Its been over 10 years and marvel still cant produce anything that comes close to this
Its been over 10 years and marvel still cant produce anything that comes close to this
close to the bottom?
no you idiot...
close to kino...
so like thor 2?
everything snyder didn't adapt directly from the comic was shit
filmfag detected.
if you were a true fan you'd realize this movie shits all over the source material. fuckin casual
It's been 70 years and neither DC nor Marvel can write anything close to this
Marvel is owned by Disney so expect kids flicks, not kino. This is 100% on you and your unrealistic expectations. Remember when you were a kid and had action figures and were all pew pew and clashing them against each other while having a ridiculous plot? Marvel is exactly like that but 100000000x the budget.
I rewatched watchmen this last summer because I remember loving it when it first got out. I was like 21 at the time. My god is that movie pure shit. Then again all capeshits are. This is what you betas watch and praise post early twenties...
They’re fucking cartoon characters and so are you.
This movie was god awful. I remember bursting out laughing in theaters when they showed the original trailer.
It doesn't matter. It's a bad adaptation but a good film in itself. That's the metric it should be judged with.
Damn you're so mature and cool user I bet you drink whiskey and suck cocks
>implying comics matter
No. I don’t drink. When it comes to cock, I’m not a faggot and the only cock I would suck is trannie cock because those inner city, back page trannies are my kryptonite, and honestly, more often than not much more feminine than your typical thot.
>implying you matter
you are such a loser
FACT: the other film adaptations of moore's comics were so bad, it made the watchmen adaptation look good in comparison
Never has a director failed to understand the material they were working with more than this, in addition to making themselves looks profoundly stupid at every possible turn
Snyder emulated the book at a superficial level by copying the visual style and importing all the one-liners (since that's what he thought was most important) and called it a day. He missed the themes, the subtext, and even misread the characters. He couldn't even acknowledge that the smiley blood splat is supposed to be a clock hand. He fucked up spectacularly
I believe this movie was way ahead of it's time. In a few years when people get tired of capeshit, this movie would've had a great impact
all the fight scenes are cringe, snyder is a retard
You are a homo and not a cool, mysterious loner