>'Game of Thrones' Final Battle Is Even Bigger than Helm's Deep in 'Lord of the Rings'
'Game of Thrones' Final Battle Is Even Bigger than Helm's Deep in 'Lord of the Rings'
No It isn't. I can see what is happenig in Helm's Deep
was it that dark to hide the shitty cg?
Every movie does this tho. Congratulations into pointing one basic resource everybody already knew
Did they hire Chris 'Biggest since the Silent Era' Nolan as their hypeman?
Well we have yet to see the final battle though right?...
Oh god is that really how it was?
>'Game of Thrones' Final Battle Is Even Better than Helm's Deep in 'Lord of the Rings'
Helm's Deep wasn't even that big of a battle compared to Minas Thitrit
>supposed to be the epic final battle to save humanity
>filmed to look like a drunken bar fight
This is why literature will always be a superior medium to television.
Television is a pretty low-tier medium in general but man the long night was weak even for GoT standards.
user, I...
ofcourse, but not all movies are that dark. Go watch the battle for helms deep, its dark but you can actually see shit compared to this crap
Correct, but this was the one they were talking about in the article that OP didn't link.
That’s what I assume.
No. The same director did a pretty decent episode in a very bright setting.
kek I was thinking the same thing. Literally looks like throwing out time in any medium-sized British city on a saturday night.
Was surprised not to see Sam and a wight drunkenly scrapping over a half-eaten kebab.
Helm's Deep
The Good
>overall battle tactics
>biblical ending
>Gimli one-liners destroying the mood
>sidekicks in general being obnoxious
>effortless win in the end
Battle for Winterfell
The Good
>World War Z zombies flooding into the castle left and right
>dragons and their funny little moments
>the crypt
The Bad
>Everything else
why do people keep praising the battle for helm's deep as if it's the best battle scene ever made? LOTR are my favorite movies but i've always found the battle of helm's deep boring to watch. the only good part about it is the kino moment when gandalf arrives
LOTR obviously is superior to GoT but i found the battle for winterfell infinitely more interesting to watch than the battle for helm's deep. it being too dark is an issue only poorfags without an OLED tv have, not to mention it'll get better once the bluray arrives
It wasn't exactly effortless was it? It was only 'effortless' at the end because of the cavalry charge which isn't a negative at all
>battle for winterfell infinitely more interesting to watch than the battle for helm's deep
>t. retard
what was interesting about it? a lot of retarded military decisions and endless slowmo scenes of MCs struggling but not dying.
>not to mention it'll get better once the bluray arrives
>what was interesting about it?
the visuals, music, tension
there's only 2 things that always make me doze off and bored in LOTR, the battle for helm's deep and the troll fight sequence in moria
LOTR also has terrible fight choreography where they do that stupid 1000 cuts per second shit. Looks way too jumpy for LOTR.
>and endless slowmo scenes of MCs struggling but not dying
this is pretty much every battle scene in the lotr trilogy aswell
I dropped the show after season 2 because it was infinitely inferior to the books. Should I get back into it?
It's even worse now than before. Only positive is that it has diverged so much from the books, it's no longer a bad adaption. It's just bad fanfic.
S3 is cool but after it's pure shit
>and endless slowmo scenes of MCs struggling but not dying.
Atleast the characters acted like they were struggling in the battle for Winterfell, compared to the main characters in LotR acting like they were trying to beat their previous kill record while steamrolling over all the bad guys.
>characters that died in battle for Helm's Deep
>characters that died in the battle for Winterfell
Alright, nevermind then.
Winterfell looks like a very little place. What is the population? 300?
the first 15 minutes of the winterfell battle were better than helms deep, even with the retarded dothraki charge.
It would have continued to be better if:
- the dragon fight was more visible
- some key characters actually died
that being said, helms deep is like a fucking videogame, there is not really any moment where the main characters are even endangered.
>Gimli one-liners destroying the mood
Highlights the disparity between the men of Rohan and the dwarvish warrior culture. Also true to the books.
>sidekicks in general being obnoxious
Yeah that was annoying.
>effortless win in the end
Culmination of Gandalf's efforts to reunite the Rohirrim with the King, and shatter the will of Saruman.
Unironically this though.
Cute battles you have there.
>it being too dark is an issue only poorfags without an OLED tv have
This. I first watched it on an OLED tv without having seen any reviews or reactions to the episode yet and not once did i have issues with it being too dark, the thought never even crossed my mind. But then i watched it a second time on a regular LED tv and i just couldn't see shit.
literally who? nobody gives a shit about those. GoT has become bad fanfiction with ridiculous plot armor.
in the end you couldn't even see a single extra (they'll magically reappear in the next ep).
yet the heros kept on fighting for ages. don't even know how many shots there were of Brienne drowning in zombies.
at least lotr never pretended to be a gritty, realistic story where everyone can die.
Is this the one where meme ghosts kill everyone?
I feel like it's really good until Season 5 or so but picks up again then gets a little worse. Still worth it to watch imo.
>literally who? nobody gives a shit about those
As opposed to Haldir? Just fuck off already you idiot.
no, you fuck off, retard
The whole argument was about the battle for Helm's Deep vs the battle of Winterfell you dense moron. Don't say shit like
>and endless slowmo scenes of MCs struggling but not dying.
As criticism towards the battle of Winterfell when that same criticism can also be applied perfectly to the battle for Helm's Deep.
The battle of Helm's Deep was a boring as fuck battle with nothing interesting happening other than Gandalf's rescue at the end. The battle had absolutely zero tension.
>Spend 30 million on cool scenes and CGI
>Make it too dark to see anything
>Make it incoherent story wise
>People still praise you
>the good
>world war z zombie flooding
I don't like your taste
every game of thrones “battle” is like watching someone play a shitty video game. sure is fun following Jon snow around as he flails at cgi skeletons
Purely on the merits of the battle, I liked it better than Helm's Deep, yet I'm extremely disappointed as well. It had a lot of potential, but it fell way short.
>read the books years before the movie
>Aragorn converted into a zombie army commander
>see the movie
>floaty green ghosts who move at extremely high speed instead of a mass of undead warriors ending the battle in seconds
That part ruined all the movie for me.
>David, this episode is absolutely dogshit. The military tactics are retarded, we've completely pussied out on killing any really important characters, we've given those who do die incredibly unsatisfying arcs and worst of all it's so damn dark that you can barely make any of it out! The critics are gonna slaughter us!
>Hey Dan, what if we cut out Jon's final duel with the Night King and reshoot it with Maisie flying through the air and killing him? If a woman has a powerful scene they'll all be too afraid to criticise us!
>Brilliant Dave! And if we've got a bit of extra time we can get that Mormont girl to do something cool, maybe a somersault behind a wight or stabbing a giant or something. Just to make extra sure we get no criticism.
>Dan, you're a motherfucking genius.
Based and redpilled.
Were all extras dead at Helms Deep? Were the heroes the only ones left? Were they literally covered in enemies for a prolonged time?
Yeah, the heroes survived in Helms Deep but there were still tons of regular soldiers to make shit somewhat believable.
In GoT you have zombies swarming the place, all extras being killed off and the heroes still somehow not dying.
Instead they're just wrestling with the zombies or whatever the fuck that was. Besides you couldn't see shit most of the time.
no it's to hide the shitty practical effects on the wight extras
>or whatever the fuck that was.
What was it though? Those things were stab happy as fuck and suddenly they just want to play grabass and have a tickle fight?
>you will never charge into battle alongside Gandalf, the dawn shining behind you
I'd say you should watch seasons 3 and 4 because they are based on the best book. Even if it worse than the source material is still fucking nice. Never ever bother with the other seasons, no joking.
what I judged to be right
The mood is the difference.
In GoT The mood is set to tragedy and drama. In LoRT the mood is set to Heroic epic and uplifting spirit.
thats what pissed me off.
I didn't really like that. By Total War rules those Rohirrim should be shish kebab.
Nah bro. The lighting was trash in got. Incoherent mess at times. Now go back and watch helms deep and see true kino night siege
Is the tragedy and drama that side characters are all dead and the main characters now have to live with that along with the fact that they were molested by corpses?
Battle of the bastards was dumb af tho. Why can’t they recapture the kino of blackwater?
>Were all extras dead at Helms Deep? Were the heroes the only ones left?
Are all the extras dead in Winterfell? Are the heroes the only ones left? Ofcourse not, why even come up with bullshit like this.
>Were they literally covered in enemies for a prolonged time?
No because in LotR the enemies always conveniently charge at our heroes 1 at a time lmao.
>In GoT you have zombies swarming the place, all extras being killed off and the heroes still somehow not dying.
Whereas in LotR, you have orcs swarming the place, extras being killed off while our heroes all survive and are trying to beat their previous killrecord while shouting funny quips at eachother.
LotR is GOAT and GoT is written by hacks, but don't act like the battle for Helm's Deep was some kind of masterpiece to watch unfold. It was generic and bland orcs vs humans shit without anything interesting to happen other.
Return of the King is the worst in the trilogy. All mistakes Jackson made during the trilogy were paid there.
It's timee to end this meme. It's a fucking tv show not a hollywood blockbuster, the cgi is miles better than it has any right to be.
I dunno, the last few rewatches I fall asleep in the “prep time” for the battle, especially around the “who am I gambling?” speech by Theoden.
>LOTR are my favorite movies
Wow. How does it feel to be such a pleb?
You know I just went back and watched two towers the other day and how can anyone even compare the two? The moment the elves arrive and give hope to men. That poor old man prematurely shooting the orc. Being able to see each moment of desperation. Pure kino.
>Are all the extras dead in Winterfell? Are the heroes the only ones left? Ofcourse not, why even come up with bullshit like this.
Yes, they are. That's why I asked. In the end you only see MCs wrestling with zombies.
>No because in LotR the enemies always conveniently charge at our heroes 1 at a time lmao.
Still better than having tickle fights.
>Whereas in LotR, you have orcs swarming the place, extras being killed off while our heroes all survive and are trying to beat their previous killrecord while shouting funny quips at eachother.
There are always tons of extras in LotR battles. Stop trying to equate shit that is not equal.
I'm NOT saying Helms Deep was some masterpiece but it was still better than the battle for Winterfell.
And I really don't want to get into which is more bland, orcs or zombies. Let's just agree to disagree.
Ok faggot shoo shoo with your low effort bait
No, they will send Arya to KL by herself to kill everyone. Much simpler and risks zero lives as opposed to a huge battle.
I watched the behind the scenes and they did shitton of practical effects. I hate the episode like the other guys but I don't think you can take away the fact that they did use practical effects a lot. It is dark because there are retarded people in post I think or I have no explanation for it. It's just that practical effects in lotr were much better
Absolutely great, actually
Helm's Deep at least makes me happy during rewatches.
Winterfell seemed fun the first time because I didn't know what was happening but upon rewatching it two more times, the stupider and stupider the episode gets. I don't know if I can only really blame D&D for this shit alone. There must be some next level fuckery from the higher ups as well because the entire episode just cascaded into shit and finally drove home what people already knew when the show departed from Georgie's writing.
>Total War rules
Come on user...
Snow making his way through this and the battle of the bastards is 9ne of the better parts of both those events imo. Better than him going "I need to get to Bran" and them just cutting to him walking into the godswood. Even though they had Ayra do exactly that.
Nah by total war rules, gandalf's sunrise spell forcibly took the uruks out of phalanx mode just before he hit, they stood no chance
Helm's Deep has good cinematography, great actual fighting, great setpiece moments like Aragorn/Gimli jumping behind the orcs or riding out one last time. The music is incomparably better in LOTR.
The battle of the bastards was pretty fucking good compared to the battle of Winterfell. Jon Snow was the most retarded commander but everything else was nice.
I especially liked the scene after the charge where it's total chaos and how they made the collisions between horses feel real. Not to mention you could actually see shit.
How long would it take to clean up all those bodies? and imagine the smell.
>The music is incomparably better in LOTR.
As a whole? Yes, by far. Comparing the Winterfell battle vs the Helm's Deep battle? I'd say Winterfell wins. The whole first 20-30 minutes of Winterfell had amazing music that first built a great sense of hype while the Dothraki charged, and after that the music made the whole battle feel somewhat apocalyptic.
That being said, the music when Gandalf arrived at Helm's Deep beats everything in Winterfell, though.
>The whole first 20-30 minutes of Winterfell had amazing music that first built a great sense of hype
Which completely shit itself in a minute as they fucking send thousands of light cavalry to their deaths for no reason other than to thin out the army for the rest of the episodes.
That still doesn't take away the sense of hype you got while they charged, though.
No I agree. The moment I actually lost all hype was when I saw the fucking dog go in with the cavalry as well.
Like what in the actual fuck are these writer's smoking?
LOTR did that pretty damn well. GOT s08e03 tried to emulate that same camera work and failed miserably.
I'm almost 100% sure the dog was never meant to be in the first 3 episodes. They only included him in post-production because i guess they've heard the fans complaining about not seeing Ghost in the BoB and stuff. If you look at all of Ghost's scenes in S8 so far, none of the main cast ever interacts or notices him. They probably just added him in post wherever they saw fit.
It just didn’t do it for me. At times I felt bored and characters were acting a little silly at points to try to play up the tension.
The battle of Gondor and the battle of five armies were bigger than Helm's Deep; doesn't mean that they were better.
they never said bigger iirc, just that it would be longer
The music for S8E3 was generic as fuck and there were only brief callbacks to the main theme of the show when the Dothraki charged in. For the most part the music prior to the battle was made with obvious synths and electronics. It set the mood fine but itnwas out of place.
Helm's Deep had its own theme and it was consistent throughout, especially with the instrumentation.
i can't even remember any notable piece of music in the battle of helm's deep other than gandalf's arrival and theoden's charge
just because they used themes and were consistent about it doesn't make it memorable
>'Game of Thrones' Final Battle Is Even Bigger than Helm's Deep in 'Lord of the Rings'
wtf did you darken it or is it how it was broadcast? literally can't see anything but torches.
To be fair the first few seasons raised the bar. This also triggered the expectations they do spectacularly fail to meet now.
Truly the Helm's Deep of this generation
Bravo DnD
wait until they release the 2nd bluray with the cleaned up "directors cut" version
>its dark to cover CGI
>yes all movies do this
were you born this retarded or did it take practice
Fucking THANK YOU. This director is a wanna be Mel Gibson obsessed with over-the-top guro bullshit like people fighting on top of literal mounds of dead bodies. Especially in the battle of the bastards where both sides only had a few thousand troops, how are there MULTIPLE 30+ foot high mounds of bodies around that people are standing on top of fighting while people writhe around underneath them.
Both fucking episodes have this shit and it's fucking retarded as fuck.
Even reddit is complaining about the darkness
This. Overall the battle was shit. You should listen to The Night King by Ramin Djawadi. The episode could've been legit kino if they had done it right. I'm still trying to comprehend how they fucked up the episode and the season overall this badly. It's really almost an art in of itself to make something this terrible.
What really gets me is the behind the scenes footage make it clear they filmed it with reasonable lighting then blacked the whole thing.
Guess they realized when editing it was looking shite but it was too late to reshoot.
>I'm still trying to comprehend how they fucked up the episode and the season overall this badly
Not even that. I still haven't fully accepted that this episode is literally THE episode multiple storylines and character arcs have been culminating towards. A fucking decade waiting for the fated climax, told in tales, whispered in myths, and loomed over the entire story since day one.
Like it's been what? Two days already and I my mind still hasn't wrapped around the fact that that was it. This was it. And it was fucking nothing.
The Battle of the Bastards was only stupid because of D&D, who kept insisting over months and months that the Director would shoot literally impossible scenes that would've killed or maimed several stunt horses, and insisted that they shoot it in 12 days, when the teams estimates placed said that they would need around 40. There are several interviews with the Director where he outright says that production was falling apart, and that there was even an entirely different ending (most likely with the Umbers betraying the Boltons) that they couldn't film because time ran out and D&D insisted that they shoot things in chronological order to "enhance the actor's performances". Thats why the battle ended in Winterfell, rather than in the battlefield, because they literally just cobbled up a new ending, without a script, with the random scenes they had left.
Are you guys using shitty tv's and monitors? It was fine on my 10k TV with the correct settings.
It just shows how big of fucking hacks D&D are. I don't know if you've watched the "Inside the Episode" for this one, it's fucking stupid. Literally their entire reasoning for having Arya kill the Night King was that it would have been "too obvious if Jon did it." It absolutely mind boggling how dumb they are. Like yes, it would've been obvious if Jon had done it because he's been built up for almost a decade to be the one who does it. Even if it wasn't him, it would've made infinitely more sense to have almost any other character do it. That's also completely setting aside how retarded it is to end the WW conflict in a single episode.
to those who hated this episode, would you still hate it if nothing changed at all except that the NK didn't die and instead killed arya? would you forgive the other flaws of the episode if it ended like that?
i know i would
Sure buddy!
Yes because at least the writers actually acknowledged how fucking retarded the protagonists were in handling this entire god damn battle if they made them lose.
I would hate it a lot less. The Arya bit was like a huge middle finger at the end. The battle still isn't as good as LOTR though. I went back and watched LOTR. It's still amazing.
is it just me who liked how dark it was? i felt it was pretty immersive, torchlights aren't usually as bright as they are shown in movies
Not really, if everything was equal it'd still feel stupid that Arya popped up next to him like that. Or even that the dead surround Bran and the NK dramatically and slowly prepares to kill him. Why didn't the undead just mindlessly swarm Bran and tore him apart as soon as the Ironborn fell?
I feel like the disappointing ending to the episode only makes all the other issues in the episode stick out more. Like all the issues that were happening throughout, I knew my brain was noticing them but I just didnt think about it too much.
It was only after Arya killed NK that I started thinking about all those idiosyncrasies that my brain noticed.
there's CGI in Helm's Deep you nigger