Female protagonist

>female protagonist

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she's brave and beautiful

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Have sex

Why do whites make this face?

It's the
>I love black people

whites have become cucked

it's the "I hate niggers" face


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it's the "I don't really like you but let's be civil" face.

other races don't use it because they're not civil

aka im a cucked white boy face


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basically this. Disdain for plebs face but with the added realization that you have to both put up with them, and just don't care.

it's the "I'm conceal carrying and I don't really want to kill you but if you chimp out I will do my duty and put you down you fucking monkey nigger" face

OMG :^)

how come white women are the only ones who smile at me? the others ignore. im mex btw loll

virgin incel freak

White people are kind and will smile at most people, even cripples or mexicans.

I want to smooch with Pom so fucking bad.

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Have sex

>female protag gently rapes the males by first suffocating them with her bosoms then extracting their seed and feeds them with milkies from her boobs

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Weird how her alien makeup makes her look so much more asian

I generally get a dry smile from the spectacle of genetic dead ends working themselves up into a lather of indignation at the conduct of people not so afflicted.

haha imagine if that happened i would hate it so much aha :3

How can she feed and seed me when I'm dead from beign suffocated


I don't have to my mum did ree
She revives you with pusy to mouth queeflation

A lot of stories would be better without women in them, honestly.

Ripley is like the one exception

It's the face we make when we're supposed to smile to a subhuman non-white but the heart isnt there

see but ripley wasnt badass for the sake of muh powerful female. she had an arc from the first movie where she was a normal woman who survived against all odds and became more brave as a result making hershe the only person among all the soldiers in the sequel who actually knew what they were in for and how to survive. every female led movie in the current year is shameless pandering that shows women as femmegods and men as inept retards and all these new movies have a mandatory "women are better than men" scene. female protagonists are fine i just wish they could give us another ripley instead of the black widows and reys we get

TL;DR Aliens is literally irrelevant to the discussion

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Who wants to bet the guys that make these threads are virgins?

I bet that you are a virgin too.

how is black widow pandering? I though she was roughly comparable to Ripely in that regard?

>well...go one...take it out

what's wrong with a female protag?

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White knights are 100% of the time virgins

>female character

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>effortlessly beats up 5 men simultaneously
>director specifically chooses to show male companion struggle with just one in the backround rather than just show her fight and move on
>almost every capeshit movie has a scene like this

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Considering her background as an assassin that's been trained from childhood to kill it's not that far of a stretch compared to other characters.

i didnt say there was anything wrong with her being good at fighting. they couldve had them fight through the hallway and even if she did more than him and the movie made a show of how tough she is, it would be fine. they instead specifically chose to turn it into a "women are better than men" scene by focusing on how inept her partner was."lawl stoopid man try to help but stronk woman already do da work". this is becoming cliche because its reused all over hollywood for obligatory brownie points

unless she's a libertine nudist, everything

Wojack has ruined this site

oh boy i love reading the same posts over and over and over again!!

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