Who is your favorite female character in television?

Who is your favorite female character in television?

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you know you wanted the (boi)pussi

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ur mom in the scene when she rides my cock and then steps on it
fuck jannies

the patrician answer

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root from Person of Interest

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Drummer, The Expanse.

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Based an beltapilled

belters actually disgust me, but drummer is too cute.

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Nah just you, Pedo scum.

Good to see a man of taste.

what the fuck man

Incest would have made her better.

you know it's true, stop denying it

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Anne Lewis

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We're talking about TV lad

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Oh fuck you're right.

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Did you enjoy her love scene with shaw?

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It was very sexyful, though it made me see the twist in the episode coming because it didn't fit very well with their relationship at that point

fuck she was a qt, too bad they Harley Quinn'd her so fast that she had no flaws whatsoever and was a 100% good guy

I want her to be my robo wife.

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Was enjoyable though. Later on I felt as her death was half-assed. Didn't she die from a gut shot?

My brain says Olenna but my dick says Margaery

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I thought it was very well done, really heartbreaking, but yeah she took a bullet intended for Harold fired by Samaritan's assassin that they failed to catch earlier in the season, which is what prompted Punished Harold to burn down everything

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Arya :)

Bet she was hot as fuck when she was young

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It was very heartbreaking, but I thought it was kinda weird. She was tortured beforet, had part of her inner ear cut out, then she died from a shot to the stomach? Been watching too much action movies I guess.

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Atia from Rome.
Carmella from Sopranos.
Joanie, Trixie and Jane from Deadwood.
Dawn from The Office.
Daisey from Spaced.
Caroline from Green Wing.


Good taste, but Avasarala is better

Probably just Carmela

imagine mel sounding your urethra with a staff during one of her lord of light ceremonies while stepping barefoot on your face


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I just wanted to post biel

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*tips fedora*

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Based SCC-poster

Excellent taste. Root is best girl

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