I don't think the problem specifically is "mary sues" or even "subverted expectations"

I don't think the problem specifically is "mary sues" or even "subverted expectations".

Its a loss of progress within the main narrative.

>Return of the Jedi
>Empire just built a new Death Star to replace the old one
What was the point of the previous two films then?

>Force Awakens
>First Order Emerges fo replace the Empire
What was the point of the OT then?

>Last Jedi
>Snoke dies, Luke dies, Main conflict dies
What was the point of Force Awakens then?

>Game of Thrones S8
>Arya one-shots the NK
What was the point of Jon's entire 8 season narrative and also this battle then?

Writers keep flushing main arcs in these longer series programs it kills any chance of a payoff to that narrative, and in turn, the point of the show.

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Imagine if Sauron just made a new ring as soon as Frodo spent 3 films destroying the original one

But they flush the narrative specifically to 'subvert expectations'

The solution with GoT is to make Jon King even though he doesn’t want too. Danny will realize her place is in Maureen and that Jon would be better for the kingdom. It would be powerful.

GoT and Star Wars, the soi alliance

>op posts SW/GoT complaint for the 1 billionth time
>what was the point of all the previous complaints
Suck a dick you bumder

>Terminator 1
>They kill the Terminator
>It comes back as a better one
>Terminator 2
>They kill the Terminator
>It comes back as a better one
>Terminator 3
>etc etc

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Reality in the form of the Force literally kissing Rey's ass is annoying. Because Luke struggled to achieve his goals and Anakin failed in his own struggles even though he was created by the Force itself, it just feels out of place with the setting. The reset to a pre-ANH balance if power makes no sense unless every single one of our heroes is an idiot. That's unfulfilling as well and makes Rey, who achieves everything first try, even more annoying.

Some stories are really just suited for one movie. Everything after is just that first movie done again but "BIGGER" and "BETTER". but it's still the same shit.

Same problem with fucking Aliens

That said both sequels were kino, and perhaps the best of the series, but after that it just becomes repetitive and pointless


That doesnt even make sense, doc

Fuck you, doc

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niggerlover 3D:
cucks built 9/11 to make their wives ovulate

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What doesn't make sense about BTTF?

how your mom gave birth to you as a white kid despite being injected with one thousand doses of kunta kinte sperm

yeah thats a major problem, star wars films are the most overrated trash.

If you want good scifi watch expanse or something.

>You know that menacing fan favorite villain we've been hyping and everyone wants to see kick ass?
>at the first sign of trouble lets have him fucking trip and fall into a giant sand vagina

Not a cool story bro.

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truly a waste

niggers who haven't seen star wars think junga fett was important
he wasn't

You do know that Marty decides to save Doc Brown against his will in BTTF3, right? That the Doc regards the lightning strike that sent him into the 19th century as fate?
Fett wasn't hyped up as anything more than an enigmatic bounty hunter who achieves his goal of capturing Han Solo in ESB. Lucas regretted later that he fed him to the Sarlacc so easily as he had no idea he was a fan favourite.
Contrast Phasma.
>hyped to shit
>no presence in the first two films of the trilogy at all
>both times she appeared she got into a situation that should've killed her
>might still be back for TROS regardless

>I dont remember leaving any beacon with R2D2 for you to find me
>Why the hell would I train you? You're not even related to me
>The Jedi were a fucking failure that led to the creation of Darth Vader
>Pointless mythology anyways as is the entire Original Trilogy
>If you'll excuse me I have alien titties to suck
>Dont let the door hit you on the way out

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whats the purpose of phasma anyway? never defeats anyone just there to get beat up on

at least boba fett achieved capturing han solo and had elite connections with vader

Toy sales and Game of Thrones appeal


>Same problem with fucking Aliens

But Alien, the first one, never resolved the hanging plothook that there was still a nest of eggs out there. They only opened the one, Aliens was a logical progression of what happens when more than one person gets attacked.

Come to think of it, its the same logical progression with ROTJ. Vader was never defeated in ANH and the Emperor was established in that movie, and ESB made it clear the Empire was still a force to be reckoned with that needed to be stopped even without their super weapon, that way they organically built the threat of Vader and the fleet until the finale in ROTJ. ROTJ even subverted expectations in a good way by revealing the big Death Star wasn't the main purpose, it didn't matter as much as the audience thought it was a trap.

Pharma doesn't have a purpose. The costume was made for Kylo Ren and dicarded late in the game. Kathleen Kennedy came into the workshop and decreed the costume be put in the movie. Now they had to find someone as tall as Adam Driver. For extra diversity points, they cast my tallfu and gave her absolutely nothing to do.
Ironic, since Boba Fett was created as a "Super Trooper" at first, then had his costume sprayed olive and became a bounty hunter. The unused Super Trooper background is also how Lucas came up with the idea of making his dad the clone template.

Fucking based hamil!!!!!!

He was also the best joker!!

That's right. You probably didn't know he was the jokers voice actor

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Yep. Ultimately it is really bleak. What is the point of fighting if your son is just going to murder you years later and undo everything you fought and sacrificed for? Leia lost her home planet and those deaths were ultimately for nothing and entirely pointless. She would have been better off not rebelling, all of them would have. Luke could have died of old age, having fathered a bunch of kids with a loving wife on Tatooine. Instead he dies broken and alone.