If captain america was a gay hed be captain faggot haha

if captain america was a gay hed be captain faggot haha

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can you faggots stop ruining everything? Thanks.

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So creepy.
Fucking gays.

you can just see the smile fading away on his face.

Chris Evans, the man who will have a hearty chuckle at almost anything, can't even bring himself to smile when confronted with this degeneracy

haha what if they kissed here

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Nice hover hand

Tom Holland and Harley Keener Ty Simpkins are so handsome.

>those manlets

chris evans is like 5'11 how small are those guys


They fuck and suck eachothers arseholes while wearing those costumes.

Thought that dickhead on the left was Michael Keaton (underrated great) from the thumbnail

psst. Those are girls.

Avengers is not gay

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Man what I'd give to kiss Sebastian Stan like that. I'm not even gay.

Is Chris Evans a tall guy or are those faggots just manlets?

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That Captain America cosplayer is a female. This is R63 hetero.

literally the heart and soul of endgame in one photo

>Chris Evans clearly balding

Wew lads. The wig he had on Endgame was so fucking obvious too.

Quality post.

>heart and soul

Really? I felt like they constantly made fun of the Antman guy. I didn't see his movie, but is he supposed to be an awkward food that is constantly played for laughs?

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It was fine because he's a new guy on the team. They shouldn't have to make depressed Thor a comic relief though. There are already enough quippers: Stark, antman, rocket, bannerhulk.