Thanos farming and cooking his food was absolute kino and probably my favorite scene of the movie...

Thanos farming and cooking his food was absolute kino and probably my favorite scene of the movie. Any more movies with this feel?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Babylon A.D. when Vin cooks rabbit and onions.

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The Simpsons S11E05

OP just watch Vattel TRUST ME. It shits on every other movie or tv show with cooking scenes.

>The movie wasn't just 3 hours of following Thanos and his normal new life

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Hannibal season 2

Why do city dwellers romanticize farm life so much? It's boring as fuck. It's peaceful for like a week then you want to neck yourself

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Because we are still creatures that have come from nature.

I mean movies/shows with similar set up. A very powerful hero/villain living a peaceful/retirement life cooking and farming. Absolute KINO

Would’ve been more kino if during the first snap he also snapped himself

That's because you are a city zoomer. I bet you can't leave your phone for five minutes.

urban environment with little greenery is not a natural place for humans. there have been studies showing people who move to rural areas from urban ones have improved cognition

Problem is most of those movies are about when they have to come out of retirement. Comfiness doesn't sell in hollywood.

Would've been pretty darn based, but I don't think his humble farming life was bad either.

>Endgame wasn't a spiritual remake of the The Seventh Seal where Thanos plays chess and farm while having a deeply profound conversation with Death about the nature of life and causality,

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Since when are people guarding the sanctum able to teleport people from light years away? I remembered Strange asking tony to turn the ship around in IW. Why didn't he just ported back to earth then?

Also, how did Thanos' ship get through the portal? In order to go quantum you needed the suit. When the Avengers brought a ship they miniaturized it and put it in their pocket but Thanos' ship just seem to be able to go quantum size without the tech.

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>be Thanos
>work on getting all the Infinity Stones to do his population reduction plan
>afterwards plans on retiring to a nice garden on a far away planet
>plan succeeds!
>for some reason leaves some very, very powerful superheroes alive
>retire on garden planet
>3 weeks later said heroes show up and murder him
Is Thanos fucking retarded? Why wouldn't he "get rid of half the population and anyone strong enough to defeat me"?
All that work for 22 days of fresh air.

Rewatch the film. He doesnt give a shit at all what happens to him since he succeeded with his goal, he literally says that in the movie

>He doesnt give a shit at all what happens to him since he succeeded with his goal, he literally says that in the movie
Then why go to all that shit just to die a few weeks later? Tony made his sacrifice to protect his wife and kid. Thanos did all this for years just enjoy it for 3 weeks?

He did it since he had nothing else to do. Why cant you understand that? It was never about the farm life, that was just to kill time

Tony is a cuck. Thanos is a chad who is beyond mortal pleasures.

Star wars tlj

>He did it since he had nothing else to do.
So he didn't really want to have a nice farm life? He seemed genuinely happy at the end of IW. You're just making shit up.
>that was just to kill time
Kill time to what? The inevitable superheroes just killing him?
You sound retarded for defending this very poor writing.

The food being cooked on the stove in the beginning of 2049 seemed nice, a little piece of comfort in their otherwise shitty world

Was this supposed to be an insult?
As opposed to going outside and playing with leaves?

I'd have rather watched Thanos cook space pumpkins for 3 hours than the absolutely retarded time travelling womyn power SHITFEST that was Endgame.

I 100% unironically back Thanos, except he shouldve killed 90% of the population and put permanent population and fertility limits for eternity.

>playing with leaves
are you being acting stupid or are you incapable of thinking of something to do outside?

Maybe a ton of wizards working together works?

Space tech fuck if I know

There's lots to do outside in a city, actually.
I'm wondering what there is to do on a farm.

To get far away from niggers of course

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Was it even shown in the movie that Thanos deleting 50% of the population was the WRONG move?

I got the idea that the Avengers were all just being selfish because of what they lost, and they fucked up something the movie failed to present as a bad or insane idea. We only get snippets but on Earth at least, whales are flourishing at the very least so you could make a logical leap that most wildlife is.

>killed hundreds of thousands of people
>still able to smile at the end of it all

Thanos acted out of a warped sense of altruism, him living or dying didn't matter to him as long as he could believe he had saved the universe. He calculated his snap with the express possibility of himself turning to dust with half of everyone else.

How is he looking so far?

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>Was it even shown in the movie that Thanos deleting 50% of the population was the WRONG move?
Eh. What was shown was that people didn't prosper in the five years after the snap, prompting Thanos to conclude his approach was wrong and a clean slate was needed.

Deleting 50% of the human population literally just sets us back to the 1970s. They should have written him a more intelligent plan to solve overpopulation.

I have lived in rural Russia for 4 years, going to the city once a month and 3 years in the south American jungle. It's fucking boring. Anyone who has lived in a farm or bum fuck nowhere town knows this. The peaceful feeling goes away quickly

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That wasn't needed. All that's needed is for Thanos to believe he is 100% right and nobody else gets to have a say about the matter.

>killed hundreds of thousands of people
the snap was universe wide, so it was probably hundred trillions. unless earth is like a super populated ant colony in the mcu.

The 'peacefulness' only applies if you're an established adult with a good job and a nice family. If you're young, you get a feeling of restlessness because you want to be doing things that you just can't without moving away. It's why alcohol and drugs are huge in rural areas too.

I think my biggest issue with the whole infinity stones aspect is making their power and influence universe-wide, yet somehow all of these stones are in our galaxy, and most are on or near Earth. The sheer chances of this happening are near impossible. Yeah it's important that humans are the focus of this sort of stuff but when you see a galaxy full or advanced alien civilizations (and if one galaxy has all this varied life why wouldn't all the others?) it doesn't make sense for all these events to occur on just our planet.

The chances of just one of these stones being in our galaxy should be infinitely small, let alone all of them.

Yea more fish in the sea plus cleaner water so it was having some postive effects

They didnt want to fight Thanos on earth dumb dumb

This guy sounds cool though

Somehow they were able to make a giant bald purple alien into a real character with motivations and emotion.

That's your problem? Not that every single planet they ever visit has a breathable atmosphere? I'm not even sure Morag or Vormir or Knowhere are in our galaxy, just because the team we're following for cosmic adventures go by the name of GOTG.

>thanos changed by all his experiences had 2 seconds of screen time and died comedically underwhelmingly
>the final battle was between past thanos who had none of the charm or character and acted like a generic bad guy, for things he haven't even done yet so his death felt like nothing
I feel as cheated as I felt on Samurai Jack.

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i think thanos had no idea if snap will remove him as well

I thought the way they just ended Thanos was fucked up.
Those faggots are all supposed to be about justice and shit, but they turn up and sadistically execute an unarmed farmerbro what the fuck.
He even shows remorse to Nebula just before that pussy 'god' kills a non-combatant.
Not once is it bought up later in the film, and you'd think Cap would've felt uncomfortable with it.

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They're called the Avengers, not the Justice League.

Jack was always meant to get to the past, and it's bittersweet that the present vanished in the process
Endgame is worse in this regard

So why didn't they avenge New York and put an arrow through Loki's head?

People liked him and consider him best part of IW
>Writers: let's kill him in the first 5 minutes


Big Nose dadadadah
Big Nose strikes again

New York

Neat actually.
Make his nose smaller and fix his teeth and he'd be great

Past Thanos literally recognizes them as avengers coming for him to unmake his victory.

look man I get that he's a jew but you doesnt have to be so on the nose

Hey guys, thanks a lot for the feedback. Does this update look generally better, in terms of proportions?

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>comes up with a better idea of what he could have done with the gauntlet 5 minutes later

Well, obviously. Going there by choice vs being stuck there. I would live farmer life all the way if that means land is free (or mine), enough to sustain myself (livestock included) and I have a place to go back in case you fail. Otherwise you just don't enjoy that life, because it would be matter of survival and when you struggle life isn't usually fun.

As much as I joke about faggots taking capeshit seriously, thanos was actually really well executed and likeable in IW. His actor was great, the special effects weren't as silly as they could be and he was written well.
But no, we couldn't have seen him face the aftermath of what he did, instead we got arrogant, 10-years-younger thanos

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Now fix his teeth and you're done.
Also the pupils on his eyes.
Stark is an alcoholic, he doesn't do ecstasy

>live in, dull, concrete jungles created by man
>live among creations born from the infinite creativity of God

t. Never been in a village or done manual labour.
Bet you'd die without your phone for a day.


5 years younger. IW Thanos dies in 2019.

God why was endgame so disappointing

He knew they were coming to kill him right?

Update. Working on smoothing everything out and hopefully getting it to look organic. What about the teeth? Do they look better?

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>Mr Thanos i don't feel so good

Why couldn't he also snap the universe's population of really annoying bugs and insects and mosquitos in half as well, while he was at it?

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look at that fucking boomer expression

Loki still killed fucking thousands, as well as high ranking Shield personnel.

We need an edit of Thanos in taking care of his garden with the "I am but a simple farmer, tending to my memes" image macro.

nose should be bigger to accommodate his background

>mfw most normies in the cinema were going "HUUUUUUUUEHHH?????" when the screen went black

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Breddy gud, don't remember him having a flesh coloured squiggly line on his chin tho.

lol thanks my guy, i'll get on that

Why are peoples dreams in movies to go live alone secluded with a wife and one kid?
Tony lives by a lake alone with his wife and one child. Thats cool for a smal vacation like a week or 2 but to live there looks just fucking awful

City life is boring as fuck too. It's all the same shit.
The valuable things in life: art, relationships, and good food, can be found and enjoyed in the country. Nature is inspiring if you aren't a fucking zoomer adhd dumbass.

We are born to live. From the moment we are thrown into the universe, we breathe, eat, drink, procreate. It is what we do as living organisms. But why would one procreate, let alone find a reason to stay alive, without something to stay alive for?

We as humans don't stay alive for the sake of survival , but rather for things that bring purpose; religion, art, music, love. in a endless oblivion of darkness and space, humans are the only species primitive enough to care, You must do what you love.

The best things in life will always end in conflict, that is why we humans are primitive.

Fuck this planet. It is a piece of shit. Seriously. If I cannot return to space, then I will snort coke until I die.

Having a healthy wife, maintaining your property/wealth, and raising your children is the most rewarding human experience outside of drugs. You won't be bored if you're ever in that situation. Whether you like it or not it's exactly what we're designed to do.

>muh cellphone muh ahdh
Based npcs.
Try living in a farm for more than 3 months, even boomers know it's boring as fuck and prefer the city life. The only people who romanticize it are early 20s retards who believe they are better than zoomers despite being zoomers themselves, and of course haven't lived there and your only experience with nature is probably your computer and the once a year vacation you go thanks to your parents money

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farms aren't nature though. they're vegetable/livestock factories. go live innawoods and hunt everything if you want nature.

Im not saying getting married is awful, Im saying being alone there is. And ONE kid. Only children are so fucking sad they depress me

I'd rather live at a lake in a beautiful landscape than in a city.

>implying you incels procreate

t. lives in the middle of bumfuck nowhere

I worked on a farm and lived rurally through highschool and still live 3 miles away from the next neighbor with trees all around (Central Florida). I spent my time hanging out with people from school and doing shit you'd get arrested for in a city and I would never trade that for an adolescence in a city or even a suburb. I drive to tampa on the weekends sometimes for shows and fold but I would never want to live there. Humans get joy out of socializing, fucking, art, and drugs. None of those things are exclusive to one place. I'm sure someone who was raised in a city wouldn't want to live in the country, and they aren't wrong for that. However, there are beautiful things about it that many people would never give up to live in ny.

>I would be so bored in the middle of nowhere!
>spends literally all day on discord and watching twitch
why do trannies do this???

Loki was an Asgardian criminal - Fury didnt want to start a war woth Asgard. In Endgame, Asgard is gone, along with Fury.

That being said
Rocket did ask what Thor did. Thor should not have killed Thanos, but he did so out of anger and frustration.

I never understood thanos' logic. Did he wish for the annihilation of "50% of all the species in the universe" or "50% of all species on every planet"?

thanos is one of the best villians. really good job marvel. without him IW would be just a ordinary capeshit movie, but then they fucked up in endgame. really sad.
i wish they never made endgame and let the whole franchise end with smilling thanos.

No it isn't. Being in the office, in the city, is fucking boring.
t. field rep

I liked that too.
Made the Avengers become fucked up from the failure, and made it so that Past!Thanos would be even more unhinged and ruthless.

>I need to erase half of the population, or else children will go hungry :(
>Also erases half of all livestock, half of all fish and half of all plants in the process
Was he retarded?

Was Thanos just a farmer who wanted people to stop ruining his crops?

Because I fucking hate people, and being forced to interact with them 24/7/365 makes me realize how badly I'd either wish someone would just the nuke the fuck out of everything or I can go fuck off into seclusion.

Porkbellies don't matter. The bigger resources, like minerals, oil, metals, matter. Humans can cultivate more livestock, more crops. They can't cultivate more oil, more land space, more metal.

first time this makes sense.

but the end of the movie takes place in 2023

Who the fuck is this faggot?

>he was doing everybody a favor
>they just wouldn't leave it be

I just couldn't bring myself to sincerely root for the heroes

Swap the IPAs for a sour, the studio for a 2 bedroom and this is just me and I'm feeling very attacked right now.

Nose too high, he looks apish

Snowpiercer, and it has Captain America as the protagonist too.

Now the infinity stones
those really "rock"

Good. Consider this your wakeup call.


Why are you like this?

but the Thanos that we see in endgame is only 5 years younger than the Thanos we see in IW

more like snort cock until you die, fucking faggot

I would hang out with that guy

everything except the vasectomy is fine

Boomer conservatives and millennials believe in this weird idyllic simple life, where if you could just escape from the complexities of the city and modern society that you would be happy and be fulfilled but its really just a hippy mentality masquerading as fantasy. I was raised in an incredibly rural area, it was just filled with a bunch of drug and alcohol abuse because that's literally all you could do for fun. Think none of the women in your town are cute or attractive? Well... fucking deal with it, one of them are going to be your wife, and shes going to hate your guts.

These places are also somehow full of the most condescending fucks you have ever met in your life. There exists the "wisdom of joe" notion, where just because your dad or uncle worked from 6 to 8 everyday on a barely livable wage, that everything that flows out of his mouth should be taken like it was written on stone by Moses himself.

It's shit and anyone who glorifies it is a retard.

That's why I like a balance and enjoy where I live. The conveniences of a city with the beauty and comfort of being near nature.

all I could think about how he reminds me of Shrek

>cool chill thanos was killed in the first 20 minutes
>edgy thanos replaced him
It’s not fair bros

There might be truth to things you don't at first believe, and you might realize what people mean if you actually listen instead of being condescending. The city isn't exactly filled with enlightened people either, but there will always be differences, cultural and otherwise. I come from a small town as well, and we did not have a problem with drugs or alcohol, most people are nice and caring. Crime is non-existant compared to the capitol where I now live.

I know some great and caring people who live this idyllic life you seem to hate. It isn't always idyllic, but these are humble, kind and upstanding people who do their best by themselves and their children.

Maybe one day you'll see the potential in yourself to become a good man, one better than what your hometown made you.
See the best qualities in others, and make them your own.

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Because I like Harvest Moon games

no coffee stout? faggot

>Any more movies with this feel?
This guy is farming worms in Blade 2049

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there are entire movies about cooking and farming and slice of life type stuff you know

How the fuck are you going to find good food living in the dumps as opposed to be surrounded by top tier restaurants or being able to cook something different every week?

>What will I do all day if i'm not getting wasted and banging a different slut every week at the club, man?

anyone have some webms of the avengers killing thanos at the start of the movie?

I'm gonna take mine or my family's cooking with fresh ingredients from people I know and trust over mcwagecucks, buddy

he should have killed 13% of the population if he truly wanted to save the world



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Very Based. Thanks user.

So have another one.

It's nature compared to getting a vacuum sealed cow flesh from Tesco

The problem wasn't rural life, the problem was your shit people. You come from garbage ancestry.

thats just ur opinion man

sounds fun though I wouldn't want his life. That's what friends are for

why couldnt this be done to time traveling Thanos?

City life is boring as fuck

best boy


Most depressing shit i have ever read. Posting from 3800 sq foot house with son while waiting for my pool to fill up with water because where I live its 82 degrees and life is perfect.

The start of Unforgiven


He released trillions from the cruel existence that is life.

As someone who lives in St. Pete, your existence is fucking trash. Any time I am forced to drive through bum fuck Florida I want to blow my brains out so I don't have to look at one more second of trees, roadkill and McDonalds. Neck yourself.

How come twinblade Thanos was so strong he took on nano-Tony chunk-Thor and mjolnir-Cap with ZERO stones and not only beat them, but styled on them?

>Any more movies with this feel?
Growth of the soil.
It's a 1920 silent movie though

>killing a defenseless farmer
And these people are supposed to be the heroes

Chad energy.
IW Thanos killed the one person he actually loved so he was super depressed and only fighting the Avengers out of duty.
EG Thanos knows that he dies in the future so he's going off the handle to get revenge for his death and to remake the universe to his liking.

He could've spoken to Vision through the Mind Stone

This is why I like places like Lake Tahoe. You get the best of both worlds.

Yeah if thanos didn't kill half of all life he'd be a much more noble character than any of his executioners. Honestly change his plan from "kill half of all life" to "reduce the total fertility rate on all planets to 1 for a generation" and The Avengers become the villains.

As you should, you deserve to be attacked

He was basically as strong as regular Thanos, he was only styling because Boomer Thor was a hard nerf.

Even so, it's bullshit that Cap didn't make him bleed. It would have been a fantastic callback to the IW fight if all of Cap's combos with Mjollnir actually got a hard gash on Thanos' side. But I guess we can't have much blood in a Disney film, can we? Not even a bruise?

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Beginning of Blade Runner 2049

>We as humans don't stay alive for the sake of survival , but rather for things that bring purpose; religion, art, music, love. in a endless oblivion of darkness and space

You're only saying that from a position of privelage/luxary. If you lived in the woods or a third world country, survival would be your purpose. In modern industrial society however society is very easy, even if you do nothing there are still shelters to give you the basic necessities to continue living.

Same reason farmers fantasize about making it big in the city.
You always want what you don't have

He did though. They mention it in endgame

Even in times past humans always lived for more than sheer survival and reproduction. Otherwise art and music and philosophy etc would all not exist.

It's one of the very few things I like about the movie. The Banner and Ancient One scene is another good one. For the record, Banner is the worst thing in the MCU

Where did he get that shirt?

That's not Captain Marvel

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Instead of farming why didnt he just create more resources

Imagine he had kids. Wonder how much more bias those straight arrows would've been.

No, they kill Thanos in 2023, 5 years after he does the snap. The Thanos that they fight at the end of endgame if from 2014, so it's a roughly 9 years younger Thanos

user, I'm almost with you. I hate Larson, her politics, and her overpowerness in the MCU, but Ruffalo as Banner is the most disgraceful I have seen on film ever.

Thanos is a good character because so few characters in modern media have any real drive or any real well cemented ideology. Thanos wasn't there to talk, or to be condescended to. He was there for one reason, and he didn't give a fuck that you disagreed; and then he won.

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>sitting in nature around a fire pit
>Roast a hot dog
>Sit in quiet contemplation as the fire cracks

I love living in a small town in Kansas.

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When we saw Thanos on his farm planet I half expected All Star to start playing

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>cities don't work
Socrates mogged your retarded ass thousands of years ago

There is literally nothing wrong with this guy; sure, he’s a bit of a stereotype, but he seems affable and well-intentioned.

The rivalry between City Slickers and Rustic Yokels has been going on since Mesopotamia - literally, one of the main themes of Gilgamesh is the hustle of civilization versus the “rawness” of nature.

Then you wouldn't have a plot because the infinity gauntlet would remain right there on the ground

Gilgamesh fucks Enkidu in the ass and tames him with whores. Looks like rurals lost the war ages ago.

Check out these Chinese cooking videos with awesome aesthetics and bafflingly high production value (and no talking) where this random beautiful Sichuan woman in the countryside picks fresh ingredients and uses rustic tools and methods to make delicious looking meals:

This is probably what you’re after.
The whole channel is full of them.

based. thanos was the real hero

because city life is shit and everybody who makes films is acutely aware of this

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>It is finished.

what did they mean by having these be thanos last words?

Too bad it was so short

this movie right here

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>Even so, it's bullshit that Cap didn't make him bleed.
Well he managed to brake his helmet at lease. Later Thanos's face is all covered in bruises so probably some of them were of Cap's making

I agree OP. Thanos looked like he was living a pretty comfy life.

I do like coffee stout but I it's getting warmer so I'm feeling sours lately

>Guys why don't you enjoy living in a smog filled, congested, crime filled shit hole of a city like me.

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Who the fuck is that Iron Lady at the end? I never saw her before.

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I wish thanos entered his cabin and there were a wakandian black goddess waiting for him to fuck like no tomorrow, she would just ride that purple dick.

It's Pepper, Iron man's wife.

>no more people, just you

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Shit, I hadn't noticed. Thanks user, you improved the film for me

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>Theater cheered when the Avengers brutally killed defenseless Thanos

>no noise when black panther and crew is revived
>chimpout when falcon gets the shield from old cap
I didn't know what to think

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Capefags cheer at this, yet when Superman had to kill an enemy combatant about to execute an innocent family, they cried hot bitter tears while screaming 'Not Muh! '

Jesus Christ Favreau

>We are born to live

>thanos snaps
>you're still alive

bet this would happen to me given my luck in life

what a cool guy

No they killed him 2 weeks later doofus.

If someone did this for the average Yea Forums user they'd call you a tranny or projecting.

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not bad. don't forget the wine

I didn't see either movie, and yet I'm still mad they did him so poorly in Endgame. The ending of IW would have been a real high note for capeshit to go out on, one which I'm betting will never be topped.

hurr durr you can't change the past...only if it fits the movies story. don't you know the fucking rules of time travel you complete idiot?

they killed him twice.

try it

Yeah I'm saying they killed Farmer Thanos 2 weeks later

Thor is an Asgardian god warrior that kills, and it's perfectly fine what he did considering everything he went through

Superman on the other hand, no

You probably live in a city yourself you self hating faggot

based AI

I thought it was supposed to feel that way... Kind of hollow, unsavory justice. Also just because Thanos happens to be a humanized villain doesn’t lessen what he did. People who commit real life atrocities are not typically douchebags in every regard who laugh maniacally and making dastardly monologues 24/7.

My theater made a collective hushed noise.


Imagine being this much of a retarded pussy.

He could have killed 13% and achieve a reduction of 50%

>Rocket did ask what Thor did.

Which was completely absurd. Rocket wouldn't give the slightest fuck. Even Cap has killed people for far less.

Because most of us are city slickers, and romanticizing things we can't or will never have as more peaceful/exciting seems nice.

It doesn't matter what Thor went through, he still beheaded an unarmed farmer. Is Thor the God of ISIS now?

Superman used lethal force against Zod who was about to kill an innocent family. Maybe comic Superman might have found another way using his superweaving skills or some horseshit. But given the circumstances, killing Zod isn't as 'badong' as comicfags make it out to be.

Most whites are literally born to farm as they come from medieval peasants so they find farming to be ideal.

Cities are disgusting and you're a faggot.

Living alone in the middle of nowhere is shit.
Living in the middle of nowhere with just a QT you can impregnate and raise children, and no other faggots to bother you, now that is where it's at.

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sex in the pitch black is pretty intimate for some reason

yeah sure ok mhm definitely true

You are a cuckold.

Why didn't Thanos just make half the population into faggots/trannies? Then he wouldn't have to kill anyone and the population would still be reduced.

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I’ll do you one better WHY is guy farming worms

That Thanos was weakened from destroying the stones.

why do ameritards fucking love cheese sandwiches? like you know fucking ham and sausages exist? maybe beef? chicken?


Sapper could've lived he he just stood still.

Have you ever tried one? It's pretty good.

Watching him with a dirty regular t-shirt was weird.

I would had used some clothes made of animal skins. something that he made there with his hands.

>careful there, you're only a genius on your planet

series should have ended here

>Thanos farming and cooking his food was absolute kino and probably my favorite scene of the movie. Any more movies with this feel?

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Thanos wanted to get rid of 50% of the population, not 50% x 40%

>Have to literally turn back time because his plan worked and his might made right
MCU should have ended on smiling Thanos

Attached: End of Infinity War.webm (900x506, 2.87M)

>enjoys being an urbanite bug
>calls anyone an npc

Lmao ebig


Alone in the wilderness

Attached: Fishing.webm (480x480, 2.8M)

What part of random don't you understand? Fair and impartial. Luck of the draw.

>No QT Friday AI wife
Thanos did nothing wrong

>why do i like beer and videogames

motherfucking KINO

First off, it was Thor, who personally saw Thanos destroy half his entire race and his brother right in front of him, then failed to stop him from doing the same to the whole universe. The plan wasn't to murder him in that moment, Thor just lost it and killed him out of rage in learning that they could no longer reverse what he did, which is very understandable.
And while I did feel like that was a very cold thing to do, it's hard to really say that a man who just murdered literally trillions if not quadrillions of people, had any real right to keep his own life.

Stfu, I grew up on a farm. It has its moments, but doing choirs in a fucking blizzard is shit.

So is 2014 Gamora gonna somehow get future prime Gamora's memories in GOTG3? Quill got fucked hard by the writing.

That's literally the point. Killing Thanos accomplished nothing, other than ensuring they had no way of knowing whether or not thanos even could bring the stones back somehow. The other characters look mortified after Thor does the deed, Rocket dumbfoundedly saying "what...what did you do?", even Thor himself doesn't look satisfied or at peace with his decision at all.
Was this really that difficult for you to get?

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Have you actually forgotten 9/11?


Should move the nose up just a tiny notch.

i couldn’t but smirk with joy when i saw thanos just making a soup in his little pot. very sad that he had his hand and head cut off while being held down

Cooking With Thanos tv show. Make it happen.

>further value
They're called the Avengers, not the Negotiators

Why didn't they just travel back to the moment Thor struck him in the chest, stop Thanos from snapping and remove the gauntlet while he's mortally wounded, yoink it to the future, bring everyone back, and then return the gauntlet with the stones?

it was a mistake to have them face off with 2014 thanos. should have been farmer thanos fighting to preserve his new way of life and trying to stop the avengers from undoing his actions.

in cold blood, unarmed, restrained, no further threat? I don't recall him doing so. In the heat of a fight, in direct defense of self or others' lives, sure. This was simple revenge.

Did you not watch the movie?

Obviously. 2014 Thanos might as well have been a new character. Ended up being a complete lack of pathos for the final flick.

This, internet is full of tards who never left the

I literally grew up on a dairy farm. I fucking moved cows before my dad drove me to school. Moved to a city and never fucking looked back (obviously I visit, but I never seriously considered moving back home.)

Nothing there. No culture or shit to do. Just opiates, weed, cigarettes, and unprotected sex.

Nature sucks ass. I hope it gets paved over


>Nothing there. No culture or shit to do. Just opiates, weed, cigarettes, and unprotected sex.
Are you describing the city you are in?

It's more of a "grass is greener on the other side" from the looks of it for both sides of the argument.

i wish the scene was longer, and i wish he had gotten to talk more when the avengers came. but nooooo, Thor had to get emotional.

t. never cooked for themselves

that's not even that much butter, all you have to do is youtube literally one video of anyone using any butter in any recipe to know that much. I use about as much just making eggs.

any cooking scenes involving replicants are kino.

humanises them more than them talking about sentience and muh feelings.

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Literally the best move
The people that weren't spoiled and went to the premiere were fucking PUZZLED, even more than with the IW ending
They just fucked up with time travel and bringing old thanos. I do have to give it up in one aspect (that might even have been unintentional). It was really interesting to see present thanos so fulfilled with his life after snapping and thinking it did a favor to the universe, and it was also interesting to see old thanos react and change after seeing how it didn't help at all. He went from a messiah that did a good job to a dude full of hatred that wanted to straight out delete the universe. A shame they didn't delve deeper into that theme

Thor gains 50 pounds of fat and goes to playing fortnite every day after the event.
Obviously she's suffering for his deeds.

My dad actually read the comics. He told me that Thanos was a herald appointed by Galactus and was granted the "power cosmic". He's basically a super-super-hero, and a big guy to boot.

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>thanos snaps
>you're still alive but your cat dies in real life

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>The people that weren't spoiled and went to the premiere were fucking PUZZLED
A week or so before the movie came out, I ran into a random thread where an user said something like "someone post the webm where they kill thanos in the first five minutes"
>think to myself "that's funny, no way that's real though"
>mfw sitting in the theater and it actually happens

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>there's only one way
No there fucking isn't. Just because Strange saw 14 million outcomes doesn't mean he saw them all.

Marvel =/= DC.

Marvel characters kill. That's always been the difference between the two and Marvel writers made it that way on purpose. They wanted to be different, edier. I've been a fan of both since I was a kid, trust me on this. That was always a big difference.

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Why are rural whites often uneducated retards then?

they kill him 23 days (something like that) after the snap (in 2018), THEN we get the 5 year timeskip

the thanos they fight in endgame is from 2014, but the final battle takes place in 2023

therefor, the thanos killed at the end of endgame is ~5 years younger than the one thor kills at the beginning of the movie

imagine screencapping this drivel

>hate cities
>moving to LA after I graduate to try and get a job in the film industry

G-Guess I'll try to live in the valley or something

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Proenneke's my main man

I think Rocket was more concerned that Thanos might've been bullshitting, or at the very least had some notion how to get the infinity stones back given Thanos had been hunting them for quite some time.

More of a "What the hell Thor, he was our last chance at getting those back!"

Your dad never read a comic in his life.

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Change your name to user ____berg, you'll see an immediate change in the film industries attitude towards you


Also my captcha has a fucking ad in it REEEEEEEE (pic related). The ads have gained sentience boys, it's over.

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DC characters kill. Batman is the one with the 'no kill rule', Clark has always been a killing must only be used as a last resort guy. Hell, Sups already killed Zod in the comics and in Superman II (while smiling and making a glib remark), not to mention he was going to carve Darkseids head open in JLU. It was crazy how butt hurt nerds got over a that scene in MoS.

So why isn't his face messed up here? They made the movies at the same fucking time and couldn't keep shit consistent for like 2 more months

He hadn't used the stones to destroy the stones yet retardorino

>He hadn't used the stones to destroy the stones
Even the comics weren't that retarded.

favreau it's just a god damn grilled cheese sandwich not the fucking mona lisa

Am I awful for starting mentally singing this during that scene?

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I did like when he plucked the fruit.

Farming is a godsend compared to the hellhole of urban living. The only awful part about living on a farm is that you need to always be doing work, and city dwellers would have a very difficult time adjusting to actively moving around 10+ hours a day.

That's a nice life, except for the vasectomy part but it sounds better than living in a third world country

Why do so many farmers commit suicide then?

Transcendentalism is rooted in man’s psychological bond to nature child