How would Minas Tirith have fared against the Night King?
>Gondorian footmen all wear plate
>crazy Numenorean monolithic structure v. 12' high Winterfell walls
>NK has no siegeworks
>Minas Tirith does not put an army in the field
>Rohan's coming
Take Aragorn's own Army of the Dead off the table tho. In the books they couldn't even hurt people.
How would Minas Tirith have fared against the Night King?
Other urls found in this thread:
>You fool. No man can kill me.
I think I saw the Gondorian soldiers with swords and spears in Minas Tirth kill around three or four orcs, but the archers killed a fair few, so probably around however long it took for the wights to climb the walls
Night king marches a massive army of corpses over the hill behind it, drops inexplicably large chains down and keeps the way free with zonbie dragon until enough of them are down to keep defenders away from the invaders. Either that or just has them walk over the edge and drop until the place is buried under corpses.
The Night King would just impose sanctions on Gondor's economy, raising the taxes on all goods coming from there. Gondor's economy would crumble because of their dependence on imported goods after all of their manufacturing was sent offshore because it was cheaper to "pay" orcs to make shit for you.
why does it look so small
user, that's a mountain and we never saw them scale a height like that.
did you just say tax policy?
What do they eat?
A true scholar emerges.
>Gondorian footmen all wear plate
Only in the film. Boromir could probably solo half the NK's army being a Numenorean superchad. Legolas would one-shot zombie dragon whilst shield surfing down all the walls.
probably because of the grassy hill in the foreground, which lines up with the wall so that it looks like it's right next to it
also it's only a model
>we never saw them scale a height like that.
Plenty of mountains beyond the wall, and they do whatever they're told. No dragonglass/valryan steel in middle earth, so only fire can completely stop them.
Also there's the possibility of ice zombie balrogs, giant spiders, orcs etc....
What ought it be supposed they wore in the books? Chain definitely existed; the dwarves invented it.
Then why didn't they just human ladder their way up the wall. Sometimes its physically impossible to mount a surface, user.
>no dragonglass
Pretty sure there's a shitton of obsidian in Mordor, dumbass.
>no valryan steel
Several weapons have their own enchantments, so they can probably have the same effect.
>ice zombie balrogs
It doesn't work that way. The balrog is a demon wearing some physical matter (probably stone and iron) to fuck shit up. Once slain there's no biological material to raise.
>Boromir could probably solo half the NK's army being a Numenorean superchad.
This. Aragorn, being Chad of Numenor, would solo all of Westeros. DO NOT FORGET: Aragorn, Boromir, etc. are the weakest of them numenorian ubermenschen.
>No dragonglass/valryan steel in middle earth
Valyrian steel is weaker than mithril, and I don't wanna even start talking about all that crazy shit from earlier ages and literall elf hacks.
Tolkein never mentioned plate, only mail, helmets and shields. Seems a bit silly considering the Noldor and Dwarves are supposed to be expert craftsmen and they have thousands of years to make improvements.
>only mail
Isn't mail the general term for armor? What do you mean by this? Scale?
NK would just keep the city under siege so everyone starves to death just like in Game of Th-
Oh... never mind.
chainmail probably.
aka the most widespread and most used armor type of all time. Literall over 2000 years of constant usage.
Chainmail, although the word itself is a recent invention, lots of larpers sperg out if you don't just say "mail" or "maille".
Now that I remember Eol the dark elf invented some fancy new armor but it never gets mentioned again.
>ice zombie balrogs
Honestly the Maiar in LotR are so far above anything in ASOIAF power wise it's not even a joke, a balrog would demolish the entire army of the dead with his dick
>tfw when the one crazy backwoods rapist elf in all of existence invents plate and the Noldor are too obsessed with propriety to adopt it
We used Mengele's research.
Friendly reminder Sauron got BTFO by a talking dog. Night King is probably Nazgul tier, without magic. Dragons are Smaug level.
Minas Tirith is easy mode, I want GoT factions to try and beat Gondolin.
Listen bitch, don't you be disrespecting motherfucking Huan, the god of all good boys.
>Minas Tirith is easy mode
>seven cake layers of impossible monolithic masonry
>Winterfell held off the NK
>pile of shit in an open plain
>Dany's dragons are Smaug-tier
>Smaug was killed by single archer using his favorite weeb arrow
>Smaug's scales were impenetrable due to millenia of gold-loafing
>Dany's dragon's are less than a decade old
Idk. Dragons are an insane tactical advantage but MT might take them, especially if they listen to the smoothbrains riding them.
Gandalf the White is in Minas Tirith. He hard counters all NK's magic.
>enchancted walls and gates
>a demigod
>literally greatest of men guarding the city
>shitton of siege engines
>a said city was originally fortress, every street designed for defense against outnumbering forces
>Dragons are Smaug level.
>How would Minas Tirith have fared against the Night King?
How about more interesting than power-level discussion?
Since the next episode is about celebration the victory.
How do you think it will fared against this scene:
>my friends, you bow to no tits and wine
>let the lord of the black land come forth you cunt
Mwaaah chegmate Token!
He likes Tolkien and his "tax" questions aren't even really criticism. This is such a fucking false flag rivalry.
All Gondor requires is Gandalf and Aragorn’s ghost army. Wights aren’t doing shit to them, and Gandalf’s ring gives him complete control not only of fire, but the actual divine, purifying fire of creation itself. I don’t think dragonfire’s got shit on that.
viserion kills everyone with cold breath
Who would win in a fight, Night King or Aragorn?
The ghosts can't do anything except scare people.
Gandalf is an advisor, the wizards were never meant to use their full power in direct intervention. Having a literal angel fucking up armies is kind of cheating.
The ghosts can kill. They were toying with the fellowship for their own enjoyment. They were killing orcs by the thousands once the ships arrived. That’s what made them so effective - that they can kill and not *be* killed.
GRRM set up the mechanics for something similar in his story, but the hacks writing the show were too thick to pick up on the clues.
>Winter is coming
>There must always be a Stark in Winterfell
>Benjen’s fate
>The Starks’ unique burial practice
Visually, NK seems to move much faster and his javelineering is obviously superhuman. However, Aragon has his own superhuman traits and the Jackson films are just a different aesthetic sensibility. I suppose NK has the edge.
Of course, this all requires Anduril to be able to hurt the NK.
Everyone point and laugh at the brainlet moviefag.
Odd of me to base my opinion on their film depiction on a film board, I know. I can’t compare the LotR characters to the White Walkers as they’re depicted in the books, because they’ve barely been in them thus far, so I opted to base my comparison from movie to show.
This was a mistake when the OP explicitly ruled out the film version of the Army of the Dead, so you're both a moviefag and illiterate.
>Friendly reminder Sauron got BTFO by a talking dog.
Sauron was never a fighter Maia
>Dragons are Smaug level.
Smaug is nearly 200 meters long. None of the GoT dragons have anything on him
>Gandalf is an advisor, the wizards were never meant to use their full power in direct intervention
yeah, but you'd assume a random massive zombie army led by weird ice people showing up would represent a change in circumstances enough for him to actually go in hard