Below 9.0

>below 9.0
oh nononononoo ahahahahah

>b-but all the normies loved it user...

ahahaha oh nonono

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normies dont make imdb accounts kike

then why is all the onions rated so high? cope you fucking subhuman

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-02 Game of Thrones (TV Series 2011– ) - IMDb.png (620x1290, 569K)


Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-02 Game of Thrones (TV Series 2011– ) - IMDb(1).png (620x568, 199K)

>above 7

Because normies have no taste.

The cultural event of the decade is a superhero movie, bro.

the lowest rated episode is 8.1


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>That one virgin who created 10,000 profiles to rate it 1/10 so that it could drop .1 percent in ratings because he didn't like a staple character doing something important/useful because they had the "wrong" genitalia

Haha d00d epic s1mply epic hekk hyak *snorts* shows tots ruined bru *honk honk* Fuck D&D amirite !

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It was a fantastic kino episode and one of the best battles, and an incredible payoff for a character who has spent 6 seasons and several dozen onscreen hours training, up to this point for no major reason

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but you are also a normie

Reminds me of pic related.

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normies unironically don't like it though. even reddit doesn't like it

they just have to pretend to like it in public depending on present company in case the head of HR overhears and starts asking questions like "what's wrong? don't like it when a girl saves the day?"

Okay this is epic.

>8,9 for that shit while many stuff is heavily underrated
imdb is a tasteless joke

is it finally over for GoT? I bet next season's ratings will be abysmal

Of course he would defend the sneaky mossad character

get a life.

>cringeworthy language
>tumblr gif
>of lynch's movie
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