2nd weekend hasn't even happened yet and already close to 1.5 billion. Will it crack 3 bill?
>10 years of brainwashing npc and the biggest actors budget ever to get close to Jim
Avatar is the ultimate NPC flick and Cameron is the ultimate NPC flickmaker
Which is why he is so successful.
t. Salty NPC marvelcuck
Well with the cost of advertising Endgame needs at least 500 trillion dollars to break even
It's true. Avatar recycled a lot of successful ideas but as a property it had no brand loyalty to command consumers with. Considering the sheer scale and intensity of Marvel's media experiement, Endgame should be making WAY more than Avatar. If it doesn't, then that's kind of a marketing failure.
you don't win the marathon by running fast
that was true before Endgame and the MCU in general
Avatar was the legit better movie. And Avatar wasn't all that good.
>having anything to do with capeshit
Best I can do is one yike. Maybe one and a half.
>it took 10+ years and 22 movies
>avatar did it in 1
Imagine how well Avatar 2 will do
Avatar was boring as fuck with a generic story. The only place I've seen or heard people talk about it is on Yea Forums
hi zoomer
Avatar 2 will earn 5 billion.
Screencap this post.
not as well
3D is pretty much dead in the west which is what drove the biggest business for Avatar
This is a retarded comparison, Avatar was a 3D gimmick film and was rereleased
It needs 3.1 billion to even beat Titanic's adjusted box office. It'll probably stop around 2.6 billion behind even avatar's unadjusted box office.
If Avatar had no brand loyalty, why did Disney spend half a billion to build an Avatar themed area at DisneyWorld?
>people being proud of massive corporations making billions of dollars
Endgame has no legs. After the first week or so everyone has gone to see it to avoid spoiler or general anticipation of finishing the MCU arc. After that it's pretty much done and everyone who's going to see it already has. Sure some fans*ys will pump some numbers into it but it won't touch Avatar.
Even if it does by some miracle get to Avatar, Based Jim is already preparing to bury capeshit forever in his lair.
A big reason that Avatar was so successful was because of how next level the cgi was for its time, not to mention 3D. Avatar 2 will gross around 2 bill but not nearly as much as the original Avatar
Because Avatar is the top grossing film of all time? It's like you don't understand context. They didn't build a fucking park BEFORE the movie was top dog.
There is no difference between Avatar and capeshit
LOL, the insecurity
you said Avatar has no legs or lasting brand loyalty, the fact that Disney opened a $500 million Avatar park 8 years after the movie came out says otherwise
It’s not even halfway there. Needs $3.2B to beat Avatar adjusted. Face it MCU fags, Jim has you beat.
you delusional niggers said the same thing about captain marvel and that went on to make over a billion dollars.
Gone with the Wind and Titanic had tons of reruns and delayed release, Avatar too. Endgame will make 3B at least on its initial run.
Never mind beating Titanic adjusted. It’ll need $1.2B.... domestic alone before it beats Totanic. Face it time travel fags, your movie is a triumph of marketing, nothing more.
>Avatar 2 will gross around 2 bill
Don't suppose you use the dollar inflation adjustment for OS gross, are you user? Cause that would be grocery store accounting level.
and Titanic wasn't?
I didn’t even know about this.
Based Jim posters would never even screech about shit like that. They know marketing and hype works. None of them would be stupid enough to say Captain Marvel would bomb. That would only be the society of outrage: aka the /pol/zoomers
based underage
Inflation makes that not very impressive anymore. A movie can sneeze and make a billion with inflation and how much foreign markets have grown since Avatar cane out. Remember, underneath Avatar was Titanic and underneath Titanic you had to go way down to find #3. Endgame isn’t going to do that.
>implying James Cameron hasn’t spent the last decade working in computer-brain-interfaces to put the viewer INSIDE avatar 2
The real question is what will james Cameron do for avatar 3, personally I think he will terraform an entire planet and sell tickets to see the film played out IRL
For true OS gross you need to make a lot more than $3.2B. You’d have to adjust for the growth in the size of foreign markets. But $3.2B is the figure BO pros through around so I’m using it. Avatar making $2.8B would be like Endgame making $4B today. That’s how impressive the run was.
>implying Avatar 2 can't once again push the boundaries of CGI in this awful era of lowest-bidder sweatshop CGI muck
>The Ten Commandments
If you can argue that inflation plays a big role in EG final gross, you have to also accept that exchange rates played a big role in Avatar's OS gross.
because you're a NEET in some basement in Ohio and you'll never afford to go to DisneyWorld
It also has Disney’s most popular park ride lmao. After ONE movie. Endgame ain’t shit.
Endgame has no legs. After the first week or so everyone has gone to see it to avoid spoiler or general anticipation of finishing the MCU arc. After that it's pretty much done and everyone who's going to see it already has. Sure some fans*ys will pump some numbers into it but it won't touch Avatar.
Even if it does by some miracle get to Avatar, Based Jim is already preparing to bury capeshit forever in his lair.
No I don’t. I only have to point out when Avatar made $2.8B not a single non-Jim movie had done so. Endgame needs to make $3.8B to be similarly impressive to me.
Avatar made all that money because people went for the spectacle to see CGI and 3D technology that has never been used before.
I certainly don't remember titanic having 12 years of the most successful cinematic universe in history building it up, no.
Yes, this is true. Unlike Endgame which isn’t a spectacle at all, just a bunch of cheap farmed-out CGI with a mess of a story to match the visuals.
So, it's mental gymnastics. OK.
Endgame has no legs. After the first week or so everyone has gone to see it to avoid spoiler or general anticipation of finishing the MCU arc. After that it's pretty much done and everyone who's going to see it already has. Sure some fans*ys will pump some numbers into it but it won't touch Avatar.
Even if it does by some miracle get to Avatar, Based Jim is already preparing to bury capeshit forever in his lair.
These cameronfag tears in this thread are delicious.
based jim is pissed he didn't jump on the capeshit wagon, he's a has-been
How is Endgame not a spectacle? It took 11 years to create and featured dozens of big name actors and beloved characters
it's literally a chick flick
it will make 1 billion from China alone, it's one of the most anticipated movie over there
the only reason Endgame has even a shot at beating Avatar is because of how the market in China has grown in the last 10 years
and they were successfully able to release it in their holiday season which normally isn't allowed for American movies
>conveniently ignoring Avatar's nearly 200 million dollar marketing budget
Because the CGI looked like shit. Avatar 2 will show you how much Hollywood has been jewing you and that’s why Hollywood doesn’t like Jim.
Avatar is something you need to see in theaters to get the full effect.
no Titanic was fueled pretty much only by word of mouth and repeat viewings
there was no hype before it released, everyone thought it was gonna bomb
Endgame however was successful before anyone knew if it was dogshit or not
My boy Jim is working on glass free 3D projectors
literal r*ddit tier comments
>Avatar 2 will show you how much Hollywood has been jewing you
Fucking this. Compare any CGI-fest movie in recent years to Avatar and weep at the fact that Avatar STILL looks better in many scenes
>3d free projectors
he's working on it, but his big thing for A2's release is enhanced 3d with 16' lamberts instead of 3' lamberts, giving the picture over 4x more depth. also he pioneered underwater 3d photography purely for A2. capeshit is dead.
Not questioning the box office numbers, I'm sure it'll make billions, but does anyone else feel like it's been a little less impactful than the first? Infinity War part 1 just felt huge. Maybe it's just because GoT is happening at the same time.
>Implying they spent that all before release
If your movie is heading to $2.8B you had better be pushing it there! Marketing doesn’t stop 50% WoW drops, only being an overwhelmingly attractive movie does that. Endgame is not that.
Where my /avatar 2 countdown/ bros at?
>596 days until Avatar 2
He can keep this up!
It's dominating smaller markets, too, like Korea. I mean, pretty much everywhere, Endgame is basically printing money. The only way Avatar can compete is if they re-re-re-REEEEE-release it yet again in 3D, which is possible.
Remember when people unironically killed themselves after seeing Avatar? Good times.
>we will live to see capeshit buried forever
feels good my dude
everyone who saw avatar 1 is going to see avatar 2, that's a given
but what's crazy is how many people have been born since avatar 1, this movie is about to do double its original numbers if my calculations are correct
>1000 days till Avatar 2 was 404 days ago
Feels like yesterday lads, it's been an honour
>4x more depth
Boy I'd love to see those 3d museum films about ocean life using this tech.
>everyone thought it was gonna bomb
This guy remembers. The common joke at the time was "who's going to go see Titanic when everyone knows the ending hahaha." Young women went to it for that peak DiCaprio and managed to spread the word. Also helps there wasn't a lot of strong competition. But goddamn that movie stayed in theaters forever.
/pol/ doesn’t give a fuck about these films other than to express hilarity or disgust, but you retards go to that board to try drum up attention and then come here bleating about pOL zOMg! I saw you do it with Black Panther, even posting yourself in ss.
>adjusted box office
this fucking cope LMAO, retard
Does inflation not matter?
I saw Alita: Battle Angel and I forgot I even had glasses on
I saw Endgame in 3d however and it looked dogshit
Cameron knows how to do it right even with the glasses, though glasses free 3d would still be awesome
part of the problem though with 3d is just that theaters employees are incompetent
which is why Jim wisely sent this notice:
>IMPORTANT 3D NOTE: The key to the 3D experience is the light. You have been provided with both a general release 4.5 FL 3D DCP and a premium 6 FL-XBrite 3D DCP. Projecting an XBrite 3D DCP at the standard 4.5 Foot Lamberts of light will result in a dark, hard-to-see presentation. It was especially color graded at 6 foot lamberts and must be run at 6 FL. Projected in this way, it will look amazing!
>Conversely, if a general release 3D DCP is shown at 6 FL it will look overly bright. It must be run at 4.5 Foot Lamberts, and it will look terrific at that light level. Since you may have some auditoriums capable of running at 6 FL 3D with others that can only hit 4.5 FL 3D, please confirm that the correct DCP file is loaded in the appropriate theater and that each is run at its proper light level.
This will make a huge difference in the presentation and to audience enjoyment. Thanks so much from Robert Rodriguez, Jon Landau, and Jim Cameron.
The Yea Forums scientists, here to assist you with box office shit man
Its literally the only list that matters. Endgame may be on par with the original Star Wars which is a huge amount of success but at the end of the day it's literally a smaller film than Avatar
Based, there's nothing worse than a shitty dark 3-D projection
Not if you compare movies from different eras and not taking into account exchange ratea
>10 years later in a 20 movie franchise
>Not if you compare movies from different eras and not taking into account exchange ratea
What the fuck did he mean by this
The chad visionary creator vs the virgin faceless megacorp
Except movies make money in more countries than just the US, so adjusting for inflation just once for USD is incorrect. You'd have to go full autism and adjust inflation rates for all those foreign currencies, as well as adjust for currency exchange rates. Ultimately, it's wrong to tout "adjusted for inflation" as though it's the correct number when it's no more correct than just the unadjusted box offices. This is ignoring the fact that you'd never be able to calculate the real profits since studios hide how much they really spend and make on these movies.
How the fuck did Gone with the Wind, The Sound of Music and Star Wars make so much money in theaters without the help of China or hardly any other global markets compared to today? Were movie tickets just 10 times more expensive back then? The population was smaller and there were a lot less people around to buy the tickets too
>dude a sandwich has a higher nominal price in 2019 than it did in 1904 therefore the 2019 sandwich is more expensive
Mouse-goy retard spotted
Avatar is functionally capeshit too
Actually I take that back it's no where as popular as the original star wars because star wars didn't have an established franchise at the time and it didn't release in China or India and they weren't even well developed cinema markets at the time. Same goes for the sound of music or any of the most popular films ever. It's easy to forget that in the age of sequels and cinematic universes that literally non of these big recent blockbusters are anywhere near as popular as the big 1 off movie epics with no prior story
Nowadays you have so many more options to watch a movie other than theater.
A movie like gone with the wind was released in a time when people didn't even have tv at home. It was also re released 11 times. Saying "gwtw is the highest grossing movie adjusted for inflation" is pointless when things are so different now.
As for Avatar is had the benefit of really weak dollar which made it possible to make that much overseas
They spent ages in theaters, and were rereleased multiple times.
The Cost including promotion is only about 50 million more for endgame.
more than inflation, it's China hard carrying this movie, that market wasn't nearly the same when Avatar came out
it's not even going to crack 100 million in territories like Germany France or Japan, while Avatar made almost 200 million in all of them
shows you the universal power of Jim
Shills ITT trying to get people to actually pay money to see Shitgame by using their focus grouped 'everyone wants to be on the winning side' psychology crap.
Face it, based Cameron has and will always outshine Marvel, his steaming turds alone contain more artistic integrity.
Yes but don’t forget the amount of money they spent on production. They had to pay all those big actors and they also had to pay for distribution to a wider foreign market as they tried to get it opening in as many countries as possible. Disney drained a lot of money into Endgame, not just for marketing, but for logistics as well.
Fuck yeah, I'd buy a ticket
You know how Endgame is like the bigger movie in the world right now with kids, manchildren and teenagers? Those movies were even bigger back then, and they were much better movies, and they appealed to every single age group. Autists here boast about how many times they say movies, back in the day kids would take their pocket money and go to the theatre every single week often to see the same film over and over, not to mention there was no piracy, Netflix or even home movies. The big films were cultural events that dwarfed avengers.
>avatar is losing
>"y-you're just SHILLS"
Your tears are delicious.
Years and years in theaters. It's not like a whole lot of other new movies were coming out lol
Yeah, Titanic and My big fat greek wedding are famous for being out forever.
Of course, we do not know what type of legs Endgame will have
Holy fucking cope
So essentially, you're coping
does this could DVD sales too?
Endgame reaches a larger demographic than Gone with the Wind.
>B-b-but they were in cinemas forever so it's not a fair comparison!
This is a result of then making an insane amount of money, not a cause. Movies are only in the cinema if they still make cash, as soon as they stop making cash they get pulled. The reason they made so much money is the same as the reason they were in cinemas for so long, they're extremely popular because they're kino.
No just box office
Not in 1939 America, that film is universal and was unironically groundbreaking. When was the last modern film that actually no-meme broke new ground? Probably avatar.
It won't beat Jim.
Screencap this.
How can I be more like Jim, bros?
there were a lot less movies released back then.
now you have a blockbuster every few months
>B-b-but they were in cinemas forever so it's not a fair comparison!
I never said that, you stupid faggot. Another user asked how they made so much money, and I gave a short answer explaining why. Go fight your stupid corporate wars with some other user, or better yet, just leave this website, retard.
>It'll probably stop around 2.6 billion
no it won't
You pretending to be multiple people in this thread isn't delicious, just fucking retarded.
I honestly hope it beats Avatar so Jim will have a record to break when Avatar 2 drops. Otherwise it'll just look like he's burning ants with a magnifying glass.
by ostracizing every r*dditor you come across and making them feel unwelcome, because they aren't.
It had no brand loyalty when it came out you mong, literally the only thing selling it at the time was James Cameron's name and half the movie being entirely CGI aliens in 3D
You're such a fucking spineless coward that you won't quote the anons you think are me because you know you're full of shit. Piss off, faggot. Go prep the bull.
This desu, Detective Pikachu is out next week to grind the Endgame excitement to a halt. Disney aren't going to get lucky like they got with TFA and get to have it play everywhere for 4 months with no competition
You really think it's going to make more than 1.2 billion on top of its first week gross? This film has no legs, normies are already saying The Battle Of Winterfell was better than Endgame
What is the entire MCU so far, if not an ad campaign for Endgame?
2.2B by this weekend
2.2B in only fucking 10 days
holy shit
They aren't unwelcome?
holy shit i only just got hte "on your left" thing from end game
well 12 because some countries had 5 day weekend
does anyone give a fuck about Pikachu aside from weebs and japs?
there are still 597 days to Avatar 2, there's plenty of time to make the annoucement
>he will terraform an entire planet and sell tickets to see the film played out IRL
Based Jim at it again my dudes
>Endgame being carried by chinks
Imagine if the Chinese government had just said "nah sorry, this shit doesn't fly" and shut it down, how fucked would Endgame have been?
>muh 16-foot lamberts
>muh better depth
Does anyone parroting this meme even know what he's saying? He means they'll project sixteen FOOT-LAMBERTS, a unit of luminance. They'll make the screen really bright
Relax james
71% of Endgame's box office has been made domestically. And if China banned Endgame, a lot of Chinese theaters would be out of money.
End Game will stop at 2.4 Bil, Detective Pikachu is going to stop it Week 3
Avatar had stupidly long legs
Lmao so was Avatar you retard. Cameronfags are pathetic
>instantly brings up avatar despite it was never mentioned
Holy cope, capeshit soicucks are the worst
there will be a bigger drop off for endgame though.
avatar had a longer run with no competition and also had more marketing along the lines of 'state of the art' that avengers is missing
>thread about endgame vs avatar
>holy shit nobody ever mentioned avatar!!!!
based double-digit IQ simpletons
There will be a big drop off when the chink holidays end soon
You know it's gonna beat Avatar domestically right even adjusted.
Haha. Gotcha... I was just pretending to be retarded dude
pretty much every millennial in america is cumming in their pants over it.
>"I guarantee one thing. Avatar 2, 3, 4, and 5 are all going to be in 3D and they will look sumptuous," he said. He also says that "Hollywood has done 3D a disservice by embracing post-conversion," with the technology having stalled out a few years ago. For Avatar 2 and beyond, he's trying to push the technology forward once again. Here's what he had to say about it.
>"From my own perspective since I'm not doing television production, I'm doing Avatar sequels, four of them. They will be, to the best of my ability, the best 3D that's possible to make. That includes collaborating with the people at Dolby Cinema, who have developed high dynamic range projection that could put 16 foot-lamberts of light on a 3D screen through the glasses, which is revolutionary. Normally, you're looking at about three foot-lamberts. Sixteen is what you should be seeing. That's what movies should look like."
It's unlikely, it will probably beat Titanic though
It's already dropping off more than TFA did domestically
It's making big bank in China because of Holiday's, which end tomorrow & Detective Pikachu opens in China in a few days, then a week from now it opens Worldwide which will cannibalise it's 3rd weekend
I bet it caps at 2.3 Billion, very impressive none the less
Man children and actual children care, i.e. most of Endgame's audience
Try 7 billion
it will be close to if not at 2.2 billion this weekend.
it will cap at 2.3 billion if an asteroid hits earth and destroys on monday/tuesday
Pikachu is going to be massive, i expect over 1 billion easily
You didn't read my post, it's making shitloads of money thanks to China, which is going to stop tomorrow, likely the Chinese second weekend will have a huge drop off because everyone saw it on the holiday weekdays
Here’s the box office list after A3.
1) avatar 3
2) avatar 2
3) avatar
4) detective pikachu
>remembering all those abatap threads
Fucking hell ive been here too long
I honestly would not be surprised
Yeah, I'm thinking it's based.
Jim’s not competing with anyone except himself. Which is why he continues to raise the bar. I hope he breaks gone with the wind in adjusted for inflation terms. Would be kino. Who will star in his eventual biopic?
This guy gets it. I remember being taken to see it by my mom twice, my older sisters twice as well. Kid me hated it, but now I can see it for based Jim kino
Titanic wasn't out forever, it just stayed consistent at the Box office with small drops, just like Avatar
I dunno why Marvel fanboys keep pretending Titanic/Avatar are like Gone with the Wind
It was in theaters for ten months and got re-released (two times?). Ten months is not forever but it is along time for a movie to be in theaters.
Titanic didn't have China's massive box office or $20 Imax tickets, it was mainly re released once in 3D
>It's already dropping off more than TFA did domestically
Based on what?
Okay. I was only responding to the user who claimed it wasn’t out forever, which while technically true, isn’t true in the non-literal sense as it had a long run for a movie. I didn’t see anything about, nor said anything about China. Did you reply to the wrong user, or are you trying to shift to a new topic?
Titanic was rereleased twice.
Hahaha, you're that fucking mad because I called you out on some childish bullshit?
What an impotent mong you must be IRL m8.
I bet you get bullied like a bitch.
Yesterday and today haven't been counted yet.
Not him but to call someone out on samefagging you have to quote at least two posts you think they made, which you failed to do. Is this your first time using this website?
I never understood why this mediocre movie Avatar made so much money...
> Avatar recycled a lot of successful ideas
It's Pocahontas in space. That's literally it. The movie was in theaters for almost 10 months because every week good amount of tickets were sold. It had very strong legs. It had a huge marketing campaign. Everyone talked about it. It was made for 3D, and that was a big reason why people wanted to see it.
The theatrical 3D experience really was amazing and something you had to see.
Gone with the Wind was in theaters for 4 years. Back then no one had televsion at home. The way the movie was produced was revolutionary.
It won't beat Avatar
>It's Pocahontas in space
>It's true. Avatar recycled a lot of successful ideas but as a property it had no brand loyalty to command consumers with. Considering the sheer scale and intensity of Marvel's media experiement, Endgame should be making WAY more than Avatar. If it doesn't, then that's kind of a marketing failure.
the goal posts... they’re leaving the confines of our solar system...
it was out for a full year and the 3D was new technology at the time, it hyped the movie up as an event
With Pikachu coming out this Endgame will start dropping fast. Enjoy the big start mousecucks but it doesn't have legs
remember that if Pikachu flops you're going to be the laughing stock of the board and you'll have to call it quits like DCucks did
Lmao Pikashit won't even cross $800m
Did you brainlets account for inflation? Avatar's box office is 3.3 billions in 2018 dollars.
>he ACTUALLY thinks it will flop
>Black Panther will flop!
Why does Yea Forums have such a hate boner for this stuff? If it really disgusted you, you'd just talk about something else. Instead you bitch about it incessantly while making shit up. Do you just enjoy being wrong? Find something you actually enjoy for once. Alita generals are pathetic but at least those autists seem to enjoy what they're discussing.
Looks like inflation finally caught up with Avatar
>Gone with the Wind
That's not even remotely close. Detective Pikachu not only has Endgame to deal with, it has Godzilla, Brightburn, John Wick and Aladdin.
“Pocahontas in Space” annoys me because 1) John Smith isn’t the main character in Pocahontas and 2) Avatar isn’t set in space as it takes place almost entirely on a planet. It’s true that Avatar’s story is similar to a lot of stories, but that familiarity ultimately helped it gain a wider acceptance than scifi films usually get.
Its Marvel Studios PR pushing that shit mainly
Avatar didn't need that much build up
Hollywood movies are never profitable, what's your point. Welcome to the marvelous world of the hollywood accounting where even if the the movie get 3 billions it'll fail to produce any profits anyway.
I like the MCU. Didn’t see Alita. Looked dumb.
It doesn't really need legs when it will make over 2 billion in 12 days
it did mediocre in it's first week, it's the second week where it did big numbers & continued trucking on
I remember the arguments on IMDB, people saying it would be the second coming of Titanic & somehow make more money on it's second week & it fucking did somehow
Then it needs another 700mil to beat Avatar, when it has Pokemon shit to compete with
Avatar did need build up. It didn’t have a big opening box office, but built up over time (I think its original run was a little under a year) thanks to word of mouth and post-release hype. I remember when Avatar trailers first hit theaters, and the intial reaction was smartasses online going “I wish it was a Last Airbender movie” (and those assholes got exactly what they deserved).
But if you mean a 20+ movie buildup, well, while you could say it took elements from previously told stories, it would be disingenuous to imply that Avatar had the brandname that Endgame did.
Why do (((people))), especially lanky white men, care so much about their incentives to beat a production from a soulless greedy corporation towards another movie from a soulless greedy corporation in the box office. What do they get out of it?
>have to
What, will I get b& if I don't? Boo-fucking-hoo.
You think these shillfaggots aren't hip to that shit? That they don't cook up shops on the reg to try to cover their tracks?
For someone who uses this site, you're a bit too trusting, so I could ask you the same question.
I'm content that faggio I was talking to knows that I know, and is mad as fuck about it.
My post was directed towards butthurt anons REEEing constantly, not yourself.
because that way I get to make fun of DC fags AND Cameron fags
>he thinks avatar 2 is actually happening
It's fun to hate.
Is it really?
we don't care
it's fun to pretend we care
there's nothing else to do on on this website than pretend to have huge opinions about minor shit.
thanks for showing you're a capeshitter, marvel user.
You know, I was done giving Disney money but since avatard fans are so petty I’m going to go watch Endgame again today
>all that for 1(one) drop of blood
Yeah, otherwise I wouldn't have said so.
Capitalism dictates that you define your humanity to embody corporate products and brands. Like religion, you give them your money to beat the other competing brands.
Other anons don't seem to be having fun, only reason I'm asking.
You just look extremely new and foolish, especially now that you’re trying to use old, outdated Yea Forums slang you found on knowyourmeme. You really should try lurking for a few months, and then try posting. Best of luck.
I think the people who make Marvel threads like Marvel movie. They just say they don’t because they want to fit in and not be made fun of. I think this because they see every MCU movie, usually in the first weekend. Even I don’t watch all of them, and I usually wait a week or two.
Interesting theory. I'll take it into consideration.
You dumb faggot, I've been on Yea Forums since 08.
I bet you're the other mongoloid I was talking to.
You still mad, bitch?
just like racism rite guise? hehe hello r e d d i t!
How do you know, can you see their faces?
avatar only did 200 million in china
there was nothing else to do back then
more neighbourhood theatres, multiplexes didn't become common until 70s
segregation ensured theatres would be pleasant
what about NET profit? HMM KEKLORD???!?!?
Who am I supposed to be?
A bitch niggerfaggot
Again, you come off as extremely, incredibly new thinking insults and bad words hurt people's feelings on Yea Forums/4channel. Again, you should try lurking first.
Shut the fuck up, cuckold pussy.
avatar 2 will make 700 trillion dollars make my words