the important side-effect of not giving any political power to the LGBT community, single mothers, deadbeat fathers, or indoctrinated college kids who have no life experience. Basically all the people in society who are currently fucking our democracies up.

>What's a better way then?
Who said anything about replacing that as a method?
What about people who can't have kids due to infirtility? Why should low decile people have more voting power than other socioeconomic groups?
You can't just have ONE factor determining voting eligibility. That's fucking stupid.
>only those with bilogical children may vote
>single mothers shouldn't vote
>deadbeat fathers shouldn't vote
This is how I know you're retarded. Under your 'proposal' they'd vote, but the scientists and medical professionals that dedicate their lives to their craft instead of families wouldn't.
Ensuring the fruit of your labor is going to persist in competent hands is as valid a reason to vote as popping out a baby.

Either that or the shit mess in the movie is somehow better than the current situatuon we're live in....it's kinda sad and funny at the same time.

I liked the female elves in Bright.
They were fucking cute.

>What about people who can't have kids due to infirtility?
Tough shit. They're such a small segment of the population that it wouldn't have any effect on the results.

>You can't just have ONE factor determining voting eligibility. That's fucking stupid.
Why not? It's general enough. People who have no vested stake in the future should have no say in said future.

>This is how I know you're retarded.
Why are you so mad? Why is no one on this website capable of having a calm discussion without throwing out insults and foaming at the mouth?

>Under your 'proposal' they'd vote, but the scientists and medical professionals that dedicate their lives to their craft instead of families wouldn't. Ensuring the fruit of your labor is going to persist in competent hands is as valid a reason to vote as popping out a baby.
There is nothing stopping a man from having both a career and children. We've been doing it for millennia. Women who dedicate their lives to their careers on the other hand are basically spitting in the face of society and hence they should not get a vote. I'm getting stronk career Womyn vibes from you.

I could accept the system in the book. Federal service comprises of military and non-military roles, you can be put into the mobile infantry, be sent to mine for your service or if you're a cripple who can't do anything they'll sit you in an office and have you lick envelopes for your service. You're sent to the place that suits you the most and it's the decision to become a more involved member of society that matters and not what you do during the service. The book fucked up by focusing entirely on the army though

Nobody is trolling. Not only is Beunos ares white it’s based redpilled and legitimately a good society and with some tweaking could be perfect for Australia

>People who have no vested stake in the future should have no say in said future.

Just because you fuck around and accidentally produce a child doesn't mean you're necessarily any more invested in the future either. Your entire reason is ridiculous. What if your kid dies at some point? Does that make you lose right to vote? Or do you get the vote because technically you did produce a kid but then something happened and the kid died? Where's the cutout point? Do you then stop people who are too old to get a kid anymore from voting if their kid dies? See how nonsensical a system like that is?

Enjoy your broken ass society where the lowest common denominator is calling the shots.
Also, enjoy continuing to think that voting isn't always going to be rigged and end up the way that the people in power want it to be.
>Why are you so mad? Why is no one on this website capable of having a calm discussion without throwing out insults and foaming at the mouth?
This is how I know you're a fucking soft cunt. Go cry into a onions latte, faggot.

So you favor stripping personal freedom, which is what communism basically did in China when you were forced to relocate and work wherever the party told you to, including things like sending scholars and scientists to the country side to raise crops?

Based and true

yes 100%

Singles of truth


I watched the FIVE movies and the 1988 anime OVA
I can stop watching this fucking franchise.

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They are more criminal
2/10 bait
it’s a boring night

All of those issues can easily be resolved without compromising the principle of the system.

>Enjoy your broken ass society where the lowest common denominator is calling the shots.
The lowest common denominator do not generally have functioning families. That would be LGBT, single mothers/fathers, prison inmates and the like, all of whom would not have any political power under my ideal system (which would need some tweaks, e.g. can't vote if not married)

>Also, enjoy continuing to think that voting isn't always going to be rigged and end up the way that the people in power want it to be.
So your solution to the problem of elites always getting into positions of power is to just hand power over to them willingly? Real logical.

>This is how I know you're a fucking soft cunt. Go cry into a onions latte, faggot.
I've been coming to Yea Forums since 2006, probably when you were still in diapers. The novelty of lashing out at strangers anonymously will wear off once you hit the 3-4 month mark.

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You think forcing people to marry and have a kid in order to vote is somehow magical answer to a functioning society and happy families? Jesus Christ, dude. You can't be this dumb.

No one is forcing anyone to do anything. If someone wants to live a life of hedonism, degeneracy and selfish pursuits then they are free to do so. However they simply don't get to dictate how the government functions. Why do you act like this is such a crazy concept? Do you really think pic related should be deciding the future that your kids live in?

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Based completionist

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>You really think [insert idea that I disagree with here]
>Jesus Christ, dude. You can't be this dumb.
Like REALLY? DUDE are you SERIOUS? I'm like SO DONE with you dude like WOW just WOW DUDE

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What the fuck is it about this movie thats suddenly attracting all kinds of people that seem to be unable to perceive satire? Was it Sargon?

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This poster is:
>a roastie
>does not have nor want kids
>lives in a large city
>has a degree in something useless like psychology
>wants to live life for herself and travel the world
>unironically believes her mediocre brain is more valuable to society as her womb

Oh and definitely votes democrat/liberal for those sweet, sweet baby killing rights

>We joined WW2 because another ship blew up in European waters.


With people being brainwashed by screens at birth with modern smartphones, mankind is turining into a species close to ants. There are more and more people with zero individual thinking. They just gobble what you put in front of their eyes.

>No one is forcing anyone to do anything

Denying any right to have a say on policy matters that affect your daily life automatically forces you to do it. You advocate taking away right to democratic process just to fetishize childbirth.

>muh democratic rights
Those "rights" are digging the grave of western civilization. Rights are completely arbitrary that the government/military can grant or revoke on a whim. What's real is the absolute destruction and decay caused by our corrupt democratic process.

It's always been that way, plenty of people didn't realise that it was satire when it came out

>Please take away my freedom if it means no more discord trannies on my laotian basketweaving smoke signals group

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Have sex

>book fucked up
Setting aside the science fiction elements, some of its passages are a spot on take of what goes through the head of someone participating in a modern army.

A story about a fringe, dangerous person is more interesting than an ordinary one, no?

I enjoy fucking guys like you, when I put my leather boots on you're immediately at my feet licking them and doing every nasty thing I say because you love it.

this thread exposes the pathetic people that inhabit Yea Forums

Rights != freedoms. You have the freedom to wave your hands around in the air. Now imagine if the government restricted all limb movements, but then granted you the right to move only your left leg. Freedoms are real. Rights are fictional and malleable, and used to manipulate useful idiots like yourself into supporting political dogma.

or it exposes the tourists from twitter and reddit (you)

cringe and blue pilled

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Get the fuck out off here, and back to the discord you brainwashed fucking faggot.

The book was written before Vietnam and in the aftermath of the Korean War. The bug hivemind are one billion Chinese people or world communism.
The director was a Dutch guy satirizing elements of militarism (which is interchangeable with fascism in most peoples' minds) but primarily just making kino.
What is the eternal enemy of fascist ideology...?
>George Bush's presidency
>the war in Afghanistan
fucking wut
you guys are fucking d u m b.

>This whole fucking thread

I honestly didn't think Starship Troopers of all movies was too subtle, but HERE WE FUCKING ARE.

The movie is literally about Nazis, and the movie is literally about how totalitarianism and facism are BAD.

Here's some clues for you:
>Rico and his family live in Buenos Ares, which is a Latin country, but Rico and his family are white as FUCK
>"Service Guarantees Citizenship!" is a common indoctrination tactic. In order to gain citizenship, you have to enlist for military service, which means being surrounded by propaganda and state-sponsored ideology 24/7 under heavily monitored and, often, unfamiliar and often dangerous conditions. That's brainwashing 101.
>Neil Patrick Harris's character is literally wearing a fucking Nazi uniform at the end of the movie just in case you had any doubts.

Now for some stuff that IS actually more subtle:
>there's actually zero evidence that the asteroid that hit Buenos Ares was sent by the bugs. It could've been some fucking random asteroid. We only know it was sent by the bugs because the state-run propaganda tells us so.
>If the asteroid *was* random, that means that the bugs are acting 100% in self-defense, and would leave us alone if we left them alone. Facist dictatorships need conflict to keep the population in line.
>Before the asteroid, there is evidence, both in the history class and in the earlier news reels, that the dictatorship is losing power over the people and that rebel factions are starting to take hold. Predictably, This goes away after the asteroid hits.
>At the beginning of the movie we learn that the bugs hopelessly outnumber humanity. At the end, we're celebrating because the bugs can be defeated, but it's never stated what "defeat" actually entails. They're not celebrating because the bugs can be stopped, they're celebrating because they've found an enemy with whom they can fight, and therefore maintain the status quo, for the forseeable future.

It has some good points
>service guarantees citizenship

Yes. Only people that are willing to contribute to the society and defend it have some privileges.

This. Boomer who was too lazy to read the book, put literal existential threat as enemy in movie that was supposed be about military being bad.

Mass casualties in battles against enemy that is trying to exterminate your species.

>that the audience was too stupid to get the satire.
Audience saw it as regular gallows humor.

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Spotted the redditer. Sometimes people make mistakes when writing, but we can’t edit our posts here like you do on reddit.

Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

Maybe wouldn't say "literally Nazis" like some dumb fucking Kotaku editor or pretend that fascism is a coherent ideology that "needs conflict to keep the population in line", but you basically understood the symbolism yes. More precisely you could call it "reactionary" since the government in Starship Troopers is democratic. There just isn't universal suffrage.

The book was proposing a strong military government to resolve the problems of its time.The movie, written in the aftermath of the Cold War, pokes fun at its absurdities. It isn't a rally cry for trannies. kys.

>Maybe wouldn't say "literally Nazis"
Don't shoot the messenger, man. Take it up with Paul Verhoeven.

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Using iconography reminiscent of the Nazis (stylish Hugo Boss war uniforms!) doesn't make them "literal Nazis". Unless you call a guy in a cop uniform a literal Nazi or whatever.

It's like you literally don't know what literally mean and you should literally look it up in a dictionary.

Oh, I get it.
You don't actually want to talk about the use of intentional Iconography in the film, you just want to do a semantics dance because you got triggered by the word "literally". Cool. That's always a good time.

Clausewitz was wrong when he said: War is a mere continuation of politics by other means. In reality it is the opposite, politics are merely warfare or violence with less violent means.

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Wouldn't using language properly be a necessary part of an intelligent conversation?
Words like "fascist", "Nazi", and "totalitarian" are very loaded terms, wouldn't you agree?

Also in the book you don't have to do combat services, adminstration jobs are also available

They are if you say they are.
But the movie is, very literally, about totalitarianism, and what a society steeped in it might look like, and the movie does this by using the most prescient example available to it; Nazi Germany. You don't have to be a "tranny" to see that.

It's ironic because the [[[Washington Post]]] at the time kinda lead the charge towards the film being slandered and bombing. Basically the writer didn't get it and called everyone involved Alt Right LOL.
Every. Time.

have sex

Stop trying to sound deep you fucking college retard

Movie borrows much of its visuals Frank Capra's Why We Fight as it does from Leni Riefenstahl's Triumph of the Will.

See, this is why I love Starship Troopers so much. It presents a future where humanity ultimately shunned spiritual development, and instead just doubled down and perfected their warlike societies into something that almost resembles a utopia. Plus it also illustrates the cyclical and destructive nature of man instead of suppressing it.

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Yes, I agree that the movie uses fascist iconography reminiscent of the Nazis. Is your original post true, that:
>This movie about NAZIS and TOTALITARIANISM and why that's BAD by Jason Schreier
I don't know. To say that the movie clearly designates what is good and what is evil is a stretch. Was it an ironic shitpost that failed to clearly get its meaning across to people like this poster?
Or could it be that art can discuss politics, delve into ideology, and their iconography, and not explicitly take either one side or the other? Have we become so vulgar that we can't merely appreciate it for its own sake, but must project our own political views onto it?

Too bad they couldn't show the mechsuits. Would have made sense to have Mobile Infantry in power armor firing loads of mounted guns at the bugs.
At least the atrocity that is the Sunrise OVA adaptation had the mechs.

You haven't read the major works on strategy like Clausewitz's On War or Sun Tzu's The Art of War? Those are stuff everyone should read.

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Kys kike commie faggot. You earn citizenship and thats how you get your rights. No rights for non citizens.

The political take varies a lot depending on the viewer's background, personal beliefs and present situation. The war-based society functions well when there's an enemy to fight, but if humanity wiped out the bugs and had no enemy to fight, what would motivate society to continue to function? Generations of fighting breeds generations who don't know what to do when they aren't fighting. And without a common enemy to unite against, humanity would likely turn on itself and destroy itself.

Or you could watch the movie. It explains the whole citezenship and rights thing in like 2 minutes of viewing. Fucking brainlets.

Would mech suits be that practical against the bugs? Seems like they would just swarm and crush them.

Why do thots wear lipstick in the fucking military? Are they that thirsty for male attention?

>To say that the movie clearly designates what is good and what is evil is a stretch.
It's really, really not.

>The lecture at the very beginning of the movie is about how all conflict comes down to physical strength. This is taught by an amputee, presumably lost during a war, so someone who has been physically weakened by the ideology that the strong must govern. This is the message of the entire movie.
>Again, there's zero evidence that the bugs sent the asteroid to Buenos Ares. Which, if they didn't, means that humanity created the bug problem themselves.
>At the beginning of the movie, the three main characters are all eager to get their military careers over with so they can be citizens. They don't want to be career military personell, because literally everyone they've encountered up to that point has lost a limb or gone insane. At the end of the movie, all three main characters are career military, something the movie goes out of its way to show you that's something you don't want.


We already have false flags
We already have blatant-in-your-face propaganda that normies kneejerk against you calling out.
We are already being made atomized drones in the name of profit
We already have an overinflated military
We already have a wanton disrespect for life

Might as well have some of the perks such as a strong sense of identity, community, and duty.

>but user you'll have to give up shitposting on bootleg anime porn warehouses and being a pathetic waste of space

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Budget and the fact that CGI wasn't up to do that in late 90's. They probably could have had couple scenes with power armor, but few minutes of combat in the movie wouldn't have been enough. I think it is even more funny is the guns. Rifles don't have sights... because they were supposed to have visors with HUD on helmet. Turned out that visors fogged up to the point where actors couldn't see shit and that made filming action scenes dangerous. Also the gun is made of AC-556, basically full auto Ruger Mini-14 and that is basically scaled down Garand.

Non-citizens have all the rights, they don't have privileges like being involved in governance of society.

In power armor troopers would be nearly invulnerable to bugs.

Answer to both questions is yes.

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I'm still curious about the asteroid. We know the bugs have the capacity for interplanetary travel by crawling into huge masses of rock and flinging themselves out into space. And the timing of Buenos Ares' destruction happens concurrently with the war with the bugs. An asteroid randomly destroying a major city on earth is extremely unlikely if you look at the history of collision with earth, although it is still possible. But it seems more likely that it was a deliberate attack by the bugs.

I could see the bugs using bee tactics to cook soldier alive in their power armor.

And yet the movie is told entirely from Rico's perspective and thus it humanizes his actions. Even if it's an ironic shitpost of a movie that imitates the aesthetics of fascism, and even if the casus belli of the Global Federation is murky, it doesn't really say what Rico's actions are rooted in evil.

For instance, having your friend's back is something many people would call "common decency" regardless of whether or not this principle is staged in a war.

I don't think you understand what "explicit condemnation" means.

Pretty nice design, thankfully the pilot canopy isn't exposed.

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If strength was all that society cared about they'd discard the infirm and injured. But they still find a role in society and can have meaningful careers.

Sense of duty is a bad thing.

Interstellar asteroids seem to be pretty rare.

Interesting idea, but generally it boils down to using even more bugs to swarm a single far more powerful trooper. Power armor is more or less order of magnitude or several orders of magnitude increase in combat capability of infantry trooper.

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You have added strength to shove bugs away, thrusters for jumping and moving around, and the ability to arm infantry soldiers with upsized assault rifles for mincing bugs and missile launchers.

They have fucking science pyshics or some shit you nigger.

Riko is rich af you dirty kike. He was going to go to a fucking vaction planet for graduating high school. He still ended up a grunt.

Also not wrong.

Oh yeah no, that's the beauty of it.

Rico does nothing wrong. From Rico's perspective, and by extension, from ours, Rico made all the correct choices from those available to him. The mistake he makes, and again, by extension, that *we* make, is not seeing above and beyond that. The movie is entirely about that; about how small, correct choices in the moment can be twisted by an established system to mold an individual almost imperceptibly toward totalitarianism. The Rico we see at the flash-forward at the end of the movie is exactly the slobbering jarhead he says he doesn't want to be at the beginning. He's exactly the product of the system that raised him, and because the movie is told from his perspective, we as the audience don't see it until its too late. He never sees it. That's the point.

>No rights for non citizens.

You think tourists have no rights? Okay, fascist. I'm sure that'll do plenty of favors for your tourism economy.

How are ypu this fucking retarded? How does idoelgy do this to people?
>being a soldier mean its totalitarian now

The thing is, it's Paul Verhoeven we're talking about. This guy made Robocop.
If he wanted the audience to know that the asteroid came from the bugs, he would've made it 100% clear, but he didn't.
The order of operations is
>Asteroid hits
>Propaganda says its bugs
>Everyone just...goes along with it.
There's even a line in the movie about how the point of the asteroid's origin can't be established. Nobody really knows. But the top says its bugs, so it must be bugs.

>Non-citizens have all the rights, they don't have privileges like being involved in governance of society
Not in the moovie you nigger. That chick joins so she can have kids.

Ya tourist get to vote too faggot. neck yourself

I wonder how they'd enforce this rule? People are still going to get pregnant.

Come on man, I know it's hard, but try to keep up with the thread

>Sense of duty is a bad thing.
That is a very hot take considering duty and responsibility are virtually interchangeable.
Explain yourself.

Having kids might be a privilege in overcrowded planet and also she mentions that she would be more likely to have permits to have kids as citizen. That and Johnny Rico's parents being non citizens clearly indicates that civilians get get permission to have kids. The fact that Johnnys parents aren't citizens is why Carmens dad doesn't like him.

>I wonder how they'd enforce this rule?
Mandatory birth control and in cases that fails, abortions.

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Seems like you could take people who want to have kids and ship them off to colonize other planets. Unless you want to stay on earth, I'd buy that you need to do service before you can have kids.

Does the movie say that Rico made a mistake by not "seeing above and beyond that"?

That's really not a valid solution to any of the ethical dilemmas faced by any fictional character. You're missing the mark, ignoring his character, and again projecting your own politics ("slobbering jarhead") onto the movie.

>Does the movie say that Rico made a mistake by not "seeing above and beyond that"?
Very definitely, yes.
By showing us exactly what kind of life awaits veterans, showing us that that's not what Rico wants, and then showing us that that's what Rico gets anyway.