Look at all this potential lads, wouldn't it be funny if we did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING with it?

Look at all this potential lads, wouldn't it be funny if we did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING with it?

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Other urls found in this thread:


but we did

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So those symbols at the end were just Night Kings autism they have no meaning at all like his sheer comic book villain existence?

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ice pusy!

It seems like they were just making children of the forest symbols.

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Dab King mind

Huh. I guess ancient cultures are just retarded!

They're not a culture, it's just one dead Andal and ten Craster's sons

whoa hes like all evil and shit lol...


Don't worry guys. The Three Eyed Raven got the children of the forest to create the Night King, and Bran is the new Three Eyed Raven. The Night King wanted revenge on Bran. Bran/the Three Eyed Raven is most definitely evil and will turn out to be the main villain.

The Three Eyed Raven is a Targ bastard who only became the 3ER 50 years ago, the NK is supposedly thousands of years old

In the show version he lived for thousands of years. I think many different individuals have been the Three Eyed Raven, Brynden Rivers was probably just one of them, like Bran. Bran is not Bran any more.

He did literally NOTHING wrong

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White Walkers were better looking before the viewers were presented a good shot of them. Even snow elves like they are in the books would be better than a bunch of not funny blue old men in the show.

And we all thought Bronn would do something badass in the main battle

>He did literally NOTHING

he got manhandled by kids thus he isn't a man thus he is wrong in the eyes of humanity

D&d on suicide watch

why was the night king drawing bloodborne runes?

was he trying to show jon what his ideal chalice dungeon build looked like?


>like they are in the books
why do people pretend to have read the books? its clear you havent

I don't get it. They had the symbol even in 8x01 so its not like they forgot about it. Why didnt they do anything with it lol
And please dont tell me its just their way of marking territory or some bullshit because thats utterly retarded.

Wait a second isn't that Eye of Sauron emblem?

I don't read Jorgi's books and don't pretend that I do, I just presume that the info on the Internet regarding something as popular can't be that wrong and far off the mark.
>According to George R. R. Martin, the Others "are strange, beautiful… think, oh… the Sidhe made of ice, something like that… a different sort of life… inhuman, elegant, dangerous."
Those are based on elfs (or proto-elfs if you want).

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If the Night King and all his commanders and armies are killed by the NK simply coming in contact with dragonglass/Valyrian steel, and if the NK we see is the same NK from the first war between the First Men and the CotF, and the same one we'll see in the Age of Heroes spinoff ("The Long Night"), how the fuck was he defeated before?

If humans had dragonglass or Valyrian steel which is absolutely necessary to kill a WW, how did they not wipe the WW out long ago? Conversely, if they DIDN'T have the necessary weapons, have the fuck did they beat him back? One of the groups should've stopped existing a long time ago, don't get me started on how the Craster's sons peaceful deal makes 0 sense with the new context we have.

How's public reception of the finale?

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>idea crayons
ramsey pasta is the best thing that came from this show

Why is he such a fatty?

Mate it's a TV show don't think too hard about it lol

They might be avoiding that part of the plot for a reason, they fucked it up by changing the central concept of the WWs and they'd just dig themselves deeper trying to patch it up.

LOL! just turn off your brain bro


*means nothing*

Bravo D&D

Ice elves, pretty much

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I think the term your looking for is Fairy. They are based of the real life fairy myth. Fairies come into your home at night and steal your babies and replace them with little old man versions.

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>madaloregaming is a Yea Forums shitposter

>replace them with little old man versions

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>snowy ruined KL will never happen

>turn off your brain bro it's just a show bro

Expectations: subverted

Well, yeah. Traditional magic folk like in Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norell (which I did read, by the way though the show seemed pretty faithful to the source material). Strange, alien and dangerous. Though not as lazy I guess.

Dropped this dumpster fire seasons ago but did they attack Bear Island? Can they cross bodies of water or did the ocean just freeze over?

They even drew fairy circles. Too bad the showrunners didn't do anything with all this shit. Episode 3 really let me down.

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Bear islands loli leader died. They will probably never mention bear island again because who gives a fuck just watch the dragon actions.

Yeah I just thought it'd be mentioned in even a single sentence considering she and Jorah were right fucking there and it's sort of the center of their whole fucking family.

It looks like winter.... fell.

I know user. Sadly no mention, the show is just utter crap right now from a writing point of view.

Why is the weather so good in Braavos? Surely it should be shitty and cold. It’s like Venice but should be like Amsterdam.


>comic book villain existence
Can't even use this as a comparison anymore, fucking comic book villain adaptations run circles around fantasy fiction villains nowadays

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You're right, you can't even grow lemons in Braavos, it's a whole thing in the books

>ice elves would not be scary enough for average retard so let's go with ugly monsters!

It's literally always like this. Fucking retards think everyone but them is stupid so they have to make everything more obvious and dumber because they think lesser minds of average human won't be able to grasp it otherwise.

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Tolkien elves are based on fairies user.

Maybe there is a warm current that goes along the west coast of Essos and brings warm water from Summer isles thus making the climate quite hot considering how north Braavos is?

Honestly, ASoIaF really could have been made for masterful television is adapted correctly. The prologue of GoT was turned into generic horror shite in the show. The House of the Undying? If adapted correctly with top, top directing, etc. it basically would have been this generation's version of the Black Lodge/Red Room.

The Others in the books are described as having a language that sounds like ice cracking. Imagine if the theme that accompanied them in the show was basically the sound effect building in intensity, etc. instead of generic horror music.

That image is misleading, here is the WW actual path of "conquest", and it's literally shown as such in the intro, they didn't touch anywhere else but the path shown in red

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>the nightking could have just hung back and let his troops swarm winterfell, capture bran, and only then went in for the ritual execution

bigger brainlet than d&d littlefinger

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Venice is as far north as nova scotia.

Jorah and loli are fucking dead, no reason to talk about it again.

>chills at Deepwood Motte
>not wasting his soldiers on a battle that is just a waste of time
Is he the most based northern lord?

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Even Sunnyvale Trailer Park looks warm sometimes...

What a fucking waste bros. Marvel of all things did a better job building on Thanos and having him do shit. Fucking Dungeons and Dragons buil up the ice zombie king to just show up and die midseason

Bad guys don't sell, you need them only to make the good guys look good and marketable.

Kino old man Thanos

>Bad guys don't sell


You are as dumb as D&D.

>the entire motivation and mystery of the white walkers is """"explained"""" by sam saying "I guess that's what death is like forgetting and evil and stuff and they're literally death so I guess they kinda want to kill bran a bit haha right guys?"

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the good guys can only look good if their antagonists are competent.

I was a tad drunk when I watched that episode care to explain what the fuck Sam was talking about?

Was it really "Bran knows, and the Night King needs him dead because reasons"

Some bullshit about how Bran's knowledge represents the living, and because he wants to wipe out humanity he wants to start with him? Because... Like you said, reasons.

Just like you.

I'm just going to pretend this is how it ended.

They all are shadows of their good guys.

God thats terrible, Bran doesn't even really fucking know anything. He's sat around doing fuck all for a long time now.

I was hoping I was just drunk and it didn't make sense because i was retarded

When user put up a better episode than a multi millions layer author room

...legit D&D source of inspiration for episode 3...

People are their memories of experiences, and what's been recorded in written word is merely an imperfect impression of that. Bran has the true record of all experiences, so killing him is much more of a blow than destroying books.

That seems to be what he was saying. Doesn't make it less of a stupid handwave asspull though. It's literally just some fat guy trying to look deep with his homo poetic interpretation

Bran can see anything so he is basically a spy hindering the Night King progress by suppressing the surprise factor.

Only way to salvage this fucking mess is to turn Bran into the real villain but Melisandre's death at the end basically rules it out as it means that her mission is finished and that lord of light will fuck off without ever being mentioned again.

you're overestimating Dumb&Dumber writing skills

Amsterdam has a warm sea current too but it's far from tropical

stop asking questions you stupid fucking GOYIM!!!!

Imagine the guy who builds an enormous magical wall to ward off the threat the humans can't finish off. He feels very proud of himself and the work he's done for his people. But as he lies on his deathbed, a stranger suddenly appears and tells him that he is from the future. He then tells him that instead of chasing the Whitey Walkers away to the North and expending who knows how much manpower, resources and magic on that costly-looking Wall that has to be maintained for millenia from that point on, the dudes could just hire a ninja.

shut up goyim!!!!

AngryJuanCarlos hates it.