The Boys

Brutal capeshit parody with Karl Urban, will Yea Forums be watching it?

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>also FUCK the military
>except army grunts, those guys are cool
Rabbis has never written anything good in his entire life. The only people who enjoy his stuff are 15-22 YOs who think they’re being “mature” by reading Capeshit with less Capes and more HBO-Style blood and leftie “b8er”. The Boys is trash, Preacher is trash, Thor Vikings is trash, Punisher MAX is mediocre and Hickman’s Fury is miles better.

So no, I won’t be watching. I’d rather sit through 20 years worth of upcoming MCU Capeshit with the X-Men than watch this.

I thought they doing Dredd tv series with him, Yea Forums lied to me again?

Pretty keen

Yes, the comic was enjoyable as a fuck you to capeshit virtue paragons and it stars Karl Urban.

Seth Rogen's involvement concerns me due to Preacher. I'll watch for a bit to see though.

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I'm just happy to see Garth Ennis adapted for the big screen again. Preacher was good in the end, but Crossed, Hitman &The Boys could be great.

Spud guns aplenty

Wow so edgy.

Fourteen what, inches tall?

After what Rogan and Goldberg did to Preacher I have no hope for this adaptation at all.

>with him
No, he might drop by occasionally, but he's a secondary character. That's right. A Dredd tv series where Dredd isn't the protagonist. Three young judges are.

>Brainlet unable to gather enough oxygen to to think
Yeah, I'm in. YTB

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What did they do to Preacher other than blackwash Tulip, repeatedly wander off from source material, remember they were making an adaptation, and immediately wander off from source material again?

Also, admit it, Herr Starr is based on the show.

Black washing Tulip wasn't the main problem. The problem was they changed the fundamental dynamics and relationships between the 3 main characters, and that was the heart of Preacher. It wasn't the 90s edge. It wasn't the religious commentary. It was the stories of Jesse, Tulip, and Cass, and how they all intersected. The show changed all that for some fucking reason I don't know.

you cannot wrap your mind around the fact that a fat jew fall in love for the scat and edgy atheism against christian icons instead of character development?


Oh I can wrap my mind around it just fine. Doesn't mean I have to like it or think it's any good. They literally ripped the heart out if Preacher to make more edgy jokes.

My man Karl wrecking shit, oh yeah!
I am still butthurt about Almost Human kino.

If they remotely stick to the source material, yes. Although I will be conflicted about knowing the climax already.

It’s an edgy power fantasy about britbongs killing yanks with a superhero dressing, written by a limey with a poorly hidden inferiority complex and a hate boner for the states because MUH OIL IN MIDDLE EAST.

family guy tier humor

fuck off


I wonder if they can get Christian Bale to cameo as Tek Knight.

Karl Urban can do no wrong

>Give Butcher a beard for no reason
>Butcher isn't towering above Hughie, he's just as tall as him
>Wee Hughie doesn't have a Scottish accent
>Turn A-Train black when The Deep was already black
>Mother's Milk not wearing shades the entire time

>No Simon Pegg

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>No Simon Pegg
He plays Wee Hughie's father.

>the guys that brought you Sausage Party
Closed it right there, is making that shit really something people think they should be proud of?

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