Now that the dust has settled, was it kino?

Now that the dust has settled, was it kino?

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more like the retarded

you know it's an inferior remake of the Korean drama nanatsu no kaigi, right?

No, the Hong Kong original Infernal Affairs was far superior.

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Only pretentious retards think so.

the departed was just obnoxious wankery on all sides

So I’ll bite... just like the rest of us who have jobs, girlfriends, bills, responsibility, family, friends, and take part in the community that surrounds us, I don’t have all the time in the world to watch foreign language films and gently stroke my own ego for being “woke” about which film is better... listen, the departed was a good movie and was certainly entertaining. Stop with your desperate calls to us to recognize your vast superiority bc you live off a government stipend in your parents basement. Why not start a cargo shorts thread somewhere and talk about those, I bet you all have those in common too. Maybe you could suggest the best socks to wear with sandals

based and redpilled

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Michael Pocesso

How will weebs ever recover?



I wish they’d at least link us that cargo shorts thread

It is impossible to have this opinion genuinely unless you are Asian, raised in that culture / language. You're a tag and lying for no reason is what I'm saying.

Enjoyable flick

They’re like a tatted up slut who heard Darius Rucker singing wagon wheel and loved it but then heard that old crow medicine show sang it first so they pretend to like them so they seem cool or something... basically I’m saying these film fucks are insecure little girls who want film to be their personality

Departed has
>better script
>better acting
>better direction
>better themes and framing
meanwhile, Infernal Affairs has
>obscure indie cred

Choose wisely.



the USA version is better

I, unlike the other LARPers on here, actually watched Internal Affiars, and it's worse becuase you cant tell who is who, with the double crossing
not becuase of the film, but because the actors looks too alike you cant tell who is in what scene
will always be a problem with Asian cinema
USA people cant distinctive between the asian actros unscrutable faces enough to know who is whom