Why did he backpedal and pretend he hated TFA when in his own words it was, "everything he hoped it would be"?

Why did he backpedal and pretend he hated TFA when in his own words it was, "everything he hoped it would be"?

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because that was him quoting a fanboy reaction to episode 1, not his actual thoughts

it's like people only watch as far as "so what did you think of movie?" and don't bother with the rest

Who is this quintessential Amerimutt?

He's a shit pleb reviewer that got lucky with a single sentence that achieved meme status.

Please provide a link to him saying he now hates TFA. I’ll wait.

Mike just had the worst, lowest expectations and the movie played it so safe he came out satisfied.

That's what he meant.

he never said he hated TFA though.

Based. Mike Hackslasa sucks

I'm quoting him directly from the review that I'm watching right now. Not only does he not have a single negative thing to say about the film he keeps contradicting Jay whenever he criticises it

Opinions change over time. A lot of people loved Episode I when it came out because it managed to dazzle them, because people got caught up in the event and spectacle. Once people calmed down, the pretty unanimous opinion of "it sucked" eventually sunk in.

Same thing happened here. A lot of people originally liked TFA, it took some time and distance for for general opinions to shift, and Mike was one of people who originally held a much more positive view on the film.

I've probably watched TFA like 6 times now.

I have only watched TLJ ONCE and that's one too many.

>when in his own words it was, "everything he hoped it would be"?
Followed by a smug joking look at Rich and Jay and immediate laugher you ignorant incel.
It’s literally a quote from the Phantom Menace review showing the denial of people after seeing the movie

He was prisioner of the moment. They literaly mentioned that they watched it at like 1 am and were recording back at the studio at 4am before having any time to digest.

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Friendly reminder that they're the ones that first suggested that pic related would have been a perfect fit for the franchise.
If they bashed TFA too hard they'd have made themselves look stupid for sucking JJ's dick in the Plinkett reviews.
They've become dishonest and ego driven.

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It’s not a Terrance Malick movie. There’s nothing to digest. They thought it was a fun space fantasy movie. The fact that you faggots are still this butthurt about that years later makes you look like obsessed lunatics.

Except they’ve admitted when they’ve been wrong about their preconceptions plenty of times. You’re stretching.

Are you seriously arguing he didn't like the film and it was all just ironic?

That month after TPM was so funny. Watching as everyone that went into the theater at full hype went through the stages of cope in the fallout.

Difference is that TFA actually kind of gets better with time. The first act is fantastic. It's generally just a comfortable movie to have on. Actually feels like it was made by someone that understands what filmmaking is.

It feels like it was made by a fucking robot. TFA is one of the most boring, by the numbers, movies I've ever seen.

lol it's not, stop being dramatic. It's pure kino.

I’m arguing that “it’s everything I hoped it would be” was ironic

Give me an e-mail address, i want to send you my CV
i can shill better than this

episide 7 was a play it safe setup movie. it's been made retroactively worse because episode 8 was fucking terrible and didn't follow up on anything. he specifically says he's interested to see if they do something with it and they don't which makes a whole movie of setup worthless.
it's not that hard

Stop obsessing over e-celebs, get a life

So he had nothing but great things to say about this film, but the comment that he thought it was everything he hoped it would be wasn't sincere? And this makes sense to you?

Why are you so bitter? the film set out to be an iconic all family fun film and it managed to do so, the fact that it didn't manage to fulfill your misguided expectations is on you not on the film makers.

Because TFA was actually pretty solid for what it was. It was a decent set up for future movies and a good reintroduction into Star Wars.

It's just TLJ ruined all the characters/set ups, retroactively making TFA terrible. Who gives a fuck about the characters when we know they go no where?

>when in his own words it was, "everything he hoped it would be"?
those weren't his own words, however this could easily be taken to mean he was expecting it to be total garbage and looking forward to talking shit about it
I know I sure did

I don't think you watched the review.

Where's the bloody STD review?

>It's just TLJ ruined all the characters/set ups, retroactively making TFA terrible.
Not just TFA, every movie before it too.


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Rich: Do you need any kind of training to use the Force? Any?
Jay: [Kylo] has training.
Rich: She dudn't.
Jay: Well we don't know where...
Rich: Neither did Luke in Empire... Well the minor training, he had like a week of training with Yoda, that's all you need, you need a week?
Jay: And then he went back for his training in Jedi and Yoda just died immediately.
Mike: Yes, can I point out that this is, we are now back to real Star Wars.
Rich: Yep.
Mike: There is never any bullshit about... The only thing that Yoda says is that he's too old to begin the training, that's all. But really, it's more like, okay, I've taught you a couple things, how to levitate stuff, how to do this, your real training is confronting Darth Vader, blah blah blah blah blah, and this it's kind of the same thing, it's not the stupid prequel idea of "we have to get you when you're one, and you have to stand there with a thing over your head holding a lightsaber..
Jay: In a room full of other children.
Mike: In a room full of other children
Jay: That are as close as we are now, with lightsabers.
Mike: Yes, it's not a literal training, it's not an academy of little kids in a classroom, like the stupidity of George Lucas' ideas in the prequels.

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>those weren't his own words
I'm literally quoting verbatim from the very start of the review.

Very cool

lol, you're not wrong.

>he had nothing but great things to say about this film
Ah so you’re a retard, carry on

Jay: Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford, I loved their relationship in this movie, I loved that it didn't work out, it makes perfect sense that it wouldn't work out between the two of them. It didn't feel like... Because that's the biggest problem with Jedi, like now they're just there. They're together.
Mike: Yeah.
Jay: There's one line, where she's... Where Han Solo is concerned she likes Luke, it's just like tossed in at the last minute for no reason.
Mike: Yeah.
Jay: So I love the way they handled those two, their dialogue back-and-forth is great without feeling forced or like "remember their relationship in the past?" Like there's more through the decades since then, there's a little more drama. A little more weight. I like that.
Rich: There is a throwaway line of dialogue to explain it, but for me... It's a little bit weird that like, here we are like 40 years later, and these characters are still doing the same shit they were doing 40 years ago...
Jay: No...
Rich: ...Leia's still the one in charge of the rebellion, organizing things, and Han Solo's still the brash smuggler flying around the galaxy.

And it’s him literally quoting someone, hence the laughter.
Try to keep up.

What the fuck are you even trying to argue? That he didn’t like TFA or something? He demonstrably did.

Jay: I like Kylo Ren a lot. He has more character to him than Darth Vader does in A New Hope. Darth Vader of course, there's more going on in Empire.
Mike: Well, Darth Vader's character wasn't really established until Empire.
Jay: Exactly, exactly, so I like that the villain established in this new series has a little more going on.

You keep saying this yet you haven’t provided any sort of proof or link to someone else saying that.

Rich: I think the problem with Star Wars though, is that one really good sequel happens to be one of the better movies ever made, and it's really fucking hard to live up to that.
Jay: Exactly. And this movie does a really good job of establishing itself as a solid sequel, which is the... my biggest takeaway from it is that it feels like a sequel, it doesn't feel like too much fanservice, or too much like we're doing "LIKE US! LIKE US! WE HAVE ALL THESE THINGS THAT YOU ENJOY FROM STAR WARS! We're making it look and feel just like Star Wars!" It feels just like a Star Wars sequel.
Mike: They did a very good job recapturing the magic and the energy of the original... It almost feels like a blend of Empire and A New Hope.
Rich: Yeah.
Mike: And like, it's not totally A New Hope, not totally Empire, but it has those emotional highs and lows of Empire and the novelty and the magic of the first one. All kind of blended together, J.J. Abrams, Lawrence Kasdan, they all did a great job... doing what they were supposed to do.

Kylo ren is the only good thing about the new trilogy and even that is in relation to how shit everything else is.

I really shouldn’t need to faggot, you’re complaining about RedLetterMedia without watching their most popular video

In other words, you’re talking out your ass.

Who? Even if it was, why does he spend the rest of the review jerking the film off? He full-throatedly recommends the fucking thing at the end, he compares it favourably to ESB for fuck's sake. How powerfully do you have to delude yourself to somehow believe he didn't love it?

To be fair TFA was pnly 90% shit. At least it teases at some storilines that might happen in the future movies. When TLJ came out and ruined all of that set up then TFA turned into 100% shit. For example, at least the Mary Sue Ray thing might make sense if she was a secret super Skywalker or something. Once Rian came along and made her a nobody then TFA made zero fucking sense.

I can totally understand, this happened with episode 1 too, but most of you weren't around for that.
it's a combination between being a fan, and not having new star wars movies for a while.
That makes you feel that the movie was great, but it fades with time and you cool down and start to see the shit.

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I'm a NEET, they're all I have, fuck you

I had no expectations whatsoever, Star wars was always an overrated piece of shit

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>Why did he backpedal and pretend he hated TFA when in his own words it was, "everything he hoped it would be"?

Because he saw the backlash to it and realized he needed to go with where the wind blew

>Actually feels like it was made by someone that understands what filmmaking is.

>JJ abrams

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Remember when they preface the entire review saying “it’s 4 AM can we please get this over with?”
The TFA HiTB is probably their most relaxed and least critical review ever, hence the “backpedaling” you perceive

Except he hasn’t done that and this entire thread is filled with autistic fanfic.

Because TFA implemented every suggestion he made in the Trilogy reviews.

It turns out that it's not enough for a movie to not be a wax museum. His SW standards were too low, and it took time for them to rise again.

What sentence?

But he has done that, autistic RLMfag

ITYM "tired".

>Actually feels like it was made by someone that understands what filmmaking is.
It almost beat for beat took plot points and arcs from ANH. There was nothing original or fantastic about it. It looks good because you refuse to let Star Wars grow and change. You want it stuck.

This is true, I unironically rated TFA with a strong 7 when it came out on basis of nostalgia alone.

So you’re saying it was a true reaction? Nothing to filter, no quirky, cynical joke to squeeze in, just his honest feeling?


he is an hypocrite who will change his opinion at the moment just to not look like the masses

Mike never backpedaled on TFA. He's going to pretend its good forever because his suggested director JJ did it and he'd look like a bigger fool if he changed his opinion.

It was fucking garbage and if you can't see it you unironically have bad taste. Even the Phantom Menace was more watchable than TFA

It's not like it's bad, unless you are a contrarian and say it is better than the prequels. At least TFA (and TLJ mind you, that one was too shit to actually defend though and it doesn't deserve to be defended under any circumstances) has actual scenes and it isn't filled with "people stand next to each other discussing" crap.
The only good thing about the prequels was the CGI

>Difference is that TFA actually kind of gets better with time.
>So who talks first
Nope. It only got worse from there.

You gotta be 18+ to post here kiddo.

I had to watch TFA drunk because it was so bad. You know what it felt like? A first draft, the opposite of the problems of the prequels.