Why was Cap so chill when talking to the homosexual guy? Didn't he grow up in the 30s?
Why was Cap so chill when talking to the homosexual guy? Didn't he grow up in the 30s?
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Chris Evans insisted on the scene for his character.
Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins are so handsome.
Half the world is gone. Not a lot of options when you think about it
he is a good christian so he knows it's not his place to judge and that God will think about it when it's the time
Homophobes have always been a tiny minority. Only Nazis actually hated gays, even in the 30s. Most people were indifferent.
The world population being halved in 2019 would actually contain more people in it than the day Cap got frozen, so
what's his endgame?
Is that what you retards tell yourself to justify the fact that the last 20 years have been absolutely insane compared to any 20 years in the last thousand that we've recorded?
>Most people were indifferent
FUCK OFF with your revisionist bullshit faggot
Cap knows the fruits are harmless. He's saving his strength for a more brutish opponent.
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. (Leviticus 18:22)
If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
The law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, for the sexually immoral, men who practise homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine. (1 Timothy. 1:9-10)
Thanos probably snapped off the "good" kinds of women. The rest, well, can't blame him. Cap was more "empathetic" to the guy after all the shit he's been through
I don't believe you.
This is one of the dumbest memes of the last 2 thousand years. The bible doesn't say shit about allowing God to be the sole arbiter. In fact it makes several mentions of strict guidelines so there doesn't need to be a referee, you either are or are not someone who needs their shit slapped. The closest the bible gets is where it says "if you absolutely must kill someone, don't take pleasure in it. That's for God alone", because it's not a sin to correct a sinner with force unless you commit the sin of acting from a place of personal selfishness instead of divine retribution. Good Christians judge the tits off the unworthy, and then they forgive them for being unworthy. The second they try stealing the christian's shit, though, well. "I come not bearing peace but a sword"
His endgame is Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins. Because they are so handsome.
the original Nazis were homosexuals who hated commies
Steve literally comes from the most racist part of New York. I fail to believe he didn't call Fury or Sam a nigger.
>everyone from the past is a homophobe
And most commies are homosexuals now. Pottery.
>my interpretation is the only valid one
No, people knew damn well there was nothing """irrational""" about subjugating faggots
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"
Shut your fucking mouth, p*pist
>he thinks it's phobe as in fear and phobe as in the chemistry term
You do realize that is actually speaking to my point, right? He was delivered into a place of wicked people who needed to see the light, and they did. That's only a rhetorical "Gotcha!" moment if you believe in original sin
Not this shit again
I think the catharists were right
Someone who uses the phrase
>get your shit slapped
Yes rabbi please teach me the word of our Lord!
>I come bearing a sword
Christian's do not have the authority of Christ. We can only tell people they are sinning and what Gods word says. I can not find any doctrine supporting beating up sinners...
And where, pray tell, did the fucking chemistry term come from you dumb fuck. But I'm not even entertaining this line of logic, you know damn well homophobia refers to the (false) phenomenon of being """unnaturally""" disgusted by faggots, when it is in fact a perfectly normal biological reaction
"My kingdom is not of this world otherwise my servants would fight"
Lol it's funny how the bible shuts down false teachings so quick
it's like being hydrophobic, it doesn't mean it's scared of water
>half the population gone
>lol fuck making babies I want to be with the same sex
they didn't know that most gays were molested and go on to molest others when they grow up back then, back then their repulsion was instinctual rather than fact based
not to mention what high rate of disease vectors they are due to incredibly high promiscuity
Jesus concluded his story arc by saying "Yep, and that's how you be a good christian, don't fuck it up", and of course they immediately did because papist fucks took it to mean "we're the only way into heaven now, jesus said so". He didn't go around whipping the shit out of evil doers with the assumption that he would banish all evil forever. He taught his followers how to stand against evil, and sometimes that just means sending them to God early so he can explain where they fucked up
Yeah only 3 billion
Literally everyone I know is homophobic, so I don't believe you.
That literally is saying "they won't stop killing each other, things will be better in heaven". Sounds a lot more like he was instilling a good ROE to me
>Thinking it refers to original sin
Jesus Christ, don't ever read Confucius
>being hateful is a mortal sin
>christians are full of hate
nice "religion" there
Wew, where do you live, the middle east?
>is a brainlet
>can't comprehend a basic argument
No one in that crowd was innocent because they did not know HOW to be innocent. Jesus taught them. Guess what that means, fucknut? There's a whole crowd of people who are clear to fight over who gets to throw the first stone next time
Absolutely delusional. Even now most people hate faggots. Only the (((progressive))) West loves them.
Lord Jesus Christ sounds a little too self-centered
It's not hate if god is fine with it
>being hateful is a mortal sin
No, it's not.
I would be too if I was the son of God.
>only people with high IQ love them
Makes you think
>high IQ
mexicans with scraps of paper from a degree mill do not a high iq individual make
The whole "died on the cross for you sins" thing makes zero sense. Why does God need to send himself in the form of his son to die on a cross to absolve the sins of men? He could just handwave that away.
You mind rephrasing that?
>high IQ
Good one. East asians have the highest IQs on average and they're not into your faggotry.
I though Jesus was supposed to be humble
No Christianity is a doctrine of mirthful irony — basically if your faith is strong enough you basically become a superhuman that can probably preform all sorts of impressive and magical feats, Christ said you could move mountains, in Kabbalah there is said to be certain words when pronounced differently could transport rivers. You shouldn’t be some sort of vulgar new age spiritualist about this stuff but sort of keep the demeanor of a sensible chuckle
Sure, let me knock 20 IQ points and 60 years off that for you.
Spics with worthless degrees aren't smart, you fucking idiot
Precisely as humble as he needs to be as the one true savior.
>Here's the deal, take it or leave it
Pretty straightforward
How do Christians reconcile with being racist and wanting to exterminate people based on their skin?
“‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,’ says the LORD. ‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts’” (Isaiah 55:8-9).
>condems you to eternal suffering if you don't worship him
Now that's a statement in proper english. Well done
they subscribe to a consequence free religious doctrine
>God moves in mysterious ways.
Ah, yes the eternal christcuck cop out answer.
There's a reason he went back to 1945 at the end of the movie.
Blacks are meant to be slaves.
Genesis 9:24-25
>religious people
I really wish we could eliminate superstition
>said while posting art created by people who literally think their emperor is a god
It's not a cop-out unless you're a total blithering brainlet. Faglords like you can accept the notion of edgelord shit like Cthulhu Mythos with some vast unknowable intelligence that would drive you mad to glimpse it, but when the subject is God being such a massive and abstract intelligence that you're not equipped to understand and you get fucking fingerburn from tipping your fedora so fast.
Did you sneak your school shooter manifesto into this post or something?
man, you people should all be put into mental asylums
I don't think anyone believes Chtulu is real, user.
>massive and abstract intelligence
>doesn't do the simplest thing as appearing and showing himself again now
>he would rather have people fail and be damned instead
Said the transexual
at least the emperor is a real tangible thing that you can punch
If you'd actually read the bible you'd understand that's not how it works at all.
It's more like guaranteeing you a spot at the table. "Hell" is there. Not in the Dante sense, but traditionally what we refer to as hell is referred to in the scripture as "a place outside heaven". As in, you are in a physical location with walls and only people with tickets are allowed in. It goes on to explain how only the best Christians are allowed to live in the inner city beside God. Bad Christians still make it to heaven, but they spend eternity looking at the pearly gates knowing they weren't good enough to make it in. God doesn't "send" you to hell, he gives you the option of avoiding it. Fuck, for all we know, we're in hell right now. Christianity, contrary to popular belief, does not actually traditionally have an idea of a disconnected soul from your body. You don't die and go "someplace else", you just wait for God to come back at which point there will be the craziest fucking night of the living dead shit the world has ever seen during the rapture. They're not being raised from the earth to the heavens above, they're being raised out of their graves to Heaven 100 miles ahead (160 km)
>the last 20 years have been absolutely insane compared to any 20 years in the last thousand that we've recorded
t. Plebbit
The fires of hell are mentioned in the bible, though.
>barely 70 years of life
>get damned for ETERNITY
>this is considered fair
>especially considering almost everything is a sin
Fake news
>he thinks people believe in Cthulhu.
based brainlet christcuck
No, but you can accept the premise. Simple concepts and notions that you would otherwise accept in any other context go out the window Christianity gets mentioned because you were a weakwilled cuck who sold out his spirituality to Jewish media washing growing up.
>oy vey goyim, you're too smart to fall for spaghetti monster myths arent you
Look at these people before you say stupid shit like
If he did it today user would call it fake and gay, the miracles CGI and fake news, and everyone outside his apartment who actually has experienced it are all paid shills. The only way he could do it was having a truly perfect being take a crucifiction without bitching only to get up a week later like nothing happened. People only believe what they want to, and we didn't. We still don't, just look at the state of the world today if you don't believe me
you don't know any of this, stop making shit up to justify your evil immoral made up superman
>God doesn't "send" you to hell, he gives you the option of avoiding it
mafiaboss tactics eh?
Actually it's legal and tolerated in most of East Asia. They are generally more conservative about PDA in general though.
>misses the point this badly
>calls someone else a brainlet
Atheists, lol
Hey, it's implied that hell sucks, but no one says it's constant torture. Only that it's a sweaty nutsack of a place to live when Heaven is literally right there and all you have to do is accept that Jesus Christ died because we're too shitty to see God when he's in front of us
If that's the only context that you can dumb it down enough to understand. But the fact that you admit you have to humanize God to try and make sense means you've already admitted you don't understand.
You compared your god to a fictional character, you retard, then complained that people don't give him the same benefit of the doubt. People accept that Cthulhu is too complext to be comprehended by humans because it's just a story, when christians attempt to use the same logic they come off as gullible and stupid.
>fruits are harmless
I don't have to humanize anything, you're making shit up then telling people they don't comprehend your delusions sufficiently, you have evidence for none of this.
That's not me. I was telling you what is described in revelations. I'm not making shit up, you've been lied to by your common perception of the media. The Bible is right there user, feel free to crack it open and take a peek
I compared premises. I'm sorry you were too stupid that it had to be explained to you... twice.
Aside from the fact that gays existed 70 years ago too, you dope?
He's a sjw so he probably wanted it to show America is fine with gays.
Are you one of (((them))) or something?
Christians follow the rules of the NT, since, you know, they're CHRISTians.
Two completely different premises. That's why you're a brainlet but we already know that since you worship the kike god.
Yeah not a fan of totalitarianism sorry bro.
>The universe required correction, after that the stones served no purpose besides TEMPTATION
What would you do with the stones, Yea Forums?
>discussing a being with an intelligence so vast that user is literally incapable of understanding it anymore than an ant would be able to understand user's
>"oh so he's a mafiaboss?"
>"w-what, i didnt humanize him!"
Top brainlet.
So you can accept the notion of something being too complex to understand because it's in a story, but if that story claims to be based on a historical event all of a sudden it's game over. Shit, you might be one of the most unabashedly dumbest motherfuckers I've ever found on this chan
crush them so capeshit would die way sooner
The NT doesn't automatically override the OT. The ten commandments didn't suddenly stop counting because Jesus showed up.
I guess I need to explain it a third time since you're apparently stuck in some vacuum where neither my simple explanation nor your profound stupidity seem to be intersecting.
The premise is a higher intelligence so great that humankind isn't equipped to understand it. That was the comparison. They weren't different premises. I don't get why this is so hard for you to understand. Do you need handpuppets?
It isn't though.
>be god
>make us flawed
>punish us for being flawed despite him knowing what was going to happen because he knows everything
>somehow he is the good guy
Why was he in an alcoholics anonymous group anyway? I know he has PTSD from Infinity War, but come on now.
Fuckin, so be it m8, unless he was lying to us, God made his peace with the fact that people like you are doomed to suffer for eternity. It really didn't have to be this way, all you had to do was follow the damn scripture, CJ. When you're a child, your dad teaches you how to behave, but you don't understand why until much later. I'm just sorry you won't get a second chance once it's too late is all.
? that was just an analogy
please explain how "being given an offer to avoid eternal damnation"
is different from "being given the offer to not have your store ruined"?
It's a fictional book you brainlet
God wants us to know that we live in a society
No, you moron. I can suspend my disbelief when reading a fantasy story. I can't take people using the same arguments in real life seriously. Christians basically say "I'm a fucking retard so I'll do anything the bible says on blind faith even though there's zero proof any of it is true." Hell, worse. There's outright proof that many parts of the bible are fictional, yet christians still cling on to the delusion.
I'd bring back the Daisy fleet.
Who said God knows everything? He seems to have to check in every now and then. He sure as fuck seemed surprised at what Sodom and Gamora were getting up to.
>power beyond most Gods
>can do virtually anything
>you can't comprehend my delusions
you got that right, that's something for your therapist to solve
oh i forgot christ wrote the NT
>the emperor is in a plain of existence we can comprehend and can easily be harmed and has next to no power
>this makes him more legitimate somehow
Humanizing something is giving a non-human (in this case God) human traits. You've admitted you're too dim to accept that God isn't human, but a metaphysical being too great for you to understand the mind of, so you created a context that makes Him more human (being a mafia boss) to try and understand His motivation.
I literally just checked wikipedia and it says hatred right there
>make us flawed
Blame Adam for being a dipshit in the GoE
What part of fictional story don't you understand? I accept it in Lovecraft stories because it's part of the plot. Same way I accept that the Force in Star Wars is mysterious. People who accept this shit in real life on blind faith and second hand information (the bible) are just retarded. The fact that you can't grasp this is telling.
The movie depicted homosexual men stereotypes as emotionally frail and crying all the time.
I live in Wales
He knows God will send him to the firey pits of hell, that's why he's so smug
>misses point a fourth time
Sorry user, I dumbed it down as much as I possibly could. Maybe try and have your handler explain it to you later after coloring time.
we are made in God's image, giving him human traits is logical
Maybe god only cares about cosmic level shit and is letting us do as we please until we get too big for our own good (which will never happen)
Other than the fact that Christianity shares the unique trait of being a written account of a dude who lived ~50 years ago at the time of its writing, you still have yet to explain the part where an elder god can have thoughts to complex for mankind to comprehend but our elder, God, can not. What, your daddy never said "do as I say and stop asking questions?"
but God made him that way
>I can only understand themes and concepts if it's presented to me as an entertaining story
>being confronted with these ideas in real life makes me confused and angry
>checked wikipedia
Absolute state of Liberal Theologians.
I am sorry for not remembering the rules of your D&D larping
Right, we have higher thought. But it's still a question of scale. You're smart enough to know that your will is incomprehensible to lower lifeforms, why can't you make the obvious leap that God's will would similarly be incomprehensible to you? Maybe some of us were made a little less in his image if this is something beyond grasping.
you don't necessarily have to hate pedophiles either, you just put them down because it's immoral, same thing here.
Fuck off. Even in the 1940s in Great Britain we were quite happily chemically castrating any gays we caught to cure them of their faggotry. We also used to ship queers out to camps in the country side and literally beat the gay out of them. Good times.
We're made after him in his image down to our incessant need to change reality to suit our needs, like making Him so simple we could comprehend Him. Meanwhile in the bible it clearly states that mankind is just straight up not fit to gaze in his direction, let alone behold His naked glory.
>what is free will
>jesus white
>pauil darker
You racists can't even be subtle
because god isn't real you dumbfuck
Based Great Britain.
Strictly speaking, Eve made him that way. God made him. Period. Full stop. Then he made Eve. And then the fight began.
>acting like I made the image
That is a rather heavy claim. What is your proof?
Very convincing argument, user.
That's a mighty claim there, friend. Care to prove it?
>using the image that you disagree with
Not remembering implies you knew them in the first place.
it's a myth, we are all predestined to our end
My proof is right next to the "superman isn't real" and "Zeus isn't real" box.
Sorry bros, but your philosophical garbage about absolute truth is just mental masturbation and you can gtfo with that.
Otherwise I will claim the universe was created by me, and you have no way to disprove it.
Why are you so racist you can't see past skin color? It didn't even occur to me until you pointed it out
>the image has a disagreeable opinion portrayed by a man with slightly browner skin which means everything in it is EVIL AND WRONG
He was in the military, guys are away from their loved ones in intense situations were they bond. Sex happens all the time on deployment. Yes, that's right. Him and Bucky fucked.
He probably thought to himself "Damn, guys are just open about this now, huh?"
>it's not real because I said so
That's some real strong faith you got there, your religion must be strong
why did he suddenly start speaking chinese in that scene?
Because Christianity is an evolution of Judaism and in Judaism certain sins required a sacrifice (usually of an animal) as part of the process of atonement. The idea is that Jesus dieing for the collective sins of humanity is God's way of making the ultimate sacrifice in place of all future sacrifices.
>Zeus isn't real
>philosophy is mental masturbation
Because this one did the same, it's clearly a pattern
>quoting the Torah
>on a Christian e-zine group chat
Shiggy diggy
Again, literally did not even register to me, I think you're the one with a problem here. What do you have against white people?
You are clearly racist since it seems normal to you to portray the one which you consider the right opinion with a white guy and the wrong one with a brown guy, really dishonest.
I'm God, the proof is right there, just look around you, user, it's obvious I'm the one real god. You just gotta have faith in me, because if you don't you'll suffer for eternity.
Yeah, that's what I mean, it's like little kids arguing which of their made up superheroes is stronger, except you're a grown man and actually believe that shit.
The joke there is that everyone acts like the whole Middle East is just one phenotype of Brown Arabs which isn't even true in the Arabian peninsula.
I literally did not even look at their depictions, these things don't matter to me. Are you under the childish assumption that racists operate on some kind of cartoon logic where certain shades drive them to frenzy like they're a rabid bull? No, they do shit like notice who is saying what and start assigning metrics of how correct it is based on what they saw there. That's you right now
Did you just pull that of out of your ass along with the huge dildo that was up there
the joke is KKK protestant like minded people subtly pushing their white concept of christianity
>when you agree with someone calling you a dumb fuck
Haha, oh boy
Yeah, I did. You're still retarded if you think Christian dogma takes anything from the old testament seriously. It's historical context. Most churches don't even hand out bibles with the Old Testament in them, only the Protestants and the Catholics keep it in, because they are crypto Jews.
Why can I kill you then? And you haven't shown yourself as a worthy avatar of God. I have no reason to believe you.
I don't even care. I'm literally brown. I'm just posting an infographic and you get hung up on skin colour.
>casting aside Jewish influence
>Trying to bargain with the heathens who killed your saviour
>Why can I kill you then?
You can't.
>And you haven't shown yourself as a worthy avatar of God
>I have no reason to believe you.
I have created everything, just look at the majesty of nature, that was all me.
Sorry you're misguided by false idols, this is your chance to repent.
>disregards the importance of Jesus entirely
Well at least I can say I tried. Can't wait to laugh at your ignorant flammable ass for all eternity
You have nothing to do with a God that exists. Your merits are none to expect recognition.
>the weak should fear the strong
user no! Jesus is trying to lead you astray!
I actually sent 12 of my sons to die for your sins, don't believe the lies of that book! I love you user, just have faith!
Sorry you feel that way user, but that's the consequence of giving you free will, just know that I still love you. But please understand you're sending yourself to hell by not having faith in me, thanks.
>Yea Forums Theology and VVorship
I pulled it out of my bait trap desu
You're dam near right I won't have faith in a man without merit
You're still conflating motives, nigger. You're expertly comparing apples to oranges, only you're so far gone you've actually got a couple rocks in your hand and you won't see reason until your teeth are cracked
>have successor to Jewish religion with Jewish god
Well at least I can say I tried. It means you only get 15 minutes in the ball pool when you come to heaven, oh well.
user please, you're actively hurting your eternal soul by using my name in vain.
I just want the best for you.
Wait, I thought this was a Cap thread. What's with all the jesus spamming?
At least save some for star lord
Cope harder, that foreskin aint ever growing back kike.
When you die screaming just remember its all your fault.
Stastically speaking since the split was 51/49 to women before the snap that should've stayed the same, so there should be roughly 2.4 billion women and 1.6 billion men
what the fuck is going on here?
So chris evans is in the closet right?
/pol/ leakage.
Hyperbole but it's actually grounded in reality. The German communists (KPD) at the time used to mock Nazis by accusing them and the movement as a whole of homosexuality
He was never humble, dude literally whipped merchants to a bloody pulp when they were desecrating the temple of his Dad by selling stuff inside it.
Dude knew he was a big deal.
Damn, and UK is still full of queers. Makes you think.
Homosexuality is fucking gay. That's all I have to say...
Imagine being this unhinged
He is a libertarian, he only cares about freedom.
>Capeshit thread
>Christain LARPers start shitting up the thread
What is it about /pol/edditor autists that compels them to pretend to be religious? Why would they want to associate with people that would be utterly disgusted by them in real life?
because he's also gay.
source : my sister is a hairdresser/makeup-artist and there's lots of tabloid in agc webpages circa 2006-2012 prior to him becoming mainstream
>"I come not bearing peace but a sword"
>"thou shalt not kill"
so what now?
Anyone have that comic page with Spiderman and cap?
You're probably looking at strawman explanations of the Western theory of atonement. The Eastern church fathers had a different perspective on the crucifixion. Basically human beings are all born and then die, if God becomes incarnate at a human he isn't really fully human until he dies. The event is seen more or less as humankind choosing the grave and God's love pursuing humanity into death itself. However God as life itself cannot die so by uniting humanity and divinity he resurrects and provides a method where humankind can persevere the grave.
This is the purpose of the Paschal (Easter) hymn: : Christ has risen from the dead, trampling down death by death and upon those in the tomb bestowing life.
>Homophobes have always been a tiny minority.
This is dumb modern leftist terminology, but more accurately, people, Western Christians at least, usually put basic human decency and dignity first in daily interaction. Homosexuality was considered sinful and distasteful but not everyone was an authoritarian and a puritan who couldn't resist expressing overt disdain or disgust for the mere presence of a gay especially in a private setting.
some people are just fucking retarded. I've been arguing on the internet since the 90s and this is one of the most common fuck ups you'll see and arguing is always hopeless. What seems like a clearly stated logic to you is just a jumble of ideas and feels for low-IQ shitbrains like them.
>imagine believing this
He grew up in a weird, sanitized version of the 30's. Remember how in his first film he fought alongside black people without anyone acknowledging it?
>What would you do with the stones, Yea Forums?
Probably get Eva Green to love me.
Impossible until we know everything. Superstition is the flimsy end of theory, behaving in a way we think is smart based on ideas we can't verify. Once we know everything, we will no longer be human.
okay now let's talk about the entire rest of the country that isn't california
I'm pressing X on that one.
>The ten commandments didn't suddenly stop counting because Jesus showed up.
Which one of the ten commandments was "murder all the faggots" again
Why can't you have sex?
hate the sin, love the sinner
>Didn't he grow up in the 30s?
Yeah but he's Capt. America not Capt. NPC, so he didn't get brainwashed into far right ideologies.
Do you know what "faith" means, you fucking idiot? How about "free will"?
being ousted as a homosexual was enough to get you killed in the past. delusional
trips of truth
Do you think that when homophobes are faced with actual homsexuals in real life they'd be publicly act out of line? Secondly, cap is a nice guy he's the last guy you'd expect to hate gays
He grew up as everyone else, having 0 years old. He only got 30 years old when he spent 30 years being alive. Fucking Idiota.
Insane how? You think these last 20 years have been the worse 20 year in history?
t. The American Education System
I don't care about fags but they should not politicize their lifestyle and affect others, makes me hate em
Jesus preached we should hate everyone for any reason
if God hated fags why did it make dicks so much better than pussy
checkmate christcucks
Jesus was pissed off at all kinds of cunts. Jews for Jewing, mostly.
And he preached forgiveness, but you have to repent and stop being a faggot in order to receive forgiveness.
>I live in whales
After all the enemies he's fought, after all the things he's seen, you really think gays would bother him? I'm sure this isn't the first time he's seen a gay.
This honestly. In future media they will show everyone who lived before gay marriage to be extremely intolerant towards gays. Just how everyone was racist towards blacks before mlk.
Can you imagine unironically believing the Old Testament without the redemption from the laws in it brought by the grace of god and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit?
What homosexual guy?
That’s exactly how it works. Stop trying to make the laws given to a specific people at a specific time and place our laws too
He's not insecure about his sexuality.
You're aware americans back then had to be taught how to act when going to liberal countries, right?
He was in a "half the universe disappeared" support group. Very early in the movie. Used to establish that, the world is basically post-apocalyptic now. He was played by one of the two directors. He was talking about how he went on a date and his date cries when they brought the salad out. And how he cried after that.
It was low-key because he wasn't wearing a giant rainbow boa or ending every sentence with BYE FELICIA! You probably didn't notice.
Do you also believe in elves and hobbits?
Everyone was racist to blacks though
literally based & redpilled
>Only Nazis actually hated gays
I mean, it's understandable if they did, but that sounds like something the jews would make up after the fact
My mom and most women I know genuinely hate fags
She loves everyone
Hulk: "Coming to this week's support group meeting, Cap?"
Steve: "As long as there are no cock-sucking faggots."
How did they get away with it?
>not the NT
based retard
If that was literally his first time hearing an openly gay man talk about his gay date, he may have been shocked, but Steve's been out of the ice for a bit already. There are plenty of openly gay men in the modern world, and he'd have gotten used to it by then.
Not everyone born in the past feels the same revulsion towards fags, and even if he does feel revulsion, a person can recognize the irrationality of some of their own emotions and suppress it.
Based user for all the triggered replied
>2.4 billion women and 1.6 billion men
there's an equal number of males in females in the world, retard
>he doesn't know about the demiurge
when did cap talk to a homosexual?
suck dick, faggot
You are not qualified to call anyone a retard.
Ya remember the time Jesus stones that adulterous women for being sexually immora? Cause I don’t.
In this scene, he had been living in the modern day for over 10 years, I'm sure he's adapted
Now that's what I call an ENDgame.
>Let he who is without sin cast the first stone
Jesus never said this. This story is not in any of the earliest manuscripts, and was added centuries later. If Jesus is God, he would have the same views on morality God has always had - God does not change. If you Christians took your supposed faith half ad seriously as Muslims do, maybe you wouldn't be getting cucked all the time
>irrationality of some of their own emotions and suppress it.
how come fags don't recognize the irrationality of their behavior and suppress it???
t. Kike that killed Jesus
There are more closeted fags than out fags.
But if you can't see the difference between fags acting on their sexuality in a consensual manner and homophobes sperging out on them publicly simply for being what they are, there's probably no helping you.
Gays haven't been accepted for more than 5 years, many still don't accept them.
Fags are real political now, shoving their shit everywhere
I literally don't care about them otherwise
What next, being wary of muzzies is Islamophobia? Fuck off libshit
Liberals can't be wrong ever, they are the right side of history. Everybody should be some off shade of brown with 85 IQ ruled by the 1%, and if you don't believe that then you're mentally ill.
Based Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins are so handsome poster
I don’t doubt it
Do you publicly lose your shit every time you see a muslim?
So why do we have to have blind faith but God will knock Paul on his ass and tell him he's real.
You are fucking delusional lel
Why are the two examples of bad culture a dude chasing people out of McDonald's with a hunting rifle and a picture of Walmart? Have the writers ever left city limits?
>off topic religious threads didn’t exist before /pol/
No but I don't accept them with open arms either
thanks, bro
>"if you absolutely must kill someone, don't take pleasure in it. That's for God alone"
Because he's a normal person and not a raging autist
and that tendency to avoid water is perfectly natural
Wilful demographic replacement child trannies, women pursuing careers over families, I could go on and on.
Yikes, what a pleb, you sound like an American
>You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination
Well duh. Have you ever tried sticking your dick in a man's vagina?
Nah that’s actually pretty much the stupid stoner atheist argument nailed to a t though normally I do disagree with ad hominem based arguments this isn’t really Applicable because it’s not a strawman or ad hominem it’s mockery
>meets some gays
>"You know, maybe I'll just stay in the 40's"
>The whole "died on the cross for you sins" thing makes zero sense.
He took the sins of the world upon him in the garden of gethsemane before being crucified. Dying on the cross simply allowed him to both show how severe of a sin he could forgive, and allowed him to be resurrected.
Any of you guys read The Forever War? Same concept. Cap is probably fairly disgusted by everyone in the 21st century, but he keeps it to himself and just does is best to see worthwhile things in everyone.
>movie never
>something isn't immediately intuitive to me so it must be illegitimate
Imagine not even struggling with faith because your ego is so huge you can just reject things you don't instinctively agree with.
The Nazis were actually so fucking gay that Hitler had to purge half of his own party in the Night of the Long Knives because all the flagrant homosexuality was giving the party a bad rep. Some of the people who got purged that night were literally found in bed with other men.
Arguing over faith is autistic, not least because the most compelling defense believers can possibly give is "it's too deep for you to understand."
Absolutely anything can be handwaved away from that position.
>he is a good christian so he knows it's not his place to judge and that God will think about it when it's the time
Ever heard of Sodom of Gomorrah ? Don't judge the person judge the act! Unfortunately too often people do the opposite, that's how they can vote for a guy like Trump and pretend they're good christians.
>warning your kids about pedophiles is "homophobia"
nice one, rabbi
>Why does Captain America standing up for the rights of fellow Americans and human beings throught the world
I don't know user, maybe the people who created him as a propaganda symbol during WW2 wanted some to represent the best of us and not suck up to subhuman bigots?
Cap's pro minority, stop trying to appropriate a real American hero, you filthy bigot!
>neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers
pretty sure drumpf is like half of these things
I know it sounds crazy but homos are not magic they're just gay. Talking to them won't shatter your world.
Have you experienced an actual war? One with artillery, bombs dropping and ordnance everywhere?
Have you ever fought for food?
Have you lived through an epidemic with a shortage of doctors and medical science?
If you haven't, then you don't know jack shit.
Cap is clearly bi
which translation did you pull that from?
phobic in the chemistry term means that faggots would literally bounce off of him if they touched him, you fucking retard.
Exactly. Meekness and humbleness are two different things
>leaving out the most important part of the story where he says to her “go and sin no more”
>Not the Bible which is the inerrant word of God
What a fucking faggot.
Captain fucking “never wrong about anything” more like
What a cunt