/got/ general


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Everything is fine, the episode was great. - HBO spokesperson

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Redhead whore>Shae

Joffrey is such a faggot for shooting her and not even try to fuck her once.

Azor Arya

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Is this true?

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>you enter westeros right after neddo is killed
>you may go fight for any side, but you'll be treated as a commoner unless you can give yourself a new identity
>you can influence the course of events and completely change history
What would you do, /got/?

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Why did Preston get so assblasted about this? She has the obsidian dagger on her here, its not a case of fucking up the weapon continuity.

true dat

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>not even try to fuck her once
how would you know?

>Thinking that their characters are too important to be replaced or removed like Dany
>"I dont want to do any more nude scenes, I am better then that!"
>Both get killed off brutally


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Post >YFW you saw.. The Drop..


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Qarth, the Greatest City that Ever Was or Will Be

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>the whites
Yup its true, /pol/ is really dumb.

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>>Joffrey is such a faggot for shooting her and not even try to fuck her once.
Imagine being such a pleb that you'd rather fuck a girl than shoot arrows into her as she dies helplessly.

arya is the anti-mary sue
name a character who has trained more during the show
literally no one

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The writers of this show are 2 jews that's why they make the war for the salvation of mankind seem irrelevant when compared to the war for the throne in the promised land. The underlying message of this show is that nothing is more important than Jerusalem. Dumb goyim.


Shae is killed in the book too, I think she doesn't get any nude scene after season 1, I could be wrong though.

Yes, normies ruin everything.

that's a big sword, andal

holy shit they killed her for real?

Why did they make Tirion retarded? He was a fan favorite.

Live life as a medieval NEET.


>Arrow in the knee

It actually fuckinig happened. All those stupid shit posts about you saying Arya would jump out and kill the night king were real. I still can't fucking believe it, I'm literally shacking right now.

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>tyrion is executed by dany
>jaime dies offscreen
>arya kills cersei using his face
>jon kills dany

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for you

yes :(

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I don't like last episode that much either, but let's be honest here, the human conflict is always going to be the endgame here. Even if the Night King somehow survive and killed at later point, there is still the matter of succession of the throne, Lannister family feud, Jon's heritage, Euron doing Greyjoy rebellion 2.0, debt to the Iron Bank, etc.


Why are you guys so obsessed with black men fucking white women?

I guess cry some more fag

smirks herself into another general

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*dies like a bitch

Dnd killed him

B&R take

>arya is the anti-mary sue
>name a character who has trained more during the show
>literally no one


Arya only trained sword dancing at the beginning and then practicing to not lose the little bit she learned. Her next training was in Braavos and was just stick fighting and being blind. An

Is this the main reason why the show sucks now?

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>Euron doing Greyjoy rebellion 2.0, debt to the Iron Bank
Neither of these are important in the show and normies don't care.

I think its hilarious that a series about the evils of feudalism is ending with OH I WONDER WHO WILL BE THE NEW RULER UMM I THINK ____ HAS THE STRONGEST CLAIM XD

The show has tossed aside all thematic elements of the series. What are the core themes of GoT? Sure as fuck isn't "revenge is toxic, war is bad" like the book series.

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in the books he sits on the iron throne

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The WWs being defeated in Episode 3 was like if Voldemort was defeated in DH Part 1 and Draco Malfoy was the real villain.

they should hire this bitch


One of the main ones yes.

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>only one scene hinting at /ss/
Literally never again
Queen of Blue Balls

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It was never the endgame. The endgame is to show how all the drama humans are drowned in means nothing in the face of a larger threat like climate change. That's the whole point of this story. At least this way the jew might subconsciously redpill the normies on the climate hoax so it's all good.

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max cringe

The show has been pandering to reaction video fags for like six years now, this isn't new. Why do you think everyone has gigantic gaps between all their lines?

Also I went back and did a tally for this past episode. Over 50% of the dialogue are just past lines of dialogue restated.

>Neither of these are important in the show
It is though, Euron still has the biggest fleet and the biggest human threat next to Cersei. The Iron Bank will play another role before the show ends, Mark Gatiss (the banker dude in S4-7) already confirm his return.

Sansa and Joe Jonas got married tonight. They are having sex while you are not.

we looked for you in the archive


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Two, actually.
She fucks Tommen in season 5 premiere. That lucky inbred bastard.

I sometimes wonder if I could make a reaction channel where I just don't react or laugh in dismay at what I'm seeing.

>It is though, Euron still has the biggest fleet and the biggest human threat next to Cersei.

It's going to be a land campaign. Euron will be useless.

That was the one I was thinking about, what is the other /ss/ scene then?

>named 'the mountain'
>is a manlet
what did D&D mean by this??

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Darkies and women ruin everything.

But american sitcoms have thought me that married people don't have sex?

Nobody's talking about how awkward and out-of-place the whole sneaking scene felt? It came out of nowhere and I still don't understand why it was so deathly still in that library and halls she was sneaking about. Wasn't there supposed to be an apocalyptic battle going on outside? And before you say "Winterfell is big, the sounds might not have reached that particular part of the castle", that's fucking bullshit and you know it. Not only would the sounds of a battle of that size travel way beyond the entirety of Winterfell, but also the castle in the show is barely larger than my school's sports hall. What the fuck were they thinking?

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Have sex.


Can someone explain the sweetrobin greenseer theory to me?

But the problems with the show are caused by the white men in charge
Yeah yeah, some master race you fags are, getting usurped by jews.

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Fight for Stannis, and die on the Blackwater

"You said rape twice?"

"I like rape."


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Why do Scandies look so unevolved compared to Germanic people?

Season 4, the one where she visits Tommen's room after Joffrey is dead. I think it's in the fourth or fifth episode I don't remember clearly. Just teasing though.

fuck up, incel.

Last time I had sex, episode three was about to air. Since I'm somewhat superstitious, I think me having sex gives us really bad episodes.

>The muscles on that leg
What the fuck, is that normal? Her calf looks thicker than her thigh.

Damn I guess I need to rewatch it, I don't remember that at all, only the one where they're in bed together.

when will the normies see the light and accept the true /got/ kino and abandon their heretical fanfiction


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To nerf Dany while making sure to not make the failures her fault.

>Build up the "great war" as the only war that matters.
>"Great war" is over
>3 episodes left.
>All hype is dead.


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First for a Diva and her gay BFFs.

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another beautiful day in the realm of thrones

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have sex

it's to remind the normies that XxXDEATHANGEL69XxX is meant to be a sneaky assassin
but yes, it is a pointless and fucking stupid scene.

>I want to make the little man fly
He wsan't referring to Tyrion but to Bran, because he too is a broken thing (see Tyrion giving Bran plans for the saddle). Flying obviously is used in the sense as Bloodraven uses it.
Robin=3 eyed crow

>give this to my normie friend that said he hated the episode
>said it's worse because jon snow dies

>Theon, you're a good man

Stannis w-what happened?

Learn how to solder.

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She looks beautiful from the waist up. Can't see properly but is the skirt of her wedding dress really see-through? She truly is a slag lel.

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Its in there because they needed some way to break up the battle segments in an effort to mitigate feelings of boredom watching the same stuff happening again and again. The only problem is that their idea was retarded.

What is /ss/?
I can’t remember the last time I was so mad. It’s been half a week and I’m still upset

Maybe don't make an entire episode about MUH BIG BATTLE then. I was bored throughout. Battles are cancer.

Remain chaste.

She's a dancer.

>Its in there because they needed some way to break up the battle segments in an effort to mitigate feelings of boredom watching the same stuff happening again and again. The only problem is that their idea was retarded.

Maybe they should have lightened up the actual battle scenes then a little bit. I know I was getting bored simply because I couldn't see shit and it was staining my eyes.

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>Theon never get his revenge on Ramsay
>Theon never get his revenge on Euron
I know it's kinda impossible for a lowly eunuch to stand a chance against them, but a man can dream you know.

seems your friend is trapped between to realms

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"You're the one with the magic cock"

That’s called being a twitch streamer

>What is /ss/?
[smirking intensifies]

can someone summarize the episode I stopped watching these
Was the hound in it hes the only character left that I like

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Azor Sansa

You guys can disagree with me but its basic film-making 101, they did the same thing in Blackwater. Only thing was their cutaways weren't fucking retarded and the episode wasn't lit like ass.

the lenghts varys goes to get more allies for dany...

life goes on
people still have shit to do
like kill cersei

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>winter will never come as hard as it did in that edit

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>Yo! I thought I'd find you here. Let's skip the smalltalk and I'll cut right to the chase. Me and the boys, we've got a plan. Think Stone Mill, but bigger. We're getting the crew back together for one last big score. So what do you say? You in?

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What if she decides to peg him with a dragonglass dildo?

>hur everyone dies episode 3
so now what? all the arcs and prophecies are still pointless in this reality.

Even consorting with the sheboons of Summer Isles...

She was hot with long hair.

>Yeah yeah, some master race you fags are, getting usurped by jews.
A little obsessed, don't you think sweaty?

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>ask producers for slightly fewer nude scenes and a little more dialogue
>they write a scene forcing you to be a strung up corpse in snuff/bondage gear, then kick you off the show

D&D are cunts

>what is /ss/?

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i remember when game of thrones was game of thrones.
the battle for the dawn should have never been episode 3 if they were planning on ending the long night there you fucking retard


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American ladies go from girls to women on the night of their wedding day

He killed Ramsey's slut and saved Yara from Euron. Other than that Euron didn't really do much to Theon.


Why are the iron islands and the greyjoys such a "big" deal in Westeros? It's a small archipelago with little resources, even Skagos is bigger

cringe x1000

Yeah, the Hound is in it. Kills a few wights here and there, but mostly he is Beric Dondarrion's sidekick and Arya's bodyguard.

I have now spent every day wondering about how the fuck they could have fucked up Game of Thrones this badly, but I am now realizing...
It is genius.

The ending to Game of Thrones will be absolutely genius.

You are all being fooled.
You are being deceived.

This show is so fucking perfect, and after watching the last episode I rated it 5/10 on imdb.

In the end, it will all make sense.

John 9:25 He replied, "Whether he is a sinner or not, I don't know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!"

He will bring us the knowledge for he is the Lightbringer, the prince of darkness and father of lies.

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But what do the letters mean? Secret sex?

Joffrey was asexual

Is Gendry still alive? Fucking hate that boring character.

>everyone dies
is the worst and most over used trope in fiction. I'm with the other user, you are the stupidest person alive.


Because Yara

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straight shota

>Arya gets her neck snapped
>Brienne is cut down
>Jon is immolated by blue dragonfire
>Dany is swarmed under by zombies
>Jamie arrives, flaming sword in hand
>Fire goes out, Night King guts him
>NK approaches Bran, all seems lost
>Suddenly the ice of the pond hidden beneath his feat cracks open with explosive force of a canonball
>Brynden Tully, having recovered from his near-death at Riverrun, has been lurking in the rejuvenating waters of the Godswood all this time
>"Blackfish, Blackfish, BLACKFISH!"

Sansa Stark.

cringe yikes

Did Ramsay rape Theon up the ass? Serious question, Ramsay comes off as bi.

>everyone dies
>is the worst and most over used trope in fiction
name 3 in fantasy faggot


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The mountain is 6'9" so those dudes are huge

There are basically a bunch of pirates/vikings, rather annoying bunch for traders and regularly raid local farmers. They can be potentially dangerous if they gather huge enough fleet like Euron did in season 7 or the Hoares did before the first Targaryen invasion.

No, I get intermissions to break up long ass sequences, it's just that it made no fucking sense and felt like someone in the cuttingroom (and writing staff ofc) fucked up and mixed some scenes.


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Did Euron actually do anything wrong? Sure he killed his brother, but that was self-defence.

Westerosi vikings.
Skagos is too inhospitable and backward to be as threatening as them.


It has magical trees

I am under the impression he gets sexual pleasure from committing sadistic acts. He seems to get turned on by Margaery teasing him to do sadistic things together. He looks far too happy as well when he tortures those whores and Sansa.

I think it was likely a scene they shot later to fill time because it really meshes horribly with the rest of the episode.

Its also hilarious that you can hear the battle in the crypt but not the library.

Roose dying was one of the worst scenes of this show. I legit cried like a bitch.

Ah, I c
Oh lol



Do you think they'll have one of their spinoff shows ready for next year?

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>savage hordes of invaders
glad we're on the same page

I think him and the Boltons soldiers are all bi considering how eager they are to rape Theon in season 3.

how tall are you?

>Jon did nothing
He did more on the dragon than anyone on the ground bar Arya did.

Yes but it’s not gay if you cut off the other guy’s sex organs

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Rape rape rape
Also they're were a much more interesting in the books, especially Theon's brothers.

Theon's got a cute butt, its not hard to imagine it from their point of view.

gendry’s cum Is what have Arya the edge and power enough to defeat the night king because THE SEED IS STRONG

fuck off benioff

Spin-off will probably happen two or three years from now. Night King will probably be back again to be defeated like a bitch by the humans.

I have a feeling they will end up received as good as the Star Wars prequels and the Hobbits honestly.

They're dead

His brother pulled a knife at him and was about to stab him.

In Season 1, Jorah and Rakharo talk about how the Arakh can't pierce steel plate but broadswords can. Honestly I'm pretty sure that's wrong. The Arakh is a half-moon shape ending with a point to be used on horseback. The curved edge has amazing slicing power behind it.. but if you turn it around, you essentially have a warpick.

Slam that point a plate-armoured chest while galloping past and your target is getting skewered so hard, you actually might leave the arakh stuck in their chest. Might even send them flying.

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Is this the new have sex?

>Night King will probably be back again to be defeated like a bitch by the humans.

If he's back I will destroy my tv. I will take it and throw it out the window. I am not fucking joking.

The balls were not touching so yeah, not gay.

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That was really the dragon

>dead cant escape wooden box in s7
>ff to s8
>dead in crypts can now punch through stone


Nah, the Arakh would just shatter unless you struck a vulnerable spot.

>So you’re gonna be somewhat surprised by their ending then, perhaps …
>Well, to a degree. I mean, I think … the major points of the ending will be things that I told them, you know, five or six years ago. But there may also be changes, and there’ll be a lot added.

Do you think he'll change anything after seeing the reception S8 got? It's like a beta test for his books.

I like how nobody seems to give a fuck about Euron's kinslaying. It's kinda retarded, but that's honestly how I feel about Balon too, what a useless bitch.

>dead in crypts can now punch through stone

Won't only like Ned and Rickon be the only ones pushing out of the stones? Those bones are hundreds or thousands years old.

>no one of note died
>Not "The two best characters died."
Why does no body care about Berric and Jorah?
>because they are whi-
Jamie is white and people love him. There is no excuse.THERE IS NO HONOR.

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It seems likely that Arya killing the NK was his original plan for the books.

Subscriptions will take a hit in the years without GoT, I assumed they'd do it like Star Wars or the MCU and have a season of something GoT-related planned every year for the next 20 years

Did Ned's bones even arrive in Winterfell?

>but i did

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You would hate Beric if he was black.

Doesn't he let his dogs fuck him too in the books?

Yes, Catelyn received them in a box from Baelish and then they were sent to Winterfell

He will. The show is titled 'The Long Night' after all.
>Only one thing is for sure: from the horrifying secrets of Westeros' history to the true origin of the White Walkers, the mysteries of the East to the Starks of legend, it's not the story we think we know.
They will also get to follow the Lannister's origin story as well (Lann the Clever).

the blade is too flat to have percussive piercing power

To maximize revenue of course.
If people dislike it people will buy the book for the new ending.

If people like it, they will buy the book for the new ending, and who cares what their opinion is after they bought it.

He probably should have died a while ago, his whole coming back was pointless other than to die at that battle. Same with Berric, he's died 19 times anyway after he lost his priest he was slated to die.

jamie is disabled

>implying HBO is GOT's only show

wights are stronger in the NKs presence

Go to Stannis, teach him how to make gunpowder and cannons.

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>Qyburn, where's my son Tommen
He's dead your grace.
>*hiccup* That little shit Tyrion, I forgot about that when we met in Dragonpit. Didn't he ship Myrcella to our enemies too? Well, whatever, where's my new boytoy?
He blew some horn and now he have dragon, my grace. He's going to capture kingslanding with help of Golden Company.
>AWKWAAAARD *burps* Well then, it's time to find a new king, finally we going east! Oh, and send crow to Jaime, tell him his rape baby miscarried.
Certainly, your grace.
>Damn I'm all kind of mess. Just like Dabid's mother. Can you believe he ruined the biggest show in the world by self inserting characters with his troubled family members? That's why everybody forgives Tyrion. Even ME. Just fuck my shit up senpai, kill my idol - Dad, kill my children, keep dragging Jaime from me. And I'm just like "well, i'm gonna look at you with great disdain in dragon pit, right when you drag targaryen bitch that wants my crown for a face to face meeting". Can you believe that actually happened?
Your grace, I think you've drank yourself to delirium.

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I dont know how "realistic" that armor is but it looks great.

Can fault got for a lot of shit but the armor design has been top notch for the whole show.

the armor all the main characters had in the last episode was awful, looked like soft plastic

How? It's made of steel and has a good point and with a good swing at full gallop there's a shitload of force concentrated into that tiny point. I doubt it'd shatter. I'm not saying it's an ideal weapon to use, but it's not like plate armour is immune , is what I'm saying.

No it hasnt

He probably will, or those things happen in different circumstances/ways.
The problem is the Night King is a show invention. Nothing in the book hinting the existence of a boss of the White Walkers or at least nothing hinting that the big boss is a tangible creature that can be killed using a weapon.

The only twist confirmed for book & shows are
>Shireen Baratheon's burning
>Hodor's true origin
>Jon's heritage
That's it.

wouldn't shatter but it would snap off the hilt

Poor Qyburn is just a man who does his job well but surrounded by bullshit

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>they actually fucking start clapping

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Isnt Jon dead in books??

Given that there's no hint of a Night King in the books other than a legend about a completely different figure and that Arya isn't a ninja, I doubt that.

But would it still pierce/kill, O Lord of Darkness?

If beric were portrayed the same way, by an actor who actually can act, i would not give a shit because im not a book fag, and am not going to REEE over changing skin color in my magic fantasy show about dragons, undead, and forest elves.

As it so happens, I believe they cast the best actor for the job, and merit on acting ability should be what get them a role.


but hey, she trained more than sansa and gendry

easy to get stuck and you are still riding at full speed

Qyburn did sort of act like in the show. I love how he retains that flat attitude even though his boss has went completely nuts & delusional.

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He also died in the show

neither that nor a broadsword can pierce a steelplate (well the sword might but not realistically in combat), you need a pike or some blunt weapon.

not a direct hit on the breastplate
if it hit a joint when you were on horseback, you'd do damage but it would get stuck and you either lose the arakh or fall off

Beric was disabled. Blind in one eye is pretty fucked.

holy based

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When someone gives you a ride to the airport, do you thank the car or the driver? thought so.

>the armor design has been top notch for the whole show
What did he mean by this?

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Bran and Gendry and Rickon and Joffrey and Tommen and Jojen and Dickon and Lancel are so handsome.

He will be back obviously. Most likely through Shireen's sacrifice or Melisandre will do the same trick as in the show. Obviously too much plot revolve around Jon Snow and GRRM is not going to just throw that all away.
I guess I should add that to the confirmed twists>Jon's resurrection
>Tyrion teaming up with Dany
>Jon meets Daenerys (possibly fucking her as well)

Why do people dislike Mace's armor?

I thank all the other drivers who decided not to crash their vehicle into ours

Because it looks like cheap shit and it has a knitted mail sweater?


because it looks like some aluminium shit

He warged into ghost and won't become entirely fucked in the head like lady stoneheart when he is revived because of that

I think it's perfect for illustrating Mace's idiotic lack of self awareness

I like to think Mace and Kevin didn't blow up in the Sept and dropped all this politics bullshit to live a life in the countryside.

Gee,I wonder

Qyburn is the Small Council now user. He is hand of the queen, the spymaster, grand maester, war councilor and basically the head of the Lannister's research & development program. Also he is a necromancer.
You could argue that he is pretty much the true power behind Cersei's throne next to Euron.

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Because it looks like a plastic childrens costume

The Blackfish is a bad mother fucker.

How many forts are currently completely abandoned?
Last Hearth
Casterly Rock
Greywater Watch
The Eyrie
All Night Watch castles
Storm's End
The Twins

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how is Beric sane then?


The only major concern with the armor he is wearing in is the underarms and are not protected.

Jorah's old armor had Chain under the plate to protect vital areas in points the plate did not protect. Not too fond of all the belts, usually those would be hidden away.

Attached: jorah.jpg (1013x1008, 146K)

Do you know how to make gunpowder and cannons with medieval methods? Or with any methods whatsoever?

No sword can pierce plate armor

libraries are meant to be quiet

wait what the fuck happened to dorn

I would go the Citadel and become the most important maester ever with my knowledge of modern medicine, philosophy, psychology etc.

Most likely there is still a small army left to defend it
It is an abandoned castle
>Last Hearth
Doomed by White Walkers
>Casterly Rock
Most likely retaken by Lannister-Greyjoy forces
>Greywater Watch
Forget which one
>The Eyrie
Still being hold by that autistic kid and a decent amount of Vale knights most likely
Held by Euron's forces most likely retaken by Yara by now
>All Night Watch castles
Most of them are empty to begin with
Probably being hold by the Tarly-Lannister forces or retaken By Dany off-screen.
Probably retaken by Tully loyalist
>Storm's End
No idea
Fuck Dorne lmao - D&D
>The Twins
Most likely there are still some minor Frey Lords/ladies there.


at 1:56

FOUR wights are rushing Daenerys IN A GROUP, with Jorah occupied elsewhere. Daenerys fended off four wights AT ONCE. Daenerys > prime Barristan

Can someone tell me what the fuck did Jorah die of? No memeing, genuinely didn't see get mortally wounded, only a bit tired.

Its leader are dead so we never need to see them ever again even though they have been totally out of the war so far and they have armies ready to go

That's how I always saw it kinda. Using old armour from when he was younger and still retarded. Loras' armour is both effective due to him being a tourneyfag and overwrought because he's an actual fag.

That said, I remember the Tyrell army also having cheapo-looking armour.

What is it with Americans and clapping?

Also, add the Dreadfort there (Bolton's castle). Some other Northerners probably hold it by now, but nothing conclusive for now.

Cat is fucked up because she was resurrected days after she was killed. Beric was always brought back after minutes, so he remained sane.

It's not the 50's anymore incel, women can do anything.

He got stabbed repeatedly dude.

>Arya will sleep with Hotpie next episode
>"A girl has many lovers. ;)"

>Basically that one mod for warband
I'd probably just try to sign up for stannis after I'm doing making the eight

white knighting

But Jon could remain sane despite being dead for days because of warging into ghost
We will never know though

>The Twins
>Most likely there are still some minor Frey Lords/ladies there.
Nah, after she killed Lord Walder Arya then gave an impassioned speech which won the Freys over to the Starks once more, they will rejoin when their army marches south.

In 20 years will anyone remember got?

Attached: BA9C7457-ED07-4B98-84E7-880D2F6FF6F2.jpg (750x989, 420K)

Not abandoned, one of the pre-season TV spots show Dany and Jon stood in front of the fireplace there

Arya has Baratheon jizz in her now, she's unstoppable

i already forgot the last episode

I mean she just has to touch them with the obsidian sword to kill them, it's not like she has to strike vital parts as she would have to with a normal living human

Aegon is the best you should join him

Renly would have been a good king.

he took a bunch of wounds because his armor was shitty fucking plastic garbage

Fuck off Loras

Yeah, GoT is one of the biggest TV show ever made at this point, with a huge global audience who pirate them every week.
Spongebob also went to shit after twenty years, but peoples still talk fondly about the early seasons. GoT will be the same even if the conclusion ended up being divisive like what happened to Lost & BSG reboot.

He was stabbed multiple times because for some reason everyone stopped wearing plate and switched to leather

Attached: leather.jpg (648x365, 38K)

He would have been robert mk.2, utterly disinterested in ruling. Except he would have been busy with tourneys and buttsex rather than wine and baginasex.

Right he's a psychopath like a serial killer, he gets pleasure from killing and inflicting pain but has no desire to have sex itself

Doreah or Ros, bros?

Attached: 97c04a8781554e7b6b7b61417805991a.jpg (298x449, 16K)


Attached: sansa.jpg (480x360, 15K)

>no one of note died
but based Edd is dedd

Sansa ordered them to wear leather because its warmer and its winter duh

doreah and its not even close

What's his endgame?

Attached: varys.jpg (2100x1397, 2.49M)

Having 28x fewer lines than Gendry this season.

>A girl is no one

>The red Baron didn't do anything, it was really the plane

serve the realm

He honestly should have been cut from the show the moment they decided that Aegon wasn't going to be a thing.

>Muh poor peasant
>We-we got to pick a good royalty for the peasant to bow
I am disappointed he doesn't get to confront CIA one last time.

>mfw no pet Fokker Dreidecker
y live

>What's his endgame?

Do nothing

Was Daenerys just a side project for Varys in the book or what? Seems weird to have two Targs yet not to unite them under one banner.

using the seastone chair to summon cthulhu


I was dead. I couldnt even understand what was unraveling.

Attached: game-of-thrones-season-8-isaac-hempstead-wrigtht-bran-stark-1554392478.jpg (640x478, 44K)

Because D&D couldn't write for intelligent characters once the book material ran out. See also Varys and Littlefinger.

Editing the game of thrones wiki is all I care about anymore

The dragon could have just uselessly breathed fire on the advancing undead. What Jon did had no impact on the battle.

Unchecked quads for truth

Fucking retards started clapping.

Attached: tenor.gif (498x280, 1.9M)

>Shireen burning

In the books, stannis is about to ambush Ramsey boltons Surrey and the Lord's in winterfell are actively conspiring against the Bolton's. Shireen is at the wall, literally how is that confirmed, if it happens it will happen under completely different circumstances and context.

Isnt he essentially the steryotype of the jew?

That Tyrion bitch was in her right. Tyrion would have fucked Sansa.

>literally how is that confirmed,

It's not, that user is full of shit.

Cersei, I’m small council.
What did he mean by this?

These people are the people the writers are trying to pander to

I find any amazing war hero stories sketch at best when it could only really be recorded on paper about their exploits.

Just propaganda to boost morale for the allies and lessen it for the enemies.

Attached: tom-hanks-explosion.gif (228x171, 842K)

We don't know Varys' full plans yet. I doubt Aegon was in GRRM's original plan, as he isn't alluded to in the conversation between Varys and Illyrio in AGOT, but he was already a thing in ACOK (mummer's dragon prophecy).

And good old Varys said he would protect her. Never trust bald eunuchs.

Realistically Cersei should be dead next episode.

>waah people in a bar having fun and being social

Have sex

>if it happens it will happen under completely different circumstances and context.
D&D confirm this to happen in one of those commentary videos for season 5. So make that with what you want. Until Winds of Winter released (lol), we can't say for sure.

>109. Although it has yet to feature in A Song Of Ice And Fire, George R.R. Martin has confirmed that it was always his intention for Stannis and Melisandre to sacrifice Shireen to the God of Light.

Betraying Dany and Supporting the rightful Heir because he sees the madness brewing in her.

>D&D confirm this to happen in one of those commentary videos for season 5

Yes, all they said was Shireen burns, not how or who doing said burning. Plus it could be a twist and she isn't dead.

No, no, cersei needs to die from alcohol overdose while fingerbanging myrish swamp.

Something of note better happen in episode 4, better not be another episode 2.

Attached: I just don't know anymore.webm (1000x563, 688K)

Cersei will bullshit her way along with her new boyfriend to die in episode 5 or the finale instead user.
You just know they are going to kill one more dragon with that ballista.

>115. Brienne does 100% kill Stannis in that scene. The only reason they didn’t show him actually dying was to avoid being gratuitous.

Attached: HHHGGGGAAAA.jpg (591x559, 185K)

would unironically save the show. Won't happen though. D&D have turned it into normie fan service.

shit show, shit devil, fuck you.

>Betraying Dany and Supporting the rightful Heir because he sees the madness brewing in her.


Tyrion will sign a cease fire killing off half of Dany's army. Dany promotes Tyrion for doing this.

He's half targ half stark, he will mix the incompetence at commanding of the latter with the madness of the former.

This is all that is left to make this season even remotely watchable.
She has to deal with the Aegon Situation now, and if she does publicly, Varys better side with him in secret, or else this show is going in the shitter faster than arya can teleport.

Attached: Lord-Varys-Game-of-Thrones.jpg (2048x1362, 562K)

Why would you want to see Stannis's head tumbling on screen anyway? Do you need to see the crows and foxes ripping his corpse as well.

Yeah that particular decapitation would have been too far.

New thread

Germans did nothing wrong


is it weird to just watch a tv show quietly enjoying it like a normal person?

It will be an episode 1, episode 5 will be 2 then 6 will be 3.

No u

I'd strive to become book!Euron by plundering Valyria, Qohor and Asshai and becoming a decent sorcerer. Go around wearing Valyrian plate armour and trying to summon Cthulhu

But 5 is the battle.

I hate normies

They're emotional
Social indoctrination

kek underrated

is he the sheev of got?

I suspect that GRRM didn't think of Aegon until ACOK as the next story he wrote set in Westeros doesn't mention the Blackfyre rebellion at all. However, I think that Viserys (who was part of their original plan) was meant to be only part of their plan and then GRRM was going to come up with something else later, which is why their conversation remains a bit vague.

Now we know that the initial plan was to have Viserys invade with his Dothraki screamers, destabilise the kingdoms, then have "Aegon" arrive with an army of his own and save the Seven Kingdoms from Viserys. When Viserys died, the plan now seems to be to marry Daenerys to Aegon and have Aegon take the Iron Throne from the Lannisters.

The show changed it so that Varys thinks that Viserys, who was blatantly incompetent, invading with Dothraki savages really was the best thing for the realm.


>tfw I'm the lord that likes cadavers