Bury me in the ocean, with my ancestors that jumped from the ships, because they knew death was better than bondage
Bury me in the ocean, with my ancestors that jumped from the ships, because they knew death was better than bondage
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I hate Michael B Jordan as an actor. He is the worst part of basically everything he is in. Except the most recent Fan4stic but thats because he was a pile of shit on top of a pile of shit so it all belnded together
Aren't his ancestors wakandans? It doesn't seem wakanda was ever enslaved.
Also it's gonna be quite the undertaking to crossreference ship logs to find who jumped where while crossing the ocean.
Are there any reports of this actually happening? I was under the impression the niggers were all shackled together and probably too stupid to understand what was going to happen to them desu
Wallace was a snitch and his murder was more justified than any other murder on The Wire
What the hell is he talking about? Bondage is considerable better than death. This is as retarded as "rape is worse than death"
Nigga get a grip
Based. His face pisses me off.
So how is he alive if all his ancestors killed themselves?
Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins are so handsome.
It's a million times better than
>You look like two seals fighting over a grape.
Seriously wtf.
Who gives a shit? This movie was made to incite racial hatred against whites. Logis wasn't on their priority list
I usually like him but he was so wooden in this. Serkis and Man-Ape stole the show.
It was low key making fun what with the techno mud huts, lip plates and the ship even had a tiny bass line when it landed.
He's a half breed (American), they mention it in the movie but it was a quick line.
But that's not true at all, in fact the only one who says "Kill whitey" was killmonger and he was the villain.
Are we allowed to dislike this movie now?
Lmao look at this /pol/tard over here. It's just a capeshit movie you snowflake
There's no historical evidence of blacks jumping ship. Slavery wasn't some new idea to them, almost all the slaves brought to the Caribbean / Americas were already slaves in Africa. They weren't new to bondage.
he's doing that dumb thing whites do where they're losers so all they have left is to identify with everyone that share's their skin color
the day of the mayonnaise is coming, cumskins. you will feel our wrath.
literally google it retard
>wojak poster not understanding the message
like pottery
I did, looks like the answer is no.
You mean like every other black person who ever lived? Profound statement.
>Man-Ape stole the show.
Which man-ape? There were a hell of a lot of them.
except black people have cultural differences among each other while white people have only their skin color to go off of. that's why poltards can't associate with each other beyond white vs. nonwhite.
there's nothing else.
If he's half wakandan, chances are his non-wakandan ancestors survived the trip to the americas or he wouldn't have been born.
I get that he's hateful, but they shouldn't have made him a retard also.
You're a retard who doesn't know what he's talking about. Probably Indian or something.
If I could grow a fro I would carve out like a cubby hole and keep my keys and a stick of mentos in it.
why so defensive? does the truth hurt?
Whatever the message is, it's fucking retarded. The slaves who stayed on the ship eventually won their freedom, and now their descendants get to fuck white women in the most powerful country in the world, instead of getting murdered in a weekly civil war down in Africa.
When white people's power goes off, they panic…when black people's power goes off, they plan it!
Kitty Mitties!
But isn't his character african american?
You're like some hick who dropped out of 8th grade breaking into an operating room and telling the surgeons what he thinks is the best course of action. You don't know what you're talking about so don't comment. Waste of everyone's time.
>the message is retarded, even though I don't know what it is
are you really that stupid? is this your average Yea Forums poster?
>failing to realise it was his own ancestors that sold their people into slavery
>"death is better than bondage"
>jails decide they agree, make push to kill all inmates
>blacks take to streets to complain
I waited the whole movie for him to call Khal Drogo 'Whitefish'.
you sound like you're projecting a lot there. i'm merely having a discussion and you should calm down :). comparing yourself to a surgeon doesn't help your case.
Íf his ancestors jumped into the ocean, how is he alive?
top tier bait or retarded newfag
i can't tell
cope mayoboy. the world is changing. the sun will not rise again for you wonderbreads. we've reached the boiling point and now we're spilling past the rim. get ready.
Wasn't their own people, was a neighboring tribe they felt superior to and subjugated to sell to whitey for beads, pants, guns, etc.
That's fair, I think he was just generally speaking.
He's some autistic pajeet. Let him sperg out.
im glad people are criticizing his performance in this movie. everyone was saying how good killmonger was but he was hella cheesy in this movie. bosewicks spotlight got robbed he did good in this movie
I don't get it, then.
See Hoteps like Killmonger like to see/call all blacks from the slave period as their "ancestors".
The most accurate comparison would be the people who speak so much of good Aryan or white whatever genes and what not.
he's just saying that he'd rather die than be in prison for the rest of his life reminded of his shortcomings. it's not that complicated. why do people struggle with this concept?
>black people 500 years ago couldn't swim either
Looks like nothing has changed.
>non-wakandan ancestors survived the trip
user, unless you think your parents or grandparents killing themselves right now would make you disappear, there's no reason to believe that some of his ancestors couldn't have killed themselves while others survived
Powerful stuff. All the niggas that didn't kill themselves before they were enslaved are true cucks and you should have no empathy for them. Or seem them as human beans. 400 years of slavery is a choice
Nah he's just promoting an ethnonationalistic propaganda. The whole film did as a matter of fact
>muh ancestors were treated bad :(
quick, name an ethnicity that hasn't been discriminated against at some point in history
If he considers all slaves as his ancestors, might as well have asked to be buried in the desert. Much more African slaves died crossing it when enslaved by the arabs/muslims than in the ocean.
So he meant that only -some- of his ancestors did it? Kind of lessens the impact. But logically, at least one had to survive. So his ancestor who survived had parents on the ship who killed themselves but the survivor was too cowardly? Or he was a child and they abandoned him to a life of slavery? Just awkward when you think about it.
Danes, Norwegians and French subjugated them.
[citation needed]
Are you retarded? Try a google or wikipedia search, brainlet faggot.
don't make claims if you can't back them up, false flagger.
Why is all the non-quip dialogue in these movies so damn clunky?
My mistake for assuming you graduated middle school, useless retard. Go away now.
because marvelshit is unable to write dialogue that is sincere. it always has to have a tongue in cheek element to it like the racoon fag going "LOL I FARTED" right when star lord said his parents are dead or some dumb shit, so that it breaks the awkwardness and makes everyone laugh in the theater. it's really shitty writing that compromises any attempt at having legitimate dialogue, but killmonger took it further by being an indiscreet ass with all his comments like "i'll bury anyone who opposes me like your uncle!"
>wojackposter is completely retarded and doesn't understand how to discuss topics and defend his point
checks out
We get what he's saying. But he's implying a lot more. Namely that the slaves that didn't kill themselves were cowards and that everyone who shares the same skin color is somehow related.
It just always feels hilariously out of place in these movies.
Some bizarre 'fuck whitey' rant about slavery sounds ok in a Spike Lee movie, but after you've just had a big CGI battle with war rhinos and had a fight in a spandex catsuit it takes a lot of the weight off it.
I felt a similar thing for Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Everyone kept saying it was some intelligent thriller about government overreach and personal liberty but its hard to take serious when there's an evil Nazi computer and a guy flying around in a bird suit.
There's no need to defend common knowledge that you learn in 8th grade and can google. You got 3 (You)s out of me, don't respond again dumpster shit brain. Remain a perpetual uneducated retard.
i think that's a little too deep to be considered for a marvel character. even if he did imply that it would be silly because he himself is an extension of those survivors he's mocking, since his whole conquest wouldn't begin if they died.
>The slaves who stayed on the ship eventually won their freedom
Slavery was practiced in The New World for nearly 200 years. Many slaves were slaves until death.
and yet you can't cite this "common knowledge" lmao. fucking smoothbrain dipshit. i hope your breathe and blink manually for the next several hours.
I doesnt matter if it's intentional or not, the implications are still the same. But don't get me wrong I'm not one of that poltards that spurges out over the politics in capeshit. Black panther was all in all just a shitty film, which in my opinion, was only praised as much, because of it's supposed progressiveness.
You're forgetting about 200 years of slavery followed by like what? 50-60 years of jim crow laws?
You took the bait as well. Just ignore that street shitter.
well in that case, he's calling himself a coward up to that point, which i guess makes sense since he didn't want to be an american all his life. his end game was to be wakondan at any cost, even his life.
But the problem is still there that the film plays this as some sort of redemption. A last powerful message before his death. The only problem is, that the message itself is problematic
have sex
Bury me at sea where no murdered ghost can haunt me
If I rock upon the waves then no corpse can lie above
real swell
getting shipped to the west gave niggers a higher probablility to live then getting shipped to the east to the muslims where the chance of survival was ZERO and your dick came off too.
Fucking niggers are alive because their ancestors toughed that shit out and here they are complaining while being alive
fucking niggers
Bondage is ok fetish.
i mean the whole movie is problematic. you're talking about a nation that is basically super isolated and will kill outsiders. they would have done that to killmonger if he didn't have the ring. so it's already off on a really dark motif, but people don't care because LOOK AT ALL THIS TECH. it's silly.
But he was wrong. The temporary bondage, which was not unlike serfdom that was put upon millions of white people for centuries also, led to their future offspring living in the wealthiest country in the world with access to clean water plenty of food and even government hand outs, college, quotas. Is any of that shit in Africa like it is in the USA? Nope. So what is this caved in head faggot talking about?
>being grateful about circumstances you have no control over because it could be worse
do you really think like this? if you get in a car crash and get paralyzed do you go "at least i'm not castrated lol"? this isn't an argument against it being a real shitty scenario to begin with.
where da fuck is this from?
it wasn't temporary for the ones experiencing it though. only their successors would experience any future freedom, and even that wasn't guaranteed. would you be able to sacrifice your own life for your descendants?
But the thing is that people do care. Most critics talked about how powerful because of muh cultural identity...
Are you retarded? Are all of your ancestors alive?
>Justifying slavery by saying "well, at least your children were emancipated"
they care about how it represents their POTENTIAL. this is a big difference from what is actually being said here. think about it as "look at what you could do if you were given the chance". this was what they pushed but the thing is, wakonda has negative aspects to it that were shown but people gives it attention.
You do know that wakanda is fictional right? The life of blacks in Africa before the colonization was by no means great. I'm not trying to defend slavery or anything, but it's not like they were forced to leave some sort of paradise
>We were Egyptian Royalty
>Distance from African Slave Coast to Egypt: c. 2000 miles
Talk about delusion
If your ancestors killed themselves then you couldn't exist and you wouldn't have ancestors. It's a paradox.
But culture identity and identity politics in general lead to nothing but ethnonationalistic thinking. What does an average black person in the US has to do with wakanda? The color of the skins signifies nothing and anyone should be able to identify with anyone. We're all human and that's the only thing that matters
>bury me in Africa, where my ancestor sold my other ancestors to slavey in exchange for rum and textiles
>bury me where my ancestors aided european colonialists because they could contribute in the subjugation of an enemy tribe
>bury me where we used to cannibalize each other before european oppression told us not to
>bury me where slavery still exists even after the white man is gone
If he cares so much about his ancestors then why doesn't Wakanda give a shit about their neighboring nations?
their own people enslaved them and sold them off to other tribes, then eventually sold them off to 'outsiders'. THEIR OWN FUCKING PEOPLE.
It's a billion dollar industry. You only pretend to be indifferent so long as it caters to you.
hey man, i'm not disagreeing with you on that front. i think that the concept of being a fruitful nation isn't unique to one ethnicity or the other. it's just that people don't seem to really wanna look at the pragmatic side, the things that haad to be done to get there, like isolating your people and hiding them. nobody wants to think about that as a filmgoer.
He believed all black people from all over Africa were one people who belonged together. He failed to understand that black on black racism is extremely common. He was going to send all those advanced weapons to blacks in white countries so that they could rise up, defeat the whites, and take over the countries. But the truth is that the blacks would more likely use the weapons against other blacks, such as rivaling gangs.
>you snowflake
please stop with the cringey "i used your insults/talking points against you I bet you didn't expect THAT" boomer liberal shit
>bury me in Wakanda, who chose to do absolutely nothing to help aid their fellow Africans despite being literally milennia more technologically advanced than European colonists.
>ooga booba i'm chained downhere and can't see shit, quick let's go away
>we free! hurry jump away from this woodden big thing!
>ooga booba wtf why is there nothing but water! what river is this! help a big fish with big teeth is eating me!
>Are there any reports of this actually happening?
The only reference of American writers is American culture, in this case it's obviously Amistad.
To my knowledge the only occurrences are some slaves jumping from the dinghy between the beach and the ships.
>bury me in Wakanda, the country that is developed because of alien technology instead of our own talent and ingenuity
needs to quoted/reposted every single day.
>implying anyone back then knew about sharks
people still didn't figure out that they shouldn't let wounds fester.
>Have child
>Child is born
>Kill myself
>Child ceases to exist because ancestor doesn't exist
>Yea Forums shits on the best line in the entire mcu because it's about black people
No, it's the SJWs who are triggered...
>lines women/brainlets will never understand
He's talking about his ancestors on the boat killing themselves, fucknugget. If they killed themselves there would be no genetic line to him now would there?
Very cringe comment, my friend.
>best line in the entire mcu
Seeing off such awe-inspiring competition as 'dance off bro, you and me' and 'I don't see how that's a party'
Only bondage this guys ever experienced is a million dollar movie contract
brainlet comment
I was going to say the only good line, but then I remembered that one line "He's my friend!", "So was I...", so I changed it.
literally the only 2 good lines of the entire franchise - Civil War was abhorrently shit otherwise
>"He's my friend!", "So was I..."
'I can do this all day' was superior in that scene tbqh.
>white people have only their skin color to go off of
Only americans do this
>Africa didn't have slavery, all africans lived in perfect piece and harmony, suffering occasional raids from evil white devils
obesity is a cultural pastime sweatie
Vibranium isnt alien technology in the mcu lol. They developed all of their technology based around the material because it can do literally everything from being a power source to lube
You're deflecting and ignoring the point. No one said Africa didnt have slavery, but were particularly talking about American slavery and how user said that the slaves went on to be free later in life which isnt true because slavery went on for 200 years after the ships brought them there.
Everyone is aware that Africa and literally every country in the world has had some form of slavery. Everyone is aware that a good portion of slaves were sold to whitey by Africans. No one is denying that, stop projecting.
>/pol/cucks use strawmen arguments and constant deflection
No! Really?! Are you sure?
>Have child
>Child is born
>White people put us on boat
>I kill myself on the boat
Maybe YOU should jump in the ocean.
- they had a child on board old enough to surviive alone (they abandoned him lol)
- they had a child in Africa who was enslaved later (and they still abandoned him lolol)
cringe desu
>not of rope
More like not reading any more of this
>/pol/ literally too stupid to understand that you can have children before you die
Yeah it's really really brave to abandon your child while be enslaved
>abandons child
Blacks never change do they
The slaves would've been worse off if based white man didn't take them to America. They weren't exactly royalty before they were sold as slaves, they were slaves to begin with. And where are the children of those slaves that remained in Africa now? They probably don't even exist
>The slaves who stayed on the ship eventually won their freedom
this is what /pol/ actually belives
>tfw African
Fucking hate this film so much, also an american nigger threatened to shoot me once (obviously) cause I told him my ancestors sold his and we don't want them back
GOD I hate american blacks
Also the avengers would just fuck them up
>I told him my ancestors sold his and we don't want them back
Absolutely based and africanpilled.
>vibranium lube
D-Does it fuck you back?
Has a movie ever booty blasted ytoids as much as Black Panther has?
We don't like Africans either so thats fair.
No slavery is good slavery, but European
colonialism at least ended the arab slave trade in Africa. Arab slave trade which was fucking gruesome.
you niggers literally think Wakanda is a real place imo
kys Jabron or whatever your slave name is
how can they be your ancestors if they killed themselves?
That’s one of the clunkiest lines of dialogue I’ve ever heard.
>call themselves African-American
>constantly refer to African roots
>We don't like Africans
There was also "Life started on this continent". American education I suppose.
very good
>You just like the muh'fuggin warlords that sold out their own kind to the why peepol in the first place, nigga
Literally a better line and metaphor
>literall we waz kangz 24/7
>w-we dont like africans either
you literally pretend to be us constantly when most of you cant even name a single african country
Learn what a hotep is, lol
Actually a lot of people hate being called African American and prefer to just be called black, lul
you mean those "woke" black retards on twitter who think white people were created by some evil professor
Because none of your countries matter, lmaooo
>you mean those "woke" black retards on twitter who think white people were created by some evil professor
Exactly, every group has their retards and unfortunately they are ours.
Exactly, every group has their retards, they are unfortunately one of ours.
>None of countries matter
despite being the most recourse rich continent on earth of which everybody is trying to get their hands on
We have countries, not just some pathetic piece of land owned by Israel.
hasn't most of africa been re-enslaved by the chinks for like 15 years now and nobody paid attention or cared?
depends how you see it really
they invested in a bunch of places and told the lazy african niggers to wake up and work
I am glad the Chinese are over here getting people to work instead of Amermutts trying to turn us into faggots and trannys
>they invested in a bunch of places and told the lazy african niggers to wake up and work
And it's so tiresome.
>Cremate me, so I don't come back as a fucking zombie.
Planning ahead.
Unironically, no. They're still assmad about pic related