Going to watch LOTR trilogy, i forgot everything since I watched it as a young lad

Going to watch LOTR trilogy, i forgot everything since I watched it as a young lad.

What am I in for?

Attached: 1556485238765.jpg (720x724, 29K)

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The only fantasy trilogy you ever need

you're in for kino with just a few absurd action sequences courtesy of hackson


Shameless racist propaganda that has the audacity to pretend being a work of depth and morality, save yourself some time and just skip to the battle scenes, the only thing redeemable in the trilogy

Have sex.


lose weight femcel

Political thriller about progressive tax policies



pure kino and completely based, ph level literally three times that of bleach. five if watching extended edition

watch the extended editions once a day, you are going to burn yourself out and give up if you watch them all in one sitting

Not enough talk of tax policy.
Also sauron does not incentivise small business.
Dont even bother to watch

Post proving yet again how easy it is to bait culture warriors. Have a (You)

I'd love to have friends to watch LOTR together in a comfy setting with snacks

Attached: comfy lotr.jpg (420x420, 33K)

People pretend it has no quips but it actually has.

quote three

I hope you're watching it the proper way.

Attached: the-lord-of-the-rings-the-motion-picture-trilogy-extended-edition-blu-ray-image-2.jpg (2041x912, 2.18M)

I can name five just from Gimli which I'm sure aren't in the books.


While I do have my quibbles with LotR, I suppose it's worth a watch

>blu ray
Enjoy your blu filter

oh yeah
i'd forgotten how shit movie gimli was

You mean the color corrected fanfixes of the Extended Edition Blu-rays?


Attached: 07d97b4b8a2e5e5ce24f319a429e2353.jpg (1590x400, 553K)

only fellowship has filter


there's seriously something wrong with that blu-ray set?

fuck. I own it and have watched it at least 8 times

Top left is better while bottom right is better

Also I hate anything fanfixed, its mostly pretentious shite

Comfy kino.