anti-Disney incels did this. this is what happens when Marvel fans (aka normal people who have sex) are dehumanized as "capeshitters". apologize immediately.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>vaxer propaganda
oh boy i cant wait to ritualistically dump poison in my body

Wouldn't that be appropriate tho

A disease that will finally resist all efforts to stop it and cull the human race like the black plague did, turns into a full-on pandemic because some unvaccinated idiot went to see a superhero movie

Reminder this will be what ends the world


Shit thread, but thanks for reminding me I still need to schedule a vaccination (anti vax mother).

If you are vaccinated, then there's nothing to worry about

Guarantee it was a spic

Oh boy I can't wait until your kids die of easily preventable diseases

>Measles is the final Marvel boss

fucking based


Why so gullible

>easily preventable diseases
meaning, all i need to do is keep them away from your dirty progeny?

I thought of this game.

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No, all you need to do is get one (1) needle.

Let the lawsuits fly!

No because his kids are immunized. You'll have to keep your kids away from air.

Vaccionation is compulsory in Mexico, so no. It's far likelier it was some kind of super liberal hippie mother.

Only conservecuck are anti-vaxx

If you dont vax good, get out of my gene pool. Unless anti vaxxers cause the strain to mutate

Relax, measles only kills 3rd worlders because they drink pond water, have goats in their living rooms and they refuse to wear shoes even though they have access to them.

looks like the big pharma companies are getting desperate

imagine being a sheep who believes this and pumps his kid full of poison

Reminder you're a retard

Stop being so fucking stupid

>measles is a deadly disease
lol at the utter state of retarded facebook news consumers

>t. sub-70 IQ moron

>I trust corporations and the government dur dur!

>Vaccionation is compulsory in Mexico, so no. It's far likelier it was some kind of super liberal hippie mother.
>warship quaranteed for mumps despite a 100% vaccination rate
get fucked retards

These people aren't upper class Mexicans, you retard. I'm sure plenty of poor Mexicans never get vaccinated, but plenty come from central America anyways.

americans have made denying evolution and vaccines part of their culture
these are the people that put a man on the moon lmao
How low the mighty fall

What the fuck happened to this site in the last 5 years.
How the fuck did Yea Forums go from a place full with relatively intelligent but weird outcasts to a place with literal braindead boomer anti-vaxxers, flat earthers and bible thumpers.
What the fuck went wrong

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Damn right bro, people need to be listening to educated specialists like that underwear model Jim Carrey used to date, not "doctors"

>He would rather have autism than measels

hows about you shut the fuck up you dumb fucking frogposter bitch!

People thought it was funny to pretend to be that stupid and then the real idiots thought they were among friends

Everyone here already has autism so there's no downsides

>What the fuck went wrong
Normalfags trying to fit in by completely missing the point

The measles epidemic started amongst the jews of new york. The radical Hasidics refuse to vaccinate due to fears that the vaccine is not "kashrut".

goberment contrarianism

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I love how when anti vax shit pops up SOMEHOW measles break out everywhere SOMEHOW

>Still buying the moon nonsense

>politician is in favour of the nwo
>nwo bad
>he also supports vaccines
>vaccines now bad

I think it’s more that idiots learned how to use the internet and naturally some of them spread to Yea Forums as well

nice try dodging the fact that even with 100% vaccine rate, the supposed diseases you've been given "immunity" to still fuck your shit up

Maybe it's their fault for being pro NWO. I'd have a bit of a quibble with vaccines too if Satan herself promoted them.

>How the fuck did Yea Forums go from a place full with relatively intelligent but weird outcasts

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Why are europeans always so stupid and uniformed?

Attached: euro meas.png (762x561, 78K)

Modern retard mindset in action. "If someone I didn't like told me they liked my house, I'd burn it down and live in the streets".

he also promotes drinking water, thats bad too for sure

Ukraine has a lot of jews and jews don't like vaccinations

I can feel the Jews in the thread

Vaccines stop diseases as they are, but if these diseases spread to people who don’t have the immunity, they’re allowed to mutate, thus spreading to people who were smart.

>hurr measles r serious disease because MSNBC said so!
>it has always been considered a deadly and dangerous disease!
>every child that gets it dies from it!!!!!

I repeat the question.

Why are europeans always so stupid and uninformed?

Attached: chartoftheday_15856_measles_cases_in_europe_n.jpg (960x684, 272K)

Like fear

>this will be ignored by retards who think they're smart because they read a news article on facebook as to why they need vaccines

Thank God a youtuber with

You mean the doctor that gets kick backs for every vaccine he gives? Yeah i trust him completely.

>disease breaks out in Eurasian steppe, spreads to Europe
Black Plague 2: Back with a Vengeance

But 99% of people are immunized.

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The same doctor that gets kickbacks sending me for a "CT scan" when I suffer "cranial trauma"? The same doctor that says I need a "transfusion" when I apparently "lose too much blood"? The same doctor that says anything at all who is clearly lying because he's paid to do so?

I ask myself all the time user, I discovered this site in 2007 when I was 16. It was such a different place.

/pol/ is the nexus for this retardation, and the only people left there with half a brain keep repeating the same tired mantra that it's all satire not realizing that they're in the company of literal flat Earth believers, lunatics and schizos.

They're technically non-white third-worlders. All of Europe's finest left for the new world centuries ago.

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>someone creates a video montage with clips on how society used to view the measles before vaccines became big business

>How the fuck did Yea Forums go from a place full with relatively intelligent but weird outcasts to a place with literal braindead boomer anti-vaxxers, flat earthers and bible thumpers.

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Before so-called modern medicine became big business, the theory of the four humours was widely accepted. Before John Snow (not that one, brainlet), the theory of miasma was widely accepted. Before the rise of the meteorological industry, people thought the Gods controlled the weather.

It's actually really troublesome that schizoshit is mixed with legitimate opinions such as tranny hate and anti pedophilia. I blame /x/ for being too shit for even the hardcore conspiracy theorists.

jesus nigger, nobody care about your backstory.

nice false equivalency you have going there retard. Are you going to spout this shit when they make a chicken pox vaccine for children?

Moot sold the site to literal actual Jews. What happens after that is history.

>vaccines are made by profit-making enterprises, therefore they're fake
>those other things made & sold for a profit aren't fake though
>youtube told me

Says the frogposter lmao

Fucking antivax retards are going to be the death of us all when smallpox comes back. And that's when, not if, because the Soviet Union had laboratory samples that just disappeared when the government collapsed.

Fun fact: smallpox is still the number one killer of humans even 50 years after its eradication. Smallpox is responsible for 33%-45% of all human deaths ever.

>strawmanning this hard
>avoiding the fact that a measles vaccine is completely unnecessary

All the ''fine'' people in europe were noblemen and middle class who prospered here. The ones who left were the peasant scum and the gypsies.

>Fucking antivax retards are going to be the death of us all
how are they going to be the death of us all if you have received the vaccine and are immune to the disease?

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>The ones who left were the peasant scum and the gypsies.

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Measles has a fatality rate of 10%, in babies under one year that's even higher. It can cause paralysis, seizures and in severe cases limbs have to be amputated. Go fuck yourself you piece of shit

>Measles has a fatality rate of 10%
oh, we're making up facts now?

you do realise that Amerishits would've never got to the Moon without the aid of Nazi scientists?

Newborns and infants can't get most vaccines until their immune systems are ready. When babies start dying en masse and people are afraid to even go to the grocery store shit is gonna hit the fan real quick.

>falling for the pharmajew

even in a country like the US with piss poor health care the measles death rate is .03% retard

I can't wait till you and your kids die

Pretty much, /pol/eddit's election faggotry attracted all the amerishart hick braindead scum on here from literally youtube, facebook, reddit, stormfront and some /x/ tier conspiracy sites, this place is a shitshow now

Herd immunity. Apparently vaccines are useless when faced with a disease or some shit like that. Makes no sense, but it's the scientific consensus so I'm not about go all schizo and get called names on an Anonymous basket weaving forum.

>Herd immunity
we're using psuedo science to justify vaccines now?

That's average when you also include developing countries where fatality rate is as high as 28%

Also, you're telling me that any deaths from a preventable disease are acceptable? Because that still makes you a piece of shit.

>you do realise that Amerishits would've never got to the Moon without the aid of Nazi scientists?
And everything else that went into it like infrastructure, coping eurotard.

If you're 30 or less in mexico, you got vaccinated just by attending a rural school.

Yeah, fuck this pseudoscientific bullshit. My aunt shared a great facebook post saying how vaccines are actually all fake and measles doesn't exist, we need to be looking at reputable sources like that.

Anti-vaxxers and hordes of unvaccinated people pouring over the borders...............what a wonderful combination.

more kids die being driven to school than measles, lets just vaccinate against vehicle collisions!

There is a chicken pox vaccine and people do think hype it up to be worse than it is. Reporting on "outbreaks"and shit when everyone used to get it.

you sure showed me with you awesome meme bro, well done!

>And everything else that went into it like infrastructure
Learn to speak english, nigger, I don't even understand what you are trying to say.

More kids die in car crashes than from beheading, let's cut our kids' heads off.

typical response from a retard who will believe anything anyone in a white coat tells them without actually doing their own research

And you sure showed me with your youtube video and assertion that anyone getting paid is untrustworthy. How do I like your post?

False equivalency, retard. Cars are a necessary part of life, diseases are not.

Ignoring that, your metaphor would be like refusing to use a self driving car that's been around and proven safe for billions of people for over 50 years because of the wifi signal giving you autism.

>Cars are a necessary part of life
Maybe if you're an idiot

>He would rather have measles than autism

>search youtube for "vaccines = fake?!"
>primary research

>video showing how society viewed the measles as nothing more than a pesky nuisance is bad because youtube
>I can't back up anything I'm saying, I just pretend I'm smarter than you because I have a chemical cocktail injected into me that I do not know exactly what is contained in it
>I can't do anything except spout muh youtube

Wow what an argument, you have no intellectual ground to stand on. There is literally no evidence that vaccines cause autism.

Here goes.

If you get a vaccine for a strain A, then you build immunity to it. If enough people are immune then the disease stop spreading easily.

Think about it that way, If a sick person is in a full bus where 90% of the people are vaccinated there's only 3-4 people who could contract the disease and continue to spread it
Meanwhile, in a bus with only 50% of the people vaccinated it's 20 people. Basically it compound on itself, the more people are immune the harder for the disease to spread to non-immune people. Generally at around 85-90% vaccination rate most disease stop spreading efficiently and infections drops. There are still people infected but the spread is easy to isolate.

The ultimate goal would be to completely eliminate the disease by making sure it can't spread anymore, but that's unlikely with 3rd world being shitholes, even tho they receive free vaccines and medicine by the litteral boatload.

The real trouble is that if a disease survives logn enough it's possible for it to mutate into a new strain B, which the people who got vaccinated wouldn,t be immune against. This can happen as long as the disease isn,t fully eradicated, and anti vaxxers and 3rd world shitholes stands in the way of that

vaccines have been proven to not be safe. Big pharma has been given legal immunity from lawsuits for vaccine injury, and there is a secret legal process in order to get compensation for vaccine injury. But yeah, lets compare that to self driving cars that continuously run people over, get confused by road markers, and generally just explode on a whim

And potential side effects of the measles vaccine includes measles and death. Huh. Guess anyone that supports the vaccine is a piece of shit that wants kids to die.

Retard. It's a hippie thing.

I don't get it, boomers and gen xers all had tons of vaccines and autism was basically non-existent. Now all of a suddenly vaccines cause autism? Do anti-vaxers think vaccines are different now or something?

the thing is, herd immunity has only been proven in cases of natural immunity granted by exposure to a disease, not from vaccines

Not a single fact to back that claim up

That's what happened to the flu. 3rd-worlders poured over the border unvaccinated with new strains that render local vaccines to be useless.

And for the 2017/2018 flu season the CDC says it killed over 40,000 Americans just that one season alone.

I now my mom caught it, and all her doctor (immigrant) openly told her it came from over the border, and there was nothing he could do for her except give her penicillin. Luckily she survived because these new imported strains kill tens of thousands every year.

I was going to give a shitpost reply to this, but I'm genuinely curious, so please treat this as a real question, in good faith. You seem to be arguing that measles is harmless, because people use to believe it was harmless. There are many other things that people used to believe (take miasma, for example). Would you also argue that they are true because people used to believe them, and profit-making industries now exist that argue otherwise? What about something like phrenology, for example? Modern neuroscience (which people get paid to study) would say it's bullshit. Does that mean it's actually real?

What do you think vaccines are ?

trannies and liberals found out that Yea Forums was actually a better site for discussion

>Not a single fact to back that claim up

112 replies, 49 posters.

An anti-vaxxer retard is shilling hard in this thread.

Same that happened to the rest of the internet. It got subverted.

you think vaccines are a natural exposure to a disease? Are you fucking 12?

why do people act like measles is something to fear?

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anti vaccers are so stupid god damn

That's nice, how's that moonbase coming along

Riddle me this absolute retards in this thread:

If the MMR vaccine is so deadly and dangerous, why are people not dropping dead left and right from it?

Would you rather your kid die? Or live but have autistim? Hmmm that's a hard one

vaccines are a scam, bro.

Sorry to hear that. There's a reason immigrants should be vetted, and come through legal means. There's a bunch of plagues in Minessota because of all the dirty Somalians they imported there recently.

Personally i'm in the north with very little immigrant and my whole family work in the health field so we get regular checkups, which at least spares us from unwashed 3rd worlders diseases.

LMAO even your own link tells you how retarded you are:
>No evidence has been found to support a link betweenautism spectrum disordersand vaccines,[2]and the scientific consensus is thatroutine childhood vaccineshaveno linkto the development ofautism. Despite this, some parents of children with autism spectrum disorders haveattributed the disorders' onset to vaccines, and more than 5,300 parents have filed petitions at the vaccine court. The vaccine court dismissed the suits and ruled that the MMR vaccine does not cause autism.[3]

>death is the only thing that happens with taking a vaccine

I asked you, what do you think vaccines are.

I ask again, what do you think vaccines are ?

No one's talking about autism but i think i can guess why it's on your mind.

What really confuses me is how actual adults fail to understand 7th grade-level biology.

it does though.
source is the truth.
wiki is bs. you and that other guy should kys

Dude how fucking stupid are you, seriously holy shit

>LMAO even your own link tells you how retarded you are
>gets BTFO by case law
hmmmm, I never made a single post about autism. Nice job outing yourself as a retard with 0 reading comprehension

>There's a bunch of plagues in Minessota because of all the dirty Somalians they imported there recently.

And the media is keeping quiet about it because they genuinely don't care. It's one of the prices we're expected to just shut up and pay for their social and political goals.


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So basically the anti-vaxxers just off themselves in the long run? What's the problem?

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you're dumb bro

I'd tell you to kill yourself as well but you'll die soon enough from something like polio lmao

Why are amerisharts so dumb?

>no response, just hurr u r stupid lol

>$4 billion dollars in vaccine injury payouts funded by tax payers

No problem for the most part, except for the small percentage of people who can't get vaccinated for medical reasons. They rely on the rest of the population to be vaccinated for their sake.


Yes there are now a shit ton of vaccines compared to what boomers were getting.

I called you stupid because you are, but the other guy asked you a legitimate question that you're dodging

Boomers can be retarded, and to be fair there was less info going around back then and many of them have lower scholarisation. My mom has the highest diploma of her 12 brother and sister with a high school diploma.

Also anti-vaxxers make the decision for their kids, who don't necessarily get a say.

I asked you, what do you think vaccines are.

I asked again, what do you think vaccines are ?

This third time, my question is, what do you think vaccines are?

I'm not dodging the question, vaccines simply aren't natural. You don't go to the doctor and get an injection of the measles or whatever disease to get immunity from that disease


What a pathetic state.

Isn't everyone immunised against this when they're babies?

I don't know man, I'm so tired if the celebration of anti intellectualism I see here on a daily basis. It really makes me think the collapse is soon because we're running out of smart people to run the country.

Just know that there after still some Americans left out there that value intelligence






You dodged the question, 3 times
user, what do you think vaccines are ?

>You don't go to the doctor and get an injection of the measles or whatever disease to get immunity from that disease

Same thing as an abortion then ;^)

Oh yeah, well, that kinda sucks.

>implying such outbreaks wouldn't be much more common and spread much faster if we didn't have vaccines

>a chemical cocktail is the same thing as a naturally occurring exposure to the disease
rant and rave all you want, but we both know you're wrong

>tfw I had an MMR booster shot when I was 20 and am completely immune to this shit

>its the daily off topic vaccine thread brought to you by big pharma reddit shills

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>all these vaccers
back to hollywood

It's mostly edgy 15 year olds. 2016 election has pretty much destroyed Yea Forums

Here I'll give you a legitimate reply:

No vaccine is ever stated to be 100% effective, they're just pretty damn close. For MMR first shot gets you 93% effective and the second round bumps that up to 97%. In the case of that warship it could have been someone who the vaccine just didn't work for spreading it. The military would have everyone up to date on vaccinations so that would be the most likely explanation

Society and professionals still sees measles as something not serious look up any official page on it and it will state it's not serious and should pass in about a week but can have complications. You're making a conspiracy on measles out of nothing, from the government funded NHS itself:
>Is measles serious?
>Measles can be unpleasant, but will usually pass in about 7 to 10 days without causing any further problems. Once you have had measles, your body builds up resistance (immunity) to the virus and it's highly unlikely you'll get it again. But it can lead to serious and potentially life-threatening complications in some people.

t. subhuman /pol/tard

It's an exposure without the severity of the disease. Doesn't mean you can't still incubate a contagious version of the disease though.

Doesn't the mother pass down her antibodies through breastmilk? How did Europe get over the black plague without injections of magical aluminum juice?

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*sex reassignment surgery

measles is still a thing in america?

based quints of truth

I refuse to believe that people this delusion will be on Yea Forums. It must be some elaborate troll

>the disease you're being immunized against, but weakened/dead
>"a chemical cocktail"


why are mods letting this stay up? janny do your mcfucking job

This post absolutely reeks of reddit

I'm not making a conspiracy about anything. I simply stated it's not necessary. I gave examples of big pharma's immunity from lawsuits regarding vaccine injury, and the american tax payer footing the bill if someone is compensated by the government for their injuries.

The main component is a weakened version of the disease in a carefully controlled environment for homogeneity. It's the same shit the Chinese used to do for smallpox by grinding up scabs and shooting up healthy people's noses. When they did that the fatality rate dropped from like 30% down to 3%. That's what a fucking vaccine is, we've just gotten better at it.

You can look up a list of ingredients on the CDC, everything else in there is for either preservation or stabilization.

>getting absolutely BTFO
>"mods! jannies! p-please *sobs* d-delete this!! please!!!"

Attached: putin.png (521x538, 458K)

Vaccines are literal poison and you are retarded if you allow 'them' to shoot you up with that shit. People only catch diseases when they don't eat properly, ensure you get all your macros and micros and you'll be fine even if someone with Ebola coughs on you. The whole system is designed to make 'them' money and poison us, making us weaker and more easy to control. Focused magnetic fields affect the brains of those exposed to mercury which is in vaccines and causes people to get stupider.

Added ingredients:

Thiomersal, also called Thimerosal
Human serum albumin and recombinant albumin
Sorbitol and other stabilisers
Taste improvers

Products used in vaccine manufacture:

Egg proteins (ovalbumin)
Yeast proteins
Latex (in packaging)
Acidity regulators

Growing the active ingredients:

Human cell strains, animal cell strains and GMOs
Recombinant DNA technology
Bovine products
Other growing media
yeah, totally not a chemical cocktail bruh

Breast milk antibodies only last about a year, a child still needs a certain amount of exposure to less severe viruses and bacteria to build up an immune system. MMR jabs are given between year one and two as a booster to breast milk antibodies.

They stopped smearing themselves in shit, you mongoloid

So far it's been 90% Jews and Somolians. There's too few anti vax moms to impact herd immunity so far.

>Breast milk antibodies only last about a year

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moron # 1 spotted

Above 95% vaccination generally eliminates a disease, see smallpox. Measles vaccination rate was reaching 90% until about 5 years ago. As rates dropped the disease started to make a comeback.

Now do the same for acetaminophen. i wanna have a good laugh.

Also, what do you think vaccines are?

Wow you really managed to hit every conspiracy bullet point there: Jews, trannies, vaccines. Take your schizo meds.

not everyone can be a full grown adult like you tho!

No one is getting btfo both sides are repeating the same talking points

yeah miss me with that poison

I think this is the first time I’ve encountered an anti-vaxx retard online, holy shit.


According to the CDC, far and above the majority if anti-vax/measle outbreak is in the Orthodox Jew community and the majority of cases (of which there are only 704 nationwide) transferring from Israel, Ukraine, and Philippines.

Traditionally the Orthodox Jew Community, like Native Americans, have been vaccine exempt due to religion. So it's not so much anti-vaxxers or illegals.

Source: google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna999586

>"I know this shit better than educated doctors and scientists! MY OPINION ON THIS SUBJECT MATTERS"

This mentality is nothing more than another symptom of millenial self-entitlement

Just a hint, the antibodies are produced by the mother and helps the child, but if the child doesn't produce antibodies himself then when the mother's one dies he outta luck.

Now please, what do you think vaccines are?

Yang will save us!


>easily vaccinated

someone forgot to take their meds today

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>trannies are a conspiracy theory
What did the retard mean by this?

wait, what the fuck?
I thought measles was a baby disease, as in most adults in civilized countries have enough antibodies to not contract measles

>vaccines work
>un vaccinated people can still infect the vaccinated
>vaccines work

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t. actual boomer

I just want you both to know that I'm ready to kill you in the upcoming civil war. I'm not joking, the dialogue at this point has completely broken down.

I'm curious as to the benefits anti vaccination people claim their position has. What's the gain in suffering from a disease versus not suffering from the disease? Or do they think people are being injected with something other than the vaccine?

How about ibuprofen, friend

You’re a fucking retard.

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OP here. the mods work for me. suck a doo doo, this is my board now. i call the shots.

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I thought this was the case too, along with chicken pox, but here we are

>the threat of prison is an effective deterrent against crime
>crime still exists
>imprisonment works

What an absolute shit movie I really liked infinity war, but this aggressively mediocre garbage doesn’t deserve the praise.

do you take a pain pill for every ache you have?

Dude if someone with Ebola bleeds on you it doesn't matter how healthy you are it's game over. We've had it so good here that people don't realize how bad these diseases are.

Clearly nigs aren't deterred by prison and we need to do more

I've seen ice cream with scarier lists of ingredients.
And really, packaging? Is this how depserate you are to make your case?

still no reason not to try and eradicate measles alltogether.

They think it's better to be dead than have autism I guess

hey man, we're talking vax/antivax here. If you want to talk about movies try another board

It's still dangerous for adults, mostly a consequence of associated conditions.

Quote your argument, lazy retard.

>Just a hint, the antibodies are produced by the mother and helps the child, but if the child doesn't produce antibodies himself then when the mother's one dies he outta luck.
holy fucking shit

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people that are contracted with measles should be charged with to Involuntary manslaughter

>its not a chemical cocktail
>is given a list of ingredients in the chemical cocktail
>bruh "ice cream"

Wasn't the paper linking vaccinations to autism discredited years ago?

Ebola is kind of a bad example - I mean, I get you, it's crazy lethal - but that also limits it's effectiveness since it kills people faster than they can spread it, which actually helps to contain it

Good thing nobody at endgame is an adult

Easiest way to spot an uninformed antivaxer. Thimerisol has been completely phased out of MMR, you can't use that one as the Boogeyman anymore.

Nice reddit argument.

vaccines work better then no vaccines

yeah, but I thought adults don't get measles anymore since like the last decade due to vaccines and antibody build ups


They're just moving the goal posts now because they'd rather recklessly endanger people than admit to being wrong

>Trannies are trying to indoctrinate society
Is that better sweetie?

So, what do you think vaccines are.

THis is the 6th time i asked you this simple question, yet i've not seen you answer.

Based retard

First of all, based. But secondly, shouldn't this not work on anyone who is vaccinated? Well I guess mcu fans are retarded anti vaxxers so that's why there's cause for concern.


>one vaccine may not contain thimerisol
damn, I'm BTFO'd user, good job

literally everything is a chemical cocktail

Attached: 1538915553816.png (680x823, 1.1M)

do americans get free vaccines?
or do they come in like $5000 per vial

Superbugs says hi



>For the fetus and newborn, immunologic defenses are present, but immature. To compensate, the mother's immunoglobulin (Ig) G antibody moves across the placental barrier to provide some protection. After birth, these maternal antibodies wane in the first 6 to 12 months of human life. The neonate and infant can receive additional maternal protection from breast milk, however.

Only in first world countries.

USA have a problem because there's a LARGE amount of unwashed and unvetted 3rd worlders flooding in.

And like that one pointed out you get cults like hassidic jews who are both unvaccinated and live in close communities so if Schlemo get it everyone else will.

>implying (you) are smarter than an infection preventionist

>contracting measles as an adult
what the fuck?
how is that even possible

This is the first time you asked me, and vaccines are a weakened form of a disease/virus in essence.

There's still a small percentage of the population that hasn't been vaccinated. And a vaccinated person can still incubate the virus in a transferable state.

Oh i'm sorry, I confused you with some other user who pointedly has been dodging this very question. My bad

Vaccers are reddit incarnate enjoy being pumped full of nano machines and RFID chips though.


How does this refute anything I've said?

a lot of these measles stories are total bullshit and it ends up they just have the flu or something

>n-no user look there's LATEX in the PACKAGING! How could you put this into your body??? Obviously these ingredients found in nearly every pharmaceutical product, ones that I have definitely taken and have not made me ill, are actually a mysterious cocktail of POISONS giving babies AUTISM!
Just go get measles and die already

Doctors who are paid for each vaccine they give

Literal bullshit good nutrition is literally all you need. People in third world countries get sicker because they don't take care of their daily micros and vitamins. Stop buying into all this big needle propaganda and think for yourself. Cell phone towers literally cause vaccinated people to have brain damage by heating up the trace metals that get stuck in their brains. It's engineered in such a way by the vaccine companies that it passed the blood brain barrier and doesn't break down when it's saturating your brain tissue. Then the cell phone towers they put up everywhere blast you with radio waves and it causes the metal in your brains to vibrate and fuck your brain up. Think for yourself you walking human experiment.

tthis is epic

They come at $5000 a vial, but the government picks up the bill and then that's paid for by taxes because big pharma good.

user, do you eat apples?

>import shit loads of third worlders
>suddenly, all these illnesses that were eradicated years ago start coming back
>blame the native white people instead of the hordes of mongrels

Those chemicals aren't engineered to LITERALLY CAUSE YOU BRAIN DAMAGE though. The shit they put in vaccines has been designed to go directly to your brain and stay there.

Ahhh, there you are.

What do you think vaccines are?

I said breast milk antibodies only last about a year, the paper I posted outlines that breast milk antibodies wane after 6 to 12 months.

Just a reminder that the (main) reason measles is such a bitch is that it resets your entire immune system. It takes years for your white blood-cells to get back to a point where you don't catch five different colds from every passer-by. Not to mention the vaccines you already had are made useless and are now susceptible to absolutely fucking everything under the sun.


Wow that's actually so cool that people die, thanks for the clarification user. That makes me feel a lot better if some Liberians decide to come on over for a visit.

>OMG people are PAID to do their JOBS
Yes, I guess they should just do slave labor instead

>US government, an organisation who literally put profit over people 100% of the time when it comes to healthcare, decide to spend billions each year pumping chemicals into each citizen and no one thinks this is in any way suspicious

>millions of 3rd worlders bring their measles and other toxic shit here
>but it's the 30 anti vaxxers who are the blame for these things spreading

you have to go back

Here I'll give you a legitimate reply:
>similar to mumps

Do you have any proof that cell phone towers magnetize metallic particles that have been injected into people under the guise of a vaccination? You sound paranoid.

Probably an illegal Mexican that Californians want to protect. Those are the only people that really get that far in life without vaccinations

here's the thing
unless you go looking for Ebola, people with it die so fast that you shouldn't come in contact with it just by going on with your daily life

it's only dangerous in children so it's fine if she went to the avengers screening

They'll be dead before they ever get on a plane so that's kind of unlikely.

>the government is evil and fucking us over
>the government wants to protect everybody from measles and other diseases

measles is an extremely minor disease and prior to vaccination, nearly everyone got it

No one here is unironically anti Vax or flat earth. Atheists are the real retards though.

>user who pointedly has been dodging this very question
>My bad
maybe you should learn to read. I have already answered your question

I don't understand why everyone is so worked up over measles recently. Yes, you should get vaccinated but if you do get infected the mortality rate is 0.2%, which is basically 0. Most people are fine with those odds.

Then answer it right there, or copy paste.

What do you think vaccines are

Poison designed to cause brain damage and make people more pliable. Vaccines are just part of a multifaceted approach by the NWO to turn us into slaves along side cell phone towers, HAARP, additives in food and big dairy. For example it's the same reason they decided to start adding gluten to food 30 years ago just to give people chrons disease so they could milk as much out of them in medical bills AND most importantly ensure people can't get proper nutrition which makes them more likely to get sick pushing their vaccines are good narrative

holocaust wasn't genocide it was just forced aerosolized euthanization

Hey kids on Yea Forums, please take note:
This is what actual paranoid schizophrenia looks like. I personally know someone that went down this path and died due to starving themselves because they believed Monsanto and the big corporations were poisoning everything.

Learn to recognize the patterns of behavior here. There are legitimately good people that struggle with this condition and don't take medication because it feeds into the paranoia episodes. These people need pity and mental health infrastructure.

Oh so it's actually JIDF that's making these posts. Funny how they pretend that shills aren't real. So is this one of those "for us but not goyim" things or are jews actually retarded?

dw they'll be too busy eating their own shit

>John Snow


user if that was true I have some really bad news for you because guess what trace metal is in your blood that is also highly ferrous and in much higher quantities than the stuff in vaccines?

From an outsider's point of view, it's fascinating how America is starting to grow a self destructive sentiment masked as intellectuality. Probably a consequence of isolating their blatant issues from the public and doctrination.

If only their idiot behaviour didnt affect the planet instead of just the "land of freedom"

Look up Gene Tierney and what happened to her child.

Attached: 512Nz4pjpJL._SX466_.jpg (466x466, 23K)

Alright, you are certifiably retarded. Enjoy your life.

>go to the movies
>get measles

so this is the power...
of america...

Attached: cat.webm (192x240, 209K)

I'm not schizophrenic and I'm not paranoid this is blatantly obvious and the only reason you can't see it is the government have removed your ability to reason with their regimes of undercover poisoning

This is literally the same problem your European is facing when your jews imported millions of muslims. We have very few antt-vax people, these problems come from the poor immigrants.

Considering the fact that it spread so rapidly from corpses tells me that you aren't exactly informed on this topic.

Protip: some diseases spread much more rapidly from dead and decaying bodies than live hosts

Probably retarded

Twirly hair jews are pretty fucking dumb, as a group.

>I'm smarter than you
>but I can't read

The stuff in vaccines is designed to go strait to your brain. It's been engineered in government labs. Metal you get from the environment never passess the blood brain barrier. Imagine swallowing a bullet Vs being shot in the head with it. Which one will cause more damage.

>I'm not schizophrenic and I'm not paranoid
That's what a paranoid schizophrenic would say

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>smallpox is still the number one killer of humans even 50 years after its eradication
what about jews and abortion?

What makes you think Im european

Are you incapabable of talking to a person as a human instead of as a "non-american"?

it's a clown world...
americans gon killthemselves

I can read very well, i just wanted you to spout your retarded shit in plain sight. Now that it's done, and that people with 3 digit of IQ can read the dept of your retardation from your own mouth, i have no interest to argue further with you.

As you don't (but should) know, retarded people like you are the least likely to change opinions on things they do not know. This makes the whole trying to educate you routine useless, so i won't bother.

I'm never getting vaccinated and there's nothing you can do short of kidnapping me and forcing your poison into my brain. I will never get sick because I eat properly.

If you're not from the US or Europe, you're not a human.

The majority of the measles cases in Europe are from Ukraine.

That's cool user i'm proud of you,. When you do get sick remember that everyone who works in a hospital want to vaccinate you so stay far away. They don't know shit anyway and they'll probably brainwash you with chemicals

You realize you're proving my point then

Go ahead and keep living the american dream then

I don't understand why people are so worked up over carseats. Kids can just sit in the carseat and the fatality rate is only like 1% so what's the big deal?

I don’t care about anti-vaxxers or their cunt kids, the problem is the newborn babies of non-retards are at risk.

>if you are anti vaccines you must be be a flat earther
>cmon guy take the shot and give it to your kids

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>user dies shortly after typing out this post

Your shithole country and life are both irrelevant. Sorry for you to find out this way, Pedro.

New idea: put all degenerates (lgbtpq) and anti vaxxers in an island and let them fight amongst themselves

You know what else passes the blood brain barrier? Blood. Which contains iron.



You make me sad, really. I wonder how long it will take for you to understand why. Or perhaps you'll take your stupidity to the grave, which is just as sad.

The paper you've linked to uses a lot of anecdotal evidence from surveys about people living near telecommunications towers. Nowhere in it are vaccines mentioned.

I took all the vaccines as intended and i am always sick, have multiple allergies and by my presence here you KNOW i am autistic, i have a friend who have never took any ever and he is the pinacle of manliness, perfect health, i saw him sick once and only once in 10 years.

Vaccines won't do anything about allergies user.

if you haven't left the country when your countrymen would kill your children over a Facebook meme, you're dumb as shit

Now stay in your shithole and dont even think about trying to immigrate your measles-riddled body to a relevant country.

Attached: keep crying.jpg (388x384, 41K)

It's not even close. Smallpox has killed 1 out of 3 people who have ever lived.

Do yourself a favor, don't look up pictures of people with smallpox.

Are you replying to me or just everyone in general, because I'm well aware of how shitty smallpox is. I've been arguing with the schizos in this thread since it started


I know some over-40 parents losing their fucking minds because their toddler was vaccinated twice for chicken pox still got it. They were acting like he was going to die and that all of his classmates' parents should be incarcerated because one of their unvaccinated kids gave it to him. No proof that any kids were unvaccinated, and only their kid and a few others who WERE vaccinated even got it. I was like, "dude, calm down, I had the pox in like 1981 and I missed a week of school. It was rad. Now your kid won't get it again. Obviously the vaccine either didn't work, or that's what gave him the pox." Now I am a conservative conspiracy theorist antivax moron to them.

GTFO, you're not helping your argument when you make up bullshit numbers.

Chicken pox sucks ass though because now you have the dormant herpes simplex virus for life, and you have a much higher increased risk of shingles later in life.

And before you pull out the hurr durr you won't get shingles if you take your vitamins, both my parents are athletes and they both developed shingles later in life from chicken pox.

I know you consider yourself a compassionate person, but when you post shit like that it proves otherwise. If you can't understand why, you aren't smart enough to be arguing about literally any subject.

Yeah, the real number's closer to 1 in 500. It's relatively low, but why have some deaths when you could have no deaths?

Vaccines interfere with the natural culling of the weak, thereby allowing the dysengenic propagation of weak and sickly people. They should be banned to promote the long term advancement of the Human Immune system.

I would rather have measles temporarily than autism for life. Unfortunately I got the MMR vaccine so I didn't get that choice.

I had shingles earlier this year. Shit sucked but I didn't die from it, and I'm most certainly not the fucking idol of personal fitness.

So whatever diseases a human being can get are just a ok as long as you don't die from them then?

You obviously didn't understand the post you responded to.

The only times in my life I have had the flu are 3-4 days after getting a flu vaccine. Never got a flu shot without getting the flu right after.

Oh he understood it just fine. I think it's you that doesn't understand what vaccines are or how they work.

Everyone says this and it never is actually true. It's either people mistaking the flu like symptoms for a day or two after the vaccine as the flu, or they get another viral/bacterial infection and call it the flu.

that's not the flu you dumbass