/got/ general

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Other urls found in this thread:


Anyone else starting to think that the faceless men in general were just a mistake on Martin's part? Thought about this in another thread a few minutes ago. Magic is too niche in ASOIAF for face-changing assassins to exist, honestly, like what are their limitations? The only thing stopping everyone from hiring these guys to kill whoever they want is the guild's own code, which is a bit of a cop-out. Same with the shadow-baby shit. There's Northern magic and Eastern magic, both overpowered in their own ways, and then there's normal old Westeros, powerless to combat anything of the sort. At least with dragons you can shoot them down with a big bolt.
Feels like stuff that Martin added before he knew how low-fantasy he was gonna make his world-building, but kept it along for the ride anyway.

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Post yfw watching the new episode

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Reminder Highgarden and the wight hunt were stupider than this episode.

2nd for STANNIS

what was her purpose again

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Jaime is executed for trying to kill Bran (Bran does a heel turn and tells everyone)

Arya steals his face and kills Cersei

Jon is forced to kill Dany after she goes mad and tries to eliminate him

Tyrion is executed for conspiring with Dany and betraying the Starks

Sansa sits on the Iron Throne. Arya becomes lady of Winterfell. Jon forms a new Nights Watch and serves as Lord Commander. Bran raises a new wall with help from Sam and some random R'hllor priests that showed up in the final episode

Everything in Game of Thrones is Bran's dream while he was in coma
Thats how its going to end
Prove me wrong

Hes going to win bros

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he should've stayed in the Kings Landing last season and be in the throne room when siege is lost and when Cersei goes crazy screaming to burn the usurpers with the enitre city:
I would just leave Jamie back there speachless looking at the person he loved that gone crazy just like his King before that.

Then when Tyrion, Dany and Jon would enter the throne room they would discover Jamie sitting on the throne in tears with his sword covered in blood and the dead Cersei's body lying before him.

D&D trashed Jamie's plot

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reminder that this is a bearloli board

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making my peenus weenus erect

nth for Stannis

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giving arya the pep talk

>what was her purpose again

Teleport to the battle
Cast bloodlust
Cast firewall
Give speech

The end

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friki is a foreign bastard and hbo shill

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Jaimefags have become as cancerous as Danyfags. I swear. This is not a fucking shounen where Jaime is the MC. Just fuck off.

Leakbro got nothing about EP2 right. Nothing about Naruto killing NK.


>Jon forms a new Nights Watch

why? the night's watch always was pointless. the wall was pointless

Mine was some Tarly boy at the battle of Summerhall. My horse took an arrow, so I was on foot, slogging through the mud. He came running at me, this dumb high-born lad, thinking he could end the rebellion with a single swing of his sword I knocked him down with a hammer, Gods, I was strong then. Caved in his breastplate. Probably shattered every rib he had. Stood over him, hammer in the air. Right before I brought it down he shouted ‘Wait! Wait!’.

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Why are there no consequences for breaking the code and going on a killing spree like Arya?

Why won't they just let him have a badass moment? Why build him up to be such a focal point of the show without ever letting him actually do anything?

>let's let his sister rule the north
>let's let his other sister kill the guy the show built to be his arch nemesis
>let's not focus on him at all during the battle
>let's let his girlfriend spend more time battling the NK than him
>we'll give him a seen where he yells at a zombie dragon instead

What did Jon do to deserve this fate?

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Dany dies next episode.

please PLEASE steppies on my face

Hes there to shield realm from literal WHITE MALES

>Khaleesi, I'm about to die because of the wounds I garnered in my selfless defense of you
>Please Khaleesi, just listen. All I want is a taste of pussy just a taste. Khaleesi, please sit on my face so my nose is in your butthole and I can rest my tongue on your pusy.
>Khaleesi, wait, please one more thing. After 30 seconds spin around 180 degrees so I can do the same thing with the holes reversed.

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bran must die or he will become the night's king

This is definitely not true, it sounds fucking retarded, and I mean real retarded not just plausible D&D retarded.

REMINDER that Stannis is a balding autistic hack that used cheats to murder his own little brother Renly B cause he was too much of a bitch to beat him in open battle, all Stannisfags get the rope.

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I had a dream where Melisandre and Beric offered to help Theon get his dick back with some lord of light magic. The ritual involved Beric fucking Theon's brains out for hours.
It was pretty hot.

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>that guy who always believes leaks despite them rarely being right

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There aren't any Dothraki on the pyres so far, and they won't give us a good enough of a view to make certain.
>they notice all the corpses fo the Dothraki and their horses are gone
>there's something a tier higher than the Night King that raised the Dothraki as wights while everyone was distracted by the fight on the frontlines
>they unaffected by the Night King's death, as they weren't his
>they're marching South
Would it salvage the latest episode?

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Azor thighs

They're master assassins, but at the same time they're few.
The reason they exist is their religious status and the fact they stay out of large scale politics.
An army could burn their home and purpose in a day. That's why you have to give up individuality to join, to be a faceless man you have to serve only the order.

>the night's watch always was pointless. the wall was pointless

Not only that, there is no reason for their existence. The free folk are westeros, the undead are dead. There is nothing above the wall anymore. Literally.

Bran enters the throne room and looks on Cersei's body and then he looks at Jamie sitting on the throne.
>was it worth it? - Bran asks Jamie.
>what was worth it? - Jamie answers.
>the things you do for love

And that how it should've ended

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>Jon forms a new Nights Watch and serves as Lord Commander
Ah yes, someone should watch over the frozen north, where absolutely nothing happens now that there are no CotF, White walkers or wildlings, and that's dangerous

He was going to have renlys forces facing the shining sun and push them off the cliff

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>tfw watching clips from the first season on youtube

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every line on the show is just "lol jon snow is a manlet"
d&d obviously hate kit but can't kill him, even if they kill him he has to come back. but not before tormund says he has a small pecker.

>the way she pushed him into a whight's swords

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Why would Sansa sit on the IT? With Dany dead it's Jon that should be king

>in reality only Houses Frey, Bolton, Martells, and Tyrells are dead. (not sure about Frey Martells, or Tyrells)

>'weight, weight!'
>calling the man about to kill you fat

What did some Tarly boy mean by this?

Didn't they send an assassin after her and she almost died? That's more of a fault of her having plot armor, not the guild's contingency.

Seven save us, he's even making the women and children pay the Iron Price!

>let's use our trebuchets as our first line of defense
>our cavalry is the best, let's use them for a frontline charge instead of using them to flank the enemy forces, let's send them to a dark, zombie infested area
>let's put a trench around the castle with wood on it but not slather the pieces in oil because we all know wood lights instantly with a single arrow or torch
>and let's not bring the fire witch to light the trenches up until we realize how stupid we were for trying to light an entire trench on fire with a single torch
>and let's not use said trench as our first line of defense despite the undead being allergic to fire, nah our trebuchets will hold them back
>and let's have absolutely no way to defend the stronghold because who needs oil or archers or logs or anything of the like to defend the castle, they will never get here, our defense plan is airtight
This entire defense strategy got me madder than anything else in this episode
It's like watching a five year old play Total War for the first time in his life

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>the way the wight's sword gently brushed his armored shoulder and it bled like a motherfucker

>new nights watch
For what purpose? NK is doneso

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but Jon has a penis

>by the end of the show, all males will be killed and women will be ruling the seven kingdoms

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any good youtubers/podcasts to listen to about this trash episode?


Reminder that Walder Frey killed more people than the biggest threat to the world and one that has been rumored for thousands of years and which the entire house of Stark was founded around fighting.


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This is the best


>all main characters carrying torches
Why is Arya carrying a torch at all? Who is she representing?

Tywin, Walder, Roose, Joffrey, Euron, even fucking Cersei were bigger threats than NK

Being the hottest piece of ass in the show and it's not even close

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Well my Lord, what's our opening gambit?
>Hmm. I think we should send our entire cavalry to face the wights head-on
At night?
With no light?
In territory completely unfamiliar to them?
In frigid conditions they're not used to?
And then what, my Lord?
>Then we let loose the trebuchets
On our own cavalry?
And then what, my Lord?
>Well then we'll send the Unsullied out
Don't you think such an autistic and poorly-equipped eunuch army will crumble immediately to a mindless, fearless mob of unfeeling demons?
And then what, my Lord?
>Send the dragons out to torch the battlefield
On our own infantry?
And then what, my Lord?
>Then, I suppose we'll light that trench on fire and man the walls
Man the walls? Very well. I'll have the archers--
>No, no archers. Just man the walls and wait for them to climb up
And then what, my Lord?
>Well if we haven't won by that point I suppose we'll just leave it to the main characters
Ah, you'll be defending the castle?
>No, I'm going to go play with my dragons. I mean Gendry, the Hound, those guys
A blacksmith's apprentice and an old fart who's pathologically terrified of fire?
Very well. I will communicate these tactics to the different echelons of command--
>No, no need to do that. We'll just shout commands as we go

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No, no he didn't.

White walkers aren't completely gone. NK was just a puppet.

>capeshit lover pretending to have standards

why is it only main characters

ahh i am so angry

and Arya killed them all



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ありがとうございました Arigatōgozaimashita

あなたはいい人だ Anata wa ī hitoda

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>have a castle
>fight outside

Literally why?

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We looked for you in the catalog

If White Walkers show up at all in the next 3 eps, it will redeem the show.

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>and Stannis will never come back
Life is suffering.

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always preston

How many people did NK directly kill again? Just the other 3ER and Theon?

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Did the series drop in quality when Stannis died? There might be a correlation with that..

>The pyres, do you remember them Grey Worm?
>Your Unsullied were beautiful that night

>How many people did NK directly kill again?

One dude and a dragon

Based Dayne poster.


Is it just me or are spears a really bad choice to fight a horde enemy with, all they do is zerg you with no fear, and then they' get too close to hit how do you deal with that

he definitely killed more characters that people cared about

Stannis isn't dead, prove he's dead (you can't)

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Preston, obviously.

>Fifty years ago we'd have you upside-down with a fucking dragonglass up your ass!
>Throw his ass out. He's a nigger! He's a nigger! He's a nigger! A nigger, look, there's a nigger! Oooo! Ooo
>They're going to arrest me for calling a southern islander a nigger?
>Well, you interrupted me, pal. That's what happens when you interrupt the Northman, don't you know?

wtf was this episode....


10,000 Northerners if you also include the ones killed with Roose's treachery.

The White Walkers didn't kill that many since the Dothrakis more or less committed suicide.

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Stannis was executed by a woman and his body rots in the forest where he was BTFO'd by a bastard who never led an army before. Face it incel

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fucking gold

your face if this was the finale

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first for slam piggy gilly


The only way they can salvage this is if the Night King is just a lieutenant of the big bad, he was merely one of the heads and there are like 5 others or some shit.

They think it is all over and then they see another army Jon Show and that flee south. Also since they are like Ice they can just freeze the water they walk on so they walk to King's landing and surprise attack them all.

Nobody rules Dorne since the coup
Nobody rules the Westerlands since the Unsullied conquered the castle and fucked off with their Hitlerys
Nobody rules the Stormlands since Stannis bailed out the Night's watch
and nobody rules the Reach since Jaime and Bronn showed that dragonfire doesn't follow the physical rules of convection

also I wonder what happened to Dreadfort since the Boltons were exterminated, are they controlled by Bolton loyalists? Did the Starks send anyone to mop up the Bolton garrison? So many questions

The jannie wanted us here to protect this thread.

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You heard me right, Khaleesi. Put all of the Dothraki at the front of the army, every single one we have. It might seem like suicide, but I assure you. their arakhs are good enough weapons. I'll lead their charge into the undead horde myself. They shall beat them back, or die trying.
>looks directly at the camera
There is a danger to Westeros far greater than the White Walkers or the dead, and we have a responsibility to protect our lands from those that would ruin them. The Andals of old called it "The First Man's Burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the Westerosi to protect their people. After the battle is over, we cannot allow foreign savages to sow disorder and fear. The rapists, the pillagers, the murderers, the Dothraki are all of those... It's our responsibility to civilize them. Alas, we cannot, and so they shall die in battle or dangle from the weirwood tree. I will have every single Dothraki in this army dead by sunrise, and may the wights tear me to pieces this very night if I'm wrong.

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its tradition you n*****

Make the horsemen charge blindly into the dark and get slaughtered

Bro the Wight army was hundreds of thousands deep, they had enough people to just spam wave of waves after attack on the Unsullied and still push them back. Even if Walder killed 10,000k.. the army of the dead literally offscreened entire houses/village constantly.

This is better not to be true. Terrible ending.

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holy fucking BASED

If last number is odd Stannis is resurrected
If last number is even Littlefinger is resurrected

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wishful thinking

she is Azor Ahai

I don't know a single person that liked this episode.

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It's her turn hunny.

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Their retarded battle plan would never have been a thing with someone like Robb doing tactics instead. Again, it's hard to say what they actually lost fighting and what was pure suicide.

rate my prime robert, ned and lyanna

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>I will have every single Dothraki in this army dead by sunrise, and may the wights tear me to pieces this very night if I'm wrong.

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man im really glad they brought Raimi to co direct

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Oh my fuck

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Support Magic

thats why she lit their swords,so the could see a bit more.

even my sister who was fine with every asspull arya had in the series was like what the fuck bro

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Ok so? Not talking tactics here, just that Walder Frey absolutely did not outkill the army of the dead.. Maybe if you wanna say he outkilled the NK personally on a 1-1 basis but even then Walder did almost none of the killing himself so that wouldn't work.

Did episode 4 leak?

>hey guys, let's have our cavalry charge in the dark to go fight the undead in unknown territory with zero visibility because it'll make for a cool shot on camera
>who cares about sensibility and the narrative following logic as long as we get a cool shot
I wonder where have I seen this before

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dat james gandolfini nose
proper english rose she is

It's going to be shit

Episode 3 didn't, no more episodes will leak

Yeah, Dany and Jon use fusion dance to make the most of their remaining power to take out Arya-Prime, who has reached her final form .

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>Yeah, Dany and Jon use fusion dance to make the most of their remaining power to take out Arya-Prime, who has reached her final form .


>collective minds of the children of the forest survived by warging into and controlling bloodraven and all the three eyed crows before him, and now bran
>they're about to execute their 6000 year old plan to eradicate the andals
>battle of winterfell was a ruse to make them think they won and take their armies south
yeah why not, can't be worse than what we're actually going to get instead

stannis dies again
tyrion farts

Can I just get visual confirmation that Daenerys did in fact push Jorah on that wight? thx

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I was drunk, sitting in my chair and when Arya stabbed him I first clapped like a retard because I knew something retarded was gonna happen, lept up out of the chair and fell to the floor laughing my ass off whilst thinking "Yea Forums is gonna have a field day"

>Arya kills LF
>Arya kills Walder Frey
>Arya kills Night King
This shit is getting absurd. Why bother even with armies and shit when this little shit can just instantly teleport anywhere and kill anyone of note? We all know she'll also get Cersei. So that means that ONE girl will be taking out all the major threats to the protagonists herself. Fucking Bravo!

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She was chosen by R'hllor, Lord of Light, to inform Arya that the white walkers, having blue eyes, should be killed by her

I just watch this show for the Yea Forums meltdowns now desu senpaitachi

Arya kills Cersei and Euron

Screencap this shit

Yeah why is there no webm of it yet?

You’d say the same if I told you three weeks ago that the NK dies by Arya teleporting behind him and doing the dagger drop trick


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LF's death was legit fucking retarded



Unironically, have sex

I wonder if they'll give the Night King the LF treatment again and just pretend he never existed. Has anyone even mentioned LF since he died? I thought Jon would of asked where the fuck he went at the very least


Hearing murmurs in the trackers that EP4 has leaked.

>Has anyone even mentioned LF since he died?

Very good question, such as the lord of the vale robbin. Where is his beloved uncle?

If the NK wanted Bran so badly, why not dump him in the ocean?

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>Hearing murmurs in the trackers that EP4 has leaked.

leak or it didn't happen

I would unironically but she left me

>the LF treatment
the rickon treatment

Now that we expect the final 3 episodes to be dogshit, they'll SUBVERT our EXPECTATIONS and make them decent?

I intend to as soon as I see it on the trackers.

>They cancelled Rome for this

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Nope. Nobody has mentioned LF. Also nobody hasn't mentioned Walder either. I don't think Robb or Rickon has been referenced for quite some seasons now aswell. It's like they never existed. Game of Nihilism.

Probably not. Where have the mountains of bodies gone?

Didn't he call a lot of the men of the Vale back?

the best post in this thread

D&D got a lot of backlash for shit like the red wedding so they toned down the number of character deaths.

Imagine how pissed Yea Forums would be if the last episodes were actually great

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>D&D got a lot of backlash for shit like the red wedding
Maybe if they hadn't made Robb such a major character in the show they wouldn't have gotten backlash.


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>backlash from the red wedding
the red wedding was what made the show a phenomenon
the only think they've really gotten backlash for is THE RAPE

>what are you talking about dude, that was AWESOME

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Euron will use obsidian and magic to make himself ‘more powerful’ after being cucked by Cersei. It’ll bring back night king

my watch has ended

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Arya killing the NK makes sense, it's a good payoff for her arc. Who is major left to assassinate besides him? Cersei wouldn't make sense. Euron wouldn't make sense.

ur the night king

Maybe Royce disappeared from the last episode to check up on the poor lord, from the second we saw the season 8 intro where only Winterfell/King's landing is shown it's pretty obvious every other location's just going to be ignored and I doubt Robbin will be seen either

Yes they built up Robb's character when has only a minor character in the books and added in the stabbing of his wife and unborn child

At that point my mother wanted to anyone to kill Roose, literally anyone.

It hasn't leaked, idiot.

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but she became no one when she killed that qt savagely

Robb was much more likeable in the books and also the build-up to the Red Wedding in the books was some godly stuff. D&D relied too much on shock factor. That's how poor writers bypass writing tragedy. Red Wedding in the books is a tragic event, on the show it's 99% shock value and gore.

kek it actually has.

i know this is b8 but..

>wouldn't make sense
>cersei is literally on her list of names

Shame on the House of Benioff

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No, it hasn't. There is nothing out there. Stop trying to bait people.

>Brienne is covered in like 20 zombies are is surely dead
>Jaimie is covered in like seven zombies and is surely dead
>Sam is covered in like three zombies and is surely dead
>Tormunt is covered in like 10 zombies and is surely dead
>Jon is surrounded by 1 million zombies and is surely dead
>Dany and Jorah are surrounded by 1 million zombies and is surely dead


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it's also quite built-up, as in the chapters preceding it are extremely depressing and dreary, with many hints piled on

It's stupid that they haven't been mentioned again but what is even more stupid is that Cersei's terrorism in King's Landing hasn't been mentioned either. Margaery was the Westerosi's most appreciated queen in a long time and the Faith Militant was effectively the will of the people. "B-but Cersei and Mountain are scary" is not an excuse, there's no way Cersei could get away with that, with absolutely no internal rebellions, and with no character even mentioning Margaery or the Sept.

It’s not that the Mary Sue girlpower fan service darling is the one that did it (though obviously them picking her 3 years ago to do it by whatever means they had to wank out is pure fanservice), it’s that she literally *teleports behind you*’d and one shot the primary antagonist of the series and brushed away in one episode what they had been building for 8 years. The squandered potential of episode 3 and the last 3 seasons will go down as legend.

And the plot armor on every main character who wasn’t practically marked for death already was shameful

This is the same show where marrying the wrong girl gets you, your family, your army and even your fucking pet wolf killed.

But no, Cersei gets to live despite all her million fuck ups because D&D get mad head from Lena Headey.

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Rome got cancelled in 2007 retard

Why are starks the worst people on the planet?

>It’s not that the Mary Sue girlpower fan service darling is the one that did it
This. Nobody is pissed off at Arya being the killer just because she's Arya. It's the execution. It's not hard to understand.

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>120mins of constant combat
>almost no talking

The entire battle was fucking boring, it had it's moments like Jon walking around when the NK resurrected everyone (with hundreds of zombies falling down from the top and shit) but I almost fell asleep. Game of Thrones really isn't made for huge battle scenes, it distracts to much from the thing people are here for (court politics). It's like the combat scenes in Three Kingdoms (2010) you just want them to be over just to see Cao Cao/Sima Yi/Zhuge Liang etc do their shit.

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>Nobody is pissed off at Arya being the killer just because she's Arya
Wrong, it was certainly not the execution.


I'am not sure if they showed it on the tv, but he was definetely not the "big baddie", the white walkers existe in som sort of frozen ciy waaay up north, much further north than the thegn territory, and there are likely thousands of them. This frozen city is where they take the babies to grow them into others.

>Not understanding they had cancelled it in favour of pushing funds towards the newly ordered GoT pilot.

Shame, shame on the house of user.

It was in 2009

but...the ratings

Remember Jon kills Dany.

Not only that but it was only meant to be one season. Not only was it not cancelled, it was extended. The only show HBO cancelled like dogs was Carnivale. For anyone that doesn't know the story, a guy came to HBO with something he had planned out in autistic detail, on the level of ASoIaF. HBO bought the rights, said they'd do the show, then they ended up having a falling out and they canned his show. And to take full retribution, they said that if he talks about what was supposed to happen or releases the Carnivale bible that contains all the details, they'd sue him into prison. That's HBO for you.

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More Lancel, your Grace?

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I hope so

But also because it was a shit battle. The viewer had no idea how big the opposing army is so you have a scenario where you just watch the protagonists kill what seems an infinite of bad guys. So it all becomes pretty inconsequential because you feel like nothing matters against such an enemy. Battles are more engaging when you have a clear idea what's at stake on both sides and who's winning. Compare this to Robb baiting the fuck outta Tywin and Jaime in S1.

Yara is my queen.

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Are you retarded?


i have to disagree about the unsullied. they're fearless because they drink courage wine from the moment they start training. the rest is top notch.



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alway rember happy day /got/

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He's an ally of Stannis so that's probably why.

When it was on live I spent about 20 minutes messing around with my TV just to make sure there weren't any settings fucking with the picture, because my god, it looked like shit.

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The only way this show can redeem itself now is if Hot Pie ends up on the Iron Throne.

>Arya being the killer just because she's Arya
Speak for yourself, cuck. That little shit mary sue ruined the show, not solely though because dumb&dumber would just have ruined it some other way, but all the same she's fucking shit.

and then gets fat like bobby b
gendry will have to find him a breastplate stretcher

someone make this but with davos and stannis

>Ronnel Arryn
>When the queen regent returned to the Eyrie she found her son sitting on Visenya's lap asking if he could ride the dragon with Visenya.

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*white walker Hot Pie

Smirkfu and Melly's milkers, they're gone.

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Here's your kino

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this will unironically happen in the final episode
this will unironically be an alliance
no. fucking. joking

whoever did this is worth his weight in valyrian steel

Why was Lancel his attendant if he hated Lannisters so much? Having the person closest to you at all times hate your guts seems like a fucking bad way to get whacked by him.

HOURLY REMINDER valaryian steel was retconned to kill white walkers and wights

in reality it was Jon himself being a fire wight that killed a white walker

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He didn't hate him though. They were clearly close friends, and that friendship kept the realm together and the wall intact. With them both gone, it's civil war and the short-long night.


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that was dragonglass, not valaryian steel

There are literally articles stating Friki has refused to leak anymore. Which means he doesn't know anymore. Which means any leaks attached to the name are fake and gay


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Sucked after the first two episodes on ice.

Somebody plz answer

Why couldn't jon have had a nice 1vs1 with the altrightking while allies from both sides slowly join in

>tfw worked "i suppose that's off the table as well" into an argument at work

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the guy behind you will stab for you as well. plus, all soldiers are equiped with knives if someone should lose his spear. they should have swords too.

>all these posts
>as dark as the long night

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chaosh is a ladder

3 did tho, just like an hour two before release

i'm glad to see this text user

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>tfw in a few weeks this general will be gone once and for all, like the NK
>no more new episodes
>no more threads
>no more memes

Reminder armor has been retconned in season 8 to be part of the human body.

Just saw the latest episode.
>why didn't they defend from the walls in the first place?
>why did they get all their light cavalry killed in a retarded head on charge?

We will discuss books

based GRRM gonna save us

is he right?

Hundreds will die.

Stannis did die back in Season 5.
However, during the Battle of Winterfell, Bran travelled back in time to save Stannis and now the two are working together to make sure Stannis sits on the Iron Throne.

aghhhhhh posting with live on

Yeah, it's just you
There's a reason spears and halberds dominated battlefields throughout history

just rewatched blackwater. i did not think anything special of it when it aired, but holy fuck, it is utter kinography compared to last episode. miles better.

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maybe we could all get a life now, user

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>why did they get all their light cavalry killed in a retarded head on charge?
They needed to kill a lot of Dannys army or there wouldn't even be a fair fight left for Danny vs. Cersei

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more like fucking Bravos amirite

Literally stop thinking about any of the tactics displayed. D&D didn't, so why should you, it will only lead to hurt and confusion.

Same with watchers on the wall

they are the same thing






Based LOGH poster. Even in LOGH the story breaks down while it starts with a similar focus on politics and characters taking logical decisions based on their context. The Earth church is just evil for the sake of being evil, their plan barely makes any sense and would never realistically work within the contraints of the fiction.

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Patrician taste

castle black was unironically great
>Grenn reciting the vows as they're staring down a fucking giant

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oh no no no

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Halbers and Spears wear on enemies that doesn't want to die. It's utterly useless when the enemy lliterally throws his body at you. It's pretty retarded how the show pretends you can hold a line with spears when you have a horde of undead zombies run into you.

don't know man, don't know

Pick an episode and guess what will happen in it
>Ep 4
>Tyrion swaps sides
>Bronn kills Jamie
>Outraged, Tyrion swaps back at the last minute
>Dany burns Tyrion for deserting
>Euron fucks Cersei or something
>Bran watches himself watching Sansa through a window

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It dropped in quality before he died. It actually arguably got briefly better before it properly shit the bed in series 7.

The video was under 5 hours long so I'm gonna say yes.


I don't get why everyone always portrays it as some great threat by Visenya and that she would've killed Ronnel had the mother refused. I like to think that, even if she was there seeking submission, Visenya actually let the kid ride so he could have some fun.

Not my guy. I don't relate to autistic incel racists.


>leans in
>whispers ''wos'' with his retarded ass accent

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Chaos is a laddah


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NEw thread

>His smile and never ending winter: off the table.

i remember my first viewing
>tyrion speech as the gates are being battered
>mfw you realize you're unironically rooting for the lannister soldiers now, even though stannis is an interesting dude too

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>Ronnel received his ride on Vhagar.
I'll bet he wanted a different ride that night.

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>ep 6
>bran watching the rape on repeat

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Sadly, /got/ won't even get the occasional retrospective/rewatch thread like The Sopranos because it's shit

>Castamere remix playing
>Tywin walks in wearing the most badass suit of armour in the show

Why are the walls so intact?

are there any more pics of stannis smiling? that''s the only one i know of

People will still be talking about LOTR a thousand years from now. GOT will be forgotten before the end of the next decade. Muh tax policies, muh subversions. I wish I could go back in a time machine to season 4 and kill off all the actors so the show could end there.

the night king should have burned when the rightful queen dracarysed him

but they cut away before that happens so they're fine

This guy is fucking cringe nobody wants to listen to him summarize TLJ for 3 hours

Wait, where is this from?

Photoshop his sad face somewhere appropirate

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there's this

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Goodnight sweet prince. You were truly the savior of westeros.

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That's fucking weak. It's much better as a legit checkmate 'I'm here, have the boy, and can burn most of the place down if you refuse' is way better. People hold hands and sing in your imagination too?

screencap this

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Yeah, the unsullied were based and fought bravely under terrible command. They guarded the retreat and held their ground knowing full well they were going to die.
