Other urls found in this thread:
What the fuck
so this is spiral power, not bad
>What the fuck
Literally nothing, apparently
What a fool you are. I'm a god. How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence. How could you be so naive? There is no escape. No Recall or Intervention can work in this place. Come. Lay down your weapons. It is not too late for my mercy.
>every Azor Ahai/Lightbringer/Prince That Was Promised prophecy was meaningless
>Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna for no reason
>Roberts Rebellion was pointless
>The War Of Five Kings had no consequences
>The War For The Dawn lasted 2 hours
>Nobody outside of Winterfell will ever know the White Walkers ever existed
>Everybody who ignored the Walker threat was completely in the right
>Building the Wall itself was a waste of time, as was manning it for thousands of years
This is just sad, but I laugh like a motherfucker thinking all those theories people came up will all get shat on by D&D because they give zero fucks about them.
>Cersei gets rewarded for using the Walkers as a part of her petty schemes
>Every character goes right back to playing the Game Of Thrones
>Nothing has changed
Maybe the spiral symbol is meant to represent time being a flat circle. The sitcom format that GoT has become means everything will always wrap back up in a neat bow and end up back where we started.
The Starks will rule Winterfell, A Targ will end up back on the throne, Walkers will fade into myth and life goes on.
>why did they make the Dothraki charge to their deaths?
because otherwise the confrontation between Cersei and the main cast would be easily resolved
>why did they have the Unsullied sit outside the castle walls and almost all die?
because otherwise the confrontation between Cersei and the main cast would be easily resolved
>why didn't anyone important die?
because otherwise those important characters wouldn't have a confrontation with Cersei
>why did the NK die in one episode
because otherwise there would less time to have a confrontation with Cersei
>why did the NK die to Arya
because DABID but also because she has been made to be the protagonist so she can kill Cersei, who the showrunners believe is the ultimate antagonist of GoT.
D&D torpedoed GoT because they think incest wine aunt is the final boss of the show, and Arya is their prophet
W-what if they journey to the land of forever winter and find an even more mysterious force/mcguffin that changes the show's perspective again? please
>Building the Wall itself was a waste of time, as was manning it for thousands of years
didn't even realize that. jesus, this episode was even worse than I thought
It's a shame the First Men didn't think to simply stab the Night King during the first Long Night. Imagine how much simpler things could have been
So much potential. What could've been...
>Daenerys or Jon, whomever, sits on the throne in the end.
>Bran starts being cryptic about shit again, starts sweating about balance or something
>Travels north (don't ask me how, maybe he learns teleportation from Arya) to the Land of Always Winter and slowly becomes the new Night King
But let's not kid ourselves, we're gonna get some shitty "happy" ending.
>Maybe the spiral symbol is meant to represent time being a flat circle.
They didn't have valyrian steel or dragons
the switch from cersei as a greedy and prideful cunt who thinks she's smarter than she actually is to arch-nemesis genius mastermind the moment the book material dried up is so tiresome
> The Lord of Light was irrelevant
> Bran becoming the 3ER did nothing to defeat the NK except act as bait
> Jon was brought back to life for no reason
There will literally be NO CONSEQUENCES for everyone who ignored the central theme of the show - people need to stop their petty bullshit and focus on the real threats. As it stands, people who act selfishly and shortsightedly like Cersei have been rewarded. What the FUCK did they mean by this?
Can we start comparing it to LOST yet?
I honestly expected there to be some big reveal about "the mountain shaped like an arrow" that the Hound was talking about, as if some end game was going to occur there (There must always be a NK or something like sacrificing Bran to end the cycle).
Worse than Lost considering the hype that it had going for it. I know Lost was big but this is undoubetdly the biggest TV show of all time and they've literally ruined the re-watchability of the past 7 years. Whenever someone mentions the WW being a thread, the next thought it always going to be "oh yeah a 16 year old girl just jumps out of nowhere and stabs one and they all die."
I don't remember that switch ever happening. she hasn't done anything smart. she's still a retard, just a very morally bankrupt one that has a smart guy helping her. which is what makes her so boring as a final boss. I can't even imagine what they're going to do in 3 episodes to even pull off a merely medicine ending
though now she does look smarter than the retards who thought le afternoon duke was a real threat
D&d really nailed it
I feel like LOST still had the characters mostly intact and the story just fell apart around them.
GoT I kind of hate everybody after season 4.
>Cersei, who the showrunners believe is the ultimate antagonist of GoT.
>the manifestation of Death and Eternal Darkness was just a pawn in the machinations of le scary wine aunt
you have to remember that in modern GoT, a smart character is smart because you're told they're smart, not because they do or say smart things
>think the Night King and the White Walkers have some grander purpose beyond just killing as many men as possible
>think NK has some sort of master plan thousands of years in the making where he had three-eye-raven powers and knew to pull a bunch of strings to set up a scenario where one day Dany would arrive with her dragons and knew exactly where to be and what to do to capture one and use it to break the magical wall that's kept the white walkers barricaded beyond the wall.
>lol nope, it was all just hack writing and coincidences and he's just a saturday morning cartoon villain with no further purpose
>also just hates Bran/3ER and can interact with him in the dream world because lol reasons
It's truly female-fanfic-tier writing. What sort of low-T cuckboi unironically views cersei as a bigger antagonist than the literal personification of death itself?
based and CHIMpilled
The ending of the words is YASQUEEN.
heh heh, consider your expectations subverted kiddo.
he was a honkposter
Spotted the incel, lmao
>D&D torpedoed GoT because they think incest wine aunt is the final boss of the show
It huts so bad
>mfw the night king is still alive and the bad ending was the fucking troll because they had to start getting meta with the plot to keep the nerds off the scent
I don't think people realise just how much of a trainwreck GoT really is, even its most vocal haters stick to plot holes , acting complaints and cringey moments. But if you look deeper I don't think a single theme from GRRM's books exists in the show anymore.
GRRM was a conscientious objector in Vietnam and a known pacifist. He despises war and violence. He made these books to be a rejection of the sort of Good Vs Evil battles that Tolkien used, believing that there is no good and evil in humanity, but everybody has the capacity to be both good and evil.
Take a look at the character of Arya. In the books she's a literal child traumatised by seeing half her family killed and being isolated in the middle of a war.
She's constantly having to take on new identities to stay hidden to the point that she starts to lose herself, and eventually becoming 'no one' just to dissociate from reality and escape from the horrors she's lived through.
She's sustained entirely by hatred and her need for revenge to the point of treating her list of people she wants to murder as her own personal prayer that she repeats every night just to keep herself sane.
She's the ultimate example of how perpetuating the endless cycle of violence and revenge only leads to more pain and loss of humanity, as well as a reminder of the horrors of war on the people left behind.
In the show she becomes a badass murderer because isn't murder just so fucking COOL?
Audiences got to clap when she murdered the Freys! They clapped when she murdered Littlefinger! Now they can clap when she murders the Night King!
They clapped and clapped as Arya's character developed into a strong powerful female role model who learned that murdering all her problems away is the solution to everything!
Ned is a character that stood by what was right and ultimately paid the price for his honour. In the early books/seasons we're tricked into believing that his honour was his downfall and the Lannisters were much smarter at playing 'the game'.
But in the books we later see that after all their scheming and lying, even when they are in power the Lannisters are facing enemies on all sides because nobody trusts them. Their grip on power is tenative at best and even their allies are just as oppurtunistic as they are.
In the North on the other hand, Ned's former bannermen are still flocking behind his children ready to take on the Boltons despite their being no tangible reward. Ned created a loyalty that lasted beyond his own death.
THIS is what people mean when they talk about subverting expectations.
The show cut this too. The time constraints in filming the Battle of the Bastards meant the ending was Team Goodguy simply overpowering Team Badguy with the Manderly's and Umbers change of heart not included. This means that in the show's timeline, Ned is still in the wrong.
Even up to S7 we were seeing scenes where Jon and Sansa talked about how dumb Ned was for getting himself killed and they had to be smarter (ie more selfish and cunning) than he was.
In the latest episode we watched the Night King killed by our favourite murder-machine Arya after a couple of hours. Now Cersei fucking Lannister is the final boss of the show after blatantly treating the Walkers as a joke and using them to further her own schemes. The Night King was just a pawn in the machinations of le scary wine aunt.
And she hasn't been punished for it. If anything, her plan worked to perfection and the North has been crippled. Everybody who ignored the Walker threat in favour of furthering their own agenda has been ultimately proved right.
Now everybody can go right back to playing the Game of Thrones as though nothing ever happened. Because what REALLY matters is who sits on the thron, just as George intended.
What started out as a condemnation of war, short sightedness and greed has turned into a celebration of all the worst parts of human nature.
>just theon
>forgetting based Dolorous Ed.
I would enjoy drinking coffee with you.
he tried to warn us that GoT was a clown world, we didn't listen
This guy right here has right now the second or first more powerfull house on poniente
>THIS is what people mean when they talk about subverting expectations.
Yes. It's not about "derp surprise!" it's about repacing popular lies with unpopular truths.
>Audiences got to clap when she murdered the Freys! They clapped when she murdered Littlefinger! Now they can clap when she murders the Night King!
i stood up and clapped when arya fucked gendry too.
If it didn't pick up steam when it did it would've been cancelled faster than you can say Rome.
based Edd died to some zombie
The white walkers themselves only made one casualty - a dickless unstable man who suice-charged for no reason
I don't know how this would work BUT I'M HYPE FOR IT AAAAAAAAA
>Cersei is now the smartest character because she was perfectly right to ignore the white walker threat
Sam says: "I found one account of the Long Night that spoke of the last hero slaying Others with a blade of dragonsteel. Supposedly they could not stand against it."
Meh, this was kinda lame. I thought they are going to keep the undead threat plot for a little longer.
Also they should have made the night king more scary. As a character he was so very meh.
>white walkers got through the wall only because their weapon (Viserion) that they got randomly had a random superpower to melt the wall
>the northerners won only because Arya's weapon that she got randomly had a random superpower to kill the NK
Just give everyone a random superpower and turn this into a proper capeshit at this point. The themes of honor and duty don't matter anymore.
Looks like he missed one.
Exactly. This show will be forgotten in 5 years because all of its strength relied on its shock value. Of course shock value was in the books but a great narrative with long term pay-off is also present in the book series. The show, however, took off in popularity and Dan and Dabid played to what the double digit IQ audience thought the show was about (((SUBVERSION))) of expectations, cheap shocks, and pointless sex scenes.
based and accurate analysis, have a (you)
>wine aunt
>"mommy" to large pets
>white savior of brown masses
>"progressive" in a way that protects her own absolute privilege
how does this show have its finger so on the pulse
>>Everybody who ignored the Walker threat was completely in the right
Cersei predict all of this, she simply is a genius strategist. You remember that right, from earlier in the show?
Ironically her 'genius' idea was just a copy-paste of when Tywin had the EXACT SAME plan back when the Wildlings were the ones threatening the North.
"Themes are for 8th grade english papers" - D&D
>In the early books/seasons we're tricked into believing that Ned's honour was his downfall
I think it's a very important point in the book that honour was Ned's downfall. Ned's death set up the atmosphere for the entire story. Everything else you say is right, Ned had loyal bannerman and the Lannister's treachery costed them their trust, but it's not presented as Ned being lowkey the winner in the story. He is a solid failure. He tried to play the game "straight" and lost, he tried to tell corrupt politician to peaceful put down their conspiracy plot and surrender. They said "nah" and murdered him, because that's exactly what happens. No corrupted politician will ever have a change of heart and start thinking about the public good just because someone asks them nicely to stop.
You are now aware that everyone in the night's watch was a cuck. All they had to do was go train with the faceless for a couple of months and improve their DEX/AGI rating
>mfw the Long Night lasted 8 hours
>mfw the 8000 year old apocalyptic threat didn't even conquer one of the seven kingdoms
>mfw no way anyone outside the North would believe in the "army of the dead" story
>mfw no way the maesters would put that shit in the history books
>mfw it's all back to plotting against a 50 year old alcoholic and her newboyfriend
Not winning doesn't make him a loser. The 'you either win or die' perspective is another Lannister thing.
For Ned to act differently just to keep his own ass safe would have made him a failure in his own eyes.
the white walkies needing viserion to break the wall is a purely d&d thing, iirc even in season 6 the plan was for them to make the sea freeze at Eastwatch and walk around the wall
There are characters that win by intentionally letting themselves die but Ned Start is not one of them. He failed. He didn't achieve what he set up to do. If he could speak after being behead, he obviously would recognize that he failed. He did not want to die and he did. I know it's nice to think that in the end his loyalty inspired other characters, and that Lannister treachery repulsed their allies, but it doesn't retroactively change the key elements of this basic story telling. Ned Stark was honorable and it got him killed. It's a solid theme in the story. It comes back all the time.
>"Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly. And Rhaegar died"
You can be as honorable as can be and still lose. Characters in the story have to compromise their morality to reach their goal because otherwise they become the next Rhaegar or the next Ned.
>I don't think a single theme from GRRM's books exists in the show anymore.
What about the whole "magic vs humans" theme?
I never read any. I'm sure I heard that is one of the themes of the books. Humans are gradually eliminating magic from the known world. That's what happened in the show too. Some of the characters like Bran, Dany and Mellisandre are symbols of that dying magic.
>Humans are gradually eliminating magic from the known world.
Magic was already gone in the world at the start. Bran, the Others, the Dragons and such are signs of magic coming back for the first time.
The Maesters even say as much when the Glass Candles start working for the first time in recorded history.
>>why did they make the Dothraki charge to their deaths?
>because otherwise the confrontation between Cersei and the main cast would be easily resolved
actually it was because filming lots of horses cost a lot so they got rid of them at the beginning of the ep
will the fat fuck ever follow up on this? it's too bi to be ignored
>material of unknown origin scattered around the world though cities, idols, forts
>chink emperor caused the sun goddess to abandon the earth after upsetting her by worshipping a meteor who crashed from space and thus triggering the first long night
>city that eat entire population overnight
>city that boosts black magic and causes nuclear grass to grow
>idol that is worpshipped by fish human hyrbrids
>forts that are said to hold off demons
dont tell me this fat piece of shit just added all this lore with jut to having it sit in a corner with zero impact
Half of GRRM's non-Westerosi lore is just Lovecraft references. I don't think we'll ever get it fleshed out more
>Ned Stark was honorable and it got him killed. It's a solid theme in the story. It comes back all the time.
Doofus, being killed isn't the same thing as losing. Being killed loses a battle. For self-centred people, this one battle is the whole war, and so death is loss. For selfless people pursuing ideals, this one battle is only one of many more battles, creating a much stronger chance of winning the war.
>B-But at least the boo-
GRRM is a piece of lard who will never EVER finish his books. The fat has clotted his brain to the point he doesn't remember how to write, let alone how to conclude his story, and will probably kill him the next time he goes for a light jog. He probably didn't even write a single page of Winds of Winter. I could write a 500 page critic of "The (8 hours) Long Night" faster than George "Rotund Retard" Martin can write a single sentence on a character's shit's consistency.
No, he will die alone in his fat-palace, knowing his life's work has been fucked into the ground. Because that's how it will be remembered. It will be remembered as the show, and everyone will assume that's what the Fatman had intended for his ending. 20 good men, finger in the bum, le balls and wine's cock XD... That is Gurrm's Legacy.
Fuck this shitshow, Fuck this gay earth, Fuck Daniel and David.
And most of all FUCK YOU GEORGE
youre just an edgy brainlet who gets easily confused by the surface interpretation. for instance Robert also fought nobly and valiantly against gayboi and won to become king
GRRM is never even going to finish another book
If you don't want to die then yes dying means you didn't achieve what you want. Did Ned Stark want to die?
I remember when Grrm said some fan figured it out way back in 98 and thinking it had to be something simple, but not like this.
Gayboi is remembered as more valiant and noble. That's why they keep repeating all the time that being valiant and noble didn't save gayboi from a big hammer.
You still had
Wildings with warging abilities
Children of the forest
White walkers
Giants (maybe not magical in true sense)
Now they are all dead.
Beric and Mellissandre are dead. One of the dragons is dead.
I presume they all will be dead by the end, maybe even Dany and most if not all magic from Westeros would have been eliminated.
These were the last dying breaths.
I don’t drink coffee with redditors
Sending any random Faceless Man to take out the Night King would have fixed the problem centuries ago.
Threadly reminder no one cares about that weird fire god and his prophecies. Beric, nice tits lady, thoros etc. were always portrayed as weirdos following a weirdo, just as evil as the white walkers religion. Their dumb azor whatever having nothing to do with anything just makes the world richer and more realistic. The seven didn't do anything either. Why do you guys care about fate not being bound to some wacko cult's weakling god?
>gods not being real is "more realistic". atheist soiboi spotted. no wonder you defend this
except NGE isn't about Christianity, it just uses its themes. got set up plots only to dismiss them
>people can't want multiple things
>desirable outcomes can't be tiered
consider digesting the ideas you respond to
I honestly don't mind a "Cersi was right" conclusion. "Villain wins" is an OK subversion.
I just wish some more major characters had died and some character arcs found closure rather than the NK being a *total* nothingburger.
So this is the power of the spiral
> Not winning doesn't make him a loser.
> Gets his severed head stuck on a wall
" Ok, what say we call this one a draw. "
Its clearly a world with multiple not omnipotent dieties. With there also being zero indication that this fire god is just and powerful enough to have his will and prophecies mean anything. He tried to affect events but the world is bigger than him
the thread is about symbolism. the answer to why the symbolism meant nothing is just "dude it seemed cool lmao". exact same thing anno did with evangelion
Fuck Game of Thrones
Rian Johnson/10
>characters roasties can't ever understand
Lost had good characters all the way to the end though. While the story went to hell, the characters ended on a satisfying note.
GoT has currently nothing going on. It's being written specifically for social media likes.
>>Roberts Rebellion was pointless
the fuck are you talking about
Yeah agreed. Mr. Eko was my fave and Ben is damn near one of the best tv villains ever written.
>Building the Wall itself was a waste of time, as was manning it for thousands of years
Holy fuck you're right. Quasimodo was literally more important than a giant fucking wall.
Dude you need to make a fucking youtube channel
I dropped this around Season 3, just didn't feel motivated to go on, this genuinely sounds like such a sad and horrible thing, I did always think GoT had a great world and overarching threat but this is a pisspoor way of ending things
That's actually my point of view. The person I'm talking to is arguing that because Ned had loyal bannermen and because the Lannister's treachery costed them their allies then Ned "won" in spirit. He is the one who is conflating all of Ned's desires and goals into one big messy ball and declaring him a winner based on a philosophical technicality. I see multiple different goals and the most important one, Ned's goal to fix political corruption, was a failure. He didn't walk into the Red Keep for the purpose of being killed so he failed at what he was trying to do. Being honorable and yet failing is a massive theme in the story. You need to be a level 100 autist to disagree on something that simple. A 12 years old can read these books and misunderstand 99.99% of the story and still get this.
Based retarded relativist
>"Villain wins" is an OK subversion.
Only if it tells a truth.
fair enough
gaiboi is remembered for kidnapping and possibly raping and killing am innocent girl. bobby b was fighting against the injustice of his sister being kidnapped and killed
Feels good. I like when shows cuck the audience who think it's "high art". It's dime store trash written by hacks and they don't deserve to get the "epic writing" they've been wanting.
I haven't read the books but I'm assuming they're equally shit with plots and the only interesting bits are the character interactions.
I would enjoy pushing you into the gas chamber where you belong, reddit scum
And honour fostering loyalty is another massive one that you'd know about if you read past book 3.
Ned had no political aspirations at all, using the words 'win' and 'lose' with him is completely missing the point. He wasn't playing, he just wanted to protect his friends and family.
Ned died because it benfited the Lannisters in the short term. Just as Robb's death benefited them and the Freys in the short term.
But the Starks still own the hearts of the Northmen and it's all thanks to Ned. The Lannisters are surrounded by knives in the dark despite all of their 'victories'.
yeah but nobody is singing about hammerchad being pretty and noble so maybe king robby should have spent more time on hair and makeup
This. The books are realistic about their cause-and-effect. But not nihilistic. You still have a scenario where thousands of northerners are freezing their balls off to save Ned's supposed girl. Ned wasn't just a naive fool but also a very effective leader in the North who was highly respected by those he commanded over.
Jorah kills a Dothraki because the fool uses a a light weapon against heavy knight armor
Jorah dies by a wight stabbing him lightly on his armor
>Dude the prophecies are dumb and didn't mean anything!
>Meanwhile the fire god himself quite literally brings people back from the dead who have ties to said prophecies
It's almost as if the prophecies were there for a reason and actually served a legitimate narrative purpose.
>legitimate narrative purpose.
>resurrecting beric seven times so he can barricade a hallway for ten seconds
No one who says Ned's Stark honour got him killed is necessarily saying that Ned was a naive fool, a pathetic weaking king that deserved to die and inspired nothing but failures. Nobody is in this conversation is wearing all black and spouting pseudo-philosophy about nihilism while complaining about society and waiting for a text from Veronica. Ned Stark's honour got him killed. Rhaergar was noble and it didn't save him. Governing a country is hard. Corrupted politicians are bitches. The books are long but not complex, the themes are simple and hammered out in plain sight.
I mean they're suppose to serve a narrative function and be used to tie everything together in a way that makes sense. Obviously Beric's death was stupid in that regard.
But there's obviously more to it than just survival at any cost. Tywin was such a character and his house is in the process of falling apart completely. I don't even know what you're saying. There's more to it than Ned failing and the "bad guys" winning. It's way more complex than that, even if you don't like to to admit it.
I never watched a single GOT episode because it all sounds so fucking retarded. And every GOT fan I ever met is a stupid loser. But your posts make me curious.
>everything must make sense and have a purpose
t. brainlets
Maybe GOT is not that bad after all. Maybe GOT is just mediocre and the fans are like bronies, ruining it.
Or maybe you just suck cocks. There's a different between ambiguity and blatant plot holes and lazy storytelling with zero satisfying resolutions.
>storys shouldn't follow the basics of storytelling
>she hasn't done anything smart
every single one of her decisions throughout season 7 were extremely intelligent and competent
far too much for her character
Kek. How does your shit taste?
Good thing you never went to school. Imagine if someone introduced you to scary concepts like unreliable narrators that don't follow the generic story telling of the Brother Grimm Tales butchered versions.
Next episode is going to reveal that the Night King's ice crystals fell into the spiral pattern after based Arya exploded him with her dagger of mighty feminism.
In all seriousness, though, these faggots are a million times better at story beats within a single episode than they are at the bigger picture.
have sex incels
We already have unreliable narrators in the books. You're not being clever. There are two stories being told in parallel and it makes the shittier one all the more shit by the nature of comparison.
This is exactly how I've felt about the show for a long time, thanks for finding the words to express it. Of GRRM has any integrity he's probably infuriated by how D&D have so fundamentally misunderstood his books.
It's called MrBTongue.
Here's a video from June 2016 that touches on the same points.
Then why are you even here , you dumb faggot
>i never watched the show but i still visit these threads XDDD
Nobody cares
The fact that my little pony is your go-to comparison doesn’t make you look very cool, user.
Oh shit MauLer did a video on the episode
Damn, what's next?! E;R makes a video?
honestly at this point, I think D&D ruined game of thrones on purpose as part of the dark march of postmodernism and the total deconstruction of all culture into bite sized consumer friendly products that can be repacakged and sold off as needed
fuck all television its all shit, read books instead
not that user but
my little pony is sublime fucking art and a cultural masterpiece compared to this cancerous, overproduced horrid shit that is game of thrones
MauLer never made a GoT video before.
Also I thought you guys were gonna like a guy shitting on the episode for a half hour
half of the eastern myths is supposed to be exaggerated bullshit because thats what thousands of year old myths mostly are
and like others have said he likes to copy from lovecraft
after watching got you should read hyperion. it would be right up your alley
I like it.
>>Building the Wall itself was a waste of time, as was manning it for thousands of years
8000 thousand years,
EIGHT THOUSAND, that's almost the whole human history in our world.
They could just hire a faceless man and snipe the NK all this type.
Pretty much sums it up
>>Roberts Rebellion was pointless
>>The War Of Five Kings had no consequences
it had. the iron throne obliterated major houses who opposed them seizing the reach and probably the stormlands. it also made it easier for dany to enter westeros.
>>Building the Wall itself was a waste of time, as was manning it for thousands of years
it did keep the walkers out for thousands of years until they got a superweapon by airdrop. they didnt had the means to cross if before that so it wasnt pointless.
i agree on anything else though.
have sex
cum nerevar
this is a shit meme, considering most people that watch this show watch it with their fuck buddies
>>Building the Wall itself was a waste of time, as was manning it for thousands of years
No no no no wait, it's even worse.
The NK wanted to kill the three eyed raven to "destroy human history".
But the 3eyed raven was on his side of the wall most of the time, inside a little cave surrounded by a couple of midget elfs with fire bombs.
But wait, the NK only got past the wall using the dragon to destoryed, and he only got the dragon because Danny went there to save Jon, and she did that only because Jon went there to capture a zombie to show the queen so he could get help to fight the NK's army that didn't have a dragon to destroy the wall in the first place.
ARE (You)
Great write-up user
No one
*teleports behind you*
>reading each reply desperately fast to find those who fit his shit meme before the thread locks down so he can get some (you)s to fill his empty tranny life
Here's a you, thing. Keep yourself alive, and don't forget to DILATE. You are a gift that keeps on giving.
GoT is fucking mediocre shit and the books are equally bad
*it's a hologram*
You know this is a severe structural flaw in the theme of the show. She was literally SHOWN not to stab someone with a flimsy weapon if they had armour, yet in this latest episode it's all ignored just for that epic boss kill. Yeah you may say "she went for the weak spot!" - yet she couldn't even see that weak spot unless she has a third eye in her cunt or she was just lucky. The actual point of that very scene in the webm is to show that theatrics and belief alone aren't enough to win battles or fights.
One thing about Ned
>Ned is a character that stood by what was right and ultimately paid the price for his honour.
People always say Ned Stark is the most honorable character, but when push comes to shove he chooses love over honor.
First with Jon (sacrificing his reputation/honor out of love for his sister) and then right before his execution (bowing to Joffrey and again sacrificing his honor in order to protect his children).
>city that eat entire population overnight
Which one of the Essos cities is this? I know about the Five Forts and Yi Ti and Asshai and the other shit, but I don't remember this.
The show never said that Rheager married Lianna because of a fucking fantasy prince
Honor is love.
Jon was brought back to get the army together to act as fodder so Arya could shank the NK.
This, especially when you can quit whenever you fucking want.
>I'm a ninja now
>Later suckers, you and your many faced gods can suck my many faced dick LMAO.
I'd say they were more a case of swallowing his pride rather than honor.
And he will appear in the next episode
If this boyo take the iron throne i will apologize dumb&dumber
This is fucking good. Man this episode sucked ass.
>I haven't read this but I bet it SUCKS
Let's just make some things clear here. The chosen one was specified to possibly be female. Stannis was a wrong guess, turns out so was Jon. Arya was the only one to be able to specifically get close enough, realize she didn't succeed in any surprise, he did catch her, she just close enough. Then it created the situation were she was able to stab him. I mean the logistics of it and some execution is shit, but it make more sense than people say. I realize people are assblasted, but things do make some sense and a lot was just wrongly acquired expectations. Sure there should have at least been two episodes if not more and something at least between bran and NK. However why the fuck did you guys expect Jon vs Night King and some deep explanation and back story? We already knew he was just a magical death weapon. Jon was revived because of his unique ability and position to rally people together for the war. I mean you can call it shit writing but its not meaningless. It just wasn't the meanings you wanted.
fucking retard
He was talking about cercei, not daenerys. Speaking of the devil, the only reason I'm glad Jorah died it's the fact that I don't have to hear khaleesi anymore.
>this much analysis of some fat tards fanfic show produced by queers for women
>Last three episodes deal with realm politics
That's a good thing
tax policies are more important incels.
Fucking dabbed on us all.
Never read the books or watched the show but I enjoyed reading this
Not with the retarded characters they have left
Layers of meaning and reason
Bravo Dabid.
this. nk got shanked because he lied about his deductibles and the iron bank sent an irs faceless man to "audit"
>3 episodes left
Im so glad I didnt bother with this season.
>episode 4: pre-war filler just like episode 2
>episode 5: small scale war because they spent all budget on episode 3
>episode 6: jon snow coronation and they live happy forever
Turns out night king wasn't the night king at all but just a night general.
Real night king army attacks them all in the back after defeating cersei
What was the honorable thing to do with Jon in your opinion then?
>Fuck my sister's dying wish, here Bobby, this is the child of Lyanna and Rahegar, fetch the Mountain, this baby is in need of a good squashing.
Hello preston
>episode 4: war setup, aggravating banter between Dany and sansa, dany accuses sansa of treason and execution is due to ep5. Jon, tyrion and varys take sansa's side
>episode 5: 3-sided war between dany, northeners and cersei. Jaime kills cersei, dany kills varys, jon kills dany
>episode 6: jon snow coronation and they live happy forever
What if that blue guy just lead a scouting party?
>They clapped and clapped as Arya's character developed into a strong powerful female role model who learned that murdering all her problems away is the solution to everything!
This is what upsets me about the show in that it's becoming less on the storytelling and more of pandering for internet/social media brownie points. Akin to living in the here and now and not worrying about the long term.
She fucking chopped up Walder Frey's kids, baked them into a pie, and served them to the old fuck. Then procedded to slice his throat, steal his face, and hold a feast only to poison the rest of the house.
Yeah sure, she got her revenge and what not. But it's still pretty fucked up when you take a step back and see what this "child" has done.
All the people on social media going "YASS QUEEN SLAY" or some shit like that on how she deserves the throne are fucking dumb.
She's a murderous sadistic psychopath fueled by revenge after having her innocence violently ripped away from her. Corrupted by war and forced to play and adapt to this game. Sure, she makes an excellent choice to be on the throne.
I don't think gurrm will ever expand on that at all, cosider that most of the shit about sothoryos is written by maesters in the citadel, that would be like scholars in europe trying to figure out the Amazon jungle in the XV century and I think he's trying to parallel that kind of shit, I think most of those people disapearing are just canibalized and/or die by dissease like in the island of Naath or Gogosos.
Ha get fucked you nerd
>it also made it easier for dany to enter westeros.
So? She did nothing. Even the ice dragon did little but melt the wall.
>keep the walkers out for thousands of years until they got a superweapon by airdrop. they didnt had the means to cross if before that so it wasnt pointless.
They just needed to break the gate door. And if that's the case why did Jon even go to get help?
Night King isn't wearing armour, just clothes. Certainly nothing as serious as the brigandine the Hound was wearing + Arya is now much stronger, an expert killer and wielding a Valyrian steel dagger, not a toy sword knocked up by a castle blacksmith.
Yeen, and that's in sothoryos diring the ghyscari setlements and then during Nymeryia's voyage for a new home.
Ah ah ah ooooh
This hacky embarrassment dweeb really needs an ass kicking.
>random superpower
Dont forget about the 20 good men with QUAD DAMAGE
it means the Nk was a targ, the fact that they showed he was immune to fire also reinforces this
>Night King isn't wearing armour, just clothes.
>rapiers are weak toy swords
t. brainlet
Nobody sings about Rhaegar either dude, only Viserys and he's fucking dead, btw where did Daenerys learn the "rape" story when everything he knows about him is his brother's lies and a couple of nice tales from Barristan.
> Building the Wall itself was a waste of time, as was manning it for thousands of years
It wasn't a waste of time. The only reason why the NK exposed himself is because he wanted to find Bran and do something with him/kill him. The NK never exposed himself during battles, so destroying the white walker's army wouldn't have been that easy without the 3ER as bait. Therefore a wall to keep the WW confined was probably the best solution at the time.
> But the 3eyed raven was on his side of the wall most of the time, inside a little cave surrounded by a couple of midget elfs with fire bombs.
The NK was able to trace Bran only because he touched him and marked him in one of his visions. He wasn't able to trace the previous 3ER because he didn't have a mark like Bran's.
Go sniff your own farts, retard. People like you are embarrassing cunts that people laugh at daily.
They could send a faceless man to kill night king
That's like a single layer of textured material. I don't see how you'd think that was armor...
How would they find him? How would they bypass the army defending him?
The same way Arya did
>Thinking that's a rapier and not a smallsword
t. turbobrainlet
But Arya had Bran as bait, clearly the first men didn't have any bait
Why is this so pleasant to listen?
Lost is fun as fuck on rewatch, the mystery might not be as good as it was originally intended, but the characters hold up all the way until the end
Just turn your brain off man, I mean HELLO! there is dragons on the show.
>>Building the Wall itself was a waste of time, as was manning it for thousands of years
oh, i hate this
because it's true
man i miss Lost
What Martin had to do with last season's bullshit?
>The NK was able to trace Bran only because he touched him and marked him in one of his visions. He wasn't able to trace the previous 3ER because he didn't have a mark like Bran's.
So what, the whole purpose of the wall and the night's watch is stupid either way.
Eight thousand years protecting the 7 kingdoms from a non threat. If Jon snow remained dead the NK wouldn't have a dragon to destroy the wall. It's a dumb story.
Enjoy shit.
They do. It pure shit filled with long plotlines leading fucking nowhere while the ",main" plotlines barely move. I loved to see this sort of in the Sams Bitch son who is son of that pedo who bribed walkers with sons and who basically doesnt age at all throught the whole show
Which season did they start making the show specifically for women and men who act like women? 4?
Would the villains winning even be considered subversion for a show that's all about subversion? Seems like that's what you'd expect.
It is an armor, but armor doesn't work in this fucking show anymore
It’s metal
Serious question Yea Forums, Does this bitch has some kind of Syndrome or some shit? Or is this the power of Britbong genes?
This show is his legacy whether he likes it or not
Doesn't look like it to me, it's a single flexible sheet.
>Not knowing that size of weapon in relation to user is how it should be classified.
Needle is a rapier to Arya in the same way Longclaw is a longsword to her.
>piercing plate with a sword
I cringed hard.
tolkien and hobbit pilled
Euron is final boss. Supposedly GURM gave those idiots a tentative outline, and since Euron is poised to be the main villain in the books (particularly if Stannis takes Winterfell from Roose), it stands to reason that he'll kill Cersei, summon some krakens, stop acting like a clown, fucking SOMETHING, right?
I require reassurance. It's not out of the realm of possibility, r..right?
What makes you think it’s flexible?
so this show is completely different from the books?
now I'm glad dyke quasimodo killed this nigger
The story is as close to the opposite as you can get. It has no similarities besides character and place names
Oh, that sounds worse than just having bitchy wine aunt be the final boss. Never read the books, but book Euron sounds like a good character, while TV Euron is just a chubby-cheeked fresh faced douche in a Renaissance Fair costume
Letting Dabid and Dään know the ending was the biggest fucking mistake Gurm ever did
literally sounds like the plot to a color out of space
I saw it flex.
Qyburn is final boss
I would enjoy
with you
Great analysis. The only that bothers me is this part:
>He made these books to be a rejection of the sort of Good Vs Evil battles that Tolkien used, believing that there is no good and evil in humanity, but everybody has the capacity to be both good and evil.
The thing with Tolkien is he always struggled with the implications of races and creatures aligned to good and evil as it contradicted his Catholic faith that believed in redemption. This was something he struggled to overcome until his death, particularly with the origin and nature of Orcs. Should also be considered that Tolkien's work should be taken as an attempt to create a mythology, not a morality tale.
>Never read the books, but book Euron sounds like a good character,
Insanely good. Here's his Winds chapter. It's a short read and it's almost like a standalone short horror story. Book Euron is no joke.
> Eight thousand years protecting the 7 kingdoms from a non threat.
It wasn't a non threat, the NK wouldn't have made himself vulnerable and easy to kill, humans would have had to fight the army of the dead, which is a fight almost impossible to win as we've seen in the last episode.
Good thing there's a convenient killswitch that turns them all off all at once
Tolkien was a gnostic occultist and was a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Everyone that's based knows this, it's why the story is so good, it's literally created through magical powers
Reminder that this episode sits at a score of 8.9 on imdb
>Dragon glass doesn't instant kill zombies anymore
>breaks through armor
>Tolkien was a gnostic occultist and was a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
I'm not a Christcuck but (((gnostics))) are literally worst than Catholics and you're full of shit.
>Tolkien's devout Roman Catholic faith was a significant factor in the conversion of C. S. Lewis from atheism to Christianity, although Tolkien was dismayed that Lewis chose to join the Church of England.
>Armies march down to King's Landing to deal with Cersei
>Bran for obvious reasons is left at Winterfell. He realises he made a mistake and becomes the Night King himself
>Raises all the dead at Winterfell, including familiar faces to march down south
Ah ok, I doubt I'll ever get into the book series—especially if it probably won't be completed—but I'll read this. Thanks user
you answered your own question
>imagine watching/reading this obvious shitfest and being invested in it thinking it will pay off somehow and be a great piece of entertainment
fucking lmaaaaaooooooooo your own fault, you fucking mongoloids lmaaaoooo
Kinda withstood Dragonfire and stuff
>Jaime going to Winterfell and Bran keeping him alive was actually of no importance for the battle
>Jon depsite being revived just gets to live normally now unlike Beric and Melly who fulfilled their magic purpose
Many "devout Catholics" are gnostic occultists, a great deal of ancient mystical knowledge was preserved through Templar orders.
>Both J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis were initiated in the H.O.G.D. (The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn), which is a deeply occult, black magic secret society. - A high initiated witch related that both Tolkien and C.S. Lewis were initiated in the H.O.G.D. (The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn), which is a deeply occult, black magic secret society. (The "Order of the Golden Dawn" was primarily made up of mystical "Christians" and former followers of Madame Blavatsky the founder of the Theosophical Society that still adhered to Luciferianism.) During a discussion about Tolkien and his work, this male witch commented that "The Hobbit" and the rest of the Middle-Earth series was merely an elementary 'primer' for witchcraft. He was even a bit irritated at the lack of background knowledge about Tolkien among the people gathered. Later he added C.S. Lewis to the conversation as another well known literary figure who was initiated in the H.O.G.D. If this is true or not is hard to say, but it is interesting and well worth looking further into. However, there are more indications that both Tolkien and Lewis had Golden Dawn connections. Charles Williams was a friend of Lewis and Tolkien and also a member of the H.O.G.D. Williams along with Tolkien and Lewis, were members of a close knit Oxford reading group known as “The Inklings.” This is almost certainly where Lewis arrived at his extra-biblical ideas concerning the Holy Grail and other mid-evil myths.
>>why did they make the Dothraki charge to their deaths?
It's actually pretty in-character for the Dothraki
i look like this when i pull my fringe up, and i'm a dude.
thinking about getting a nose job
I'm still convinced that Lewis chose to become Anglican just to troll Tolkien because he wouldn't shut the fuck up about Catholicism.
That's actually a main gauche
v based
They were both Gnostic Luciferians, like myself. You don't just come up with a fucking pseduo Christian mythohistoric framework of psychoanalytic archetypes complete with your own Luciferian expression of God without being one.
No actual Catholic would create his own insane parallel theology based around Eru Ilúvatar and Wizard Angels
kek it always gets me
>ancient mystical knowledge was preserved through Templar orders.
kek, you /x/ tard. Gnostics is just jewed and subverted NeoPlatonism. Go to the source, it's not hidden and you wont have to be ass raped.
Where did you get this fake qoute?
>next episode is battle aftermath and realm politics dealing with cersei and whatnot
>following episode is a 90 minutes of flashbacks showing Bran going into the past and changing events to play out exactly as he wanted, at the end we find out that when the NK branded bran (get it?) He actually imprinted him with part of his soul a-la horcruxery, and has been influencing and slowly taking over Bran
>Final episode begins with the aftermath of a giant battle outside kings landing, we aren't shown the battle just hundreds of thousands of corpses, Bran goes full NK and raises all the dead and sets them to attack whoevers left in kings landing
>Either Jaime or Jon has to kill dany/cersei and become azor ahai to defeat the new Bran king.
Something like that maybe? Its not super well thought out but some of it could work.
Isn't Arya's dagger made of Valerian steel?
Christianity is an extension of Judaism, and you literally worship and pray for the return of the King of the Jews to return to this earth and rule over you based out of Israel if you're a Christian.
Yeah, /x/ pedo is trying to lie about Tolkien though. >Luciferian expression of God without being one.
I dont remember reading Tolkien having God be a sophy feminist bitch of light. The Illivatar was the orchestra master and all was created through sound and music. Very Wagner, not Blavasky "kill all the white people, make everyone into a transexual!"
So? I'm not Chritian. I know history and you don't. You're a "Luciferian" which means you're essentially a Christian. Lucifer wasn't even a roman god, it's a name meaning the morning light of venus. the Vatican invented it
The Five Forts and the base of the Hightower are Valyrian. The "Fused black stone" is not to be confused with the "oily black stone"
That being said Maesters have tried to link the Lorathi Mazemakers to the Hightower and I believe the Lorathi one is supposed to be one of the Lovecraftian references like the greasy black stone is.
This vid covers it pretty well
Realm politics being resolved in the final episodes don't matter. Who wins the war doesn't matter. The ending is gonna be open ended with Don't Stop Believing being heard in the final seconds
Lol you know about Sophia, but can't recognize the extremely gnostic characteristics of Eru Ilúvatar? You're gaslighting yourself. Just so you know, all of us Luciferians are slightly unhinged and egotistical, and make our own expressions of God based on the same general framework of ideas mixed with our personal thoughts and creativity, because we understand God as an egregoric expression of our own inner Godhood
Blavatsky was racist also, she referred to the half black occultist Paschal Beverly Randolph as "The Nigger" her entire life
I know more of the true history of the world than you ever will. I can heal peoples souls and summon spirits from the Underworld. I drink the blood of witches and can see into the past
All the dead are burned in the next episode.
>n-no dude, Gandald proclaiming himself the servant of the Secret Fire has no gnostic connotations at all! It's totally just good boy Catholicism NOTHING ELSE
>he just spent most of his life making up his own version of God as a joke!
Wagner was also a str8 up Luciferian, just so you know
>unlike beric
Beric was resurrected like 9 times, and lost a bit each time, maybe the first time isn't so bad
No worries. Enjoy.
Daily reminder the show fucked us out of Stoneheart and this bad motherfucker too.
Yo remember when Sam was telling his teacher in the citadel about the white walkers and shit, and the dude told him that every age has people thinking it's the end times but it never is and there is no need to worry?
He was 100% in the right.
Remember how everyone who "underestimated" the White Walkers were proven completely right?
Everyone who doubted them was right
how are /got/ dealing with this shitshow now?
>Wagner was also a str8 up Luciferian
No retard
>Lol you know about Sophia, but can't recognize the extremely gnostic characteristics of Eru Ilúvatar?
No retard. Your Monad isn't the Iluvatar.
> Luciferians are slightly unhinged and egotistical, and make our own expressions of God based on the same general framework of ideas mixed with our personal thoughts and creativity
So you're a blog reading poser and not a real one. You never read Isis Unveiled and realized it's all anti-white feminism.
>Gandald proclaiming himself the servant of the Secret Fire has no gnostic connotations at all!
No it has nothing to do with the fact that Toilken was an scholar of pre-Christian European pagan history, right retard? He didn't put thousands of references into it. He must be a Jew-feminist luciferian.
>I know more of the true history of the world than you ever will. I can heal peoples souls and summon spirits from the Underworld. I drink the blood of witches and can see into the past
You drink feminist menstrual blood and larp Judeo-Christian mysticism. Read Plato, pleb.
i swear to god people forgot about Hound visions and it upsets me
What visions did he have?
Lol, you're literally a paranoid wannabe Nazi scared that the reason you love cuckold porn so much is because the Jews are making you watch it. Can't accept it's just because you're a submissive masochist. You don't even know your true race, your spiritual race. Your spirit is weak, I have the Lion Spirit.
All of us Luciferians study the knowledge of ancient Mystery Traditions, it's what we base our rituals around. I've called the spirit of Persephone into the host body of a witch and she awakened my soul to a higher evolutionary path than you. You're spiraling into spiritual death and you're doing it to yourself
extra cringe bro enjoy Hell
My soul has already passed to and from the Underworld, the death of my body has no power over my consciousness
>Lol, you're literally
All of us Luciferians study the knowledge of ancient Mystery Traditions
aka Judeo-Christian-Gnosticism which is the faggy sex cult inversion of higher-minded Platonism.
0/10 wizard level
So are you the pin or the cushion
Relax, Gurmm didn't give Dumb&Dumber the real ending. ASoIaF ending couldn't be this retarded and weak.
R-right, guys?
>the Wall was build to keep the White Walkers out
>White Walkers show up once (1)
>the wall did nothing
capeshit and elfshit
not even once
consider your expectations subverted, punk
Magia Sexualis is objectively the best way to fully manifest your soul into your material body and set yourself on the path to completing your psyche. It's the only way to unify the disparate aspects of yourself. Without it all of your actions are removed from your soul
>Material world
>muh ghost in shell
>muh butt sex enlightenment
You're a mentally ill psuedo-Christcuck who got jewd hard. Grow up and go outside.
>that filename
I'll go into the woods with my whore priestess and fuck her while drawing power from the primal spirits of the earth under the moonlight, you go ahead and keep crying about white genocide
Lol just have kids you faggot, literally nobody is stopping you from having white kids you autist
Speaking of themes, do you think GRRM has had any reflections on the cost of success? He has sold out, and is immensely more popular and wealthy because of it. But in the act of selling out he has had his creations watered down and perverted for mass consumption by a bunch of hollywood producers.
Can we give any criticisms GRRM may air about those works any credence since he himself is implicitly the key to their failures?
I saw recently some game or show or movie--unsure of which--that said "From George RR Martin, creator of Game of Thrones". So he's actively continuing to sell his work to those exploiters.
>The seven didn't do anything either
That implies the Red God didn't do anything.
It literally brought Beric back to life 7 times, Jon back to life once, and manifested multiple times through physical fucking fire magic
jesus hated jews and whipped them. Christianity is a reformation of Judaism. calling jesus a jew is like calling martian Luther a Catholic. jesus was possibly the greatest enemy jews have faced which is why they hated him back and killed him