I was a fookin legend

ITT: Favorite minor GoT characters

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>legend in gin alley
>legend in literally the worst hood in all of king's landing
probably was a legend at shovelling shit

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>minor character

Death.... or exile?

The fookin legend killed Jeor Mormont

I still miss her lads
>that bath scene

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Karl fookin Tanner

Jon Snow



unironically for real though

Jaqen h'ghar probably. He only got like ~20 minutes of screen time so I guess he counts as minor?

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Why did they largely get cut?

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I honestly can't think of a good reason the showrunners wouldn't bring him back with Thoros and Beric, wouldn't having some godtier archer be good for the action scenes at the very least? He made the brotherhood more likeable for me at least.

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Burn Gorman is a pretty based actor. Also his name is fucking cool.


it was hard watching him be an autistic scientist in pacific rim after seeing the fookin legend though


Dont even remember him

Anything exotic in the show was cut except Qarth and that felt like a weird Star Trek episode

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that one guy who couldn't shoot for shit

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I only read the books
THAT'S the fucking waif? I thought she was supposed to be a tiny malnourished kid, not a qt who I'll have to fap to


>Side character

Best slow burn meme that’s been produced by television in years

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I wanted her to bully me.

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Should have had her stab him but the night king wins cause he had armor and a big fucking sword

I had the biggest boner for her and I don't really know why...

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Is he still alive?

wild pussy

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no his plot line was thrown away

He was definitely kino

god she was so fucking hot, i loved her bitchy attitude. would let her stomp my balls into oblivion

You get off on bad acting.

>that scene she got naked in
Oh boy.

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This scene made Edmure my spirit animal.


iktf bro, she has major sex appeal even though she isn't that hot

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She was the hottest character in the entire show, that resting smug face is hnnnnnnnng

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Anguy. He shoots an arrow in the air and calls Hot Pie fat.

that acting troupe chick who played sansa. second hottest after bad pusy.

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So where did she and her boobies go?

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Just Google it brah. Shit's fucking great.

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Based poofy nips

So hottest one so far

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>constantly tilts head
she was awful. Shouldve died way sooner

Based and Houndpilled

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That's because it was a Star Trek episode where Dr. Bashir got himself stranded on some backwards world and had to make the best of it.

OP post best and only best post. Fookin legend. He should get a spinoff. Fuck he was so good.


>wtf was i thinking?
>wtf i'm still thinking about her


Literally an guy

i'm so fucking pumped for his comeback

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I keked first and then i'm sad he is gone in a such shitty way.

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He unironically triggers high school memories of speds for me, fuck him.

pls sansa or talisa

Almost can't lose

>ywn be Ramsey and join forces with Dany the bitch queen and have these two in a 3way

Why even live?

too true, tried to enjoy his scenes in it because of the gin alley legend but it's just too difficult

based wayne knight

kek why does she do that?


Based and dare I say it truthpilled?

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Liked his accent. Fought like a World of Warcraft rogue. Two daggers wtf..



the raddest of them all i would say so myself

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so glad i dropped this show early enough to not even care and just enjoy all the suffering

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gib me da bad pussi

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reminder that this guy blew 10'000 gold dragons on one long ass orgy and wine

for real though he had less screentime than Hot Pie

>Look through thread
>no Yoren
fuck all of you

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Hes coming back next ep

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what are digits worth if i can't even roll a theoretical gf....

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Have you watched Turn ? He's one of the main characters and he's incredible

Bad pussy, those tits were fantastic


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That sword dancing guy.

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current theory is one night thoros drunkenly bumrushed him

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This. Syrio was a bad ass.

Great actor

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Blackfish & Beric Dondarrion

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Beric was truly based. Great casting

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Aliser Thorne

Objectively the correct answer

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the girl that taught Dany how to sex was the hottest character in the show for me

>based Stannis and based Locke in one movie
brb watching it now
if you know any more neat movies with either of them name em cuz i only know him from being hitler in preacher and he killed it

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>original Myrcella
A man of taste

They even nailed the casting, he looked like he would do more. Also, was the rest of the BWB those nobodies who died north of the wall on Jon’s retarded mission?

I would smash this kike pussy so hard.

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She's nothing like bookWaife. She hates Arya from the start and is a bitch the entire time.

Rollin for that stanky wildling puss



Kek well played friendo

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for me it's Ser Arthur Dayne

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I don't watch this shtupid show in yeard, wha t happened to bad pussy?

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Shes not Jewish user look it up. No mention of having dirty blood

the good ones always die.

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What about Meera and Howland Reed?

She's a non-Jewish English person.

Forgotten along with the manderlys and glovers

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Rolling rolling rolling

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>You will never pound Marcella ravenously with your Dornish spear (premarital)
I’m so jealous of Tristane

this guy looks like young CIa with a better jaw

>worst girl

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Rolling for Ygritte

People keep forgetting that this guy is related to Pod.

maybe we could get a cgi payne for arya to kill


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Chaddest of chads, Mero the Titans Bastard

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For me it's finger wagger

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never liked crossbows

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I've jerked off to this poo's scenes countless times and I'm a filthbag so that scene where CIA wipes some cum off of her face before she makes out with some dude is like the hottest shit ever. Too bad she stopped showing up as a random whore in the brothel scenes after season 2.

She's a real porn star but all her scenes suck. They dress her up in generic western slutwear instead of costuming that accentuates her exotic looks like the show does.

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doreah pls

>winter is coming

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I remember when we hated her for all her in scenes. If only we knew...


why cgi?

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Based Pigshit Man

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what happened to locke?


Got killed at Crasters keep when they came to kill the mutineers

He went as an undercover Nights Watch brother to try to track down Bran.
Bran warged into Hodor and broke his neck


Show me potato salad!

I thought the actor would be fucked up from surgery but apparently hes recovering


roll them bones

Leaving Hodor to deal with the trauma, fuck me Bran was a cheeky cunt to this guy, probably warged into him whenever he needed his ass wiping, left him wondering why his hand was covered in shit

>lasts one night


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what's her name


Sahara Knite

Jerome Flynn will always be one-half of Robson and Jerome to me. Fuck Game of Shits.


My man Qyburn. He is the small council now, has come so far :')

Hope he doesn't get an uneventful death or they pull out of their ass that he'll betray Cersei

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he got in a plane crash and could suddenly walk again and then he died and got possessed by a smoke monster

this. who /extremefishing/ here?




>*record scratch*
"Yupp. That's me with that goblin looking thing behind me. Bet you're wondering how I ended up here, huh? Well it all started when these weird forest women kidnapped me..."

That dude is a classic Brad though


so I'm not the only one who's got that whole scene memorized

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Poisoned and raped to death

for sometime i thought that he might lead a revolution against cersei when he sees the walker pushing further and further south. but now thats not happening. so he will betray her for less than no reason.


based. house arryn is underrated and my boy will stop being a pussy and grow into a scion worthy of his house


Worst casting. She doesn’t look like someone that grew up in a swamp eating frogs. She looks like a fair and educated aristocrat girl who grew up in a palace and is cosplaying as savage.

Remember when we thought she was gonna be that lady from the Vale who befriends Sansa and not some psychopatic northern whore?



Rolling for bad pussy


Some of the Night's Watch characters like Grenn and Edd

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based necromancer

Beric has the greatest voice I've ever heard


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My stepdad was talking about Wilko Johnson, saying it was good he was cast as someone who never speaks cause he's constantly off his tits on speed.

Miss the character though


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>My man Qyburn. He is the small council now, has come so far :')
i love him too, user!

Not a minor character I know, but normies don't appreciate him, so maybe we can

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Ser Barristan.
I'm still mad holy fucking shit.

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he did very little wrong desu


pure kino

based edd
literally /ourguy/

Honestly, from his perspective? Absolutely nothing wrong. And I know so many people who dislike him cause he's an arsehole, but bitch that is literally the Sgt Hartmann of Westeros. The talk with Jon about shits second-guessing you is solid gold

>achieved legendary swordsman status in his life time
>admired by everyone for his skills

What a pointless character, I thought she was gonna counter Melly or something.

Wait...Sam tapped THAT?

His name is Radmure and he is still alive

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>pelvis dimples


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How much better of a death scene would it have been if Ser Barristan was killed by hordes of wights while defending Dany at the Battle of Winterfell?



He was a cunt.
The end.



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nothing could've saved that shit show

Fuck knows what they would've done with Jorah though.

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Have him be killed at the same time, back to back with Barristan. There were a lot of wights

She doesn't look like that anymore.

>is a British actress and model. She is best known for playing Louise Summers in the British soap opera Hollyoaks

god damn those hollyoaks slags get everywhere. remember when one of them went and won an oscar?

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this guy gets the joke

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Why does Yea Forums hate Melisandre?

You're killing me, Yea Forums.

Is there any lore behind why this kid came out autistic?

the thinking mans smirkfu

crazy single mother

Thx user gonna watch this again

Oh fuck it, may as well

Rolling rollin rollin

This. Yoren was based.

How come he looks like Obama?

Rollin for Melly

They explain thats why hodor is retarded to begin with. Bran is a cunt

The most based on the show

He was still sucking milk from his mother's tit at 10 years old. What the fuck do you think was the problem?

dubs confirmed

He unironically had a better chance of fucking Dany than Jorah ever did.
The moment Jorah started white knighting for Dany when Mero started making those lewd comments at her was the moment that Dany decided that Jorah will never be her fucktoy.


Daniel Rawlings


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Rip. He made the audiobooks so good.

It's so baffling to see this guy in season 8 in the state he is now. In the first seasons, Tyrion was pretty much the main character after Ned dies. In the last, he barely has more lines and presence than fucking Varys.

Burn Gorman interpretation and acting was 11/10



Fuck it.



he nearly killed jon before he got stabbed in the back lad