why didn't thanos just generate more vaccines?
Why didn't thanos just generate more vaccines?
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Shit like this is why I don't like to go to the theatres or sit outside on public transport either.
Humans are fucking filthy creatures carrying shit like bedbugs and faeces.
Vaccines cause autism, American. Make sure not to vaccinate and listen to your president ;)
He needs measles, whooping cough and diphtheria to sustain future half-ing of the population.
>muttistan is going to have epidemics of every disease already controlled by vaccines because they're too retarded to use them
Good, they could use a culling.
What the fuck is wrong with Americans?
wtf is wrong with women? why would she go into public places if she was contagious?
yes, it's totally the fault of the people who didn't vaccinate themselves for a disease we eradicated decades ago, definitively not the fault of the third worlder who contaminated the country with it anew haha
Capeshitters btfo
>falling for the vaccine Jew
L m a o
>the shit every American kid used to get
>now its a deadly pandemic
>vaxcine only 93% effective so eve soldiers who are forced to be inoculated are still infected
>doesnt matter anyway because its yet another extinct disease being imported by third worlders so no amount of vaccination will stop its influx
Such is life in the globalist system. Its like when we important strawberries from egypt that had herpes on them.
>Can't Vax the Draax
Who knows who's fault it is? I'm not pointing fingers. All I know is that your president has the best solution that I agree with: do not vaccinate yourselves or your children. It causes autism so not one single American should do it. Trust me and trust your president on this one.
Why don't these people wear a white rag like in the Middle Ages with the plague or something when going outside so folks can recognize the infected?
>Make sure not to vaccinate and listen to your president ;)
The people that don't vaccinate are the people that hate the president, Eurofag.
Can we just admit it's the refugees and be done with it?
>in california
learn English before making sny political commentary; you come off as too dumb to do it effectively.
Ok, then DON'T listen to your president and listen to me instead (and listen to the president haters as well): DO NOT under any circumstances, vaccinate yourself or your family. It's for the good of the world and your nation. I think you'd agree.
smart people don't vaccinate though
That was English. Did you want me to add some Spanish words in there to Americanize it for you?
Nigger if people already scream their heads off getting vaccines imagine telling them to get their kid sick on purpose
It's actually bongs and shit who fell for the anti vax amerimeme
Cause my body, my temple, what can't handle a strong sickly woman?? Sounds like U're the problem!
Not just women. A jewish man travelled from NYC to Michigan while contagious to collect ((donations)).
Western culture is sick. We're the first generation to be less prosperous - economically, emotionally, basically any metric - than the preceding one and everyone is scrambling in their own way to figure out why. Blacks and whites blame each other, rich and poor, men and women, etc et all.
There was turmoil in the 60s because everyone thought they were going to lose their place. Fast forward 50 years and that has finally begun in earnest, and the foundations of western society are swaying. It'll get worse before it gets better. Not to sound like a Christfag or anything but the apocalypse happens over decades, not days.
>vaccinate your kids
it's too dumb, not two or to dumb, moron.
I'm sure even Mexicans know how to use who as a pronoun in a sentence unlike you
And filtered. Thanks friend
>implying the measles were ever killed off entirely
of course people travel all over the world bitch, that's why the WHO was counting on vaccines to eradicate these diseases. trouble is most people stopped getting their regular shots after the vaccination programs of the 50's.
They used to be pariahs who lived outside of the city walls. As they should.
lol, seriously tho illegal beaners and orthodox jew kids are dying
Based and biological warfarepilled
Do they know how to use punctuation or spell "any" though? From my experience with Mexicans (i.e. you) it seems that they don't.
import third world people, get third world problems
how the fuck does causation work?
people who travel should get shot according to their locations.
I'm not injecting heavy metals into my kid because some treehugger hippie was too dumb to get shots before going to pestilent shitholes.
most of them don't understand english anyway, just make all the signs in spanish
Kek. How can mutts even cope?
it's sad that a Mexican masters your own mother tongue and lectures you about it.
really makes you think. Anyways filtered.
shalom rabbi
Doesn't this only affect people who aren't vaccinated?
See ya buddy!
Also let me fix your post for you:
>It's sad that a Mexican masters your own mother tongue and lectures you about it.
Really makes you think. Anyways, filtered.
PS: English as a mother tongue? Lmao you make me laugh mutt.
you have no clue on where my beliefs lie, friend.
yes only brown people from mexico and central america along with orthodox jews in new york are affected, everyone else is part of the first world.
>mfw a whole ship of 300 scientology freaks has been quarantined since Monday
Will based measles purge the degenerates from society?
ah, just a garden variety faggot then, enjoy your polio riddled brace legs child (that i'm sure exists)
Ever read Oswald Spengler?
>can't even quote properly
lmao go back to re*dit kid.
unfortunately for you, people with your mindest are travelling globally and bringing diseases to your neighbourhood. but at least they provide legal and natural post-birth abortions.
we don't have polio where I live.
I'm sorry your country does.
So what is the problem if they die to measles?
I thought you filtered me. Let me guess, you're not the same person right ;)?
It's not the people travelling to Europe for a vacation that are the problem. Its the millions of refugees idiot politicians flooded Europe with. Whatever your opinion on the matter, that is not a financially smart nor health conscious decision.
travelling is for people who have achieved nothing in their life and need something to show for it regardless.
Traveling only made me homesick and racist.
Yeah, they're no loss. It's just sad when a baby too young to get the vaccine or people with autoimmune-deficiencies gets infected and dies because of an infected retard (who won't face any charges for manslaughter).
First shot is only 93% effective, second increases it to 97%, so its a fallacy. There was justa story about a whole navy sub being infected, and military guys are forced to be FULLY vaccinated.
>brother and I weren't vaccinated
>spend our entire childhood travelling the world
>never get sick
>still regularly go on vacation
>just went to Ecuador and Thailand without catching anything
It sure is great being an uncircumcised, unvaccinated white guy with blue eyes who was breastfed as a baby. Sucks for mutts I guess.
people with AIDS should in fact die, yes.
No? Italy, France, Germany have had measles outbreaks before 2015. Romania and Ukraine just shortly after with a rising anti-vaxxer population. Better not travel here, buddy.
>Measles in 2019
Nice healthcare America.
Several Latin American countries like Brazil had eliminated measles from within their borders before novaxxmutts brought it back.
Healthcare causes autism, user. Stop promoting things which are unhealthy to the American populace. Help support them on their noble cause to fight the pharmaceutical conspiracy liquid known as vaccines. Don't let yourselves be fooled! Vaccines are bad, America!
Why do people believe in vaccines so blindly?
Get prepper-tier supplies and lock yourself into your house if you don't want to be affected by an outbreak.
Sure. How about that 20 year old leukemia patient whose immune system was suppressed by his meds? Did he deserve to die?
Maybe because I'm not a fucking brainlet. Do you believe in flat earth too?
Yes? You think your sick importation of subhumans just started in 2015? No, thats when you noticed. Italy is literally the shipping point for these disease ridden immigrants. Germany welcomes them by the millions now. France is cuck central. Its been so bad in France theyve been protesting for half a year already.
leukemia patients are not supposed to go out and compromise their immune system further, doubly so after transplant.
Why should the majority of the population take precaution for a very fraction of a fraction of a minority?
I'd love to see death-rattling diphtheria kids desu. Or tetanus-twitching retards. Sounds kinda funny, I bet they walk all twitchy like the Silent Hill nurses.
>exclaim that you don't trust big pharma and the government
>muh flat earth
rework your script, gloenigger
Whatcha gonna do? Globalization isn't stopping now, even ticks and other disease-ridden parasites are travelling north. Boo hoo. :v)
>I'm selfish and don't care about anything but myself because I fear minor amounts of metals I eat every day
Theres a reason flights from Europe to the US only cross the Atlantic
why do you people imply you should care about children?
If they aren't mine or related to me they're just people
>treating a tetanus kid earns the pharma industry 6 digits +
>better not buy a lil shot
Because they are in line with the liberal policy of importing disease filled third worlders. If we didnt bring them in, we wouldnt have this measles outbreak, but thats taboo to say. its taboo to say that most American kids used to get the measles, and the currsnt strain is only so deadly because of our vaccination obsession. Its taboo to say that the mainstream news media spread fake news about pandemics because their largest sponsors are pharmaceutical companies. Its taboo to say the measles shot is o oh 97% effective AT BEST, and that vaccinated people like soldiers and doctors are still getting infected.
yes, I'd rather not compromise my kid's developing immune system woth heavy metals because of some aids faggot's fear of sniffles.
I only ever got an anti-tetanus after grabbing a nail a few years back.
The American working class doesn't have time to think on their own anymore because they're too busy working, so they defer their thinking to people who are wealthy to do their thinking for them. When America still had a middle class and people had more leisure time they didn't need to join "thought cults" and culture prospered. Now, Jenny McCarthy is an accessible and trusted voice on medicine and people don't really have the time or energy to verify what she says.
They just think "she pretty, she rich, me want to be pretty and rich...no more vaccines!" This is how SJW and Neo-Nazi shit takes hold as well. People are disenfranchised, tired, and have very little time for personal development so they associate with any group they can and just buy the party line. Don't worry though, it's all on a collision course to collapse and there's probably not much anyone could do at this point if there was a will to fix things, which there isn't.
>what is economy of scale
>muh chillins appeal to emotion
At least you recognize its your little third world pets that are the problem. Literally killing your neighbors so you can look good on Instagram. Whos actually sick?
Well, adults die from these diseases just as well, but are just plain boring. They just go comatose and die. Kids bodies hold on better (for a while) and are much more fun to observe. Except whooping cough newborns, they're boring for all ages. The little ones just choke and the adults cough for months, nothing special.
Wouldn't happen at dc. We are all vaccinated
the left:
>vaccines should be enforced in the western world to make the remaining white people stupid and impotent!
also the left:
>the stigma around AIDS and its degenerate bohemian origins in Marxism, homosexuality and race mixing should be swept under the rug. AIDS is something to be proud of!
okay. I still don't need shots.
>El Atrocidad's or some religious nut job's baby dying
>a tragedy
Pick one. Those people would most likely grow up to be just like their parents so who cares.
>people who travel should get shot
What? You got a shot? Are you insane???
Omg, that must have been so horrible. Did the needle hurt? :(
>diseases can't have come from western folks! The 90% herd immunity killed them all!!!!
Everyone pay attention. These are the kind compassionate souls who tell you to get vaccinated.
the point being that I'm a fully developed adult that got it after the fact that I opened a wound with rust.
Last I checked there's no polio or measles where I live.
>diseases can't have come from western folks!
This is ltierally true user, the virus does not poof out of thin air, it has to exist for you to catch it.
If you live in a country without a case documented for literal decades you're not gonna fucking catch it
this is why you should pirate
and I don't mean ripping movies
I mean actually being a pirate
The anti-vaxx movement is in the Republican Party, shill
In the 90's, it was 6 normal babies who got infected by a religion nutters kid. 2 of them died of measles complications. The religion nutter kid is still alive, probably out there these days doing 'God's work' and mixing herbs and oats to repell all illnesses.
I'm happy this is funny to you. The layer of post irony is cutting off the oxygen to your brain.
>Vaccine bad disease good
you say it like it's a bad thing.
whats up with this fake measel scare all over the west while on the other hand supporting uncontrolled third world immigration from people who bring old worlds diseases with them?
No user, vaccine bad period. Diseases are a myth created by pharmaceutical companies. Also the immune system can handle them. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! Vaccines cause autism. Full stop! America, be smart! Don't vaccinate.
6 normal babies, as in 6 already vaccinated kids? Or were they not vacced? Or you mean they were normal because they werent religious, you condescending count?
vaccines are LITERALLY injecting the disease into your body
what kind of libcuck retard do you have to be to not only do this willingly but also PAY for it. Jesus christ, just fucking nuke california already
>contaminated immigrants good
>you bad for not getting shot as a kid
>deflecting to immigrants
> Modern day dna analytics can prove a patient zero beyond reasonable doubt.
> Lawsuits start flying fast and furious.
Bout fucking time.
Then I'm sure precautions are unnecessary and I'm not acting before I'm half-dead in a hospital bed. You've convinced me, user.
>implying a single country's state of herd immunization matters in a globalized world
What's happening today was always going to happen. You need to shut down all airways outside of the USA and western Europe to prevent outbreaks and just profit from comfy herd immunity, which will never happen.
who else would bring it in?
Attack the root cause.
>deflecting to the religious
Wow I can do it too. Learn vector study.
Why is it despite being human-hating nihilists the left is so aggressively in favour of vaccines?
How dare anyone question X! Its 100% save just like we said about Y in the past which caused widespread Z but we didnt admit it for a few decades
It is not my responsibility to save people. The only way to cull idiots like that is to hopefully make them realise their mistakes after their kids start dying.
Am I also supposed to feel bsd about Africans who shit out 12 kids and then complain there isn't enough food?
>mfw got measles as a kid
>mfw survived without any complication
>mfw immune and never took any vaccine for it
>mfw sojalords around me falling like flies or turning autists
Piracy is the gift that keeps on giving.
This. Stop vaccinating yourselves, America.
Its about control.
yes, they are unnecessary because there hasn't been a documented case in decades, and the blame is not mine to bear, but patient zero's.
you just got a vaccine, just through a much more complicated life-threatening method
Why do people believe in vaccines so blindly?
Remember to get vacced everyone. This is the kind of person who cares.
As someone who almost became a pathologist, it actually is.
6 normal babies who couldn't be vaccinated because they were too young, by normal-minded parents who intended to vaccinate them in the future. Which they didn't have; one died directly because of the measles, the other of SSPE. After developing normally until the age of 4 or 5, she slowly turned into a vegetable and died.
i have no idea what vaccines i got as a kid and to find those records
propaganda and insane shaming from doctors when you dare to ask basic questions (which they never answer just deflect)
>that guy that walks around in public with medical facemask on
my doctor stopped responding to my e-mails when i told her i didn't want a flu shot
>he thinks he's immune because he had it as a kid
>just like the jew from NYC who infected people
my sides
there is too many people crawling around as is.
We're approaching the great filter.
I need a dose doc
> What is cancer for $600, Alex.
why are people allowed to become doctors without discovering a medical breakthrough or some other success that improves medical knowledge?
You arent immune even if you get 2 shots. Its only 97% effective. Naturally developed antibidies are always more reliable.
thanos shall prevail
and the weak will be culled
Wait hol' up. Cancer patients wear those masks? Cancer isn't contagious, I need a quick rundown.
How am I being morally evil? Sure it is a shame that kids die but realistically speaking they would likely just continue the cycle of not vaccination.
thanks doc
I don't give a shit if I can still spread it
Either take your vaxx or die, natural selection sweaty
I'm happier with 97% than 0%. Especially since there's no guarantee for naturally developed antibodies either.
Again, what did you mean by "normal" babies? You mean non religious right? Because for all your primping and preening, you are still just another elitist cunt. You dont actually care about people, just the negative effects they can have on you.
intellectual property exists because pharmakikes don't want you making drugs at home.
what? flat earth still means you can fly over the north pole, it just wouldn't be preferred. there is not one "debunking concept" that can't also exist with a flat earth the best one is the ship going over the horizon but someone better get me a real powerful telescope and a really tall building before i believe shit
Radiation and chemo destroy your immune system. Can't even get dental work done. Hell I'm a year out of treatment and my shit is still not correct.
>people at work brag about their flu shot every season while complaining that they cant move their arm for a few days
>they always end up sick for at least 10 days
>in five years i only caught it once from a coworker and i recovered in 3 days
>doctor tells me i am "insane" for not getting the shot and risk factor for infecting others despite them always being the ones who cant handle it getting sick and spreading the shit
Maybe because we also need doctors to treat diseases with the knowledge that is already known, not only researchers.
> Its only 97% effective. with a far less lethal method of acquiring or
>100% effective with a solid chance of dying
You can make medicine in home but you can't sell it or make profit
>deflecting to anti vaxxers
But this discussion is about anti vaxxers, silly
yes, there is.
Pull through the illness, kids in my kindergarden class shared chickenpox so they don't have to bother later in life.
Nearly everyone got it
In sorry but you are wrong, and my triple 3s said so.
lol why even bother with a woman they are nothing but affirmative action hires dont let them do shit to your body besides jacking off
the only time I got the flu shot I was sicker than I've ever been in my life. haven't had it in over a decade since and I never get sick during flu season. I'm not even some nutjob that thinks it's going to make me autistic, but still, fuck that shit.
So five points of IQ make the difference, but your president and ideological idol saying vaccines cause autism doesn't. Really gets the gish galloping.
Anyone else feels like this place is always getting diseases?
>human-hating nihilists
they're really anything but this
Goddammit I'm a fucking dub beast
same for me. I only ever got a tetanus shot, and had the flu once naturally.
I never get sick unless I physically harm my body. I get a stuffy nose once in 2 years tops, and that's probabpy allergies too.
My grandma was a ruralfag so I was around dirt and quality soups as a kid.
>I'm not even some nutjob that thinks it's going to make me autistic
Its not autistic infants get way too much shit at once these days and there can be side effects to that. They just cant admit it because then people dont get anymore vaccines at all which will cause a problem/potential epidemic
Why are there so few anti-vaxxer kid memes?
>Bullied by the anti-vax-kid? Scratch him with a rusty nail
>Two things that never get old:
>Jokes about anti vaxxers
>Their children
>Why is the anti vax kid all cranky?
>Midlife crisis
>Between 1900 and 1963, the mortality rate of measles dropped from 13.3 per 100,000 to 0.2 per 100,000 in the population, due to advancements in living conditions, nutrition, and health care—a 98% decline
That's per 100k infected. Doesnt seem like a strong enough ratio to risk permanatly damaging your childs brain.
go to redit, might get better feedback there.
Yes, non-religious kids by non-religious normie people. I'm not into pc.
Maybe because the anti-vax crowd cannot come up with any arguments besides memes and shitposting
Any studies showing vaccines or bad? Any actual evidence whatsoever? Or just CHEMICAL WITH BIG NAME BAD?
So this is why they wear the mask...
people used to die from infected dental cavities 100 years ago.
If I see some rickety spot-faced motherfucker with iron lungs, I'll just 360 and walk away.
I prefer Yea Forums's dark humor. Never went to reddit because their system of kicking out anyone who racks up downvotes, aka streamlining the discussion to majority preferences, sounds downright disgusting.
Why is California such a third world shithole?
Its always fucking New York, California and Florida
But this is 4channel
>It's your job to prove that stabbing myself in the jugular with a fork WILL kill me
>Fucking big pharma LIAR
No we're good, continue being retarded
>Why is California such a third world shithole?
Mentally ill white people and diversity
Most vaccine related problems come from vaccines that have been rushed into use without long term testing. In Finland some kids got narcolepsy after taking a rushed swine rush vaccine.
I can tell you're a plebbitor through typing pattern, or at least a normal.
I'd laugh but then I might lose another molar.
It's actually because we're importing third worlders teeming with the diseases the civilized countries had wiped out.
All the same to me.
The first big outbreak began at Disneyland and is now being spread by jews. I'm surprised pol isn't all over tv yet.
I remember the swine and bird flu scare lmao.
Nothing ever happened
actually no
This is counting prescription drugs too, retard.
Maybe because there's strict disease control in these modern days to stop shit like that from spreading user.
prescription drug addictions exist too retard
I'm just torn between my interest in bodies and my dislike for whining people annoying me about how their relatives are doing. Bitch, if they were dead, you would have received a call.
Can you imagine what doctor's and nurse jobs will be like when diphtheria makes a comeback? "Um, sure, I'm sure your unconscious kid on life support will make it, ma'am. No, his vitals haven't improved. Now please let me get back to work, I've got a hallway of other patients to take care of."
Yeah, nothing but fear mongering. But comparing rushed vaccines to many decades old basic vaccines is pretty silly IMO.
I'll start worrying when they start calling it Captain Trips.
yes we call them niggers
I'm just wary of daddy gubmint.
To them we are dogs and your phone and bank account are your collar.
There ar anti-vaxxers in Europe also. Mostly New Ago hippies or hardcore religious fundamentalists.
Some guy walked around Dallas with fucking ebola for like a week
those are doing it on purpose though
No it isn't. Go play with your healing crystals and vaginal eggs.
I share you sentiment but I don't believe in government control by vaccines. Stuff like opioid addiction is a whole different story.
Mexicans cause measles. But le reddit scienticians love illegals but hate logical concern about vaccines
You must also think flat earthers and moon landing conspiracy theorists are mostly democrats too
have fun dying decades before your time
I dunno about leaders but the leftist rank and file are just self conscious pseuds who want to feel superior to people doing different things despite not being able to understand the tradeoffs. That's why they latch on to "science" with absolutely no acknowledgement of possible detrimental effects.
>based on a composite score
Is Maryland the second safest or the fourth highest in terms of homicide? Both being true seems unlikely.
It was a white woman you dingus
Is painful to read so many retards in this thread, although the ironic post made me chuckle a bit
Get vaccine ir die, or your kids dies, no other options
They absolutely are. You are brainwashed.
lmao no
>internet comments as evidence
Big brain over here.
I just honestly believe you're better off not sullying a developing immune system. You can always take preventive shots later in life if you plan on going somewhere you'd find it necessary.
Communists and shitskins aren't human.
I'm in favour of (national) socialism though
versus what you have which is...............
>my mom tells me i was vaccinated for everything including hep b as a kid
>mfw hep b vaccine causes brain damage in rats
not an argument
Each to their own. Personally I feel about vaccines same way I feel sbout food allergies. If you get something in small doses when you are young then your body gets used to it. Many cases of infants eating nothing but bread, milk and apples and then when they eat something different as older their bodies freak out.
>Completely rebuild society after everyone realizes the world is flat
This is mostly a "black people vote democrat" chart
Thanos' schtick wasn't about killing the weak, though.
it really does not seem to be a political issue
>Republican and Democratic views on whether children should be vaccinated were essentially the same just five years ago: In 2009, 71% of Republicans and 67% of Democrats supports vaccinations. As of 2014, the changes have been marginal at best: There's been a slight uptick in support for vaccines on the Democratic side, and a slight decline on the Republican side, "support for vaccination remains by far the most common opinion in both parties."
>literally bringing back measles for a meme
Americans are fucking retarded lmfao
>infants get way too much shit at once these days and there can be side effects to that. They just cant admit it because then people dont get anymore vaccines at all
They don't admit it because doctors are paid bonuses based on how many kids they vaccinate fully before the age of 2.
>“I believe in choice. And we’ve got six children and we don’t vaccinate, we don’t do vaccinations on all of our children,” he said in February, according to the Daily Beast. “So we definitely pick and choose which ones we’re gonna do. It’s gotta be up to the parents, we can never mandate that. I think there’s legislation right now that are trying to mandate that to go to public schools, it’s absolutely wrong. My wife was home-schooled, I went to public schools, our kids go to Christian school, and that’s back to a parent’s choice.”
What did Governor Kevin Stitt (Republican) mean by this, user? :-)
absolutely based
REEEEpublicans were a mistake
It only gets better user. Gotta recycle dead humans and make the food even more toxic.
its not deadly and never has been. however its a fucking extremely contagious disease and not everyone has healthy immune systems so while most people are fine contracting it, a small portion will die from it. if we prevent everyone from getting it then nobody dies.
amazing, measles disappeared for decades. suddenly its spreading like wild fire because of shit skins, jews and dumb fucking white retards who fall for the meme.
cant wait for polio to come back and wipe you fucking faggots off the map.
Because they want to make money over mandatory vaccination as well as be able to easily kill, experiment or othwrerwise control people hormones with people by injecting them with whatever every year against "flu".
Prior the election, Donald Trump met with four prominent anti-vaccine campaigners at a fundraiser in Florida – disbarred British doctor Andrew Wakefield, Mark Blaxill, editor-at-large of the Age of Autism website, Gary Kompothecras, a chiropractor and Trump donor from Sarasota, and Jennifer Larson, an entrepreneur who has campaigned against the use of vaccines in her home state of Minnesota.
Only chinks do this and im pretty sure its so they dont get others sick if they are sick
How does that even work? Do they crush dead bodies in some sort of meat grinder and spread the remains on the soil?
pretty sure everyone who believes in flat earth is too stupid to fill out a ballot.
Retardation is the real endemic.
>The entire Marvel Cinematic Universe and the Anti-Vac movement are actually population control to eliminate retards and normies
Holy shit based
What's wrong with that?
> Sheeple.
This is a master level troll at work.
Right and most tranny's are republicans
Woman with measles exposed vaccinated people to measles
OH NO!!!
What's wrong with measles?
That's like saying the Democrats are the party of babykillers. Dishonest. You just repeat what you read on buzzfeed and probably thought Russian collusion was a thing. You people are generally extremely naive and ignorant when it comes to politics.
But if all those other people "exposed" got their MMR like a bunch of good little sheep then what is the danger?
The only people who can complain about unvaccinated people endangering them are unvaccinated themselves, which means they have already accepted the risk.
Only your false, retarded statement that the Anti-Vaxx meme is pushed by Dems instead of Reps.
What an idiotic comment. Flat earthers are on par with people who believed in Russian collusion.
why didn't the Dday soldiers just eat spaghetti and run up the mountain before Normandy?
> Do promotional giveaway of free pibbles to antivaxx parents.
> Problem disappears overnight, and the homeless horde will do the rest.
Did or did not the Republican President express his anti-vaxx views on Twitter?
How, user? I'm literally posting just quotes.
Not him but you're retarded. Wanting mandatory vaccines out of schools isn't the same argument.
>muh demorats r better than republicucks
Kill yourself
>Actually look up paper.
>Paper is titled "Verbal intelligence is correlated with socially and economically liberal beliefs."
>Pic is a complete fabrication.
Why do conservitards continually insist on pushing misinformation and outright lies?
Yeah yeah, anyone who disagrees with you is a Buzzfeed SJW. Baseless assumptions, what a great counter-argument. You people are extremely paranoid and defensive.
They're dishonest little shits
Dishonest or stupid. You are pretending that Trump's twitter shitposts (which you're an idiot to think he even believes half of them seriously) represent the view of an entire party. Fuck off, you are terrible at arguing.
Is Stitt anti-vaccine or not?
You know the plague still exists in Europe
If he was merely shitposting then why was he meeting with leading anti-vaxxers ?
Not him but you're obvuously not one such liberal. If you were smart enough to read the abstract (do you even know what that is?) you would realize the study is saying the opposite. New research is showing that the trend is revearsing. He wasn't being dishonest, you're just stupid. Proving his point for him lmfao...
>You're stupid!
>You're dishonest!
>You're terrible!
Speaking of being bad at arguing...
>not actually engaging the argument so you can cry about being called out and create a strawman
Lel. Try again, retard.
>That's like saying the Democrats are the party of babykillers. Dishonest.
But Trump repeats that lie in every single rally.
Democrats don't actually do any of the stupid shit Trump does, user. I think you're old enough to recognize this.
Depends on the vaccine and what it's targeting. Generally if it's targeting some bacteria or disease it's going to be harmful to you.
>You're Buzzfeed
>You believe in Russia meme
Great "arguments", Karen
As much shit as /pol/ gives chinks, they are at least considerate enough to keep their sickness to themselves while I always see some whitey cough into the air without covering their mouth
It is pretty intersting how Trump was anti-vaccination but because of the recent measles outbreaks he has tweeted about the importance of vaccination.
This. Don't ever take any vaccines. No Measles, no Pox, no Tetanus, no Hep A, B, C, or any other type of shots. You will literally die if you do, America. Don't let the globalists win.
Anyone else find it creepy how the NPC sheeple masses are accelerating their cult recruitment drive and agressively shun anyone against forced vaccinations now?
>climate denial this
>vax denial that
It's like they're really overplaying their hand
>actual pearl-clutching anti-vax soccer moms posting on Yea Forums
What the fuck happened to this board holy shit
Shift the goalposts more, faggot.
See above. You aren't creating a case for the Republican party being "anti-vaccine", you are taking a few instances of individuals questioning vaccines and pretending this represesent the entire party. You're also too dishonest to acknowledge that the Republican party largely dislikes Trump, they almost didnt let him become the nominee.
It's what they deserve for being so stupid. Anyone who watches capeshit in theater deserves measles.
Engage the argument, stop crying being I pointed out you read believe fake news. Get over it.
And you're too dishonest to act like the GOP hasn't rallied behind Trump since then. Were have you been in the last 3 years, Karen? Take a break from posting Minion memes on Facebook and take a look outside.
/pol/ made them feel welcome. Who else would push qanon and pizzagate shit?
>Engage the argument
Hard to do when there isn't one.
That completely ignores the potential of people who want to be vaccinated but haven't due to medical reasons or age. If you have a kid with some medical condition that prevents vaccine and you send him to school or take him to a movie and some other poor bastards dumb ass parents haven't vaccinated him, you're kid is getting put at risk through no fault of you're own and you probably won't even be aware of it until it's too late..
>stop crying being I pointed out you read believe fake news
>barely 3 digit measles cases due to antivaxers
>massive media firestorm
>faggots and trannies intentionally spread HIV
>action is decriminalised
>media doesn't even register this
I support anti-vaxxers because it mostly consists of shitskins and /pol/tards who avoid them which means I'm making the genepool cleaner by letting them die
>But Trump repeats that lie in every single rally
Nice deflection. Are you telling me Trump is dishonest? Woooowww nobody knew that!
>Democrats don't actually do any of the stupid shit Trump does, user. I think you're old enough to recognize this
Democrats are even more retarded than Trump, which is funny because they try to act all high and mighty about it. You're a fucking dumbass if you support the Democrats over Trump. They are psychotic and divisive with their wedge issues and identity politics. They have no platform apart from raising taxes and not being Trump.
>*proceeds to chew with mouth open and not shower or wash clothes for weeks*
Chinks are dirty
>not shower or wash clothes for weeks
Sounds like the average /pol9k/ poster to me
Yeah it is pretty sad if some kid can't get vaccinated and the so called herd immunity disappears when people stop getting vaccines.
>Trump is dishonest
Nice deflection but that doesn't change the fact that he pushes the anti-vax meme hard.
>Democrats are even more retarded than Trump
>They are psychotic and divisive
Great "arguments" soccer mom
>They have no platform apart from raising taxes and not being Trump.
Imagine being ignorant enough to believe this. Or are you, dare I say, dishonest?
Please name the key points they have that people care about.
That's retarded, it could just as easily be your unvaccinated child putting everybody else at risk. Why should the other kids have to go to school with a special snowflake who's too fragile to protect himself from measles?
Yhanks for admitting I'm correct.
Nope, there was one, but you ignored it because my buzzfeed comment hurt you too much xD
Not an argument
The trend has reversed. Its now the pearl clutching retarded soccer moms pushing us and our children to just accept big pharma and their chemical concoctions without question. It is the rebellious youth who are opposed to it.
The same way the demcucks are moralist retards, not the republicucks.
>there are actually anti vaxxers on Yea Forums
What the fuck guys? I thought it was a meme and to be edgy around here to say you're anti vaxx.
Good luck killing yourself and I hope you don't have kids
>No it isn't. Go play with your healing crystals and vaginal eggs.
Not an argument.
>Nice deflection
It's a direct contradiction to your inane accusation of dishonesty against the Democrats. There isn't a single democrat pushing for anti-vaxxing shit or lying about killing babies. It's all Trump and his base. Stop lying about it and you might get somewhere.
>You're a fucking dumbass if you support the Democrats over Trump
How's that wall coming along, larping third worlder?
Trump has changed his public opinion about vaccines, no idea about his private opinions tho.
You're just butthurt because /pol/ are smarter than you and offend you, tranny.
I was simply responding to you deflection. You haven't addressed my argument yet, dumdum. Respond to this Without deflecting to orange man bad
>rebellious youth
So you admit that you're a Zoomer?
>You just repeat what you read on buzzfeed and probably thought Russian collusion was a thing. You people are generally extremely naive and ignorant when it comes to politics.
Where's the argument?
I just dont do the flu ones because im young and dont need them anyway. Not getting any of the ones that have been proven to work for fucking decades now is full retard.
Lmao I can guarantee I've been browsing /pol/ for much longer than you, election fag. Don;t even pretend like the average /pol/ poster wasn't(isn't) an unwashed, swarthy little specimen.
Not him, but is there something wrong with being a zoomer?
The Republican Party is a large tent
They will advocate anything if it means you’ll vote for them
>larping third worlder
You don't know what LARP means. Its also hilarious how leftists resort to racism. I though only evil pol nazis were racist? Awww but as soon as someone challenges uour worldview you dont mind calling them a dumb brown person eh?
As for your ignorant opinion on the demorats, there isnt much to say. You're obviously a retard if you believe the far left or neolib demorats are worth voting for over Trump. They are even more stupid and dishonest than he is, but you clearly only get your news from one side
You're not /pol/.
>totally ignores the point about millions of infected South Americans
Stop posting, you've been btfo, there is no need for this over and over again.
Because they are vaccinated to not get sick, dumdum. Keep fighting for big pharma, you sjw pantshitter
Did user's racism upset you, Browny?
anti-vaccers taking themselves out of the gene pool in one fell swoop kino?
>I hope you don't have kids
They won't
one analysis i found and now lost suggested it was a Far-X issue. The more extreme your views were, the more distrust you had for gov agencies, the less likely you were to accept vaccines as safe. Left or Right be damned.
But what you said fits well
Why are jannies deleting my advice to Americans to not vaccinate themselves? Is Janny a globalist pro-vaxxer? I knew it!
Zoomers are typically more anti establishment than millenials. Millenials largely sold out to big corps and politically believe that big govt can solve everything.
The first sentence, you fucking total retard. Way to purposefully ignore it, coward.
As an actual /pol/ fag I say support anti-vaxxers so they do us a favor and remove themselves from the genepool. Natural selection is a beautiful thing.
I merely call out hypocrisy. The left are supposedly absolutely opposed to racism, yet they resort to racism all the time when they are upset. It totally discredits you guys. But you discredit yourselves all the time I guess
There's nothing racist about telling you to stop pretending Trump is your President, Venezuelan troglodyte.
What made you think you're arguing against Lefties, Browny?
The plague still exists in Southwestern US. Prairie dogs carry it.
>Third world is now racist
Its also hilarious how rightists resort to SJW tactics. I though(sic) only soi boys were SJWs? Awww but as soon as someone challenges uour(sic) worldview you don't mind being a massive hypocritical faggot, eh?
I know 'rightist' isn't a real term, but neither is 'leftist.' Dumb faggot.
No, it couldn't actually. The way herd immunity works is if everyone around you is immune then there's no risk of people who aren't vaccinated catching it because there's no one around you for the disease to infect and spread to get to you, making it pretty fucking hard to get the disease and eventually it eradicates the disease all together. However when there are a bunch idiot free riders around you who also aren't vaccinated it makes it really easy to catch, that's why there's a big outbreak happening right now. And no one can protect themselves from measles without a vaccine by the way, a disease is not something you beat up with your bare hands or shoot with a gun.
>i am le ebin oldfag
Sure thing, discord tranny.
Nice deflection xD
Many people on pol have kids, dumdum. Conservatives outbreed liberals greatly.
What? It's the first time posting in this thread.
And you are a fucking retard if you don't believe vaccines are good for you.
Generation Z, the moniker given to people born after 1996, is the most ethnically and racially diverse generation in the U.S. and is shaping up to be just as progressive as the millennial generation, if not more, the Pew Research Center reported Thursday.
Sixty-two percent of Gen Zers and 61 percent of millennials believe that increasing diversity is good for society.
Gen Zers (48 percent) are just as likely as millennials (47 percent) to say that allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry is a good thing for society.
Gen Z is more familiar with gender-neutral pronouns like “they” and most likely to say that official documents or other forms should offer gender options other than “man” or “woman.”
Thirty-five percent of Gen Zers say they personally know someone who prefers to be referred to with gender-neutral pronouns, compared to 25 percent of millennials, 16 percent of Gen Xers, and 12 percent of baby boomers who say the same.
>redditor shares her rage comic
More racism from the moralist liberals. Hilarious, you people are such hypocrites.
Sorry for holding you to your own standards, sjw. Didnt really read your post but i can tell youre raging like a bulldyke.
>Many people on pol have kids
Many have, but you won't.
You’re retarded
Honest question, Zoomer, why do you expect anyone to take you seriously? You're a child. Your thoughts and opinions are worthless.
The fuck does any of this have to do with Yea Forums?
>i-if i keep calling you a tranny you'll go away!!
usually dont say this but I actually think you need to have sex.
Vaccines can be harmful, dont just believe big pharma, retard.
Nice, you proved that gen Z are open to allowing trannies and faggots to exist and think giving them rights is a good thing. Most conservatives also think this. You are stupid.
>holding you to your own standards
You don't know my standards faggot, you have just come up with a system where you can have your cake and eat it too. Typical faggotry.
>You are stupid
You are a child.
Maybe, but I'm statistically more likely to have kids than you, especially since I'm a senior chemical engineer at 28. You mad, dyke?
Please. Prove it.
Give me actual studies and not facebook posts. If you don't know how greatly vaccines improved the life of the general population in the XX century, I suggest you spend sometime investigating.
>literally no argument
Brruuhh, lmao, fucking cringe xD
Kill yourself millenial incel.
I want you to stay so I can keep humiliating you, cuck.
He wont, just like the leftie fag didn't give me any proof for the DNC having arguments to beat Trump. Everyone here is braindead
>I'm a senior chemical engineer at 28.
A 28 year old Millennial who's done nothing but post Zoomer phrases like "cringe" ITT? Wew lad.
>I'm statistically more likely to have kids than you
My parents are rich so I'm actually more likely to have a family, sorry Zoomy
I thought you were a Millennial engineer, friend?
He's just going to call you a tranny instead
Yes i do. You're a democrat, and you're racist, despite telling others to go back to /pol/. You are fucked in the head.
Nice deflection, coward.
I have no desire to do an idiot's research for her. It's not my responsibility to spoonfeed you information. But yes, Google's algorithms seem to hide anti-vax information. I'm sure big pharma has nothing to do with it.
>You're a democrat
Nice deflection, Zoomy.
I think many of those anons just want to be controversial just to get some attention since they have none on the daily basis.
Seems like an intelligent argument then
>what is being ironic
Hi r3ddit. I'm not at all surprised that you're a millenial who is left wing and jas a rich family to take care of her. Most leftists haven't had to earn their own mkney or work hard. You people are elitist scum, thats why you take up all these moral positions to make you feel better about yourselves.
>I have no desire to do an idiot's research for her. It's not my responsibility to spoonfeed you information. But yes, Google's algorithms seem to hide anti-vax information. I'm sure big pharma has nothing to do with it.
Holy fuck, Ok, this must be b8. No one is this deluded.
You are spamming cuck porn because you cant debate. You're a tranny and mentally ill
You are. You're also a discord shill.
I'm not a leftist either, but keep swinging Zoomy, one day you'll get lucky.
>replying tovyour discord buttbuddy
>h-haha ya im ignorant but youre deluded because i say so
Educate yourself, millenial cuck.
>You also are a discord shill
Keep deflecting, desperate Zoomy.
He's fourteen years old, in case you haven't noticed.
>no desire to do an idiot's research for her.
Also, the burden of proof is with who makes the claim.
Yes you are. I can tell by your replies than you're a big govt, pro-sodomy cuck. You're also a liar, so ya you are obviously left wing.
>you're a big govt, pro-sodomy cuck
Wrong again, Zoomy. Keep trying though, it's hilarious.
>doesnt actually know what deflecting means
But I am flattered that my intellectual inferior is now immitating my vernacular.
I wasn't arguing with you, retard.
Ah, so you are against big govt and are against sodomy. Forgive me, you are obviously a conservative hardliner. That's based that you are against men fucking other mens assholes.
what he said is technically correct, there are adverse side affects associated with some vaccines that "can" affect very small numbers of the population. >99% of kids wont have any issue and plenty that do will still be better off vaccinated than not.
cdc actually has a pretty decent breakdown of the different (possible) reactions to the different vaccines. After skimming a few of the side-effects, it seems clear that if something does not include a percentage of cases then it is extremely rare
otherwise i agree with you, but i have to give the devil his due
I forgive you, Zoomy.
>so BTFO the discord trannies start spamming cuck porn
Classic. Pinkpilled af
You're confusing measles with chicken pox, just like every idiot antivaxxer.
The varicella vaccine was mistake.
The same can be applied to any sort of medicine and even food. A very small percentage of the population will cause allergic reactions.
Now believing that vaccines are just harmful, cause autism and we live in a pharma conspiracy is just delusional
That was my point, retard. I know people who started bleeding profusely or passed out after getting vaccines. Or got terribly sick for a week. I'm not saying vaccines are all bad, I just think its unwise to force them on kids when big pharma does so much to cover up the negative effects which people dont even know of.
>I know people
>anecdotal evidence from a literal child
Where did you meet those people, Zoomy? In school?
You dont get super sick for a week or have your arm freeze up just by eating cereal. Nobody claims all vaccines are harmful and cause autism, thats a strawman created by corporations.
Anecdotal evidence is legitimate. There are also scientific studies to back it up, but I don't like to capitulate to retards on the internet.