What’s the purpose of Varys in the show now? He’s done jack shit since season 6

What’s the purpose of Varys in the show now? He’s done jack shit since season 6.

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Balls and dick jokes

I guess he still has connections and is passing messages

He better pull something out of the bag in the next couple of episodes, at least Littlefinger's character assassination was actually merciful enough to kill him. Poor Varys is just wandering around like an extra while Qyburn steals all his lines and little birds. He's an empty husk.

I wonder if he ever discovered prostate stimulation

i miss the comfy episodes where he'd sneak around

>What’s the purpose of Varys in the show now?
Making me miss the first seasons

Melisandre said he'll die in Westeros so who knows how it will go for him.

he knows kings landing?

According to leaks, he's still bringing the Blackfyre back with Illyrio, non ironically

He'll gain back his little birds and spy on Qyburn. Maybe even imitate the bird murder on Qyburn in a le-epic-mirror scene.

i miss her boobs so much... so much...

what does varys even do anyway? can he fight? or can he only make soiquips and blackmail everyone for le greater good?

Yeah he's pretty much relegated to the sidelines atm, though i was thinking the other day that he is really the only person out of all characters left with any real governing experience. Spending years working in Robert's court.

Revenge for his Littlefinger.

Yeah, a guy like this is more useful in relatively peaceful times rather than on the day of battles.

>He’s done jack shit since season 6.

link plz?

based and tyrionpilled

it's funny because it's true

>the purpose of Varys

The spin-off. The Great Adventures of the Imp and the Spider, Tyrion and Varys explore the world together.

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Narrative purpose, not your infantile headcanon.

He's probably going to take his little birds back and have them kill Qyburn

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To demonstrate the futility of his petty power games when facing an enemy like the Others. His uselessness is deliberate.

That's probably giving Dabid&Dabid too much credit though.

except most of those have already been proven wrong as fuck?

Lol, c'mon man half that shit is already disproved. The latest leaks suggest Jon does kill Danny, Cersi dies either to Jamie or Arya, and some shit goes down with Tyrion betraying Danny.

>NK will not die
>Winterfell will fall
>Tormund and Grey Worm will die during Battle of Winterfell
>Davos saves everyone with a wagon (lol wtf was this)
>Theon will die during siege of King's Landing

He's basically a spymaster

>everything goes to shit in the finale, Tyrone and Varys leave hastily and spend the rest of their lives as wanderers going from place to place
>eunuch jokean

He's gonna die for a reason

They don't know what to do with him since he requires intrigue and cunning. Once they ran out of source material, they ran out of things to do with the characters that don't solve all their problems with a sword.
I'd wager they wrote most of their scripts in 1-2 weeks for the last two seasons.

>I'd wager they wrote most of their scripts in 1-2 weeks for the last two seasons.
what a fucking shitshow if proves true in final episodes, never HBO again in this household

in the last episode he will quip "this was truly a game of thrones" and then fake Aegon walk in.