
The posters look great,I still think the cgi in the trailer is unfinished and the model will look as good as the poster which is finished. The design looks cute. Anyway,Sonic as a franchise was never good and if this is decent then it's God send.
I think Jim will carrey this movie if it's awful.

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Other urls found in this thread:

he still looks like a midget that worked out too much then decided to starve himself to lose those extra 5 pounds.

Supposedly he's from another planet/dimension or something, so no idea why they had to try to make him realistic. They could've gone full cartoon or at least more similar to his game model and it would still make perfect sense cause maybe that's just how things are on his planet/dimension.

I'm curious if it would be as hated if it had a Disney logo on it. Sony was going to make this film,wonder how much it changed.

This creature is deep within the uncanny valley.

Detective Pikachu prepared me for this

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Can't wait until they show tails

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This. And the two babies.

Only Sonic Dreams Collection reached that level of creepiness

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>Detective Pikachu looks go-

I don't get how this design is creepy,anyway I was never a fan of Sonic to begin with,it always seemed like a stupid franchise to me.

Some fucker actually called it.
12 fucking years ago. I swear to god.

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Disney has the whole Aladdin genie issue going on, so don't think it's a company based thing.

It really is just the weirdest take on sonic for no real reason. If they were gonna make him from a different planet/dimension, then why abide by this planet/dimension's rules.

Fucking Space Jam got away with "Cartoons are from a parallel universe" why couldn't this?

Sonic looks weird / half ass enough to make one think the rest of the movie will be equally half ass which conforms with one's impression of the trailer.

Rich Evans and Jack said pretty much all that needs to be said about the Sonic franchise.

but detective pikachu actually looks good

Those designs are hit or miss

Sonic head is very tiny
more noticeable without the quills

Attached: sonic.jpg (1390x578, 34K)

yea, we knew about the cwc rap for years

Who's the director?

Im just glad his eyes are separate

Why does he wear socks?

Because 2D flops at the box office? Not many animated films do good at B.O.,that's why they go for live action instead,for the bigger crowd.

Me too,the game design makes him look like a cyclops

I don't understand the hate for this movie. Sonic looks like a cute critter, and the rest of the movie looks stupid but mildly enjoyable from an ironic standpoint. Although Jim Carrey is going to be a pain in the ass, he looks dumb enough as Robotnik for it to be watchable.

The hatred must be from the same retards who thought the Mario Bros movie was bad. And Sonic autists, of course.

Some people are horrified by human-like features (eyes, teeth, body proportions, facial expressions) on things that aren't supposed to have these features.

Looks like Sonic Boom design

So he doesn't get blisters


>2D flops at the box office?
when was the last time a company even tried a big 2d film?

It's superhero nerds. Endgame was a 7.5 cape film not 9 like many say,it's just the crowd. If many people hate it then other join in to fit in. The film looks ridiculous but that might help it.

Nah, I meant have sonic more cartoon-y in the live action. He's from another planet/dimension, so they could've gone real out there with it. Who's to say the people of his dimension don't have tan arms instead of blue?

But for no reason, they made him hyper realistic. Does he need well defined calf muscles?

stop trying to troll

I'm suspicious of this post. Sonic's marketing team is pretty good. This sounds like something they'd say. They always know how to pander to various audiences. They just want us to buy tickets, so they're telling us what we want to hear, except spinning it in such a way that seeing the movie doesn't sound like a bad idea.

I'm not trolling,I'm serious.

No idea,I blame Sega for this.

well then your taste is poo poo and you sicken me

user,I wish I was paid for this. But I do want to enter in marketing so this is nice to hear I guess.

I'm not saying the design looks amazing but it doesn't look awful. Bayformers looks awful.


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cute mouse!

Judging from Japanese tweets from sonic employees, don't think there was too much input on Sega's part.

Huh,who's the director though?

>But I do want to enter in marketing
We should hang everyone who has ever uttered this statement. No true beliefs in anything. But will to sell everything. Marketers are evil.

Hey,I just want to make money like evry human being

Jeff Fowler
learn to use google lol

whats with these threads, are we being invaded by deviants or something. The autism has grown a lot.


Never heard of him
>Tfw Paramount made Sonic important and popular again

Literally producers of propaganda. You know that's how Anita Sarkeesian got started right? She and her partner in crime(I forget his name) were a part of some scam program that teaches you how to "remix" media, in order to concoct the narrative you want to portray. They tried to make it sound more artistic. But it was only thinly disguised. The truth was clear, that they wanted to create propaganda. And they were successful. Feminist Frequency is just a project of theirs. They'll twist the truth any way they see fit, so long as you consume their message.

Sounds good to me,maybe my ideology will brainwaish people all over the world


>from the producers of fast and furious
Crossover when?

>From the guys that brought you
No thanks. You're not my friends, so fuck off.

People will shit on a Sonic movie no matter how good it is.

Sonic was never good,no idea why hate it. Tyrone Magnus doesn't hate it.

Hear me out, a Sonic movie can NEVER be good because public perception would never allow it, and the people behind this know that. This movie will deconstruct Sonic as a public figure.

Sonic's official online presence is literally shitposting and poking fun at itself. This is probably entirely self-aware.

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Those legs...


He cute

WhatWhat are the chances of it being a success? Not 1 billion or something like that but atleast 400-600 million at B.O. as budget doesn't look big.

I like those shoes. Puma will probably make them.

It's Nike

We didn't.
Fuck off.

>Sonic 2019,now that was a good movie
Zoomers in 20 years

I'm a New Balance and Asics man myself.


Instant classic like TDKR

Why us Sonic in San Francisco? Also, he appears to be arriving from the area where I live. Spooky.

>still think the cgi in the trailer is unfinished

literally every time a movie comes out with shoddy visual effects (something that seems to be getting increasingly more common over the last few years), people say this - and it's never once happened


It happened to transformers movies but not to many films,tehy still have like 6 months to polish the effects though.

Many of Sonic's games take place in a stand-in for the United States. San Fran is literally the first level of Sonic Adventure 2.

Why do westerners love making things look ugly and unnatural? Like what the fuck.

Everything about this movie just makes me think it's the modern version of pic related.

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Predict the budget and box office

Fuck off 3rd wolrder
First learn how to make a cartoon and then how to make cgi

Then why in the hell would you try to argue that live action Mario was good.

Here's your Robotnik bro

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I didn't say that,it was the other user. I hate that movie.

In the west people are constantly trying to give cartoons their own style and keep reinventing the wheel.

Meanwhile in Japan, they just reiterate on the same proven design.

The writing can leave some stuff to be desired but the art in manga and anime is so much better than western cartoons.

can someone shop him in fury road pls
he looks the part

Kek lost hard

It'll be lame if they go the Dragon Ball Evolution route of focusing on the boring humans, and save the Moebius, Chaos Emeralds, & Knuckles for a the sequel that might never come.

This is probably the only saving grace of the movie though. I immediately recognized it as Robotnik but haven't touched a sonic game since 95/96 on the genesis.

user in a sequentially ranked hierarchy based on critical importance the discrepancy between us is too vast to quantify

I liked this movie when I was a kid.

this basically, everybody's a critic today thanks to reddit.

>t. zoomer

He doesn't like it

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Sonic fans deserve all the shit they get. Period.

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100% agreed. Somehow the sonic fanbase is more pathetic than bronies at their peak. This is going to be a shameless cash for an audience that doesn't leave their homes without a diaper on. Welfarebucks aren't powerful enough to save this even with Carey.

this guy you either torture him to death or make him president

Who is this faggot?

Jim Carrey being Jim Carrey is probably the only reason why people will go watch it in the first place.

/ourcuck/ Eric Butts

why didn't JIm Carrey gain 250 pounds for the role? Is he lazy?

>I think Jim will carrey this movie
I hate this pun and I hate you even more

Thanks :)