>I know...let's take an established series created by the majority and just replace all the white people with shitskins, faggots, Jews and women
Imagine paying an entire industry devoted to doing nothing but taking your money so they can make more propaganda films demonizing your national majority and government in favor of foreigners and communism.
You don't need to imagine, all you need do is gaze west.
if youre mad at it cant you just ignore it? turn off the news dumbfuck and let people have their fun you fucking bitch retard
Anthony Bennett
have sex
Oliver Price
do you fags do anything but whine all day
James Clark
Well prepare for a flood of braindead, cowardly losers like the posters above
Adrian Smith
>cant you just ignore it? We've ignored their degeneracy for too long, and it brought us exactly where we are today.
It must die.
NO industry that disrespects the people the way the "entertainment" industry does deserves to exist.
Justin Ramirez
Jews already played huge roles in Hollywood, you could say they made it the behemoth it is. It’s not so much a Jewish problem as a libtard/anti-white one. It is ruining Hollywood though.
Michael Baker
you wanna know what else is degenerate? icp. its degenerate to us and we fucking hate them and we ignore it. why cant you do the same to the things you hate you stupid retarded bitch fuck
Julian Reed
>why cant you do the same Because ignoring the conditioning of the masses leads to your own demise, user.
(((Hollywood))) IS and HAS BEEN conditioning the masses to hate whites, Christians, and the nation as a whole. They deserve to go out of business as a result.
Alexander Nelson
>oh you have a daughter that would like to get into acting? Bring her on by, goy....
There's a couple of these I'd fuck. Obviously not Tweed Chungus.
Cameron Jones
I have to say that as someone who was a stereotypical 'nerd' for nearly three decades and recently stopped, I no longer have anything that I look forward to. Every single IP I liked was stomped to the ground and turned into steaming pile of shit. Literally the only franchise that remains for me is the Warhammer 40k universe, currently going through War on the Wraks series which is incredible, but even that is already under attack from leftshits, even though by its own nature it is very resistant. It wasn't any reeeee moment, with all of it was that I just didn't pick up another book, issue, episode, even though I did so sometimes for decades in cases. I do find it funny though that the MCU now obviously heads into the direction of burning comics division story wise, even though the vice director of sales said that the diversity schtick basically destroyed the company.
Carter Adams
I can help recondition the youth and let them see what is being done to them so that they will grow to resent it.
Nicholas Ward
>I hate niggers >I am mexican Self-hatred is not good for you, user.
Nathaniel Richardson
It's not the whites fault you shitskins and kikes can't develop your own societies and have to leech off of everyone else.
John Perez
God, turn off whatever device you're browsing this board on and try to live in the real word for a while.
Julian Baker
no you wouldn't. you've got your choice of Giraffe Neck, Man Who Has Sniffed Every Chair, Young KFC Colonel, Tweed Chungus, Male Lindsey Sterling, Male Braceface and Jimmy Neutron
Henry Flores
have the fuck sex
Luis Wilson
You'll do nothing. You'll make videos for YouTube which will get included in playlists with Holocaust denial stuff, and which only losers already doomed to make no mark in the world will watch.
Wyatt Ward
I'm not a nigger, though. And if I were, I'd hate myself.
Brandon Moore
>Every single IP I liked was stomped to the ground and turned into steaming pile of shit. You're very lucky they freed you.
John Sullivan
it's not jews fault they have higher IQs and dominate most things they try at
Hudson Hall
If you don't like living under jewish rule, go somewhere like somalia. You'd fit in great there.
>t. proud Porg collection owner Lick that corporate boot even harder, why don't you.
Jaxon Cook
It'll be Giraffe Neck, Male Braceface and Jimmy Neutron for me.
Anthony Hill
No, it's the Asians and Euro's that taught them.
Jaxson Green
I'm laughing at you.
I have never paid money to see a single capeshit movie.
Kevin Turner
If you don't like reading the truth, then go somewhere else, like Reddddit,. You'd fit in great there.
Jordan Nelson
Seriously. I started working out and under the wise guidance of /fit/ and the steady stream of 'Kill yourself, fuck off manlet, gas the faties' and 'fuck creatine just snort cocaine' I already dropped 50 pounds. I also started reading classics, but fuck me that was slow and hard start. Also found out that I am addicted to sugar of course, and that it is the biggest contributor to my depression. Literally all the memes turned out to be true, fuck me.
Ethan Walker
It's amazing, isn't it? I quit sugar years ago. Incredible difference, the biggest single factor in improving my life. I still have to get off my ass properly and build more muscle though.
>It's amazing, isn't it? Yeah, but fuck, it took around a very bad month to come off it, fortunately me feeling like absolute shit overtook any rush that sugar gave me in any amount. And if I ever doubt it, all I need to remind myself is to eat whole chocolate, bag of chips or just a single small bottle of cola to feel like absolute shit for the entire day. The biggest 'redpill' though was that i found out that I am unable to read a single book page in one sitting without losing focus or reaching for a phone.
Nicholas Moore
Keep pretending that Redditors are not doing hover hand even around their legal wives when they watch the latest ''capekino''.
Ryder Watson
The reason why you, and so many others, eat/ate a bunch of sugary shit is because IT'S NORMALIZED ON THE FUCKING TELEVISION AND FILM.
Everywhere you go, there's some fucking (((marketer))) running an advertisement that normalized drinking soft drinks/energy drinks/ eating processed food/ eating some sugary "snack" / eating candy, and basically just eating pure processed shit instead of normal healthy foods.
If you saw ads shitting all over that crap, and if the characters in TV and film were shitting all over that crap, then it wouldn't seem "normal" to eat and drink it now, would it?