How can one be like the most charismatic person ever also have a 10/10 feet and the other one be the most insufferable...

How can one be like the most charismatic person ever also have a 10/10 feet and the other one be the most insufferable cunt in the world?

Attached: Gal-Gadot-Posted-A-Sweet-Message-To-Brie-Larson-And-I039m-Emotional.jpg (625x415, 87K)

gal conehead af


> One is a Jew
> One was casting couched by a Jew

Brie is infinitely better looking than the dumb israeli bitch and is a better actor as well.

HI brie

They're both cunts. Gadot is an ugly jew skeleton that can't act and Brie Larson is a massive bitch.

Jewish women always mog goyim women

do americans consider anyone under 200lbs to be a skeleton?

I'm European. Gadot has no tits, no ass, and chicken legs.

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How is this anything but skeleton mode?

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I'm not gonna argue those points.
And normally I'm a big fan of mega milk.
But got damn there's something about her that just demands my attention.

she has a slender build you fatties, she isn't underweight by any stretch

No, this is slender. Gadot has the body of a teen boy.

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that's an average build you obese piece of garbage

your mind is contaminated by corn syrup food and instagram thots

Do females really do this?

Don't be fooled, Gal is a sionist who laughs behind your back, supports the wall of Israel and oppose African immigration to Israel while opposing Trump's wall and supporting open borders for US and Europe.
She wouldn't even date a none Jew.

go away you rat face jew, you're a shit WW

Attached: antje-traue-vl-1440x2960.jpg (1440x2960, 1.23M)

>average build

based brainlet


brie is 100% part nigger--she tans too easily


nice cope

>comfy jewish mommy
>disgusting f*minist wh*toid woman

stop being anti-semitic please

>has the physique of a lanky boy

Gee, I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post?

she has a graceful and beautiful body

Simple, one is a cute autistic gf and the other is a jew.
I would hardly call Brie's feet 10/10 though.

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>a marvelshill actually cared enough to make this

Sure, when Gal stop being anti-white.

Yup, and I saved it.
Cope Ivan.

Why can't Brie just fix her feet bros?

you'll find Larson is the anti-white one

She did?

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For a teen boy, yes.

Those are fake toenails and you can still see the black fungus of death.

>ass like a 10 y.o.boy

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Thats a big fucking negative. She had some work done to them, but they are definitely still fucked up. Look at her big toe. The nail is still raised due the fungus underneath..

Why can't incels just realize that fungus isn't an untreatable problem?

If that's an ass of a 10-year-old what's Gadot's? An infant's? Negative? Hank Hill?

>when Brie Arsonist gets brought up she's a flat board
>when ""Gal"" Gadot gets brought up she's slender
Get the fuck outta here pal.

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I don't think Brie Larson has a flat chest, she is just ugly and gross

What women think men want: What men really want: webm releated

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yes yes YES

>Acting ability
Brie > Gal
>English speaking ability
Brie > Gal
>Singing ability
Brie > Gal
>Incel triggering ability
Brie > Gal
>Making dick diamonds ability
Brie > Gal
>Hate-fuck inducing ability
Brie > Gal
>Box Office
Brie > Gal
>Oscars won
Brie > Gal
Brie > Gal
Brie = Gal
>Head shape
Brie > Gal

It's not even close, Brie wins

>tfw no brie gf to listen to black metal with

Shhh, (((they))) don't want you to tell the truth.

Brie has the better tits and arse, she is also the more talented actress.

Gal has a better face, hair, legs and personality. She has a gorgeous smile too.

Also Wonder Woman >>> Captain Marvel

>Brie has the better tits and arse

Barely is still better than nothing.

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What's up Brie

Just carrying this briefcase. Get it? Brie-fcase. haha

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im not a fan of gal but i am a fan of her feet
and im not a fan of brie but i am i fan of her tits

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imagine brie sucking on gal's feets and gal sucking on brie's tits

>men want this retarded bitch
Zoomers do not count as men moron

id pay to see that in theaters

t. homo

>t. adult

Are these two the beauty standard for American actresses these days? Jesus Christ the absolute state of Americans.

Stop making this thread you pathetic kike shill, and go back to /hr/


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I'll take the right
Where do i pay?

Just put it in my pants for safe keeping.

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>egg head
>block head
is there nothing in between?

no still terrible

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>marvel shill
>implying that there is not only “no reason to unironically like marvel,” but also that DC is somehow good or even acceptable at all
Please, for the love of god, have some sex...

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