What the fuck was her problem?

What the fuck was her problem?

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she looks like she fucks earth guys

Her dad was Thanos

Why are girls with black sclera so cute?

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God I want her

She needs a hug. She has needed a hug for a very long time.

I dunno, they always look so inherently sad for some reason.

Dude, she's made of metal. It'd be like hugging a Buick.

Same here

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Fucking kek

She would dwarf me so badly in this picture I love it

More importantly, what was HER problem?

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It's about emotional support, not testing for softness.

>not wanting to fuck your buick

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She's an insect that turned into a woman and grew up alone, under the rule of a narcissic god.


That doesn't stop people from hugging sex dolls or literal traffic light posts.

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Being too cute.

>white actress
>looks Asian

how come?

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God, look at those feet and those heels.

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I know you want to see more of those...

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Detachable pussy and she forgot where she put it.

>inset insect joke here

Unironically found her role and performance in Endgame to be rather pleasant.

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is that a boy or girl?

I love pictures like this. Wish this genre had a specific name so it would be easier to find.


Sad Loser Birthdays?

She needs my love

She was one of the best parts.


muh bros

Attached: the_evil_eye.webm (960x540, 1.98M)

it's in the sink

>dick mode: muh

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"Embrace Eternity"


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It's a femcel. The guy is somewhere between a chad and a 40 year old doomer.


MY GOD! I want her to hate fuck me, and beat me all the while

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She's literally part Asian dumbass.

female loki but somehow better written

Mantis is for ________

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I feel the same way about that chick on Thanos' side with the horns and the warpaint that gets lawnmowered by Scarlet Witch.

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non-sexual servitude

Thanos has such a patrician taste in women

half korean

Black earth guys

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Requited love and endless hugging.


She's french, with russian and korean blood.

Even when she's acting silly she's still sexy. I love it when she's being goofy.

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She let something in the oven

filthy traitor

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What race is that guy? He looks like a Tau.

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Pom is of Korean decent and is super kissable

Cuddles And non-lewd spooning

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I love karen because she embrace her sexiness. she knows she's hot and loves to play with it. unlike the feminist she's not shaming herself for being to sexy
unlike the feminist

Why no love for Gamora?

Attached: gamora.jpg (1366x768, 399K)

- Negro
- Most boring character
- Green skin
- Dyed hair


Instagram thots are a thing, not sure why you think a girl acting sexy is unique.

I've actually seen threads on /wsg/ about sad birthday pictures. A lot of people feel the same way as you.

Slice of Life: Sad Edition?

because for me; it's blue Zoe

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Wanda best girl

Look how much she can lean forward. Look at that body discipline. Imagine what crazy shit she can do in bed.

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What if he IS a tau, the first tau psyker

>"I don't like you that way, I don't even like your species!"

WMFA confirmed?

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She never have sex...

Close, platonic friendship

daddy issues

för helvete

She doesn't look like she would enjoy sex.

CTH is cringier than sam hyde

She's a masochist. She loves pain. Probably from the years of abuse and bodypart amputations from her daddy. She would probably only be able to cum if you skewer her tits and ram 10.000 glowing hot needles through her fucked up body.

Karen Gillan is my waifu and there's nothing you can do about it


wow she's literally me

I would literally snuggle with every female guardian of the galaxy and also Scarlet Witch

Great taste

Why do people care about Scarlet Witch? She's the most boring ass character in all of the MCU. She's basically a female Dr. Who except without the charisma of Cucumblerrumbler. She doesn't even look that good, fuck.

She looks weird, but not as weird as her name. What kind of name is "Pom Klementieff" anyway? Sounds like a really weird hybrid of French/Dutch/German. And Pom? Who the fuck came up with that?

Attached: pom_klementieff_lead.0.jpg (1200x800, 92K)

>She doesn't even look that good
fagsville is that way

haha what if Nebula and Mantis accidentally kissed in GOTG 3? That would wacky

Literally everyone else (except the negroes obv) looks better/more interesting than her. Even Gamora.

ha ha what if nebula gave mantis an orgasm (super easy to do) and mantis touched nebulas pusy so she could feel that pleasure for the first time in her life

haha what if GOTG 3 was even a thing

seriously, it's never gonna happen is it

if i move to scotland or ireland, are there lots of tall, pale, redheaded potato gf's to be had?

her makeup looks so shit up close, do they touch it up with cg in the movies like they do with spider mans suit?

Not enough of my dick.

she wanted gamoras green pusy but was denied it for so long

Her parents chose the name "Pom" because it is similar in pronunciation to the Korean words for both "spring" (봄) and "tiger" (범).

Pom got a hard life...

>Klementieff's father died of cancer when she was 5, and her mother had schizophrenia and was unable to care for children,[4] so Klementieff was raised by her paternal uncle and aunt.[3] Her uncle, whom she described as "like [her] second father", died on her 18th birthday, and her older brother committed suicide just seven years later, this time on her 25th birthday.

>till ingens förvåning är avatarbögen svensk

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Is she the female Keanu?

Neytiri är...

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>blonde hair
>brown eyes


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wish she didn't look so shit

she doesn't look like a cyborg, she looks like a cosplayer covered in bodypaint

her hair is naturally black

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Does anyone have a webm of the funeral at the end of Endgame where everybody is standing still except for Mantis who is saying from side to side the entire shot?

>cosplayer covered in bodypaint
And that's a good thing!

and so is her pusy hair

wekk she is part french part asian so pussy hair is probably a given

If you spoke French you would know. She explained that.

The Doctor left her behind

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Being stuck in a capeshit.

the girl power scene with all them women charging with captain dyke was one of the most cringy scenes to date

Based Amazon-fetush user. I didn't even realize she was 5'11. She looks so tiny next to Thanos

Sporting pussy hair isn't really a nationality specific thing, you know.

looks more like a coon than rocket does

Imagine if I had a chad body like that, how quickly would I get laid in Asian countries?

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Ironically she'd tower over Josh Brolin by about three inches

Everyone loves Gamora

I thought Asians, specifically Japs and Koreans like feminine androgynous men?

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I don't have a thing for Asians in particular, but goddamn that makes me fucking horny.

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i don't think it's the asian girls doin that

>marketing for movie almost exclusively focuses on Captain Marvel or the bald wakanda chick
>Nebula has more screentime than anyone besides Cap/Iron Man and basically drives the plot

>not Tony inviting them over for dinner but they leave regardless, without even saying no
That's when I knew this movie had no soul

she needs a loving husband and a bunch of cute children

I volunteer as tribute!!!

Don't niggers make up a huge chunk of the viewer base for Avenger movies? They were just catering to the chimp crowd, since they know they barely have to cater to anyone else.

They had to have him stand on that platform so he wouldn't slip on all that nip pussy juice.

Why do all Japs look the same
Like exactly the same

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It's better than Imogen Poots

Is this worth watching for her?

autistic brainlets can't recognize facial disparison.

It doesn't matter. She's literally perfect.

This film secured her as Best Girl in the whole franchise.

She was wondering why someone would stress over a limited supply of resources before using time travel to create an infinite amount of whatever they need.

This is is what the growth rate for canisters of Pym particles looks like assuming you start with him letting you have just 5. Here's Uncle Bruce's Recipe:

1) Start with 2 canisters, one to get you there and back just in case Pym's being an asshole and tells you to fuck off.
2) Convince him to give you any number greater than two canisters.
3) Travel back to your present.
4) Wait any arbitrary length of time. Let's say one minute.
5) Travel back to your previous arrival.
6) Take all the canisters.
7) Travel back to your present.
8) Repeat Steps 4-7 as desired.
9) Pay back your past selves from your surplus "before the world notices."

Assuming 5 cannisters as a starting point, you can time-dupe 6140 into existence in just ten minutes. It kind of makes you wonder why a roomful of geniuses would ever be worried about running out.

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There wasn't more of her

Luigi looks like hes into asian women

not sitting on my face obviously


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She's unironically the MCU's most well-developed female character at this point.

Chewbacca died

I know. It's hitting me pretty hard.

Ethnic purity.

I love her so much

die nigger

i wanna suck that nipple

Who is this?

That's Nebula.

how short are you?

Imagine how she must have felt. Thanos. The man who ruined her life and turned her into a twisted cyborg. Her body, a testament to his evil will, watching Tony just SNAP that dood out of existence while saying "...and I am Ironman." watching that big shit turn to dust with the loser look on his face. It must have been pretty fucking funny.


Why didn't they use their infinite Pym Particles to to time-dupe infinite Nebulas into existence?

FYI: There's no reason you can't resurrect a dead character this way either.

Really should have been her who killed Thanos. It would have completed her arc.

But does she still have her blue coochie?