now that darth vader is an incel do you still get called one for disliking star wars films?
Now that darth vader is an incel do you still get called one for disliking star wars films?
Darth Vader had sex, he's just loyal to his dead wife
Fuck roasties
>now that darth vader is an incel
The man had his dick burnt off. We've known he was a literal incel for years
>"Darth Vader to the bridge"
Who fucking writes this garbage? All you have to do is imagine James Earl Jones's voice and think "Would it sound weird if he said this?". That's all you have to do.
that's not canon, only the new comics and films are and i'm pretty sure he had sex in one earlier
>Darth Vader killing crazy eyed bitches before they fuck up his Life
I dont see the problem
Faggots forget Vader has always killed thots. Ever since 2005.
>do you still get called one for disliking star wars films?
No. You are called that for liking SW. Or any other nerdy stuff.
Oh, well thank God I've been set straight on the canonical status of Darth Vader's junk. I wouldn't want to sound uninformed on the subject.
you wish, being a nerd is cool now, women love it when I talk about star wars
But he is a roasty
Is this from Marvel SW? I'm surprised they'd do something like this in current year
The only thing out of character in this story is Vader saying "garbage". When has he ever spoken like a Millenial? He lived a long, long ago time ago in a galaxy far, far away. He would say something like "remove this refuse from my quarters". Hopeless gonna Hopeless, I guess.
Remember when people would say you would never have sex liking nerd stuff?
Now they are saying you will never have sex for NOT liking nerd stuff because now they like it, incel is just another buzzword used to attack men that won't play by their rules, it means you are standing on your own feet.
Padme must've had some mad pussy for him to stay loyal even after her death.
>calling the bridge to dispose of a corpse
even setting aside that vader would rightly expect the corpse to just be taken care of by the time he returned this is really more of a janitorial problem
>Would it sound weird if he said this?
This. Why would Vader use the "Darth" like some pompous prick?
He lost his genitals when he had the low ground
green saber girl literally stealing sheev's lines.
All of it is out of character. "Darth Vader to the bridge?" I don't think he's spoken in the third person ever. I will be arriving momentarily or something, don't know any further context so I don't know if that could be tweaked better.
can someone gimme the stupid sauce on the rest of the shit comic
The line should be something as simple as "Clean this up at once." He doesn't need to identify himself, whoever picked up the space phone fucking knows who's calling and they'd damn well better figure out where on their own.
>be me, went to imperial academy for years to be qualified as crew for a star destroyer
>get assigned to vader's personal star destroyer huge fucking honor dude's like the second most important person in the galaxy
>be on internal comms duty late one night
>get a spacephone call
>clean this up at once
>about to tell this retard the bridge is not the fucking janitor dispatcher
>check caller ID
>it's fucking vader
>called from his personal comm not a wall terminal so I have no idea where he's calling from
>frantically spend the rest of the night trying to find what the fuck he's talking about before he comes up here and kills me
This comic shows him being the opposite of a incel.
Garbage isn't a new word.
Vader always spoke over comms informally but with authority, precisely because he was never established with an actual rank in the movies, he was just Palpatine's apprentice and that's not attached to Sheev's rank as Emperor.
He could metaphorically pull rank in the sense that he was the Emperor's main man, but he wasn't also a general or admiral or some shit, and his orders always boiled down to "Kill them" or "Bring them to me".
Having him say shit like a proper rank and file officer is retarded and reeks some writer trying too hard.
everyone on the ship would know where Vader is because he's royalty and like a celebrity hero of the empire to the common man and an overbearing nuisance to the higher ups, because their job is to do whatever he wants in so far as it doesn't directly contradict the Emperor's will
Vader would have engineers shadowing him at all times in case there's an issue with his suit or his hyperbaric chamber thing or his personal TIE fighter, he'd have sith acolytes, he'd have personal assistants and gofers and shit like that
It's like if Prince Harry or Trump's son or whoever stopped in to visit some battleship for a publicity thing, the crew would turn into servants
He has two kids
He is quite literally not an incel.
Not that being an "incel" is an actual thing.
Wheres the pepe edit you fucks
>sticks his lightsaber in Natalie Portman at least twice
>tumblr roastie wants to fuck him but he respectfully declines
Do you even know what incel means?