Episode 3 pretty much killed all theories, speculation, and my will to continue watching this series but this quote from Kit Harington gives me a spark of hope that there is a greater purpose going on. Maybe they'll actually pull something off?
"...as an audience you’re going, ‘This is only episode 4, something’s going to happen.’ And that’s the cool thing because I think the characters are aware of this as well. There’s something twisted and uncomfortable about it. It’s so Shakespearian.”
>Dickless and delicious brown assistant are still alive Holy shit, how are there still so many irrelevent, superfluous characters still in it this close to the end? E3 should have been a cull for shitters like these. Tormund too.
Lincoln Perez
Yep, Jon is definitely going to kill Daenerys and it will be dumb as fuck. They’ll have her character do a total 180. Despite her being a bitch, she’s not evil and they’ve never portrayed her to be someone that’s mad. This doesn’t make up for how they butchered Jon Snow’s character. Oh well, the feminist outrage will be funny though
Elijah Lee
Thomas Walker
Nah. They're going to kill him
Nathan Wilson
So nothing happens
Eli Ward
Dany's essentially confirmed dead by now. Between the leaks and that interview with Clarke where she talks about 'wandering around aimlessly' when reading the script.
Nicholas Morales
You really don't need to bother with this viral marketing campaign, anyone who's slooged through the swamp that this show became after season 5 is going to push through the last few episodes too no matter how absurd and awful last week's was
I'm pretty sure everyone here pirates it though, imagine actually paying for HBO lmao
Aiden Davis
I hope so killing her would redeem this shitshow somewhat. Jon needs to list off all the crimes committed by the tyrannical whore before beheading her so normies know what's up
Michael Gutierrez
There's a wedding in this episode and weddings tend to be bloody in this serie...