I left with the best mans number

>I left with the best mans number
No you fucking didn't you goblin

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/stream/HarrisonBergeron/Harrison Bergeron_djvu.txt

>this is a 10 in inglund

Uhh are you fucking off your rocker m8? She's a fine lass she is, probably a solid 8 ere in londontown , I'd get at er tiny minge

what if the best man also were wheel bound?

Holly Willoughby's hit the wall

I'd love to kick Maltesers gremlin in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch it with the full force of my steel capped toe under it's chin, send that little faggot flying through the air.

As it lies on the floor, coughing and wheezing and chocking on it's own blood, it's jaw a mangled mess of bones detached from the rest of it's skull, I stand over it and laugh wickedly. It looks up at me in fear and pain, it's eyes searching, begging me for mercy. It finds none. I raise my boot then stomp down, splitting it's skull like a melon and finally ending it's pathetic life.

Was it not a dwarf wedding?

phwoar propa english rose she is
almost as fit of a bird as maisie williams, wahey

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Can you be arrested for calling her ugly in Britannia yet?

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Based incel

No, it's was a midge wedding

Can someone post the 'afterbirth in a wig' pasta?

you forget, this little kobold is a step up from the goats and sliced up kebab middle schoolers that Ahmed is used to.

cooor blimmin BLOIMEY, now that is a propah lass i could bend ovah behoyd oiceland and give her muff a propah shaggin!

Don't these people ever feel patronised? Imagine the writer coming up to go and going "don't worry darlin, we're writing it so you left with the best mans number even through obviously that would never happen in real life, you're welcome luv"

I sympathise with her. She's gotta live out the one life she has as a deformed monstrosity. A life of rejection, pity and outright hostility.
What I cannot fucking stand is that some marketing cunt thought it would be cute and progressive to write her in and say she got with the best man.

This instantly conjures up images of this little tard-trike bound butthole wheering up to the studly young bearded best man, at the reception and moments later rolling away with a knowing wink and a lick of the lips as if we're supposed to fucking sit there, during fucking tea time, forced to contemplate the allusion that at some point a regular sized bloke and this little afterbirth-in-a-wig will be fucking going at in all filthy and sweaty with his normal sized tadger fucking smashing up against the back of her neck or wherever the fuck her truncated vagina ends and then we're all supposed to look at each other and say 'wow isn't that so progressive don't we live in such a wonderful age aren't we all so fucking fantastic'.

I wish that little 'goblin' all the best but the sewer-stall runoff that fucking worked up this ad needs taking out into the town square to be beaten by the rotted dicks of every syphilitic beggar available, gang-raped by a gang of impressively large dogs and then forced to watch her own shitty advert for eternity.

The only saving grace of this advert was the disgruntled chort that came out of every single one of my family members as we were subjected to this abomination on, what was otherwise, a pretty capital weekday evening.

Also maltesers can fucking do one. They look like they fell off a black man's diseased dingus.

Taking a potential role from a proud, disabled, miniaturised woman of colour. Disgusting.

10 anywhere in the world guv

Oi, chav nicked me mobile, otherwise oi'd roight bloimey give this bird a ringy ding ding, innit


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There it is. Based copypasta user. Fucking cried laughing the first time I saw this

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You made this thread a 100 times already get a life

Mmmm give me a reacharound with those jelly fingers Khalisi


Where the absolute FUCK has Warwick Davis poster been? If he died one of you faggots best pick up the mantle.

Man bongland really does seem like a fucking miserable wasteland, like a fallout game but no guns to defend against the various deformed creatures that roam freely across the land

The industrial revolution and losing all your best genes to the colonies JUSTed the country beyond repair

Actor doesn't care since there's money in it for her, every other goblin does. It's retarded, hurr let's just pretend X doesn't exist, that's so progressive

Did you reach this conclusion from Daily Mail headlines and a Maltesers advert?

Imagine buying a baby harness, putting her in it, putting your cock in her, and having her ride you as you just walked around all day.

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Yes, and GoT

What if the best man was a wheelchair goblin as well? then it would be normal

I reached that conclusion by taking an hour and a half cab ride from Heathrow to City of London in which I did not see a single white person

She talks about rolling over his foot while they were dancing.

Oh you should all hear yourselves, she’s an amazing person and an a great actress we should be looking up to people like her, get a grip

These people are incredibly rare, I don't think I've met a single one in my entire life, but it should be a crime if two of them wanted to hook up anyway because of genetics

hahahahahahaha based

Emm hmm gurl u so bad!

He's still around

what a fucking based post

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In a just world, she would have been aborted or left in the woods as a child, left to the elements.

Instead, she is paraded around from media company to media company, heralded by the execs as progressive when in reality its just a moden form of freak shows.

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probably meant "beast man"

time 2 fap

hahaha this nigga is shorter than the goblin
when will manlets learn ahahahaa

cor blimey she's a proper bint int she

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imagine hahahahah

How do we save Britain

>this thread

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this is my fave thread on Yea Forums every fucking time




Their life is even more of a surreal shitshow in clown world than ours. I doubt they give a shit.

>Looking up to her
She’s 3’5” including the chair

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pretty based post except for the end
>black man
>not saying nigger
thats pretty cringe but overall very based

JESUS CHRIST what the fuck is THAT?

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White people don't live in meme cities ya dingus they live in comfy towns or on acres of land

>twist is the best man actually gave her the number to a suicide hotline

>past me hated both totally spies and TDI
why was I such a plebeian

to be fair, I sometimes pass off witticisms I’ve heard elsewhere as my own

>tfw britfag

I honestly love this country, the nicest and funniest people around and the comfiest in the world.

you probably love japan or some other faggot shit anyway

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fucking hell user, I'm dying here

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the guys were ugly
the girls were god tier

haha imagine if you posted another one and then linked me a whole collection or rule34 tag, god that'd be silly haha

It's what happens when you feed a Mogwai after midnight

you incels are just jealous that this courageous young woman can form sexual relations while you're able bodied and still fail

He still deserves better.

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Hard to disagree desu. Also has anyone else been having really sexy dreams lately after being exposed to the "have sex" psyop?

nigger isnt really used here in the uk

we never had slaves so its pretty useless and inoffensive

t. black britfag

>Britbong genetics

>this little afterbirth-in-a-wig

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>t. black britfag
Thanks for being part of god's reckoning on the perfidious Anglo.

Also Brit.
Have to agree with you m8.
I grew up in a small market town now live in medium-large city.
UK is comfy as fuck and the people are fucking hilarious. Also no one seems to bat an eye at those who act/dress/speak strangely or differently, everything is dealt with through healthy bants.

Sorry Japan isn't overrun with Muslim rape gangs, Russell, enjoy your pit of niggers or black "people" as you call them.


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you have to go back

Seeing pictures like this really stirs something in my soul, I love living in Leafland but it's not the same

>he thinks London is representative of the whole of Britain
Scotland is like 95% white and everywhere outside London is basically the same. Also, and this might come as a surprise to you, our black people come from colonies in the Caribbean and came here by choice to actually work, not as slaves. We don't have the same racism or the same social problems as America, at least nowhere near the same scale.

We have institutionalised racism, because of our class system, but a working class brit is scum to a an upper class brit regardless of skin colour so our communities mesh better because we're all in the same boat.

>implying Japan isnt Bizzaro World UK

fuck off golliwog

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reminder that the actress has come out to say she wouldn't date a man under 6 foot

Are you a "What ends you from senpai yo lemme hold that iphone an ting" type?

No user
"Without six feet"

Bit out of date (2011 census) but you get the idea. Massive contrast between the countryside and certain cities. If it matters to you that much anyway you bloody weirdo.

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Imagine putting her in one of these things. For the first day you could just leave her in it and she’d be stuck, her little nik nak fingers unable to undo the restraints. You could give her a good kick and watch her bounce around. You could put mousetraps on the floor and a several starved cats. You could undo the straps and watch her panic as she descends closer to her death.

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I remember they briefly ran an ad campaign in the UK based on all the mean comments this person got.
Hope you're happy Yea Forums

Perfect onahole. Where is the movie ?

>gang-raped by a gang of impressively large dogs
It gets me every fucking time

That's still too many.


You need to nuke these people.

Frog here, I agree, nuke that shitty island into ashes.

>Frog here
You're far worse than the Bongs, Ngubu

Maisie's advertising malteasers now?

archive.org/stream/HarrisonBergeron/Harrison Bergeron_djvu.txt

based dingusposter

What's Arya Stark doing there?

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>or wherever the fuck her truncated vagina ends

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came here to make sure this was posted

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Did they set out to have the most ridiculous example possible before they made the commercial or did that gremlin show up to a casting call for regular actresses and the advertising execs were just like fuck it let's go crazy