>In a pair of interviews given to Wired UK and TMZ, Wagner (Thrones cinematographer) explained the reasoning behind the artistic choice to film such a dark, claustrophobic battle. He also pointed the finger at technology, specifically a lack of quality and understanding of it. “A lot of the problem is that a lot of people don’t know how to tune their TVs properly,” Wagner told Wired UK. “A lot of people also unfortunately watch it on small iPads, which in no way can do justice to a show like that anyway.”

Attached: 11DE5F09-AD68-44D6-B1FE-B78B04736AFA.jpg (1200x800, 87K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>the long night

kek, it was like one hour

cringe and illiterate pilled

>As for why the episode had to be so dark, Wagner says it was an artistic choice. “The showrunners decided that this had to be a dark episode,” he tells Wired UK. “We’d seen so many battle scenes over the years — to make it truly impactful and to care for the characters, you have to find a unique way of portraying the story.”

For those who are still unconvinced, Wagner offered a more definitive response to TMZ: “We tried to give the viewers and fans a cool episode to watch,” he said. “I know it wasn’t too dark because I shot it.”

I watched on a 42” tv in absolute darkness after doing everything I could to correct the screen settings and there were still several sequences where I could not make out a single thing.

The only technology to blame is the shit CGI they wanted to hide.

>it's the audiences' fault

This isn't even like AvP:Requiem where the studio graded the footage into oblivion without asking the filmmakers first.

the lengths people go to justify bad directing

>dude we shot for 55 days
well maybe you should’ve taken a day or two to make sure it looked good

>it was on purpose!
>it’s meant to be dark!
>it’s the audiences fault!
>people watch on iPads!


>dude claustrophobic
>dude agoraphobic
I'm so fucking sick of these words

What a pretentious douche bag. So it’s everyones fault but his?

I loved the introduction to the undead. Just a mountain of black, miasmic death ahead. When the riders were chomped by this unholy crusade and all you heard, for at least a minute straight - screams.

Screams in the dark.

I liked this episode.

Attached: 1550538642940.jpg (925x798, 102K)

>/poltv/ incels literally watch GoT on their iPads

lmfao turn the brightness up at least you stupid cucks, my 4K oled had -zero- issues with this incredible episode

show looked fine to me, maybe you guys do need to fix your tv brightness

>Audience hates it
>It's the audience's fault the lighting was bad

>j-just adjust your TV bro, nothing wrong here

Attached: game.of.thrones.s08e03.1080p.web.h264-meento.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

>it's the audience's fault
And you wonder why I pirate media at every available opportunity?

It was just a mess at times, I watched it in a dark room with the blinds down and stuff like the dragon fight was just a clusterfuck. Had no idea who was winning or what was going on before Jon's dragon hit the ground.

reminds me of the start of Three Kings
The filmmakers knew that their artistic choices could make some viewers question their settings and gave a warning about the wonkeyness beforehand.

DnD should have had a pause screen at the start with a black dragon on a slightly darker black background, instructed us to adjust the gamma, increase the contrast, and buy new televisions before the show started

>create artistically shot battle kino
>plebs and proles shriek B-BUT WE CANT SEE NUFFIN

Attached: 1548700746399.png (384x378, 118K)

You're right user, everything was clearly visible. Ungrateful viewers need to stop complaining.

Attached: Clipboard02.png (1680x1050, 602K)

>“I know it wasn’t too dark because I shot it.”

have sex, Wags.

Attached: the long smirk.jpg (800x448, 12K)

it was supposed to be hard to see. Why the fuck would the NK want a clear night to wage battle in when he can instead fill it with snow and fog?

Looked like ass on a TV too

Is this suppose to be an example of something we shouldn’t be able to see because I can see everything.

bravo hbo

Attached: cinematic televison.jpg (920x517, 22K)

This criticism of it being too dark is so dumb, I thought the visuals were great. There is plenty of shit to talk about in this episode but of course all the plebs have to be talking about how dark the night battle was.

If you watched it on a shit tv it literally is your fault.

>Just turn your brightness up plebs, who cares about uniformity!

This is a new low, even for GOT.

Attached: 1556793412970.jpg (390x280, 68K)

>why is this battle against a literal embodiment of the cold, dark void of death so dark

Attached: hurrblurrdurr.jpg (550x550, 38K)

It was made for people to watch, not for the NK to wank over his glorious victory. If people can't see shit then what's even the point of showing it?

nobody will ever top helms deep

Reposting what the spoiler guy on Yea Forums said yesterday - is there any chance of this being true? He implied his friend worked for HBO India or something


these are from episode 6 in india - i did not see the episode myself a friend saw some scenes, i can not say more due to job security

- friend found the scenes confusing, there is too much talking and little action probably deliberate to stop spoiler images
- jon hears a conversation about a crazy blonde queen and gets upset
- there is only so much magic in the world, the wall is not meant as a physical wall, it is meant to use up magic so the night king cant
- for thousands of years the night king couldnt return as humans made the wall in the west and a magic volcano in the east, which used up the magic
- a hundred years ago, the volcano was destroyed and so were the last dragons, so the night king could return
- now the night king is gone, Jon beleives they dont need the dragons, dany disagrees and goes mad
- there is a scene of bran scratching the pattern over a picture of a dragon, which it turns out is on a tomb

I had no problems with the lighting, black crush and microblocking is just par for the course with streaming media. My issue is how short the long night was, couldn't they just time lapse a few months? Showed people starving and dying of cold, had the night king charge after half of the army of the living was already dead.

>t. Bugmen who buy the latest 60" 8k OLED on the market

is this the opening scene from Master and Commander

I have a 50" Sony. I'm sorry you're both poor and retarded.

Sounds completely retarded and braindead.
It's probably true.

*tips fedora*

Aye... myself as well. I chose to give it a single, scintillating upvote.

*nods respectfully towards you*

The Jon stuff lines up with other spoilers, the night king stuff sounds too embarrassing...why would they introduce a fucking volcano after 8 seasons ?

It's gotten to that point now has it? It's not our fault you cant see anything, it's your TVs fault!

My TV is on max brightness, is relatively new and that episode looked like a 480p camrip from fucking India. I had to double check I was on HBO HD channels at one point to confirm. Fuck this shitshow

Attached: 1555214841184.jpg (326x452, 30K)

It's so dense

What parts couldn't you see other than the dragon fight?

He is an asshole ! I watched the episode at like 1am in the dark with brightness setting to thew max, and the episode wasnt just dark its was a majority of the screen most of the time being totaly black. I will admit i dont have the best of monitor, but holy shit, i love watching movies on it and i never had a darkness problem beside a lot of episode from game of throne

Liar, tell me how many whigts do you see around Tormund ?

wait which faint blur is tormund?

My father cant physically watch, its just too dark

"Magic volcano"... sounds like the "Frozen Donkey Wheel" spoiler from Lost... which ended up being true

Bran scene doesn't make any sense, how can he use his arms when he's broken his neck?

I don't really know what I missed since it was black a lot of the time. Most of the close up combat was hard to follow when there was lighting, dragon scenes were frustrating and I swear characters were dying until it cut back to them and they were fine again. I was gonna download and watch it again but with that ending, I just dont care to. Apparently when Bran Warged into the ravens, the Night King did something? I didn't see what but apparently he killed the birds according to a friend

>can't figure out how to provide HDR or 4k to your customers
>tell them they aren't tuning their TV right
Watched it on a $1800 4k hdr projector, using the highest quality source available, and the banding was out the fucking ass. The only scenes that looked okay were the ones above the clouds. Every other TV series looks great, and game of thrones has never looked this bad.

He should be glad people couldn't see how choppy and incoherent his directing was, in any case

The ginger one and i assume he has more than 2 around him seeing thew way he fight, but even then i only noticed it in the webm and you have to be careful. But a few dark scene is good, i like that atmosphere,but a majority of the episode to bee unwatchable is disgusting

>how can he use his arms when he's broken his neck?
same way he gave the dagger to arya

Yeah I immediately noticed it was annoyingly dark. I doubt it was an artistic choice as much as HBO trying to save as much money by not showing anything.

He only has paraplegia so the arms still work, how else would he jerk off to Sansa and Ramsay?

My face is literally 4 inches away from my screen and I can barely make out what the fuck is going on. You're an idiot.

Have sex

I think the problem is people are too retarded to be able to enjoy a show without knowing 100% of what's going on. Do you know when kids are constantly nagging you at the start of the movie asking why did this happen and why did he do this and the answers to these things were not given to you as a viewer yet or maybe won't be at all? That's how the people complaining about it being too dark sound to me. For example when you talk about the NK doing something you are probably mentioning the shot where he's out of focus in the dark with his hand open towards the camera to show that he's controlling something but the shot is intentionally ambiguous and it's supposed to leave you wondering instead of giving you a straight answer to your question. The whole point of the episode was to show the chaos of warfare during night time and that's the only thing they did right.

alright gramps

Attached: thick.jpg (1932x2576, 398K)

For fucks sake, no it's not like that at all. This isnt the problem of it jumping around so much that it's hard to follow, its hard to follow because I legitimately couldn't see shit for like 80% of the battle. The dragons above the clouds was a great looking shot with no issues so I figured they just want it to be too dark to follow. As for the Night King being ambiguous and leaving me wondering what happened, I didnt even see the Night King do anything at all. I saw his outline and then it was too dark to see anything else. It's why I was surprised when I heard he apparently reached out and then stopped Bran from seeing him.

I saw Sam on the floor flailing near the end but I assumed he was being eaten alive, wasnt until after that he was flailing around stabbing zombies and was totally fine

Look, I'm not defending this episode (and the ending ruined the entire show) but EVERYONE complaining about not being able to see jack shit either streamed during peak hours or downloaded some shitty 700mb rip.

I did neither and it wasn't dark at all.
Besides, once you get past this bullshit argument you see what's really wrong with the editing. The constant 1 second shots of actors drowning in bodies.

Agreed. The close up shots where you couldn't tell what was going on was a much bigger issue.

Attached: The short Night.jpg (700x326, 109K)

Oh i forgot the real scene:

Attached: The short, dark Night.jpg (700x326, 16K)

God seeing it in RTS goggles really makes that battle formation so fucking retarded.

It was stylistically designed to be this way

Must be nice to spend your NEETBUX on a 4k oled instead of going out on dates with your gf.

nigga do u really think studios pay by the color


My download was 5gb and I barely saw shit, mate. The episode was terrible in any way imaginable.

With the focus they put on Arya shooting arrows in the last episodes I actually thought the Dragon fight shot of a dragon getting its belly raked was meant to show the scales being removed opening it up to an arrow, like in The Hobbit. But it turns out they had literally no purpose with their focus on Arya's archery, beyond her killing some regular wights just like all the other archers and Theon.

I don't remember wonkeyness in Three Kings.

>i-it was intented to be a cool dark episode
Yeah well it failed to be whatever they intended it to be, because the result was underwhelming and visually uninteresting. The entire episode is dark to a fault and has the same shit colored filter in every scene, regardles of whether it's an interior or exterior shot, if there's a snowstorm or not, if there's lighting from fires. It all has the color of shit, all the time.
A shame because a lot of the white walkers had really cool costumes and make up, but all the detail was lost because of the terrible way it was shot.

I sat right in front of my 4k oled that I've calibrated perfectly to get a cinema-lite experience and I couldn't see shit in certain scenes. What, am I supposed to have to abandon the settings that make every other movie and tv show look good just to be able to see what the fuck's going on in one GoT episode?

>eaten alive
wights don't eat, they're not that kind of zombie
makes the swarming scenes make even less sense when you remember that
like what were the swarms doing? they weren't trying to eat or bite the characters.
what was the giant doing? he wasn't going to eat lyanna

>"A lot of the problem is that a lot of people don’t know how to tune their TVs properly,”
I didn't know that I was supposed to tune my TV to accommodate this episode. I'm such a darn fool!

Now do one for the opposite team where they send the king alone in front of 500 supply of units

Attached: cope.jpg (1252x455, 231K)

And yet the fighters don't seem impeded by the darkness. We don't see them accidentally attacking each-other, or getting lost in the fray, they just fight on as if it was broad daylight, easily being able to tell friend from foe. Because it was only ridiculously dark to THE VIEWERS, not the characters. Compare it to a scene like the end part of Silence of The Lambs, where we can see what the character is doing but what we see is the character fumbling around in the dark, so we know it's meant to be dark.

I tried to watch on two TV's, played with settings, it made no difference. Couldn't see jack shit. Ironically, the BEST picture I got was on an iPad, and that sucked too.

Even without trying to do all that, why should I have had to? Literally every other thing I've ever watched on those screens has been fine. Netflix' Marvel shows were all dark, never had a single issue trying to make out character. HBO is a TV network, the product should be viewable on the average TV simply by turning on the station. Blaming the consumer is the most douchey, tone-deaf response they could have. Time to start pirating their content.

>it's your own fault for watching the episode right after release!
>don't blame HBO for their shitty servers and horribly low bit rate!

Kys my man

Real question: did anyone watch with a oled tv? was it better?

>he doesn't tune his tv in to match the requirements of each episode of a show he watches

none of these leaks outside of the episode 6 ones have had any validity, and the "volcano" sounds like some fanfic to do with Valyria.



err, I meant to say the episode 1 leaks, not 6.

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cinematography was top notch, couldn't see shit though because of hbo's awful bitrate

i watched it 2 times, first on an oled, second time on a regular led.

with the oled i had no issues at all and could see everything perfectly. with the led tv i couldn't see shit, especially when i've already watched it on the oled and so had that to compare it with.

bullshit, episode 3 was spoiled over a month ago but no-one listened

Huh, you inadvertently replied to your statement.

But iPads have some of the best screen panels in the industry?

I'm going to make a movie about someone who needs glasses. In other to make the audience feel like they are in that situation, I will film the entire movie out of focus. Anyone who complains about not being able to understand what is happening is a shitlord.

kino incoming

I forgot to mention that the dialogue and story will also be shit. I'm glad you're looking forward to it user.


Attached: 1551434889653.jpg (634x410, 66K)

and dont forget to put lots of female char. If someone attack your magnus opus, you tell them to have sex.

Oh yeah? Well I'm going to make a movie about what it was like to be Helen Keller after she became blind and deaf. It'll be 3 hours of a black screen with no sound. If anyone complains than they are not fun at parties and are yikes.

you listen to Howard Stern, eh user?

I don't. Did he make that joke already?

yep. he went on a long long rant on Tuesday about how dark GoT was, and that's one thing he said

I loved the beggining aswell. Gave a great feeling of the unknown

They should've brighten the scenes that are next to the castle though.

Also almost of the entirety of the episode sucked dicks.

ignore me, it was either a warning about the contrast, or im remembering a different movie.
I just streamed the start of tree kings and the warning isnt there anymore

And here I thought I was being somewhat original.

there isn't originality in this world user

The beginning was fine. The Dothraki just being....extinguished...was fucking awesome. After that, you couldn't tell who or what for nearly 90% of it.

direction trash, pacing trash, shaky cam.
what a joke of a director

S'ok, I read your post in his voice.

After viewing The Long Night I completely agree.

>plebs don't have OLED tellies

Howard Stern sad yikes?

>why is this battle against a literal embodiment of the cold, dark void of death so dark
It's a visual medium and it's not our TVs fault he can't shoot a fucking scene with CGI that can be seen.

Attached: communist retard congress now.jpg (1024x683, 100K)

I think visually its the best GOT episode to date, great cinematography and atmosphere, tons of great interesting shoots. Sapochnik and Wagner delievered with mediocre script.

What assholes. How am I supposed to enjoy this?

Attached: 1543939030363.png (3246x2703, 3.85M)

>yep. he went on a long long rant on Tuesday about how dark GoT was, and that's one thing he said
Did he talk about how bad it sucked or Arya?

Viewers were expected to tune their tvs specifically for that episode? Why not film it the way they want it to be seen, instead of making it too dark with the assumption that people would correct it on their end?

Are you joking? The cinematography, pacing and direction was horrendous, you couldn't even tell what's going on in a lot of scenes.

>the best
>to date
fucking kek

Attached: Clipboard01.png (1680x1050, 492K)

Friendly reminder that before the red woman showed up(from the direction of the NK???) and lit all their blades on fire, Jon and Dany's battle plan was to send the dothraki charging off into the complete darkness without any weapons that the wights are vulnerable to in any way. A 100% chance of killing them off quickly and letting the NK raise them for his own army.

I literally saw everything, downloaded torrent with 6800 bitrate, its not much for a night episode, but was enough, some artifact mainly in sky. Blue Ray with better bitrate will fix all the problems for everyone. HBO quality is shit.


There was no atmosphere. It was tight shots in dimmed CGI and violence that made no fucking sense

Because D&D stopped giving a fuck years ago when they got that they can get away with it too

It had it's moment, pic related for one, but overall it was a mess.
>Fight at night
>Everyone, and I mean everyone, is wearing black
>Barely any lightning
>Rapid cuts
>Shaky cam
It's terrible user. Sound design was the only good part of it honestly.

Attached: Clipboard03.png (1680x1050, 805K)

>it was intentional so it was good and justified!
Why do they let brainlets browse this site?

It was awesome in itself because of how they impregnated fear upon you by suggesting it, but it was really fucking dumb too.
Given the characters thick plot armor, they could've raped the Dead Army had they actually had a smart strategist

Attached: 0R0.jpg (850x1200, 285K)

What's wrong with this shot blind man?

>Friendly reminder that before the red woman showed up(from the direction of the NK???) and lit all their blades on fire, Jon and Dany's battle plan was to send the dothraki charging off into the complete darkness without any weapons that the wights are vulnerable to in any way. A 100% chance of killing them off quickly and letting the NK raise them for his own army.
Holy shit I didn't even think of that. It makes no fucking sense.

What's worst is the dragon glass was suppose to explode zombies but they had to stab them over and over like humans.

Attached: fuck outta here nigger faggot michael jackson.jpg (400x311, 27K)

The ending is
Final scene shows a bunch of kids sitting around a board game that has a bunch dolls that look like the main characters with a little girl saying "And that's how you play Game of Thrones!"

>Blue Ray with better bitrate will fix all the problems for everyone.
Imagine actually forking out money for blurays to rewatch this tripe and relive all the shitty calls D&D made.

Less is more.

Plebs, not my problem that u couldn't see anything. Honestly episode was great directed, shot and paced. War is chaos, war with dead is even more chaos than normal, so it was shot this way, it was realistic. There is no GOT episode even close with that much interesting shots and cinematography that this episode has.

It reminded me of a Transfomers movie where you have no idea what's happening in action scenes

he went on how fucking dark it was and how he couldn't see one fucking thing, and if he ran HBO he'd make sure the cinematographer would never work in Hollywood again

Well maybe you should watch it on a proper TV (OLED) then you poorfags. You are like the idiots that complain how a movies effects are when all they have seen is the chinese camrip with mic sound.

>explained the reasoning behind the artistic choice to film such a dark, claustrophobic battle.
I was expecting to see a nailbiter with living trying to hang onto prepared strongpoints tooth and nail against unrelenting opposition that doesn't suffer from morale problems and is constantly looking for a weak point in defenses, and is capable of acting as a collective with perfect timing in the field, giving them huge advantage over conventional medieval army with its communications limitations. Instead I saw a series of tactical errors of the type that make me suspect treason from the commander of the force, I mean, didn't they have enough food to feed the whole army or why were the dothraki sent in the dark blindly?

The writers could've easily have humans put up competent defense just to be gradually ground down (instead of feeling like events took place in hour or two, pace it over the whole night) and positions overrun after enemy finds way to get just a handful of wights inside unnoticed to attack from the rear or prevent reinforcements from getting somewhere in time, or something

Overall, given the magnitude and (in-universe) costs of these tactical errors, this was the worst episode so far, so many tons of men and horses were thrown away that it makes me ill

>He also pointed the finger at technology, specifically a lack of quality and understanding of it. “A lot of the problem is that a lot of people don’t know how to tune their TVs properly,”
My 1440p display is professionally calibrated with professional gear, couldn't see shit

Attached: 1291180332297.jpg (400x375, 25K)

>they had to stab them over and over like humans.
There were plenty of shots of Jon just casually stabbing one once and it falling down dead, I think Sam was doing the same thing and that's why he survived despite lying down like a tortoise on its shell. But then again most of them didn't explode or crumble like that giant, so I don't know what they were going for, except saving money on the effects.

The pacing was all over the place
>War is chaos, war with dead is even more chaos than normal, so it was shot this way, it was realistic
HAHAHAHAHA what a bad excuse for shaky cam and bad direction

The damn thing looked like a 90s full motion video on my $1500 4k television

It has great atmosphere and tension thanks to great sound design and cinematography, It was the most *horror* episode GOT ever has.

>Based user
Pleb can't fine tuning.

Attached: Kino.png (1680x953, 1.06M)

Oh it was fucking dumb, made no sense from a battle standpoint, but visually and atmospherically it was fucking outstanding.

Go back to your generic hollywood flicks, which everyone is shot the same way, fucking pleb.

That's why it should have been used sparingly and probably only in that part. It's the only segment it worked for.

Hello Wagner, please get another job

This would, unironically, be kino.

Or have Bob Newhart wake up in bed talking about how he just had the strangest dream.

GoT has been generic hollywood trash since season 3.

Fire is flat, meaning that it was brighter than camera could capture it.
And it's not even white, it's gray.
It's not about how it was shot, it was definitely graded this way in post production for some reason.

They still could have done that and made adjustments in post-production to make things at least discernible.

Is that from a last gen video game? You can see it easily but that isn't a good thing at all.

P.S. No one gives a fuck that if you have an oled tv!

No GOT episode is even close being that aesthetically pleasing as The Long Night, no episode is even close with that many interesting shoots.

I did It still sucked.

why not just stab the dragon with his valerian blade and kill it.

this episode wasnt, at least in terms of direction and cinematography.

>It's your fault for not setting your screen's brightness to 200!!!!
What a twat.

"Dude, it like....made me feel as if I were a part of the battle. It was intentional. I love this show!"

t. Definitely not an NPC.

>j-just adjust your TV bro, nothing wrong here
That is actually well lit scene, my screen gets no color banding at all with that webm

The real episode was all color banded to hell

Attached: color_banding.jpg (480x360, 11K)

>I mean, didn't they have enough food to feed the whole army or why were the dothraki sent in the dark blindly?
Imagine if it had been shot like the first season, with political intrigue still having a lot of focus. All the Dothraki horses are slaughtered to make food for everyone in the castle, and the Dothraki are on the brink of revolting because of this act, since riding is such a huge part of their culture, coupled with their hate of the cold and dark north they've been forced to, to fight against monsters that wouldn't have touched them in Essos. Jon and Dany have to juggle keeping everyone together while also seeing to the endless probing of the undead forces trying to find a weakspot in their defences.
There's an actual siege that's a "long night" because there's no sun for all that time, and bit by bit the cast is whittled down as our heroes have to retreat to smaller and smaller defensive positions, one man holding a doorway and killing a hundred wights before he gets tired enough to let one wight get close enough to kill him. Really show the relentless onslaught, instead of just having the spear-guys frontline get comically overrun without having time to use their spears. I mean christ, the unsullied seemed completely useless except for giving up their lives to cover the retreat for a minute.


People who complained they couldn't see shit were total brainlets

post interesting shoots

You're right man. It made it more realistic. Did you see how realistic QUEEN looked flying that dragon! Such realism! In fact in REALITY they would have fought in complete dark in an epic snowstorm. I think you nailed it. To really catch the realism this should have been broadcast on the radio! It'd make it so much more realistic! Great idea, user!

>70% of the screen is black
>lol retard you can't see?

I watched on a similar size tv not in total darkness and was able to see just fine

Attached: wow.png (1680x945, 880K)

>But then again most of them didn't explode or crumble like that giant, so I don't know what they were going for, except saving money on the effects.
Arya was pushing them with a fucking spear and the weight of her ten year old boyd, and they just fucking stood there, or bled from the throat like the library scene right out of the Walking Dead.

Attached: (474x316, 34K)

Are they really thinking that during a night fight there wouldn't be additional lighting provided for the soldiers to actually see something? That's not how this works...

>It has great atmosphere and tension thanks to great sound design and cinematography
IDK WTF you're talking about. And no one else does either. Who cares about sound design when the battle is absolutely ridiculous and you can't see shit

was it warfare? looked more like a brawl to me

i kinda have to agree with them on that

its the fucking long night, the fucking winter, its supposed to be dark, and it wasnt even too dark, i could see everything the whole time

too bad everything else was shit though

>you're holding it wrong
fuck off wagner

I actually liked the oppressively dark and hard to discern nature of the episode's cinematography, I thought it lent it a very immersive atmosphere of authenticity and really helped convey the chaotic desperation and "last stand" bleakness of the situation, ultimately its flaw was that it made the Night King feel like a much more substantial threat than he turned out to be

but yeah FUCK wagner

>don't want to spend money on cgi or extras
>just put a dark color filter in post so nobody can see

fucking hbo can't admit they made a mistake.
'i know we'll blame the audience for not working their tv properly!'

They don't know how a cavalry charge work..

>uses provided & recommended manufacturer settings
>still gets blamed for not setting up the TV correctly

or shoot it with a dragonglass arrow? these big targets should be easier than the millions of undead

>uses provided & recommended manufacturer settings
>still gets blamed for not setting up the TV correctly
I did a summer job once calibrating TV monitors as a service, the defaults are rarely even close to best

What an arrogant fucker.

Did EA buy HBO?

it was fine you whinging cunts....fucking hell

I’m a big fan of the unique way they put characters in mortal danger repeatedly then cut away

It's obvious that they whacky made it darker in post, some guy checked the picture luminosity levels and during the entire battle the brightest pixel is at 50% of maximum brightness in the available colour space. It's artificially made dark for no good reason as all, the cinematographer is lying, he made a terrible decision and new won't even take responsibility for it.

I figured the Arya kill meant that if you're recently dead enough to have blood in you then you collapse bleeding when the magic dispels. If you're a dried up mummy like the giant you fall apart once the magic dispels.

Whatever, it wasn't entertaining to watch for me and that's the end of it.

You can be artistic about it all you want, the end result sucked.

Attached: Battle of Winterfel in a nutshell.jpg (2007x1084, 55K)

>It's artificially made dark for no good reason as all, the cinematographer is lying, he made a terrible decision and new won't even take responsibility for it.
Seriously, I am hoping it was done to reduce costs (less detail required) so they can make the remaining episodes really impressive

I want to rewatch now but it's literally just a soap opera with a bullshit threat. Oh no Jon is gonna die. Oh no the white walkers are coming for 7 seasons. We better not fucking dwindle our numbers in petty squabbles or we'll be toast when winter comes.

Imagine you had to take a shit right before the battle and it took you 82 minutes of dropping a hot steaming poo coil only to come back and see all the White walkers dead and Jon snow cheering on piles of corpses and ice crystals.

Attached: Screenshot_20190502-133929.png (2560x1440, 1.23M)

He reamed them but it's probably partly because he wants HBO to fail so NBC/Universal have 1 less competitor.

>I know it wasn’t too dark because I shot it
>Everyone must be wrong because i'm always right
This is what happens you hire people because of their connections. They don't have to answer to anybody because their job is never on the line no matter how they fuck up.

*tips fedora

GoT has never had truly amazing cinematography, it was breddy gud at best, meh at worst. Way too much color grading, and clumsy handling of darkness, going for too dark to see instead of stylized darkness.
If you want to see some awesome tv cinematography look at X-Files, especially all those night exteriors. And this was in the fucking 90s shooting on film which had like a fraction of the sensibility of digital cameras used on GoT. They were much more skilled in stylizing light and shadow all the while using powerful lights to actually make things visible, the images don't feel at all overlit, they feel dark, yet well defined. That's good cinematography. This here is just
>hurr let's make it all dark and desaturated, super artistic durr
They should of gotten a good cinematographer and shot it on film. In the end, the limitations of shooting on film are what prevents hacks like this from producing crap cinematography. When you're limited to 500 ISO (or better still 200/250 for less grain) is when you actually get creative with making something appear dark while it actually isn't.

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It's bait.

>its supposed to be dark
100 seasons of the walking dead 50% in the dark. Here I made this for you faggots.

I guess that makes sense. Although the night King and his knights shattered and they weren't really corpses.

Attached: compare.jpg (540x608, 157K)

Most likely, you can cheap out on the CGI that way. Also shaky cam. With dark image and shaky cam you can easily put in just 50% of the effort into the CGI.

Maybe like a decade ago but not anymore.

THIS. You can make something appear dark without actually being dark. It's called creating an illusion, which is what filmmaking is about jfc
That said
>based Walking Dead cinematographer(s) shooting on film

>Illusion? Filmmaking?

Fuck tradition!

TV isn't cinema. You have to count on people not watching stuff in ideal conditions. Back in the day it was even more extreme where people had tiny SD CRT sets, so tv shows used lots of close ups so you could see the actors faces better. Now people tend to have 32inch or bigger HDTVs so you can get away with much more, but jfc it's still TV, you still have to give some leeway. Fucking pretentious cunts thinking their above their medium.

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the shitty lighting in this ep is such a tragedy. there are so many kino shots in this episode yet you'll never be able to discuss them because of plebs always shitting up all discussion with "lol u couldn't even see anything"

first 20-30 minutes of this episode was absolute kino. too bad poorfags without an oled will never realise this

just kys dabid

Fine, but then I want actors to actually get their heads chopped off, like back in the Roman days when they had actual criminals sentenced to death being executed on stage as part of the play.

post one kino shot wagner

it was literally to try and convince you to buy OLED TVs. I could only really watch on my phone because it has an OLED screen and the black pixels are actually off instead of having light leaking through like the laptop

im sure one or two dvd box sets from now we will get a remastered version of this episode

i have an oled and it was still terrible.

faggots caught a glimpse of a face when the screen was covered in fire and they pretend like they saw every pixel

>first 20-30 minutes of this episode was absolute kino.
Meh, sending the dothraki to charge blindly and meeting the enemy outside the castle should have never taken place, literally made me question why am I watching this

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This desu. Just to make gullible retards run to the stores and buy new TVs. The funny thing is it won't even work because the episode was fucking terrible and they managed to shit on the entire franchise with one fell swoop, so fat chance of hyping people now you fucking retards.

same tho

>I should worry about the shit cinematography instead of the cinematographer having to worry about my shitty TV

Attached: y_tho.jpg (1813x2111, 957K)

>it was literally to try and convince you to buy OLED TVs
Really, they'd shoot themselves in the foot to have some tv manufacturer make a few pennies?

Because thats the kind of shit that makes me cancel subscriptions instead of buying new gear

>attrocious writing for the episode
>mind numbingly dumb tactics employed
>fucking up the main baddie after 8 seasons of buildup
>spitting on the prince that was promised

But its alright because i cant see shit atleast

>dragons in the clouds
>dothraki charge with the canonballs in the air
>jaime seeing viserion's blue flame in the sky through the snowstorm
>dragons breathing fire through the snowstorm
>that first shot of the NK commanding his wight troops to throw themselves on the burning trenches
>red woman's eyes glowing with the burning trenches
>army of white walkers coming through the gates of winterfell

these are just of the top of my head, could probably list tons more if i watched the episode again


I said in an earlier thread this was the reason, you retards didn't believe me. Now it's coming from the horses mouth. You're all complete and utter brainlets who don't realize the obvious

Attached: gf.png (667x670, 430K)

Obvious bait is the best possible bait.

Shadiversity tore this apart

Link your posts in the archive, I don't believe you

>attrocious writing for the episode
>mind numbingly dumb tactics employed
>fucking up the main baddie after 8 seasons of buildup
>spitting on the prince that was promised
>But its alright because i cant see shit atleast
But at least your expectations were subverted, right?

>make everything dark as fuck
>at least the imagery of the Dothraki charging with flaming weapons was britty gud
>can't see much of anything for the next few scenes
>NK summons a fucking Blizzard as if it wasn't already bad enough
b r a v o

To be fair, you have to have a very high bitrate to comprehend s8e3. The lighting is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of OLED calibration most of the scenes will go unnoticed to a typical viewer's head.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Hand of the Queen tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they properly calibrated their own screen close to my own. Nothin personnel kid

>incompetent filmmakers say their incompetence is due to people not aligning their tv's
Suck my balls faggit

>I said in an earlier thread this was the reason
Then you're wrong AND hes lying, lighting really made this sub-standard

>y-you guy are retards
>it was meant to look like shit

Attached: 2f7.jpg (601x508, 31K)

So you liked the 5 first minutes. EPIC SHOWWW@@/@/@/@,*@/@+@++@

Once I turned up the brightness it looked fine... But it was still fucking terrible.

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i just love how the mere notion of someone liking something about this show triggers the absolute shit out of all these incels on this board

stay mad, virgin

>they light that fuckhuge trench surrounding the castle
>nice, now the flames will be reflected in the clouds and we'll be able to see again, nice idea to have the initial onslaught be so dark
>nope, still pitch dark

I legit couldn't tell what the fuck was going on in some scenes, like the two dragons fighting eachother face to face.

And everyone's somehow praising the director of this episode because EPIC BATTLE WOOOAAAAH

did any of you even watch season 7? I get it was a mess but Missandei corrected everyone by saying Prince or Princess that was promised

I know right. I thought they were going to use the trench flame as an excuse to finally illuminate the fucking scenes, but no. I apparently underestimated how retarded the cinematographer was

Attached: 1530875258466.png (440x440, 197K)

>have perfectly professionally calibrated home theater
>episode looks like shit in obvious attempt to hide cheap cgi
>low iq bugmen explain i should have watched with the brightness and contrast turned up to max

Believe now faggot

>Maybe the episode, or at least the battle should have been released as a podcast.


same but still enjoyed it

Last of the Mohicans had an entire battle sequence filmed entirely at night and entirely by natural light. The entire scene was filmed by firelight, torchlight, candlelight, moonlight and artillery flares, sometimes reflected by large white sheets.

If they could make it work 20 years ago, they could have made the climactic episode of a decade long television show work.

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>a battle full of mayhem is happening that's all you need to know
Underestimating audience gets you placed in same category as the new star wars movies, great fucking job


It's honestly amazing that such a high budget show could have such incompetent people on all aspects of production.
I mean the writers being hacks is almost expected - they had the books to rely on at the beginning, and hack writing makes shows more popular through mass appeal.
However both the music and photography being so poor is baffling. Is it corruption? Nepotism? Just complete lack of quality control or oversight from HBO once the show became a hit?

>Dabib, how the hell are we going to make the most epic battle ever in tv?
>Well, what if we make it 360p in complete darkness and very foggy so the people cant actually see the battle?
>Bravo Dabib, bravo!

>90 minute episode
>40 minutes in wife turns to me and says "is this episode just going to be one long battle?"
>turns out it was
>complete and utter waste of time

>no epic before battle speech
rip off

>Is it corruption? Nepotism? Just complete lack of quality control or oversight from HBO once the show became a hit?
I think they just lack vision and think since they don't care anyone else will care either.. I think Alex Jones was right and fluorine stare is a real thing

The real question is why can't showmakers make much quality television without having to rely on book material? You would have thought by this point they would be looking for talented writers for this stuff instead of winging it and making it half assed especially when they're putting so much money into these shows now.

Just be happy they didn't have someone say
>it's going to be a LONG night!

>we'll also blame it on their TVs, making them believe it's all an OLED conspiracy and no one will hold our lack of talent and foresight responsible for it!

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>The real question is why can't showmakers make much quality television without having to rely on book material?
They are simply not willing to hire enthusiastic genre savvy writers and rather instead hire a **political** writer, like with the current iteration of Doctor Who, they **literally** hired a bunch of **political** opinion writers to do sci-fi writers jobs.. And it shows as lowest ever recorded viewerships and ratings

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you can't post any of them, because there hasn't been a single decent shot in the episode.

dothraki charging is not out of character for them, they don't respect anyone who doesn't ride and will just keep charging them. It's in the books, they litteraly won't do any real maneuvers besides charge

I'm sure they would have written this in if it wasn't for the fact that their retarded script made "The Long Night" not long at all

Should have burned them all and slaughtered the horses for food then.

Still a better idea than giving the army of the dead another 100k fresh zombies

Quite understandable, seeing that OLEDs are literally gathering dust in stores, they're already considered the new plasma by your average consumers due to bad press, it's going to be a dead technology, even if it's superior to QLED.

But the show was clearly doing better in the earlier seasons and the difference is night and day, some of the later episodes are still good but I'm guessing they likely got the good stuff/dialogue from grrm himself. If money is the goal why wouldn't you go the extra mile to ensure your show is top notch stuff?

Bitch are you genuinely retarded or just baiting?

It doesn't, the color space is artificially squished to the point when with increased brightness it looks like absolute shit.

I'm context I don't think anyone thought they would be so ineffective agaisnt the undead horde. Also the show doesn't set up the dothraki being a brainless fighting force so this might be just be trying to make head cannon

I've seen clips of the show on youtube etc that look just as crisp and clean as any other moment on the show, are they just heavily edited or something?

It would've been fine if outside of Winterfell was bitch black but the interior was well lit because of all the fires. It would've made an interesting contrast.

Instead the entire thing is difficult to watch without a high quality rip and a decent monitor/television.

Not everything goes digital as Arya is crowned emperor of the galactic universe. Stewie takes off his VR headset, looks into the camera, and says "That was truly a Game of Thrones"


After 69 episodes of no issue, it's the audiences fault. They need to tune their TVs better!!

I'd like to choke this (undoubtedly) fat, bearded faggot out.

Compression has a difficult time with high contrast so really bad rips (the 700mb ones on piratebay) will be plagued with artifacts and squashed colors.

>A lot of the problem is that a lot of people don’t know how to tune their TVs properly
Yeah no

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>If money is the goal why wouldn't you go the extra mile to ensure your show is top notch stuff?
They spit on the audience, only thing they care about is the social acceptance of their wealthy peers

>Compression has a difficult time with high contrast so really bad rips (the 700mb ones on piratebay) will be plagued with artifacts and squashed colors.
I downloaded the 4.31gb 1080p amazon web rip and it was color banded to hell

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Why the fuck would Howard Stern care about NBC/Universal? He works for SiriusXM.

>Blame the audience the interview
Wagner needs to go back to film school.
>no darkness
>slower bad guys who cant climb a rock let alone a wall
>held off by 5 guys completely surrounded
what is different? was NK just baiting for a dragon?

Because it's a tv show you mong. It wasn't go-pro footage from a castle defender. If your audience can't see shit, it doesn't matter what the characters are trying to do, or their intent for doing it.

>nk arms rushes in as a literal 8ft wave that rips, bites, slashes and cuts
>everyone survives

Attached: mpv-shot0002.jpg (1920x1080, 82K)

why couldnt they cross the ice
why can they suddenly cross the ice

this battle was so nonsensical

It's like, puting SUPER GOGETA 5 WITH MASTERED ULTRA INSTINCT SUPER SAYJIN GOD to kill a Saybem. You just don't use ARYA, the bringer of light, the Queen of the Yes Slay, the No Name, Cold Heart Bitch, to kill a simple Gecko that flies.

>We've ruined 90% of characters that were established in the books and have done nothing to develop the ones we introduced
>"I know what will make people care: let's make the episode really fuckin dark lmao"
I can't for the inevitable "but the ratings were really so good so that means everyone liked it" comeback.

>War is chaos, war with dead
>it was realistic
How many wars with the undead have you read about in a history book?
Its pure fantasy. You can use magic to make shit look better.

the titanic was a tragedy, this is just poor lighting

>was NK just baiting for a dragon?
How did he learn of the dragons? Does he have a guy inside passing him information through ravens or something?

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She's going to do that when Daenerys becomes the Final Boss.

>Raegal will dive towards Arya in a open field
>Arya will smile at the dragon while the beast starts open his mouth to breath fire
>As soon as the flames touch the ground, Arya uses Needle and Cat's Doll Granger to Parry the flames away.
>She will then apear behind the dragon and stabs him through the heart 04 times before teleporting back
>Drogon will roar at the sight of his brother falling to a lowly midget
>Ubekistan to him, Ayra was already in mid teleport
>" words, just dreams now"
>Drogon falls after Arya stabs him in the hear 49 times.
>When she lands back at ground, she Draws Needle with her other hand and produces the Staff of Mary Sues out of her ass
>Helicopters towards Cersei's Army killing it all in 03 scenes
>A random Golde Company soldier "Who is that"
>Arya will smile, look at the camera and respond: NOO UON
>Direct by ass and dick

>War is chaos, war with dead is even more chaos than normal, so it was shot this way, it was realistic
I remember being able to fucking see what was happening in Saving Private Ryan

The funny thing is that NK waiting for the dragon makes precisely zero sense now that he's confirmed to be a generic ice nazi with no prescience. The show's writing is so bad - it retroactively makes past episodes objectively worse.

I have 09 TV in my house (hi from /vr/)

1. On the 1987, 14', Philco, color, it didn't work because it can't receive Digital Signal. So I just put an adaptador from HDMI to VGA, than from VGA to an RCA cable and finaly to a Coaxial. I stopped trying when I smelt something burning.
2. In a 1993, Sanryo Portable TV, I had the same problem. But the smell of burning came sooner.
3. In a CCE 14', 1997, Color, I didn't need a Coaxial plus. But the RCA was not great and the picture was very blurred. And that was the fully openning intro. The Episode was impossible to watch.
4. In my Philips 29', 2004, I could use a S-Video input which brought a little bit of consistency to the image, but it became darker than coal. Absolutely impossible to watch.
5. In my Philco 42', Full Hd, 2009, I had the first going on HDMI. The intro was fine enough, but the low frequency of the tv (48hz) made the image janky and unapealling. About the Brightness, you can see things much more clearly, but only if you accept a insaturated image.
6. In my Sony Bravia 2013, 50', Full Hd, 3D, the frequency was much better at 120hz, but the Auto Setting of the TV made it darker than a nigger's bum. So I had to manually find a good combination. The best result was not really that good, with the image being very dark.
7. In my Samsumg OLED, 51", 280 HZ, The image was even worse, since by then the episode had already ended and all I coud see was the last frame of the Dabyd giving an interview in the extras. His nose was clearly jewish. Not an optimal result.
8. I Tried on my am/fm radio, but there were no jimmy jammies to put into.
9. Finally, I tried on my Samsum Gamer Lapto, 15", with GEFORCE GTX, intecolre i7 and a nice mouse. I could then press the play button. The screen was dark, but I turned off all the lights and put some Retina opening Eye drops. Even if Now I could see the screen fine, I wondered about the time i wasted watching this garbage of a show while Arya was killing patriarchy

What about Arya ya filthy nigger

Holy shit. AvP 2 was garbage and so dark it was practically unwatchable. Nice comparison.

But that looks like he's inside somewhere dark with sunlight coming in through a window or something

Top one looks much more like a man outsaide at night

you have a 50 foot television?

>"volcano" sounds like some fanfic to do with Valyria.

unironically makes me think it's more likely to be real. What better way to wrap up your decade-long series than open up a bunch of pointless plot threads to follow up on in various spinoff series?

I can think of no theory that wont just raise further questions
If the asspull they have in store for bran manages to tie everything up i will actually clap at my tv

I don't know how to speak Mass Shooting very well - your units are all retarded.

But it's like, 50 inches or something. Yards? Yards or Inhcer I dunno which is it you people use.

>Yea Forums doesn't know how to use a tv.

Attached: 2dr9ymt.jpg (720x765, 94K)

There's even some things that magic can't make look better. Sorry.

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how can you sneak to a closed circle where everyone is looking at the center? literally invisible woman

>rent free

>credit card

>wahhh i need everything to be artifically overlit

fuck off noobs. appreciate the darkness. not enough movies show real nightlighting

the ice froze while they were waiting, someone said something to that effect in the episode

This. The whole fight i was thinking "Why would they...." after everything involving the logistics of the fight
>Why would they hide in the crypt?
>Why would they put the siege equipment on the front line?
>Why would they send the cavalry first?
>Why would they not have a back up way to light the trenches?
>Why would they have the pits so shallow and the lenght of a single man?

It was "fine" on my computer monitor because you're like an arm's length from the image. Then I threw it up on the 50"+ for others to watch and all the tweaking afterwards and couldn't fix shit. Same thing as you, pitch black room, windows and door closed, it was fucking darker than a theater and sometimes you just couldn't see shit. The shaky cam moments just made it impossible to see anything if it was dark.

I'm surprised these people didn't insist that the whiners get their eyes checked.

hwo did they get on the island if the ice wasnt solid. also most thralls are not even half the wight of a living human. also they can walk under water.

do you have a timestamp for this? i would like to compare to my screen


Attached: Theobald_I_of_Navarre_2.jpg (160x197, 24K)

nope I stole this from some other user

>dark scene
>has a lamp shining directly at face

wow so believable

>the episode is dark and full of plotholes

the ice was weak in the very beginning, they made it to the island but their movement cracked the ice, making it impossible for the wights to cross.

It sounds stupid and is unlikely but it is what happened in the episode.

the ice broke when the wights were crossing it, after the main characters had already crossed it, then some hours later the water was frozen again

>let's make it look like shit on purpose
wow so based

I cannot fucking believe people are defending not being able to see what the fuck is going on. It's absolutely bewildering

ah okie

I don't ever use the word "artistic" to describe anything positively anymore. I don't call anything good "art" either because I don't want to be misunderstood that I think I can call anything "art" as justification why something is good or shit.

Traditional "art" that has always been subjective can be put in near-objective terms now. Poetic devices, framing, tone, the inflection of voice, the closeness to reality, adherence to the rules of the setting - these are all clearly identifiable things and while they're certainly elements in art I sure as fuck won't openly say so.

Because "not being able to see shit" because "art" is the worst fucking thing in the history of anything. It's a fucking visual medium; if I can't fucking tell what is happening that definition of "art" is flawed and broken. It's as repulsive and irresponsible as going up to someone and kicking them in the balls and justifying your actions exclaiming it's art. Sure it might be art, but you're a faggot for thinking it excuses you for kicking someone in the fucking balls.

>thinking art is objective
no wonder you have a limited understanding of it

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kek, the absolute size of this jew's ego
even ultra normies got annoyed at this crap
but sure it's us who are at fault for trying to see shit and not him for making this garbage unwatchable

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finding the right subs file and searching for "clamoring" might help you

Zombies break out of stone crypts, yet they shipped a zombie to kings landing in a wooden box


Attached: 1556309859490.jpg (1000x483, 395K)

Ghost should have been in the crypts, protecting sansa

they must have a 350mb file or something ffs

Attached: game.of.thrones.s08e03.1080p.web.h264-memento[ettv].mkv_20190502_214623.807.png (1920x1080, 195K)

Synder movies say hello to you too

Attached: Untitled1.png (1918x1079, 269K)

>I prefer not not be able to see is a visual media because it's more realistic that way and doesn't break my immersion!

I dont care about realism really, but i care about mood, and generally most film/tv are overlit in this regard.

like if anything it breaks my immersion way more seeing shit like that waking dead picture above. LOK AT HIS FUCKING LAMP LIT FACE. I would be wondering "where is this light coming from??" whilst that scene is playing out (unless ofc the light source is part of the scene, but im assuming it isnt here).

it always breaks my imersion when characters are struggling to see anything in dark yet us viewers can see perfectly. thats stupid and immersion breaking also

Yeah it was absolutely euphoric you fat cunt