why are blacks so against a middle aged white woman leading them for the next 10 years of movies?
"a gay woman of color"
Women really are petty and superficial
When did Terrell Owens become a woman sprinter
>of Color
can anyone explain why this phrase is allowed
Everyone has color, ''white'' people dont have the skintone of a blank piece of paper
Stop posting your retarded petition you faggot
No idea, didn't niggers used to get offended when they were called "colored"?
Because the first female Captain Marvel was originally black
Its very hypocritical, its confirming a racial hierarchy where you have white people and non white people
sjw not sjw enough
who gives a shit?
>niggers get offended
what? that almost never happens user, you must live in an alternate reality
What was wrong with "minorities"?
Niggers don't give a fuck about spics
Because they need a term to categorize all non-whites and unite them against whitey.
Sorry, but I'm pretty sure she should be played by an Indian lesbian tranny
>Indian lesbian tranny
that's captain america chavez, who's going to replace captain wakanda on the 5th faze in 10 years
>See the wasp take a lunch
Unironically the most interesting from all those headlines
>Because they need a term to categorize all non-whites and unite them against whitey.
Well its having the opposite effect, that aside the whole uniting thing now is stupid
on top of that, white is a color whereas black is absence of color
The irony is that a piece of paper or canvas is the foundation of all works of art just like white people are the foundation on which society stands
yeah and 99% of all paper and canvas is used for mediocre shit or trash, just like 99% of white people. stop trying to take credit for others achievements, its literally we wuz kangs for white people
Nigger, you'd still be living in a mud hut if it weren't for wypipo
idk, but that shit has nothing to do with you tho
must be why the oldest civilizations where in the middle east, how southern europe was thriving until the ottomans wrecked byzantines which led to the scholars in Istanbul to flee to western europe which sparked the rennaissance
Western europe merely got lucky, once upon a time northen europeans where seen as savages, hence the romans called them barbarians
In my experience black woman are the bitchiest type of woman. And while i hate Brie Larson i wouldn't want a bitchier person with a platform either. Sometimes the bitch you know is better then the bitch you don't know
>on top of that, white is a color whereas black is absence of color
100% correct!!!FACT!!!
as a man of colour I signed the peition.
>Sometimes the bitch you know is better then the bitch you don't know
thats retarded. thats like saying "being a recluse in my house sucks, but what I don't wanna leave my house cause what if the outside is scary". dumb pseud
How is he taking credit for anything?
It's "allowed" because it works to alienate/disenfranchise whites. That's literally why. "Person of Color" is liberal Newspeak invented because they wanted a term that excludes white people but includes literally everybody else. That's not a conspiracy theory; that's the actual definition of the word. "Person of Color" is defined as "Person that isn't white".
But that's OK, because Clown World.
Yes. Bur for some reason "Colored" is offensive, but "people OF color" is totally woke and proper. And may God help you if you accidentally confuse the two like Briblebottle Cabbagepatch did.
But that's OK, because Clown World.
It's absolutely hypoctical. But you just ignore the contradiction and allow it to continue using Double-Think, and just get mad and call someone a "racist" if they point out the inconsistency.
Because Clown World.
this petition was so clearly made by a white dude lol
But you do. In your heart you do.
>because other ancient advanced civilizations existed, the entire existence of advanced civility in europe is nullified and simply a matter of luck
Cool story bro. And yeah snow niggers were more barbarous but they were also seafaring peoples that made it to the new world 20000 years ago. Now they have amongst the highest standard of living in the world. Much of sub saharan africa used to be shit. Now it's still shit. Eat a dick cunt
>Larson handing off the role after she gets a starring role in two Marvel movies, one of which is about to become the highest grossing movie of the decade, and has made more money than she could possibly spend in her life between those two paychecks
I mean don't get me wrong; being the star of MORE than two movies means more money than two movies, but let's be honest: Even if this WERE to happen, it wouldn't exactly be sticking it to her.
She has already made her shekels and I seriously doubt she has anything resembling "sentimental attachment" to the role like some of the actors who played Bond did. She's hardly losing anything even if she were forced to put her money where her mouth is by this petition.
In fact, she may even encourage it for this reason; it's a great chance to massively virtue-signal while losing almost nothing financially.
they mean black so it wont sound racist but i they got a latina woman they would get mad and jealous
I won't really count being Carol in Endgame as a starring role.
This needs more traction. I want to see Larson react to it.
>Cool story bro
Ancient Greece
What does western europe have, nothing. They have what it is now, my point is, during those times that was the peak of civilization, for that time and non were in north or west europe.
Based Pagliacci.
why is her face so bitch
Women are bitches
>3 minutes o airtime
It's her default face.
Literally every other society you listed is a fucking turd compared to western society. You're fucking retarded. We can cure literally all the major things they died of. We would be worshipped as gods by them.
If white people are so inferior, how come they're the ones that created the entire Modern Era you now live in and dominated the entire world for several centuries (and still do today, with their total control only waning in the last century due to VOLUNTARY and altruistic choices such as decolonization, abolition of slavery, etc.)?
The achievements of civilizations is always important and venerable. However, they do not receive de facto credit for all future achievements simply by virtue of being ancient.
Whites have utterly dominated this planet, and for the past several centuries they've even done it without any real outside competition (excluding other white people). This is an observable fact. You don't even have to be white to acknowledge this observable fact. In fact, the only conceivable reason to be in denial over this is being a buttmad shitskin with an inferiority complex. Just because white ancestors achieved more than your ancestors doesn't make your ancestors bad. It just makes them not THE best.
>Sometimes the bitch you know is better then the bitch you don't know
Words to live by.
>stop trying to take credit for others achievements
Literally nothing he said can be interpreted as "taking credit" for others achievements. He's merely stating a fact about modern western societies.
She IS being replaced by Monica and le Islamic terrorist after the next few movies you retards.
Why would that matter?
There's no way her contract didn't stipulate a bajillion dollars in return for that three minutes of screentime. This is Endgame we're talking about. If you have a chance to take a slice of that you dig your fucking heels in.