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he was warging into 20 good men

It was beautiful Sansa.
The rape Sansa, do you remember the rape?

Don't ask. You don't want to know what's on this weirdo's mind.
But it's beautiful.

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he thought he was going to die and wanted to watch one good porn for one last time

Theon, you're a good man.

Now challenge the Night King to a dance off so he gets distracted and Arya can kill him!

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rewinding the rape for the last time, but this time, he selfinserted as Sansa for the first time

Replaying Jon and Danys sex scene in his head. I'd do the same if I was about to die.

reviving stanis
implying they showed bear girl being revived for no raison

He knew the Night King would try to triangulate his position by measuring the signal strength from the three nearest Weirwood trees.

But he needed to be actively making a call for him to do that.


Warging Ghost, searching Nym to bring wolf army to final battle

guiding Arya to him with the crows

This has been covered already you fucking spastics.

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Recording webms with the birds.

he was trying to get a better look at the dragon fight

Unironically baiting the nk

It was already established that the NK could track Bran because of the mark he left upon him, it was also established that killing Bran was top priority which is why Bran is outside in the first place. Why waste time double baiting him?

He went back in time to arrange events so that Ayra kills the NK. Maybe getting the dagger or something.

Probably also something to do with Theon.

He warged Ned and ensured his own pregnancy

Well Sean Bean has been confirmed for one scene this season, so maybe.

Being fucked by Jaime

He was in ep3.

Actually nothing

Making a deal with the Night King

No he wasn't retard.

Rewatching the good seasons of this show before it went to shit.

Literally was.
He killed so many women.

1.He watched Endgame

Its pretty clear Bran is setting some shit up so he can win in the end

Bran's right leg looks like a penis

watching a better show


>ayo theon you a'ight my nigga
>charge on over to tha nigga king, yeah i seent the future nigga you gone fuck him up, i seent it
>hm bran maybe i shouldnt charge to my death maybe someone will save us
>nah theon aint nobody gone save us nigga i seent it. Run on over to that nigga. Nobody comin fo us fo sho

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Why didnt arya jump when he was killinf theon? He was more distracted, closer to the wall and other undead, woulf have actuallg be cooler for both theon and arya

>Headless Ned and his Nedless Head rekking shit in the crypts
My favorite scene

Bad news, bud ...

One last sneedpost on Yea Forums

yep, he was the bait