Why didn’t he get the chance to bitch slap Thanos?

Why didn’t he get the chance to bitch slap Thanos?

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H--- S--

His arm got burned. The other one was too busy anyway
What did you expect

He transcended the need for violence

Is this shit the new sneed? Pointlessly spammed all over Yea Forums for what?

It took finally losing a fight, despite Widow saying he always ran from the fight because he knew he would always win (Age of Ultron) to finally bring Bruce peace. Both sides of him had lost against Thanos. Bringing his two halves together, his arc, his internal conflict and struggle all resolved. The fight didn't belong to him after that, it belonged to the heroes who had something personally taken from them and had a reason to fight (Spidey, Bucky/Falcon and everyone respectively).

Hulk was literally the happiest ever after Infinity War. Let him have his peace.

because the Hulk represents toxic masculinity, his REAL battle was with himself and he finally won. this is refelcted in his new basedboy attire and mannerisms.

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because I want to kill myself and life is shit

tfw he just turns into the jolly green giant

They really nerfed his healing factor. He should have healed that quickly.

Undoing his life's work is better.

The infinity gauntlet only broke his arm, why didn't he use the other one to revive Tony?

Watched it last night and have to say that it was aggressively mediocre. Fuck this shit I want my money back. Cringed visibly when captain sjw showed up on screen

He was nuking his own arm. He's lucky to even use it at all

Ti was a good movie, lad. Maybe you are too old for shit like that.

Because incels deserve to be scorned.

for what?

I hate this but it makes sense. I'll just dab and see myself out now.

Remember kids, listen to your mother (not your father that you only see on weekends). She knows best.

Is it bad Professor Hulk was one of my favourite characters out of Endgame? Along with thicc Thor.

She should have blown up the ship and fucked thanos up with a rage power-up instead of Captain Marvel

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Im not your lad, boyo

>Remember kids, listen to your mother (not your father that you only see on weekends). She knows best.
Please tell me this is a joke and not what you seriously took away from that line.

No, not really. It's Bruce without fretting about the Hulk all the damn time. Bruce is likable af in the films but the panicking and back and forth with the Hulk can get old after a while. Having a jolly green Chad giant that can smash easily with such a likable personality? Stands to reason he'd become a favourite.

Who cares. The plot says Purple man dabs on everyone until Tony saves everyone. A few more minutes of cluttered cgi with Green man changes nothing.

Hulk, Thor, Tony and Cap carried the movie and the franchise. Now that they are gone there is no point continuing.

It's got to be difficult to design a pair of pants that fit so tightly against the ass, but don't ride up on the pussy.

Yep. Beginning of the end for capeshit