Would you get a Yea Forums tattoo?
Would you get a Yea Forums tattoo?
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Tattoos are a sign of poor decision making and probably associated with opioid addiction.
is that season 8 arya? did someone really get a tatoo of that?
if it's from a previous season my reaction would be disgust but if it's season 8 then I'm legitimately just confused
no, but i'm a straight white guy
I wouldn't get any tattoo, I'm not white trash
It's the face she made after killing the NK
they would be associated with addiction in general I bet because both are caused by underlying genetically bad impulse control
how to trigger the entirety of 4channel in one word, “tattoo”
Isn't there technology to just trace a tattoo perfectly onto a person? Those pics are not the same
what if i gave one to myself on the knee
people with tattoos should be summarily executed
then I simply don't understand why someone would do that
Are they right? Did GoT go from a show willing to kill off their most beloved characters to one that will cater to only fanboys and girls who will not be happy if their otp chara dies?
you could probably design a mechanism like a 3d printer to do it but it would also require precise arm measurements and to basically have the arm locked into place for its duration so no
Fucking millenials.
I was nodding so hard that I fell asleep during my last tattoo. so you’re not wrong.
not even kidding, I fell asleep while having a needle dragged across my back for an hour.
don’t worry, I don’t do heroin anymore.
that’s not why, but it certainly didn’t help.
youd be asserting your gayness
I only read the books but the whole "main character dying" meme is just to show how ruthless the world is and root it in some realism. It would get very tiring if main characters constantly got killed throughout the entire series
>precise arm measurements and to basically have the arm locked into place for its duration
I think people would be willing to do this if it meant absolute perfect renderings.
hey proud of you for staying clean. it never gets easier, trust me. but it's so fucking worth it.
Pretty sure that's a thigh. I fucking hope that's a thigh. If that's an arm it belongs to quite the hambeast.
im not gay though just retarded
it'd probably be expensive as all hell to buy one and it would limit the locations you could get tattoos. imprecise measurements would also result in you getting stabbed down to the muscle. while im sure people would do it i doubt that anyone would invest money into something like this. 3d printers still cost a few thousand and this is a hypothetical pretty similar device. it'd also drive tattoo artists out of jobs.
Agreed but this was a apocalyptic battle. The scene where Jon walks through Winterfell and we get glimpses of every fucking main character alive and fighting alone or in pair with another main character all surrounded by walkers and piles of dead comrades was so fucking stupid. I dunno what to think. Do sub 95 IQ normies just swallow this shit?
you what mate
thanks bud, it only took me 13 years to finally actually want to stop.
I still have my classic bag collection lol
try to keep your arm locked in one spot for any significant amount of time.
and now you’re itchy.
and so am I... fuck
nah i got a Yea Forums one
Only a /his/ tattoo
Love this one. Bet the owner’s the most top of top lads.
That dark green one is hilarious. At one point in like 2007 I considered getting the Witcher wolf tattoo there. I'm so happy I decided to never get one.
yeah stopping fucking sucks. i started doing that shit when i was like 15 and it wrecked my life lmao.
Why not both?
Wouldn’t mind Gordon Brittas across my chest.
This incels Are funny
that looks like Amy Schumer
No because I wouldn't get a tattoo.
Quitting heroin is the biggest meme ever.
oh god that fucking sucked my balls back into my body
i laugh about my shitty tat but at least it isnt that
imagine trying to explain your GoT tattoo to someone when literally no one knows what the fuck it is in 10 years
I've got a few. Wouldn't do any movie related ones now though, i'm happy with what i have.
I don’t like got but people will always remember it plus it’s your tattoo just say it was from a tv show you enjoyed
Well...it looks like her
nah man, every show fades into obscurity
normies have long forgotten Dexter, True Blood and practically every HBO show
The low IQ morons that make poor life choices and were actually dumb enough to get tattoos are the ones that get triggered.
The advantage of drawing Maisie is no matter how shit or ugly the drawing is it will be accurate.
You'd still get at the very least a "oh yeah that show was a thing" reaction. Plus, GoT is big enough that people will likely never forget it
I have a tattoo on the back of my calf. I've heard that's the standard "fat guy" tattoo location, and I'm fat, so it must be right.
I could see a smug tony soprano not being a terrible idea
I'm not mad
I'm just very confused
where is the king's hand tattoo that got 100 replies a couple days ago
No they’re not I don’t have tattoos but they guys on tvpol that are so against it rage about piercings too and are cringe 90% of women under 30 have tattoos now
This is like 25 years out of date. Millenials K I L L E D the boomer forearm tattoo life ruining meme.
only when i kill a man
otherwise no
I was 18 but I had been getting high on everything else I could get my hands on since I was 14.
I ruined my life in a million different ways, destroyed every ounce of potential I ever had and wasted the best years of my youth sticking needles in my arms and falling asleep in random parking lots.
hence why were both posting on Yea Forums on a beautiful Thursday in May.
Looks like Nic Cage
I once posted about how I lost interest in a girl at work because I noticed she had a tattoo on her wrist and got bombarded by like 20 posts calling me incel and similar butthurt reponses.
thats going to age poorly
oh chuck that feeding seeded my balls back into my body
Like all tattoos.
I mean I would say that is pretty cringeworthy
It looks more like beardless Jon snow lmao
what do you mean by this?
Yes and they ask for more.
>getting a pop culture tattoo
honestly my fucking sides how can anyone be that dumb
I would say the same thing about people that willing pay to scar their bodies.
Real talk.
Anyone save that hand of the king tattoo from a few days ago? I need a good laugh
>getting a """meaningful""" tattoo
Yeah you were totally gonna forget your deceased friend/army buddy if you didn't get a tattoo with his name
Not really they have their own money and so what they want to their bodies not associating with someone because of a small tattoo most women have somewhere is pretty cringeworthy
Just like that show Breaking Badly
Probably because it is quite an incely thing to lose interest in someone over.
Nice projection
I'm not interested in people that make poor decisions.
Just to be clear, you are claiming people wouldn't recognize a Walter White tattoo/wouldn't know what you were talking about at all if you mentioned Breaking Bad?
I love how this would piss everyone in /his/ off. Tankies and Romanovfags both get btfo. Eveyone loses.
Eh most people have forgotten Breaking Bad. You really have to remind them what it is before they make recognize it
>green shoulder one
Feels good man.
Not like i cared - im a freelance artist and im learning 3D in Zbrush as well, so im not likely gonna interract with normies ever till i die.
you'd be an aspiring whiterun guard
Well, neither of us have any proof since we are makign sweeping generalizations so there is no point continuing
The difference is that you're shitposting so I guess you won, good job
Theres nothing more kino than dying as a loser heroin junkie.
I wouldn’t say their bad disscisions just personal bad ones are like abusing heavy drugs and hurting innocent people etc you must live a boring life if you wouldn’t consider a girl with a small tattoo on her forearm that you need to disregard her for making bad discussions
dumb frog poster
What? How is it shitposting?
Don't get mad because people forget things over time.
Literally no one knows most of the silent film stars anymore. Does that upset you too?
Not really. I'm just discerning.
>getting a portrait tattoo from a mediocre artist
>getting an expression that needs 100% accuracy or it just looks like Quasimodo taking a fat ogre shit
are you a real artist or a cowardly porn suckler
My friend took a few bars of xanax and went to get his first tattoo done. Our friend drove and I accompanied them, the tattoo artist was one of our school friends. He initially wanted "Who Shot Ya?" on his sock line, above his ankle. It's the title of one of Biggie Small's songs that he likes, there are much better songs on that album but anyway. Our friend is a dickhead and told him to get a "Thug Life" tattoo somewhere. In his fucked up state, he agreed and he ended up with it in cursive of the opposite sock line. His parents are very strict and they don't know. They're so strict that he's 21 and they have full control of his bank account and give him an allowance and he works full time.
based and sneedpilled
That wasn't me. It was my shitpost white knight.
Bad way to live get off pol
>How is it shitposting?
By terrible analogies like comparing a show with one of the biggest audiences ever which aired 5 years ago to silent movies
Fuck off
How much would it suck to find out it is possible to maintain an opiate addiction sensibly and that you have been missing out on the greatest pleasure known to man.
Im an ultimate artist. i draw gay porn that brings me hunderds frim patreon and i work in vidya industy as an animator and 3d modeller.
Get on my level
stay mad normiefag
>Living life exercising good judgement and critical thinking is bad
lol fag.
Okay fine. Lets talk about Weeds. Does literally anyone talk about that show anymore?
Would anyone recognize a tattoo from it now?
What about LOST? Heroes? Mad Men?
The answer is still no and you know it.
I would put my king's hand in her fat pusy if you know what I mean.
You are right but ending a post with something like sad exclamation mark is reddit so know I have to disagree with you on principal.
based slavaboo
That's gotta be a hard maybe
>Mad Men
Show ratings and pop culture perception matter
Either way, claiming that GoT won't be remembered in 5 years and that BB is already forgotten by most people now to the point they won't even recognize it if you tell them the name is pure shitposting
You take yourself too serious
You give normies too much credit, maybe because you are one.
See, I can use buzzwords too.
Leaving this thread, have a great day.
No, I don't.
normies get tattoos, fag. the most moral centered, honest, pure girl you've ever known has multiple piercings.
they're not cool, they're not unique, they're not clever, they're not interesting, they're not tough, your tattoo isn't art, your body isn't a canvass, it's just shitty looking.
Leave off him, he's a soccer mom trapped inside of an incel, it must be hell.
Fuck off nigger
I would’ve kept going if I had any money.
also I died more than once but either came back or was brought back (against my will)
So it's a fitting tribute.
Yes, it would be Pickle Rick being used as a dildo by Captain Marvel while BoJack fists her anus.
>they're not cool
why a sperg like you telling me whats cool
Leg tattoos never look good and I hope whoever got that regrets the decision for the rest of their miserable life.
Actually those things are cool and can make an ugly or average person hot and they get them for themselves not for others
Imagine slapping Aryas angry tattoo face with your penis.
>I will never have a job that pays taxes.
Reddit STEM tier meme here. Lots of legit jobs have no problem with those tattoos. This being Yea Forums I am surprised nobody has ever been to film set apparently, 50% of the set workers have a tattoo at least their forearms.
lol ii got forearm tatttos and i make 120 k a year
>they’re not cool
like you would even know what cool was if it slapped you in your fat incel face.
>he works full time and is 21
>his parents have control of his bank account and give him an allowance OF HIS OWN MONEY
Based people these days don’t care about tats except maybe face tats I know people with neck and hand ones that make great money and are respected professionals these boomers are fixing retarted
more truth
Imagine having that brit goblin in your skin for the rest of your Life, might as well kys right after getting it
I'm an artist myself. But I look at tattoo artists like deranged psychopaths. They would have to be, in order to think their art is worthy of permanently marking a person's body.
I look at the stuff I drew just last week, and want to burn it all and kill myself. Where does one get the audacity?
Who else saw naked Arya with hands up and crossed?
I’m an artist too and can still appreciate the technical skill and ability to draw despite not liking tattoos but also not being immature
Being immature, is having the skill level of OP, and marking it on someone's body. You're not thinking of the consequences. Like a kid scribbling on the wall.
tattoo looks more like Sansa than Arya, lol
No being immature is saying that their ability to draw is bad and psychotic if anyone was immature it’s the customer not the tatto artist they paid for the tattoo and know the artists ability
Post your art
>I will never have a job that pays taxes
Untrue nowadays since literally everyone has a tattoo.
>that picture
If their drawing was on a piece of paper, then I wouldn't think twice about it. But the fact that they think they're good enough to put it on someone's body, that's where the bar is. Expectations are much higher. OP's drawing is bad, relatively. He tried to copy it perfectly, and guess what? It's not perfect. Not even near perfect.
I'm sorry, but tattoo artists are insane people.
>maintain an opiate addiction sensibly
Rate my tatoo
>he doesn’t know about suboxone maintenance
I did heroin once or twice a week for several years and took tiny pieces of sub the rest of the time.
checkmate atheists
or maybe avoid these substances altogether? dumb junkie
Just looked that up and it is his fucking mugshit, so it wasn't even before the arrest.
>check out my Alf tattoo bro. Remember Alf haha?
A friend got a tentacle filled Lovecraftian one based on Ben Templesmith artwork. Pic sort of related.
gee ya think?
obviously doing it at all is stupid.
I was just proving you wrong that it was impossible to maintain a sensible opiate addiction.
it’s very possible, but subs are absolutely paramount to its success.
I’m writing a book on it actually. I’ll cite your post number on the acknowledgments page.
embarrassing. people will forget about got in a few years.
No real junkie is gonna blow money on a fucking tattoo. These zoomers on heroin give us a bad name.
Tbh that is how i look
woah calm down bro take your needle
noone actually quits heroin. they just die
Everyone talks about quitting cos they see heroin as some chaotic lifestyle. Makes no sense. comoaring chaotic junkies to me is like comparing street drinkers to someone who likes a glass of wine with their meal. Drugs r fine if u weren’t molested as a child or trying to be kurt cobain. Totally fine.
Thats gay as fuck
>newfag can’t triforce
why is it upside dowwwn
>not having a friend who’s an amateur tattoo artist who will do them for free if you buy her a couple bags
Yeah subs are fucking vital. Obviously. I’m only human. But maintenance and common sense beats quitting. Quitting results in either an eventual one off hit then overdose or it gets u into religion.
or even worse it gets you into NA, which is just religion in disguise that SWEARS it isn’t religious at all!
plus everyone there is lying about being clean, they’re there because the courts made them and they’ll run off with whatever they can steal as soon as their time is up
it really is different for everyone.
some people can handle it and some can’t. I switch back and forth between the two every couple of months.
this seems more accurate
>I’m only cause of drugs
Tatoos are for barely sentient subhumans obsessed with their image.
Thank you for reading the best post in this thread.
Fair enough. I had a big group of friends when I started. Half left when gear showed up. Out of the rest.,.shit, it’s only me and my mate that lives with us mum left. And I’m sat in a pub drinking my fifth beer posting in my phone. Fuck.
Is anyone this based?
And misspelling. Shit. Perhaps don’t listen to me.
I'm glad I'm tattooless and still have my foreskin.
You can't be straight unless you have sex.
>you have been missing out on the greatest pleasure known to man.
you dont know what it's like to experience kensho. though pleasure is the wrong term. liberation is more apt.
How do I know which gender to have sex with for my first time, then?
R u from Cornwall?
is it fuckin anyone else up that his nipples look like part of their uniforms? some kinda pointy little tie
That’s what I meant. The number of smoking hot posh girls I know who got into this...well, it’s 2. One of them is now living in a fucking monastery.
genuinely based
I did, I already forget I have it all the time and was a waste of money because I was feeling spontanious. Tattoos are retarded, some dumb wish catcher or other bs on your body doesnt actually fucking mean anything.
Friendly reminder that if you don't have at least 1 (one) tattoo you're a square and a loser.
I don't give a shit about your immoral normalfag opinions.
What kind of live do you have to be living to get this done?
I've told him it's extremely out of the ordinary as an adult to not have full control over your finances but he didn't seem to mind.
Kek, I was kidding. Unless you're trying to cover up a scar, or have an extremely original idea, having a tattoo means you should be shot on sight.
oh. nice. and based
Why do incels fear the tattoo?
What about this?
The way I see it, you should only get a tattoo if you, as previously mentioned, have a scar or it will objectively benefit your looks noticeably.
For example it works for James Rolfe because he looks kind of square otherwise.
But for most people, it will be a downgrade unless it's done incredibly tastefully.
My usual reaction when I see someone with a tattoo is "wow what a tryhard". It can also make you look shady and untrustworthy in a lot of cases.
When did you grew out of the "tattoos are degenerate" fad? ex-/pol/fag here btw.
You made the right decision, in both dropping her and triggering the deadbeats on this site
Probably one tattoo out of five hundred actually looks good. It’s just deeply distressing to see somebody permanently stained with something Chris Chan could have drawn, and then be forced to pretend like it isn’t the worst thing you’ve ever seen.
>I wouldn’t say their bad disscisions just personal bad ones are like abusing heavy drugs and hurting innocent people etc
What the fuck did he mean by this?
How the fuck are you able to misspell so many words when every browser has some kind of spellcheck? Are you doing it on purpose?
The only tattoo acceptable on the forearm is a USMC EGA. Just like grandad :)
I never thought they wre degenerate things, but they sure are a waste of money.
Imagine getting a pop-culture tattoo anywhere on your body. It's like a hot topic t-shirt that you can never remove.
There's a reason tattoos aren't sketched on.
It's like it was drawn by some 11 year old that just discovered shading.
>Be at the pub with the m8s
>One of them got a new tattoo so we are all discussing about it and our past tattoos
>Suddenly that weird 350lb lad comes up to us with this shit earing grin.
>"Tattoos r fo peopl dat wan atension! Dey mak baa desions! Muh Brody is a tumple, tattoo free!"
Funny how the only people who care about tattoos are those without them.
they are not degenerate, just retarded.
Do you really need a tatoo to express how much of a consumer you are? Even if it "looks nice"
now he has to put Arya instead of Jon there
Cool art desu. Too bad the character is a jobber lol
What's that from?
There body, they can put whatever retarded shit they want on it.
Why is it American puritans are always so against people do whatever they want to themselves?
Jesus christ the megacope from this post. The best part is knowing that, in reality, you regret your (permanent) decision and that you have to make up fantasies in which you aren't a impulsive retard in order to find meaning in your life
The tat artist left his feels about it on his arm, kek
Are you actually pretending to be Australian hahaha
Nah, not an incel like you that worrys about other peoples ink.
Thanks for letting me live in your head though, rent free.
>When did you grew out of the "tattoos are degenerate" fad? ex-/pol/fag here btw.
that's /christcuck/ shills not /pol/
What's that? I forgot about your comment as soon as I hit post
tank girl maybe
Jesus and Satan
Based temple bodied incel.
Are you actually implying people shouldn't? And people put paint on their hair all the time. It's called hair dye ya fucking retard.
And dudes with shit all over their knees are called plumbers.
tattoos were trendy in lile 2014, now they're lame again.
I don't even like the same music I did 5 years ago, let alone something I'd permanently scribble on my skin. I imagine having tattoos is a physical cringe reminder, sort of like those 2AM panic shocks you get when every nasty memory just surges through your mind's eye
this is outdated, it's pretty normal to have tattoos nowadays
>Trying to backtrack
Too late incel, you look like a bitch.
Bye sweety.
You have the artists mentality of a drive through window
it really isn't.
>raped by romans and inherited the army from her husband
Pagans are the funniest larpers in here
>Ha his tattoo looks terrible
We have eyes, we get to talk about things we see. You don’t control other people.
Yeah, now that I'm a punk rock conservative, I tattoos are super lame.
where do you live?
And I can criticize the retarded shit you put on it especially when the whole point of tattoos is vanity
My moms basement.
Back track on what exactly?
It is in Europe north America and popular areas of South America most people under 30 have at least one
>From a small maritime town
>If you're not working on the docks, then you're either a biker, a tradesman, in the military, or a famer.
>Everyone and their moms have tattoos.
>It's kind of cool listening to old dudes talk about and show off the tats they got when they were young that have now faded and aged through the decades.
>hair dye is the same thing as paint
based retard
>dudes with shit all over their knees are called plumbers
What about women?
Top kek
How embarrassing.
>m-muh sailor stories
I'm smelling, oh what's that, a little bit of COPE from this post? Yes, yes that's right...
Face it kid, your pickle rick tat doesn't have the same staying power as a dumb fucking anchor, and that's saying something
In your head. Rent free.
Why do virgins use buzzwords like cope and seethe?
have sex.
>haha yes, take that, mom and dad! I got a neck tattoo of my favorite super hero, pickle rick sanchez!
>Wh-what's that? N-no, you guys c-can't make fun of me for my cool tat! That's n-not fair! You're just a stupid Christian!
>Save me, pickle Rick sanchez!
My culture
>Work hard
>Get tattoos
>Party and get drunk on the weekends
Your Culture
>Letting Tyrone fuck your women.
They literally don't know any other comback.
Why are you acting like the only tattoos people get are media products?
I would actually respect a "sea beans n shit, deckard" tattoo more than this garbage
Shortens your lifespan by a decade, by putting toxic chemicals in your lymph nodes.
Shouldn't you be in Church, Mr. Puritan?
We wouldn't want the neighbors to think you aren't god fearing.
I disagree with all of those. If your tattoo is shit we’ll laugh at you behind your back whether you care or not. Do whatever you want and we’ll do whatever we want.
That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that all tattoos are essentially of piccolo ricola, from a certain point of view.
I would of thought thw incel welcomes a premature death tbqh.
They fear pain. Tattoos don't even hurt but any slight pain for an incel makes them weak in the knees and causes them to cry out for mommys tendies. Go out and find and incel, threaten to kick his ass and watch as they piss and shit themselves on the spot.
Good lord literally rent free
Thinking of getting creepy twisted mask from The Terror episode one Go For Broke where the hallucination of the shaman shows up next to the dying crew member.
I dont know what that means you bitch.
Disregard females. Acquire purpose.
All tattoos are shit and should be publicly mocked. I do my part by laughing at every person I see on the streets with a tattoo. Sure, sometimes they try and start a fight over it but I am very good at running.
Have sex
>yeah ladies, this bad boy took about an hour, and it's on my back which is the most painful place to get one they say, so yeah, heh, I'm pretty bad ass
>W-wait, where are you all going? Damnit, I was going to finally lose my v-card! I guess it's time to project on some posters on the old 4channel forum again...
>I dont know what that means
I bet you say that often in your daily life
is this that girl from League of Legends?
Have sex
Rent Free
only when faggots like you start chatting raw shit
I see you're back from the club already
Well the topic of the thread is about Yea Forums tattoos so it's a good assumption to come to.
Based, but who gets a tattoo on their testicles?
Your town sounds like an opioid crisis waiting to happen. Or maybe it already did....
>Stop criticizing and mocking me for decisions I made
How about fucking no
They can look pretty good if done well imo
I dont eve have a tattoo so get pwned like the punk bitch you are HAHAHA
>raw shit
Didn't know shit came in any form but raw.
Do you mind letting us in on your secret recipe?
Woof, is that you? Or got a page for your work?
>No other images found
Oh nonononono
On females they're a sign of insecurity, at best. They always describe their tattoos as "for [themselves], not for other people" but they always want to show them off to other people and be praised for them. Females in the tattoo phase base their self-worth on their tattoos, and inevitably grow bored with what they have so they have to find a fresh patch of skin to fuck up because once people have seen your tattoos and grown accustomed to them they no longer add to your self-worth so you need a new one.
>T-Tattoos are degenerate!
>M-Muh body is a temple!
>O-Only Incels get tattoos!
He's a dead meme
Why is Yea Forums so weird about tattoos and weed? Is it because they represent a social life nobody here will ever experience?
this is where I saw them bro I myself have no tattoos
Why would you use a roided up dead guy as a role model?
We're all gonna make it, brah
Looks like Mr Cool Ice got a disciple
>women are a hivemind
Immediately tune out at incel logic user please use actual thoughts this time
Just fuck my shit up
What is not forgotten can never die.
Cause he lived like a sick cunt.
heh heh heh
Zyzz was an Adonis. When you look like him you can do whatever the fuck you want. Also he’s dead from drugs.
i think my friend is getting addicted to getting tattoos desu
>getting a full sleeve done
>has started a big chest tattoo before thats even finished
>eager to get a full sleeve on his other arm asap
This is an ex to a t. She would latch on to anything in an attempt to make it part of her personality, get a tattoo of it, then drop it about a month later. Also the most needy, aimless woman I have ever dated
>mfw she got a tattoo about me when I dumped her
what the fuck man?
He lived a more fulfilling life in his short life than most people get in a life time.
Based what was it?
Replace women with "people with low self esteem" and that's closer to the truth. Insecure guys do the exact same thing when it comes to adding a new tattoo for a refreshed sense of worth. That that applies to me more than my girlfriend who likes her tattoos but hasn't gotten one in like 5 years. Lo and behold she's stable and isn't mentally ill, although I think I might be
They are permenant and painful just like their failures in everything they do
>getting a huge billboard to advertise something about yourself to the rest of the world
Does anyone have a SHYGD, lost my SHYGDDT folder.
Zyzz died out in like 2013 the only people that like him are Manlet hispanics and 30 year old Indians
Show us your tats, brah.
Paper airplane with the text "moving on". Actually somewhat subtle for her.
10 bucks says she covers it up with another abomination, but she'll know it will always be there
Ask your mum
Why you gotta be a jealous cunt?
>Getting a tattoo based on your media consumption
Literally why
I feel that if I were to try heroin, I'd love it. Sounds awesome.
I have a vaguely tribal/arabic tattoo on my arm and I’m planning on incorporating this symbol into it and another Star Wars symbol.
>I feel that if I were to try heroin, I'd love it.
That’s the idea.
>a vaguely tribal/arabic tattoo
>i have some random meaningless shit permanently inked into my skin for the rest of my life
Clearly you haven't learned your lesson, so by all means, get some Disney marketing symbols, too.
Incels fear the Zyzz
It's called don't go to the street corner blue light special tattoo parlor.
Irezumi is tits and doesn't even look like shit when you're old.
>Incels fear a dead body filled with steroids
A weird thing to be afraid of for sure. Me, I'm afraid of CLOWNS!
Incels were fucking infatuated with Zyzz you wasn’t-there-when-it-happened faggot
Imagine wanting to pay taxes fucking cuck
You fear the hard work and dedication it takes to be a sick cunt. Whenever the incel sees that which has achieved more than them they cry, "S-Steroids!" Truth is what is remembered can never die. And though his star was short lived, it burned brighter than yours ever will.
even the one in the back of my uni?
Dude has some sick dick root game.
Hey newfag, I was there. Incels tried their damn hardest (and failed miserably) to talk shit about Zyzz. They hate hard work and dedication.
Can’t change the tax laws from prison, filthy degenerate
truly. he became immortal. he became a meme.
It takes hard work and dedication to take steroids? I don't get it
Jyzz literally took steroids.
And let my sick cunts know, that when a weak cunt looks upon me they shall defame my name and cry "S-Steroids!"
tattoos are over. Fuck you people.
Wrong. That’s where the phrase “we’re all gonna make it brahs” came from. He used to be a fucking geek and then transformed, he was the incels ticket out of inceldom and literally every single person on /fit/ praised him as the second coming of Christ for fucking years. You couldn’t go a day without seeing fifty Zyzz worship threads from 2010ish-2014ish. I don’t know what the fuck you’re actually talking about.
would it be one of an arrow?
Those that follow in his name are not incels.
Those that do not, are.
You should get a tattoo of a projector