Why is WB releasing ALL their big summer movies near Avengers Endgame...

Why is WB releasing ALL their big summer movies near Avengers Endgame? Did WB legit believe that Avengers Endgame would bomb? Did they legit believe that people would go “Y’know, let’s not see the big battle to save the Marvel Earth and final chapter for many beloved Marvel Characters just because!”. And look, I’m not a company wars person. I am excited for Godzilla King of the Monsters (especially Rodan). But that movie is projected for 60M at most. And Shazam barely cracked 300M. Meanwhile Avengers Endgame is still making bank and breaking records. It’s a event.

Look, I admit that Spider-Man and Lion King in June and July wouldn’t be competition. But why would you compete with what is the modern day equivalent of Titanic?! It just doesn’t make sense.

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>But why would you compete with what is the modern day equivalent of Titanic?
Because these three movies combined are the only thing that can stand up to Endgame.

Like hell they were going to go up against Star Wars in december.

>People only can watch one movie

WB underestimated the hype for Endgame. They did not realize that it would obviously be a huge event.

And WB overestimated the hype of their films. While Pokémon is popular, there is nothing event-esque about it. It’s just another video game movie. Endgame is the biggest hyped superhero universe shattering movie in history that has been built up for YEARS.

It would have made much more sense to go up against Star Wars
The Jumanji sequel made $900 million, less than $400 million less than TLJ. A sequel to some irrelevant Robin Williams movie was able to compete with one of the biggest film franchises in the world.

I go for free so I don't care too much.

Pretty much. Movie theaters are expensive.

And most people only care about Marvel Superhero movies, Disney Live-action remakes, Mission Impossible, and Fast and the Furious.


Endgame hype will likely die down by detective pikachu, leaving only that shitty Aladdin to compete with Godzilla

>60 million
That’s gonna be an understatement, the last us Godzilla opened better than predicted. (hoping it’s actually decent since the Americans actually look like they’ll get it right and polygon made that shit anime recently)

This is why Sonic the Hedgehog is going up against Star Wars. It's recognisable, and with interest in Star Wars at an all time low, it will make it look good if it does comparably to Star Wars.

After all the shit that happened around ep8, ep9 sounds like an easier target compared to Hypegame and its "conclusion to 10 years of buildup" marketing campaign.



>It would have made much more sense to go up against Star Wars
It still is the last SW movie (with skywalker shit in it at least). It will make all the money.

>Did WB legit believe that Avengers Endgame would bomb
No, they thought they would stick to the May 3 release date, which is why they gave Shazam the April slot, and when Disney moved it they still thought i would bring back it's budget, so instead they blew all their money on Godzilla and Pikachu. Also, kys ladderman.

And even if Sonic fails domestically, foreign markets will save it.

Meanwhile China fucking hates Star Wars more than ever now.

So they moved Avengers Endgame to screw over Shazam?

True, then again, there's 6 fucking months between Endgame and Skywanking. WB didn't need to go up against either of those.

Big movies can co exist fine as long as there is demand.
For example last year Incredibles 2 had 182 million opening weekend and the very next weekend Jurassic world opened 150 million and both movies did very well for the rest of their run. Both in the top 5 highest grossing for the year.

I have a feeling the furfag audience will rather go see the Wookie than the uncanny blue midget with no pants.

Maybe. Once the Special Look trailer went out, all the hype it had died.

OP you are stupid aint ya

>It still is the last SW movie
Except for the trilogy they have planned afterward to keep milking the franchise.
>(with skywalker shit in it at least)
There is no Skywalker shit. Luke is dead. Kylo will die. At most Rey will name her new students “Skywalkers” when she restarts the Jedi Order successfully because she is so awesome.

But it will make at least a billion.

Because attention spans are short and everyone sees the movie opening weekend anyway so it's not really competing.

>Luke is dead
He became one with the force. If you think he won't be in it you're retarded.

Get with the picture retard, Star Wars is literally a non-issue anymore. Episode 8 didn't even make as much money as Endgame did in 1 and a half weeks. If you think that Star Wars is still a cultural phenomena you need to get your head checked. Noone gives a shit about star wars anymore, Endgame was this generations return of the jedi.

Fuck Star Wars

Fuck Avatar

Fuck Niggers

Fuck Kikes



I don’t want Pikachu or Godzilla to bomb, user. I am not rubbing my hands in excitement for them to bomb. Heck, I would like Godzilla especially to succeed.

But let’s be real here, things don’t look good. I mean heck, I expected Shazam to at least make 500M.

do zoomers not know about summer blockbusters?

People are literally watching Endgame fifty times, user. This isn’t a one and done thing, this is an EVENT. Something that audiences believe should be seen many times to fully appreciate it. It’s making Billions!

Not to mention there are youtubers encouraging people to see the movie again and again and again to beat Avatar.

I think you people overestimate how popular Pokemon is outside of Japan. I doubt it will make more than 300 million worldwide

Movie tickets and theater snacks are expensive. Audiences don’t have the time to see Detective Pikachu or Godzilla when they already spent so much money and time on Endgame. They see it as a chore to go out and watch something else that isn’t Disney-remake/MCU or an event.

This is fact.

Disney has releases closer to Endgame than Godzilla and so far Disney and not WB is company with an actual real flop. Did you forget about Dumbo ?

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I can see Pokemon taking in Endgame, along with Godzilla. Shazam was also fairly cheap. Hell, Shazam should have been tge Christmas movie. Though maybe they were intimidated Endgame and felt that the final battle scenes in Aquaman would be ckmpared to Endgame

>I doubt it will make more than 300 million worldwide
So you think Pokemon will make less than The Nun? I don't think it's a billion dollar movie but you're underestimating it

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It just doesn’t make sense competing with the event movie of the year.

Aquaman did better because it had no competition outside of Bumblebee (Mary Poppins isn’t popular outside of Britain).
If Disney released Endgame or Lion King in December, Aquaman and Bumblebee would have been screwed.

I have 5 bucks here that says you are wrong. Pikachu and Godzilla will do well. They may not beat Endgame, but normies have more purchasing power today then two decades ago.

who cares? jesus

>You forget about Dumbo?
I actually did and I saw it last week, wow

I doubt Lion King will do that well. But thats bias on my part.

And WB couldnt afford to miss out on a summer offering. I think Pokemon us big enough to have some legs

I think it all depends of the Asians (China and Japan). If they do like 100M then the movie can crack 400 if not it has no chance. Shazam number is the expectations for me.

The problem isn’t that Pokémon isn’t popular, the problem is that the hype for Detective Pikachu is being overshadowed by this generation’s Titanic aka Avengers Endgame.

If Detective Pikachu was in Aquaman’s spot, it would have literally nothing to fear. I would even say a billion easy.

But now audiences aren’t as hyped and don’t feel compelled to see Pikachu after being tired from Avengers Endgame.

>this generation’s Titanic aka Avengers Endgame.

Lion King will do HUGE. A billion easy because of two reasons.
1) it is a Disney live action remake of a animated movie. Normies love these because they have nostalgia for the old movies and also see them as mature since they are no longer cartoons.
2). It will be hyped up by the media just as big as Black Panther

AT&T and WB investors if these movies keep underperforming.

>AT&T and WB investors
hi AT&T and/or WB investor

>1) it is a Disney live action remake of a animated movie. Normies love these because they have nostalgia for the old movies and also see them as mature since they are no longer cartoons.
this has been proven irrelevant with at least 2 flops
not that it will happen to lion king though

I want to watch Jim Carrey in Sonic more than ep9.

>1) it is a Disney live action remake of a animated movie. Normies love these because they have nostalgia for the old movies and also see them as mature since they are no longer cartoons.
Dude, Dumbo had this and flopped. I'm pretty sure a re-release the original animated movies would make more profit with less risk.


Dumbo isn’t as popular as Lion King or Aladdin (both will make a billion).

No doubt that E9 will break a billion.

But heavily doubt that it will anywhere near the box office of Endgame. Endgame has a legit chance to be the second most successful ever made, E9 had a controversial movie a lot of people hated as a predecessor, meanwhile everyone loved Infinity War.

These movies look fun.

If Episode 9 behaves like the other final episodes of the previous 2 trilogies it will make more than TLJ, but less than TFA.

I don't know but everybody who went to watch Endgame with me saw the trailer of Detective Pikachu and want to see it as well, some of them became interested in Godzilla as well.
Seems to me like the hype of Endgame just make people want to go to the cinema more in general instead of being a deterrent.

What? It’s like 8 bucks to see a movie dude.

but capeshit bad

Most people also care about Pokemon though.

because WB is run by fucking retards

Shazam is the only that should have moved seeing as its a Christmas movie.
But since it was cheap to make I guess who cares...still made a profit

I legitimately do not understand this. I am vastly more hyped for Godzilla than I was for Endgame. Fuck, I actually haven't even seen Endgame yet. I figure I'll see it at some point before it goes out of theaters. But I'm seeing Godzilla opening weekend. I am more hyped for King of the Monsters than I've been for a movie in ages.

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Godzilla is coming out on the 6th weekend of Endgames run. If it's flopping because of Endgame at that point then it deserves to flop

Endgame is this generation’s Titanic (maybe even Avatar). It’s gonna be making bank for weeks.

No one can complete with that. Not Godzilla. Not Cameron. Not Jumanji. Not even Tom Cruise or Fast and the Furious.

>Endgame is this generation’s Titanic (maybe even Avatar).
It's been making less than TFA for the last 3 days. It's first Wednesday made less than TFA second Wednesday. It's opening was incredible but it's following the same percentage drops of a typical summer Marvel movie. So it's a good thing Godzilla isn't competing with that by opening 6 weeks away

Just because you are hyped for Godzilla or Pikachu doesn’t mean others are hyped or at the very least hyped to see them in the theaters. Look at Shazam. Everyone thought there was hype. There was even high critic praise. And it did horribly.

The same will happen to Pikachu and Godzilla. People will claim to be “hyped” then when the movies actually come out, no one will want to actually out the time, effort, and money into actually seeing them. Many will just say wait for the DVD or stream.

No one goes to the movie theater unless it is the MCU, a Disney remake of a popular animated movie, Pixar/Disney animation, Dinosaurs, Tom Cruise, or Fast and the Furious.

If one movie can compete with that is either the final chapter of Star Wars and Godzilla fighting Gidhora, Rodan and Mothra.

Godzilla can do it.

It has longevity. By next week it will make two billion.

>believing this
If Disney put Ep 9 near Endgame it would have bombed. It would have bombed harder than Solo even. No one would pick Nu Star Wars (even if it is the “final” chapter) over Avengers Endgame. Disney knows this and would never do something as stupid.

Godzilla, as much as I love him, can’t hold on against Avengers Endgame.

I don’t even think Godzilla can hold on against Aladdin (yeah the trailer looked meh but Nostalghia sells. Just look at Beauty and the Beast. Guaranteed one billion or at least 800M).

That nostalgia sure didn't help Dumbo

>If Disney put Ep 9 near Endgame it would have bombed. It would have bombed harder than Solo even.
omg how delusional are you
it wouldn't have bombed but it would've been a terrible business decision considering it's the same company behind both movies.

>Godzilla, as much as I love him, can’t hold on against Avengers Endgame.
Not on the same dates, no, but six weeks in? It can hold its own. For a little while at least.

No one gives a shit about Godzilla you fucking moron

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Yea Forums has never been and will never be right

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>Godzilla is gonna flop guys!
Who cares? It's not my money and the sequel has already been made

No, YOU don't care about Godzilla.

Pretty everything besides capeshit flops for Disney. Even live action remakes are hit or miss (though Lion king will probably do fine)

>it wouldn't have bombed
It would if you put it up against Avengers Endgame.

The MCU is a beloved franchise with thousands of fans that sells merchandise.

Star Wars is dead. The only reason Rise of Skywalker will make money is nostalgia and because it’s the final chapter.

But if Disney put out both Endgame and Skywalker close to each other, no one would pick Star Wars in it’s current state over the most hyped movie of the year.

You damn well be it would bomb. No amount of fake Star Wars nostalgia would save it from getting raped from the Avengers. And it would bomb worse than Solo because no one is gonna pick Rey over Iron Man.

I care. I just wish the rest of the US did.

Sadly no one cares to go to the movies unless it’s Disney.

Eventually everyone will just put their movies on their streaming services while Disney takes over the cinemas completely.

That’s what they said about Shazam coming out weeks before Endgame. And he died. DIED. You just can’t beat Endgame. No one can.

>user is just now realizing that WB is run by incompetents

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>Star Wars is dead.
I'm going to quote you back in december when SW premieres.

You said that Star Wars could rival and beat the Avengers any day of the week when it would bomb worse than Solo if it went up against Endgame.

It will make money being that it is the last of the trilogy and has the media shilling it. And even then it’s all just for pity and feminism.

But don’t pretend Star Wars could ever beat the Avengers after TLJ killed it. At this point,

>But don’t pretend Star Wars could ever beat the Avengers after TLJ killed it. At this point,
I'm done debating what ifs, that's for sure.

There is no if.
Avengers>Star Wars
This is fact. If Episode 9 and Endgame premiered in the same day, everyone would see Endgame and no one would see Skywalker.

Skywalker will get pity money for being the “last” SW movie (even though they are making a trilogy). But there is no way it could ever beat Endgame, especially not one on one.

They should've released Shazam in November


lol. Tick tock

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Ok buddy, take 5.

Aladdin won't. Lion King maybe
they are

At this point movies should just be streamed online. I would watch godzialla online for 5 bucks. But now i probably watch it on dvd if i even watch it at all.

you can watch and enjoy more than one movie, you know


shame bout the timing. I saw both and unironically think Shazam was amazing - one of the best superhero movies out there in fact

And no one wants to go outside and see Detective Pikachu or Godzilla (see ). People only want to see Disney movies and the occasional Tom Cruise, Jurassic World, and Furious movie.

dumbo came out in like the 30s

Capeshit is bad.

No, Endgame did well because it’s a huge milestone in a series that’s been going on for almost a decade. That’s what popular cinematic universes ultimately cultivate

Godzilla is far enough from Avengers. 60million opening is a bullshit meaningless projection anyway.

>Godzilla is far enough from Avengers
They said the same about Shazam, and look what happened.

>Godzilla is far enough from Avengers
and a week after Aladdin

>bullshit meaningless projection
funny how it's always "bullshit and meaningless" yet you retards are shocked when it happens

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More than a month between these movies. It's a joke maybe I don't get it because I'd never think of watching the same movie in the cinema more than once but a nearly 5 weeks should be more than enough to give room to another movie. If Godzilla underperforms it would be due to Aladdin. Shitty to lose to such a derivative moronic idea of a movie but people are dumb. Worldwide it shouldn't be a problem Godzilla is safe.

>That’s what popular cinematic universes ultimately cultivate

Nice hindsight, what you just described has literally never been done before. This is the first and probably the last for another decade or 2. The logistics of getting all of these actors to stay for that long, and none of them dying or leaving the series is just incredible. Seriously I doubt it will happen again.

Weaker competition thatn Skull Island and that movie didn't even have 1/5 of the same hype and what's very important exposure. Only the momentum of the Disney live action can stop it.

Latest Godzilla trailer generated more interest than latest Aladdin trailer but the opinions on Aladdin changed with one better trailer that made basic bitches wet. Also it's "ethnic" and it's a trick that works now. And nostalgiatarding for renaissance Disney is still strong. Too strong for these simple movies, most aren't even that good.

Everyone thought that the 2014 Godzilla would do low numbers but it over-performed in its opening, even being released after a Spider-Man movie.

Like the same will happen here since they’re actually promising showing him this time

There is no way Aladdin can do this good. Even nostalgiafags hate it cuz it’s not Robin Williams and Will Smith is known as the dude from the shitty dc movie and fortnite.

this is gonna be one of those rare shitty performers Disney puts out like Alice 2

It looks like a Bollywood movie maybe India will like it? But over there Indian-made movies are most popular. The story has Chinese origins but China may find it too boring, not enough explosions. Arabian market is insignificant. I think it's probable that it will make more but if it doesn't I won't be surprised. This madness has to end sooner or later.
It's not like Godzilla won't have a sequel and there are plans and serious investitions to do more so I'd rather worry about Godzilla vs. Kong. This one comes out at the same time as some G.I. Joe movie (really?), Gambit movie that will never happen and sadly another Disney movie. This time Mulan which I think has far bigger potential than Aladdin.

Dumbo was tracking for a 58mil opening. It did 45

>Latest Godzilla trailer generated more interest than latest Aladdin trailer
god Yea Forums is fucking delusional

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Oh man Aladdin didn't even get half of Pikachu's views

Latest Aladdin trailer: 28 million views in 4 weeks
Latest Godzilla trailer: 11 million views in 1 week

wow way to go genius one example of it being slightly off

what's next you going to mention Solo while ignoring literally every other correct opening

This is another thing. If Pikachu wasn't so close to Avengers I think it would easily be 2nd highest grossing movie of 2019. Right now I think it may be 3rd-4th.

No, Justice League was way off as well. Wonder Woman was tracking for 65mil and did over 100

>Latest Aladdin trailer: 28 million views in 4 weeks
and another 22 million on Will Smith's personal channel you stupid fuck

>Right now I think it may be 3rd-4th

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Lady and the Trump will make similar money this is why I separate gold/silver age Disney from renaissance Disney. I think more than a half of Disney movies during that period was formulaic, had bad pacing or were kind of undeveloped but the fanbase is huge for all of them with no exceptions.

I'm sorry user but trailers get the bulk of their views in the first few days. It's not just a continuous stream of views. The latest Godzilla trailer probably wont catch up to Aladdin.

people here tend to do what
when endgame was breaking pre sale records there was always one guy that was like "haha but remember when solo broke records" totally ignoring everything else

They wanted Pikachu to be in Japanese theaters for golden week but didn't want the rest of the world too far behind.

Why don't you multiply the views by 8 for every Arab family watching it together while you're at it you mongoloid?

>Lady and the Trump will make similar money
Isn't that going straight to streaming? I'm not sure I agree with you though on separating Gold and silver age. Jungle book and Alice in Wonderland both did incredibly well. I just don't think Dumbo was ever really a popular movie compared to other Disney films

Before that last trailer I tried to calculate the ratio for Aladdin and other 2019 movies but back then a huge percentage of views were simply hateclicks and people who came by to "do their duty".
But in the end I'm sure Disney won't be beaten. Godzilla is safe and will outperform but strangely even making into top 10 will be a significant achievement.

>The story has Chinese origins but China may find it too boring, not enough explosions.

On the one hand Will smith is the only black guy China likes but I don’t think they like other Asians either

I’m hoping Milan mighty actually be good but unless they get someone like Sammo Hung to help with the action and war sequences China will probably go for a native product

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I guess it makes sense. It looks like those badly made shows that used real life dogs. I can't believe they went with it.

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>but strangely even making into top 10 will be a significant achievement.
I'm not even sure it can. 3 Marvel movies, Lion King, Frozen 2, Toy Story 4, Star Wars, Jumanji 2, IT 2 I think Joker has a chance of beating it even with it's R rating. And there's probably others I'm forgetting

Disney's Mulan really went downhill in the last 30 minutes. And it's an old story so remaking it makes more sense compared to other movies. Also Chinese. I wouldn't blame WB for changing their plans.

>IT 2

I get the first was big for an r rated movie and well liked, but will this have the same pull since it’ll have to go for 2014(?) nostalgia and won’t have the benefit of 80s nostalgia?

Good thing Godzilla and Rodan are bigass dinosaurs

Oh wait let's keep going. Secret Life of Pets 2, Men in Black, Fast and furious and Maleficent

It still has nostalgia since the 80's movie had the adults as well and it's a follow up to a popular movie.
Everything I listed here and are sequels or remakes of popular films that made more than 2014 Godzilla except for Joker and Men in Black which are the only question marks. I didn't even include Aladdin

You underestimate Normies. They will watch it regardless of quality just like Beauty and the Beast.

And China loved Will Smith.

In many overseas markets only Disney trailers are played before Endgame. USA never was a problem, Pokemon makes 50% of revenue in USA (25% in Japan), problem is overseas market and mouse decides what trailers to attach in most of major markets. Plus local movie trailers are likely to replace non-mouse trailers.

Does chine love will Smith more than they hate Arabs and Indians?

Views don’t mean anything. Shazam got thousands of likes and no one showed up.

It’s easier to like/watch a video then to get off yo butt and go and pay to see a movie.

They aren’t “real” Dinosaurs (China prefers the Jurassic World look) and no Chris Pratt.

I'm in Australia. We got Detective Pikachu's trailer in front of Endgame. We got Aladdin as well and I heard the guy next to me say to his girlfriend "Nobody wants to see that shit"


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Well that’s dumb since most Japanese workers will probably go see Endgame again then see Detective Pikachu. Way to go, WB.

Australians =/= China and America.

Tons of Americans and Chinese will go see Aladdin just to listen to old songs and see Will Smith.

>Well that’s dumb since most Japanese workers will probably go see Endgame again
I doubt it since Endgame didn't open to #1 in Japan. Conan dabbed on capeshit yet again

user, Japan doesn't like American superheroes that much. Endgame was topped by anime in the box office, and Infinity War wasn't really a big success over there.
They usually love Disney, but Marvel movies in general are not really strong there.

In Japan at least there is almost no doubt Pikachu will do better.

I know mate. You guys have shit taste

Aladdin will dominate in Japan. Japan loves Disney.

That goes out after Pikachu though.

If jumanji 2 and sonic overtake Shit Wars Episode who gives a fuck I won't be surprised. The film has negative hype.

That's not even the European/medieval/classy Disney that they find so exotic. Japanese properties will still win in far east Asia. The audience is also slightly different I think this is what ultimately saved Skull Island when it was against far more dangerous opponent Beauty and the Beast.

Yeah Endgame proves that millenials are just boomers with more flannels and less management positions. This is exactly what people did with Star Wars Episode 6 when they saw it 12 or more times to puff up its cultural impact.

Because they are establishing new franchises, doing their first step during the competition's final big crossover gives your sequel an advantage against their second gen first phase
>next step for godzilla is their bvs
>pokemon is starting their cinematic universe
>the dceu is dead so warner/dc will focus on dc solo movies/elseworlds

Dumbo was so soulless it makes me question if Disney can keep making movies outside of Star Wars and the MCU. Lobbying to have copyright laws expanded really came back to bite them in the assembly when it came to adapting new stories.

Pikachu comes out like two weeks after Endgame, most people will only see Endgame once

Godzilla comes out on the last day of May and Endgame will probably be only in two auditoriums by that point

Aladdin is a joke of a film, it won't make more than its budget.

people are getting more obsessed as more get released...

KOTM is more than a month after Endgame, it's got plenty of time for Endgame to run out of steam. Detective Pikachu is going to be the one with the problem.

2019 has been getting shit numbers for box offices (outside of avengers) so far, 3rd place might not be unreasonable.

Godzilla can hold against Aladdin, it's a giant dino battling monsters, it's enough to attract families. There's a capeshit fatigue (not with Endgame of course, but you understand my point) and soulless Disney's remake

Endgame was "planned" for 11 years and it'll be like a full months since it's release when Godzilla will come out, everyone and their moms have been flooding the theaters to "avoid spoilers" I'm fairly confident in the last weeks the hype will be vastly gone. And the Fast and Furious franchise is fucking huge in Asian countries for some reason

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>Episode IX
>Captain Marvel
>Toy Story 4
>Frozen 2
>Spiderman Far From Home
yeah, sure.

>but you understand my point

I really dont, dummies on Yea Forums keeping talking about this magical "capeshit" fatigue that reality offers zero evidence of

>There's a capeshit fatigue
No there isn't. Go and have a look at the top movies for Disney, WB, Fox and Sony last year. Then come back here and tell me there's a fatigue

Pokemon is a huge franchise, it'll made more than Godzilla for sure.

The problem is tickets are expensive for entire families, not everyone can go see the 3-4 big blockbusters of the summer.

But I don't agree, Dumbo flopped, and the jungle book remake is already forgotten. Everyone around me doesn't see the point of Lion King and Aladdin remakes

Jurassic World made one fucking billion, 14 years after JP 3

Like I said, a giant dino is enough to attract people. And Kaijus are more popular in Asia than it is in the US, Asia alone can save the franchise even if it bombs in the US.

DC movies except maybe Wonder Woman and Aquaman underperformed, Shazam is already forgotten, which is not really a surprised since it's a nobody-superhero in Europe

>Like I said, a giant dino is enough to attract people.

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JP movies are the only ones decent enough.

Also The Meg movie did well last year, which was kinda surprising for a project stucked in development hell since 1997

All of these movies combined total grosses will be less than Endgames one week total

with all the current ps4 remakes it's a fucking crime we don't get dino crisis

People are already seeing Endgame fifty times per person. It’s an event. It may even beat Avatar. Pickachu is in deep Pikadoodoo.

DC movies don't underperform because of capeshit fatigue, they underperform because they're objective garbage

I'm going to shill the hell out of Pokemon everywhere I can think of just to hurt Endgame's box office. We can't let capeshit beat based Avatar.

>The problem is tickets are expensive for entire families, not everyone can go see the 3-4 big blockbusters of the summer.
And most will already be tired and have movie theater fatigue after watching Endgame so many times.

Detective Pikachu and Godzilla will be seen as movies that Normies don’t want to put the effort to go out and see.
>”just wait for the Blu-ray or download!”


I love Godzilla, but the cope and delusion on display from Godzilla fans itt is painful to watch. You guys are reminding me of John Carter fans in the weeks leading up to that film's release.

They should have released Godzilla in July.

Trying to hype up Godzilla in the middle of Endgame fever (where literally everyone is cheering for the movie to take #1 spot at the box office and to beat Avatar) was just a bad idea.

I don’t know how WB can underestimate how big of a success Endgame was gonna be.

I can understand WB making a bad call like this. It's a dumb mistake but it happens. What's harder to understand is that they have been making similar bad calls nonstop for like ten years running. It's amazing they're still in business.

Endgame will be far away. If Godzilla can't even survive next to b-grade blockbusters like Aladdin there's no future in the series anyway. But it will most likely do all right but they can't be afraid of any movie because there's usually more than one potentially successful production each month. Different target audience or not, producers take the competition into account.

July has Spider-Man and Lion King

In my country they showed the Godzilla trailer before Endgame, I think that is a smart move

I maybe a Godzilla fan but as a moviegoer it seems refreshing

Not far enough.

Endgame has stolen all the hype for Godzilla. WB is trying to promote the movie but it is not working because everyone is too busy talking about Endgame and cheering on its success.

The hype for Godzilla is DEAD. D-E-A-D. Maybe if it came out another month away from Endgame it would be a success. But it’s not so now it is dead.
>next to b-grade blockbusters like Aladdin
Aladdin is riding off of Nostalgia (the popular kind like Beauty and the Neast, not Dumbo). And it has Will Smith which Normies and Chinese love. People will see Aladdin ads on tv and go “Oh hey, Aladdin! I use to love that movie as a kid! And not it’s live action so that means it is mature like me! I should go with my friends or family to see and sing my favorite old songs!”.

It’s just the sad reality that Aladdin has more Nostalgia appeal than Godzilla.

Godzilla COULD have had a chance if Endgame didn’t come out so close and steal the hype and media’s attention.

So Japan would rather see the same movie for the 20th time than the same movie for the 20th time?

Which are better to fight against than Endgame. Sure Lion King has hype, but nothing on the level as Endgame.

At least then it would still have some people talking about Godzilla. Would it make a billion? Probably not. But at least 500m. Heck, Aquaman beat Bumblebee (and Bee had tons of nostalgia push to hype it up).

But now everyone is talking about Endgame. From online to the real world. From Reddit to Yea Forums (just see how many Endgame threads are made on co and tv). And people will keep talking about it for weeks. Especially people trying to make it a higher success than Avatar.

>Why is WB releasing ALL their big summer movies near Avengers Endgame?
Probably because of people who don't fucking care about stupid superhero flicks spammed for decade. Gimme Godzilla!

>Probably because of people who don't fucking care about stupid superhero flicks spammed for decade
You mean the seven people that didn’t see Endgame?

Seems like a poor business strategy, just sayin.

Not everyone is manbaby up to 25-30YO.

By strange coincidence I'm watching the animated Aladdin right now. We all know that Lion King will be a shot for shot remake but the things that people remember about Aladdin are those that work best in animation. Will Smith is a good idea but not enough. I don't think it will be a good movie and it will also affect the reception. Disney may win but I'm still not afraid for the big fellow the worst that may and probably will happen is the same idiotic Disney shill come to brag if Godzilla won't bring Avengers-tier numbers.

A billion and seven hundred dollars says otherwise.

I like this post, this user makes very compelling points.

user, it doesn’t matter if the live-action remake sucks and is inferior to the original. Beauty and the Beast was worse than the animated movie and everyone ate it up.

The only people calling them shit are Doug Walker and Saberspark.

Kaiju isn’t popular in the west. Americans like watching big shit smash into each other but only for so long.

Aladdin doesn't have to beat Godzilla on its merits as a film. It just has to take advantage of Avengers sucking all the oxygen out of the room to take a bit of a bite out of Godzilla's opening numbers. Godzilla's inability to generate momentum after a slow opening weekend will take care of the rest.

Well good thing Beauty and the Beast is way more popular anyway it would be embarassing if Godzilla 2 made less than Kong but overseas revenue will probably give Aladdin the edge. But most fans will agree it's not about winning against a totally different type of movie just because it comes out at the same time. It only matters that it won't hurt their movie.

Avengers Endgame hype and discussion has weaken the hype for Godzilla. This will Aladdin the advantage to kill Godzilla. Maybe if Aladdin and Godzilla were far away from Endgame it would be a fair fight. But Godzilla doesn’t look to be doing so well

That’s the thing, user. Godzilla IS hurt. Endgame severely weakened him and now Aladdin is coming for the killing blow.

>. It's amazing they're still in business.
Oh come on. You only say this because you expect WB to be on Disney's level or close to it. Last year they didn't have a single flop. Not like fucking Paramount that's trying to kill itself with garbage like Sonic and Dora. Do you remember Monster Trucks? They 125mil just producing that shit.

>If Godzilla can't even survive next to b-grade blockbusters like Aladdin there's no future in the series anyway.
What the fuck do you mean "b-grade" Aladdin is one of Disney's most beloved films. Even looking like total shit it will rake in cash
Godzilla is like Superman. They both have very dedicated and loyal fans but to the average person it's just something they're aware exists but don't give a shit about

Yeah let's see if Aladdin can make it into top 10 of the year.

>It just has to take advantage of Avengers sucking all the oxygen out of the room to take a bit of a bite out of Godzilla's opening numbers.
But Aladdin is opening closer to Endgame than Godzilla

Better chance than Godzilla. One's tracking for 80-90mil and the other 40-60. Guess which is which?

With the revival of the Jurassic Park series I am shocked capcom has yet to jump on this train. I would imagine it would sell well due to nostalgia and dinosaurs.

That's some unrealistic expectations. I'd say Scott Mendelson made it but he went in the complete opposite direction.

I seriously doubt the dinosaur market is big enough to accommodate anything more than the JPark franchise. That one brand name saturates that particular market niche all by itself, imo.

this user is absolutely based. Fuck Star Wars.

the last Godzilla movie was disappointing, so I could see why there's not much hype

the only reason I'm remotely interested is because Kong was fun, but even then I'll probably only go see it if it gets good reviews

Speaking of reviews don't we get Pikachu's soon?

Yeah I guess,the combined sales of only the first 2 dino crisis games are under 3 million. It would just be nice seeing a remake in the same vein as RE2 but a dino fagg can dream.

Never mind. I just found out Grace Randolph is dropping her review in 20 minutes.

Are your parents brother and sister
What kind of retard compares Pokemon to shazam

Reviews don’t matter.
Shazam got good reviews and it bombed.
Aquaman got bad reviews and it made a billion.

Best take in the whole thread.

Yea Forums is saying Pikachu and Godzilla are gonna flop though

Um, retard, hello??? You have to buy all the concessions!!


Aquaman didn't get bad reviews on the whole. It was fresh

Sad as it is to say, Star Wars is dead and irrelevant. There is no hype or interest left, the fanbase is burning and the general public don't care at all because Disney's Star Wars is boring trash. Marvel has completely surpassed what Star Wars was as a cultural phenomenon even at its peak, not even taking into account how badly Disney has ruined it.

>Marvel has completely surpassed what Star Wars was as a cultural phenomenon even at its peak

How does that explain garbage films that do well ??

No, a handful of us with working brains are pointing out the obvious. Most of you morons keep going on and on about how it's going to crush Endgame and make Billions

It's funny that Disney tossed out the EU before driving SW off a cliff. They've obliterated everything connected to the brand and left the old guard fans with absolutely nothing.

WB literally and unironically has zero flops while Disney has had a bunch

they're only garbage to you contrarian retards

It's true, the cultural relevancy of the OT has now been dwarfed by the MCU. End game made return of the jedi look like an afterthought.

In Australia it costs the average moviegoer roughly $50 AUD to attend a movie. It's about $18-26 for a ticket depending on if you apply for concessions. Not to mention most of the combos at the candybar are valued on average at about $25. The way you get "discounts" is by going with friends and getting dollars shaved off for group deals. But even then the spend per head still works out to only about $40. It's a terrible rip off. Hence why the industry is dying.

Most Americans won't realise this for a long time because they will most likely be the last ones to be affected. Since Hollywood is in America and the cinema business is a much more lucrative machine over there, it will survive a little longer. But these greedy fucking pigs have ruined everything.

Infinitely based

Attached: tenor.gif (280x158, 2.34M)

>WB literally and unironically has zero flops
Please tell me you're just pretending to be retarded

Attached: 8d6.jpg (645x729, 48K)

WB has had 4 in just as many months you fucking moron

Aquaman didn't get bad reviews and Shazam made 100 million in profit
>inb4 Yea Forums math where every movie ever made besides Endgame flopped

Aquaman didn’t have to deal with Endgame.

I like you

No Yea Forums said Endgame will make 6 trillion but pikaflop will only make 5 dollars from one weeb seeing it during a matinee

I think he meant last year. Disney had a few flops because they swing for the fences every time. They don't really make low budget movies anymore

Dumbo was from Disney

Name 5

>Most of you morons keep going on and on about how it's going to crush Endgame and make Billions
No we aren't

The only film WB has released this year that flopped is Lego 2

I live in Hong Kong so that might not be representative for the whole country, but people do like Star Wars here, a lot of them does. A lot. It's just that tickets are cheap as water (I'm guessing not a lot of income for studios?) and there's just a lot of people here overall, so whatever would be considered a big audience anywhere else in the world, here it's relatively not much. But please don't skew the facts, it's absolutely not true that there's some hate it disinterest in Star Wars on China.

and La LLorona and Isn't IT Romantic and Shazam

Shazam's performance is surprising, it's a good movie, had a great word of mouth, but nobody cared.

>La LLorona
That film literally made 10x it's budget. Let me guess, it had 100mil marketing campaign?

La LLorona is one of those very very very cheap horror movies that make back their money because they are so cheap.

Don’t know about the second.

And yeah, Shazam did horribly.

People don’t have the time, money, and patience to see movies unless they are “important” or an “event”.
Shazam is something normal people see and go “Meh, I’ll wait for home release.”

>Most manchildren also care about Pokemon though.

People who were nostalgic for Dumbo have already died of old age, it's a cartoon from a different era entirely.

It's a mix of even hardcore fans understimating EG and people putting their autistic expectations on the other flicks. Shazam is a nobody with no brand power. No matter how much ken-sama wants it giant robots and monsters don't attract as much people as he wants it. And always remember pikachu is 50% of sonichu, the fanbase is one of the most loud, autistic, full of manbabies, muh childhood, etc you could find. Sure normies liked pokemon go, but that doesn't translate into movie tickets and they'll be busy bawwing over the avengers for the rest of the year. That being said they can become a sucess just by bringing enough profit like shazam but idiots want big numbers.

Pretty much. The big Nostalgia animated movies are Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, and Lion King.
Maybe Hunchback and Hercules a little bit.

Are you poor? Why dont you go see all of them? And why do you care how much multibillion companies make money out of you?

The Curse of La Llorona Box Office: boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=untitlednewline.htm
Shazam Box Office: boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=untitledmovieiv.htm
Isn't It Romantic Box Office: boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=isntitromantic.htm

Again, La Llorona is a cheap horror movie. Like the Bye Bye Man and etc. The rest are true though.

I liked shazam more than avengers endgame
and i'm gonna see both the other movies too

Why did you post the La Llorona numbers? To prove my point for me?

I hope you have a good time, user.