Now that the mcu is female, who could she play?

now that the mcu is female, who could she play?

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She Hulk.


Fuck that shit. She should have been Yen in witcher with good casting.


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I'd say enchantress but it's a little late for that.


someone post the M(ommy)CU pic so we can rollz on it


I am in love with this woman. I wrote a fantasy about me and her, I hope you like it anons

>Be me
>Fly to Paris
>Find after months of painstaking sleuthing her Paris apartment address
>Wait until dark
>Climb drainpipe
>Break in window
>Creep into bedroom
>See her in bed asleep
>'Ye Gods! My beauty slumbers!
>Heavenly beauty of woman .jpeg
>Produce scissors
>Creep closer
>Her soft breathing lights a fire in my heart
>Skin makes me cry
>Standing over her now
>Knee bangs off bed
>Eyes open
>Me: don't scream
>Her: what do you want from me?
>Me: listen lady I just want a lock of your hair and I'll be gone I don't want any trouble alright just gimme what I came for
>She reaches for her phone
>Me: what are you doing
>Her: I'm calling the police
>Me: Don't call the police

>no nude scenes in disney movies
no point

interesting, more

Zatanna. No, wait, that's DC...

Black hair, green eyes, pale skin, English, evil but hot. Gee, I can't think of any MCU character like that.

She fucks black guys.

Have you been paying attention? The MCU quit hiring attractive women.

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ahkshually she only fucks little boys

Dye her hair red and let her play Jeannie.

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she should play someone that wants to ride my dick haha

She fucks big black cock

what's with the floating teeth?

she's too old to play anything now. She can play someones mom.

You're confusing her with your whore mother, nigger

little boys, buy bullying them with her motherly charms haha


She's a slave to big black alpha studs, she doesn't want small flaccid betas.

Reminder to not reply to zogged out Reddit trannys. Just keep the filter growing, they have 50 catch phrases tops and will all kill themselves soon enough!

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This is peak Yea Forums, carry on.

i hate it when people make threads about titcows and then proceed to not post pics of said titcow

>Leave The Wall to me.

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