Imagine saying no to this fair maiden and instead taking a knife-eared harlot for your bride

Imagine saying no to this fair maiden and instead taking a knife-eared harlot for your bride.

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Magic-elf waifu>some random chick

t.Aragorn son of Arathorn

She is also was his grand-grand-grand aunt

(((Elves))) needed a hand in the court

she wouldn't be magic anymore if she married aragorn right? isnt that the whole point when she said she'd give up immortality?

althouhg i think aragorn was supposed to be more long lived than other men for some reason

Aragorn was Numenorian, so he had a longer than typical life or something. IIRC he was actually in his 80s when the LOTR stuff was happening

>melting face
>wants to be considered on par with a man instead of knowing her place
Made for emasculated cucks like Faramir

>>wants to be considered on par with a man instead of knowing her place

>A similarity to Luthien
>a human

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"I am no man!"

Yaaaas Queen

literally her character, brainlet

>literally her character,
>calls someone a brainlet

elf pussy stays tight and tits never sag tho

>knife eared harlot
>pure elf maiden with milky white cleavage
>gave up immortality for aragorn
>gave up going to the land of chill in comfort for eternity for aragorn
Eowyn was top tier but she aint beating out Arwen for shit

You’re joking right this bitch is nasty compared to Liv Tyler

He could at least have had her as a side and father the strongest warrior ever

She's nothing to brag home for her looks, by far. In fact she's kind of repulsive when she smiles. Imagine waking up to this in a decade. Her personality is also pretty fucking awful. You can be strong mentally and physically without being obnoxious, disrespectful and constantly undermining even a marginal authority for any kind. She is not the kind of person that would sit down and listen to what you have to say and plan an approach together. She's more likely to just hear you out and then just do it her way. Absolutely terrible quality in a woman, true narcissism. You can see this happen right in the moment when she knows you're taken but she still hits on you, and when she gets shut down hard she tells herself that this battle will help her validate her narcissism again. Absolutely terrible person.

Meanwhile you have a literal elf goddess you grew up with, iconic embodiment of female beauty for decades. Is patient, devoted. Doesn't pretend to be strong, shows flaws openly and does her best to overcome them. Never gives up on you. Always encourages and motivates you when you're at your lowest. Sacrifices everything for your future together. Literally a non-existing ideal- real in your life and you wanna go for the blonde goblin instead??? No thanks.

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White roastie vs the asian waifu equivalent of Middle Earth

Why do porn addicted basement virgins have such high standards?

except bugmen will never be beautiful
elves are supposed to be embodiment of beauty

She was a fangirl, she didn't actually love him.

We don't compromise


>Have an 8/10 childhood friend willing to give up immortality just to ride your cock until you die at 150 and she still looks the same
>Pass that for some 6/10 thirty year old woman who is already on the decline and is just trying to fuck the famous guy

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Perfect smelling elf woman vs some hag that probably smells like horses.

Post the best looking woman alive today autist

>implying I waste my time with 3D women

What do elfs smell like

No, she would not change for thousands of years until she died of unending grief.

Flowers, rainbows, a meadow after a sun shower

you can buy this exact fragrance for a couple bucks in walmart lmao
dont get derailed by smell, I've seen fatties literally use pheromones today

Imagine being considered immortal and instead being killed by a maiden and a halflig