Why did he agree to fight for Dany like a good cuck even after she burnt all his men alive?

Why did he agree to fight for Dany like a good cuck even after she burnt all his men alive?

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He will kill his brother before the end.
It's so obvious. They beat us over the head with the exposition.
"You knew what she was and you chose her"
Now that the walkers are dealt with he will chose her again.

Because D&D are hacks.
They also completely forgot that jamie hated tyrion for what he did to tywin.

Cersei sent Bronn to kill him.

You guys are dumb, bronn kills tyrion, jaime kills bronn, jaime kills cersei

All men must bow to superior females. It's core theme of the jewified show.

Jaime kinda hate Tywin too. For all the big words about killing him, he still kinda miss him.
Watch as Bronn easily betray Cersei and choose to side with Jaime and Tyrion again.

His character doesn't make any sense in the show. I don't know why anyone likes him apart from Nicholas' acting.

Why she sent Bronn to kill Jamie anyways? I thought she really loved him. Hack writing or just women things?

Durr obviously.
But do you think that's what will happen?
No because this isn't quite a marvel movie yet.
Jamie is a kingslayer, meaning he holds values higher than loyalty. The ruin which the dragons will rain down upon Kings landing will be more than enough for him to confront his brother about the insanity he has sided with against his own people and against his own family.

He will kill him.

Reminder that everything past season 5 is a fanfic comedy, so treat it as such.

I don't think the show's writers can come up with anything even remotely complex as your post my dear based basement dweller.

He betrays her by choosing to go North and for Cersei anyone who doesn't bow to her is her enemy.

This. S04E10 is the last ever episode of Game of Thrones.

God damn, it could have been the GOAT show. It's infuriating to think how great it could have been.

>Bron then makes a quip about Dragon Queen paying him more or picking the winning side

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This seems pretty realistic honestly. Its make pottery as well, since Bronn trained one hand Jaime.

Because that's supposed to be the whole point. Rallying everyone to stand against the Night King, regardless of their comparatively petty political squabbles.

What the fuck, Arya oneshotting the dead army was good for the plot because now shit hits the fan for real and an actual Game Of Thrones begins again.

Are you retarded?
He saved Jaime from Drogon at the risk of getting roasted himself, I doubt he's gonna turn on him now.
Same for Tyrion, both of them are his m8s.

I am not saying Bronn will kill him just that Jamie going back to Cersei is not going to happen. Perhaps you are the one who is retarded.

>jaime kills cersei

They didn't need the white king plot in the first place since it had no consequences what so ever.
>white king died
>everyone carries on as before
