How does this make you feel? Because I don't fucking know anymore.
Sheev is cool, I guess...
How does this make you feel? Because I don't fucking know anymore.
Sheev is cool, I guess...
Literal pottery
I can see the influence george had on this movie
I think they need to stop riding of nostalgia and pandering. Maybe they should write their own story.
my actual question to leftists. i feel defeated. I genuinely don't care anymore. Does my sorrow do anything but fuel your hatred of right wing people or do you feel any pity for my suffering? i am alone. My movies are gone. My childhood dead. Depression set in. Are you even remotely capable of empathy? I see myself being erased. Something no other groups are currently dealing with. Every other group gets to feel strong, i'm told i need to sit down and shut up.I can't speak up. I feel locked in a box and i'm suffocating while I hear you laughing above me. Hatred of me in your hearts as you rise above me in my own culture. Help me to understand your thinking as a left wing person who has grown to hate white men. What can we do to make you want to see white men on screen again?
Well, they tried with TFA and TLJ. That didn't work. Now they're back to fondling our nostalgia balls by "coming full circle" again.
TFA was all nostalgia pandering though
>there has always been one sith transferring his essence from his previous body to his apprentices'
>sheev is actually aeons ancient
>that's why he wanted Luke to come to the dark side so badly and kill him, Vader had a useless body
TfA was a new hope, didn't watch TLJ after the first mess. They should just keep reoccurring characters to a cameo, now they are making a Yoda origin story lol
TFA was just the first star wars movie and TLJ was Empire Strikes back
I'm hoping that Luke will wake up and it will turn out that two previous movies were just Shiev's illusion.
Apparently this was all legit.
Try having sex
>How does this make you feel?
It undermines the accomplishment of the original trilogy. But frankly JJ had no other choice. Rian destroyed the only really intimidating villain, made Hux into a clown and didn't develop Kylo past his whiney temper tantrum stage. So 9 had no real villain and in a single film JJ didn't have the time to introduce and develop a new villain so bringing back the old one was really the only option.
It sucks, I didn't like it when the expanded universe books and comics brought Palpatine back but at this point its the only thing that can be done to close out this shit show of a trilogy.
From the recent trailer and from scoops from makingstarwars (who were right about 80% of the last jedi a year before it came out)...
the dark side possesses people, thats how it is passed down
thats why there is a rule of two
the younger sith kills the older one when they get too old and the dark side posssesses him
thats why palpatine wanted luke to kill him because vader wasnt worthy as a host body for the dark side since he was half machine, neither were darth maul or count dooku or kylo since he is an emo brat
the dark side wants to possess rey, it now inhabits matt smith, one of the knights of ren
kylo wants to kill the past (dark side) because it destroyed his grandfather's life.
Sheev and Snoke were possessed by the same being.
Thats why Snoke immediately had a following and could rebuild the empire (first order) so quickly.
I don't care about Star Wars after TLJ so it doesn't make me feel anything.
If I could have sex I wouldn't be escaping to fantasy could i?
Reminds me of when they revived Dragonball, but keep pulling back the corpse of the best villain to parade around on screen, with complete disregard for how it might have a negative impact on the characters.
I was brutally sodomized by my rabbi on a weekly basis between the ages of 7 and 12.
Ever since James Bond, I've hated the "I was actually responsible for X even though the writers didn't even think of me then" type of character development. But this would be based as fuck if Palpatine absolutely rekts the main characters in a fight and escapes, even if this trilogy's enemies are defeated. If they did that then it would be super easy for them to start another trilogy some years down the line, and have a credible villain set-up for them.
Still not too happy about time travel in a Star Wars movie. Star Wars should be linear.
So was Snoke Sheev’s brother or something? I feel like there’s a third brother named Snub or Snoob there as well.
gay fanservice
I love how wonky sheev's eyes are.
His name is Snrub
>Well, they tried with TFA and TLJ. That didn't work. Now they're back to fondling our nostalgia balls by "coming full circle" again.
No they didn't, these movies were reboots. It's just like their copycat charactrers are so dull they have to kill them off and bring back the original ones. They are desperate for anything resembling the OT so they're bringing back Sheev and Lando because they already killed everybody. But that's only fro the trailer, the film itself will be about Rey and the stronk wemen of all colours she befriends on her adventure.
I'm hoping 9 finally reveals who the true mastermind was.
try finding love
It's been years already, my only question is if Rey will say the famous
line. I'll go see it all week if she does say it. I don't know why no movie has adapted that line, they do far cheesier stuff.
>TfA was a new hope, didn't watch TLJ after the first mess
TLJ was just ESB but with the Battle of Hoth moved to the end of the movie and with the Emperor's throne room scene from ROTJ tossed in there. Anybody who tries to tell you that TLJ was an original story is either lying or a moron.
You are confused about leftism. These people are ultra capitalists. Do you actually think Bob Iger, KK and the major execs at Lucasfilm/Disney are communists? No, they are extrremely greedy and indivdualists. They're using identity politics to agitate and create controversy, they are destroyers, they thrive on chaos.
if the movie is any less than 3 hours it will be rushed garbage like TLJ
>It's an old white man cop-out
Lucas is a hack like Jar Jar Martin. Fuck him. He had the chance to make him good. Put him in the ovens.
Well, they ruined Luke, now it’s time to finish the job and ruin Palpatine as well
It's a complete dumbing down of the Star Wars lore. There is no such thing as dark side entity or force entity that chooses to incarnate into a body, Rey being the recipient of light side and Kylo of dark side without them being responsible for it. It's Harry Potter-tier sorcery.
The OT's message was all about fighting your own dark side instead of giving to hatred, anger, impatience etc.. Star Wars is dead.
>how the fuck could this be happening, that incompetent fuck managed to magic an empire out of nothing with this IP g-ddamnit this will turn a profit
The potential for more Sheev is the only reason I'll watch this movie.
I can make some sense but I don't like it because it diminishes the accomplishments of Palpatine.
He was a very capable politician on top of being a powerful sith lord. And that's why he was so successful. He worked the entire system in his favor. To just have him reduced to a one-in-many vessel for some dark spirit makes his own accomplishments irrelevant.
Especially since the same spirit can jump into Snoke and basically do the same thing again with next to no effort.
>Palpatine shows up, but transforms into a ghost halfway through the movie to possess Kylo Ren
>Kylo fights back and fully assimilates him, becoming the most powerful Sith in history
Screencap this
That's what he is regardless nigga, the only difference is whether he's piloting the dark side or if it's piloting him. I would personally prefer the idea that Palpatine raised an empire without input from something greater than himself, but functionally there is absolutely no difference between him using the force to corrupt those around him for his machinations or "the dark side" doing it for him.
My favorite scene in all 10+ canon movies is the part in AotC when Dooku is testing the water with his buddy Obi Wan to see if he can usurp Palpatine so they can rule a neutral government together because literally no one else even noticed that's what was happening. It also explains away Sheev's incompetence in selecting his successor, his first (?) pick ended up trash spider, his second wasn't actually an apprentice at all, and the third was actually a decent choice but he vastly overestimated his capabilities. He was kind of shit at the whole "being a sith" thing, it makes his success as a politician seem equal parts incredulous and impressive
it's so lazy and unimaginative only JJ could have come up with it.
No, he was a Sheev ripoff in the same way every new character is a ripoff of an old one.
Can you faggots stop referring to him unironically as this stupid ass name
>muh canon
>muh Darth platypus nov-el
The book was shit, the removal of his mystery was shit and the name is fucking shit. Worse than Smoke.
m8 should just be a fucking clone or something
Everything else failed.
It's pretty much the case that Sheev being a badass is the only thing that would've gotten me through the door of the movie theatre to see IX. So if they're desperately clutching at straws to recapture the audience they disgruntled in the last 2 film's... well, bravo mission accomplished.
Is JJ the biggest hack in Hollywood? He cant come up with anything original
It's actually Sneed
>Can you faggots stop referring to him unironically as this stupid ass name
He was the protagonist of the prequels though, and therefore, by extension, of all that came after
Anakin was the protagonist
Dark Empire
But it's so subversive
What were the breadcrumbs in the current movies?
there should have been a prophecy about Palpatine not Anakin
I don't feel anything since I don't care and just shitpost about it. Regardless, it makes sense for IX since is a nice way to denigrate the characters showing how luke/vader failed at everything. Of course, Rey being the real chosen one will not fail.
It's treason then
>Palpatine still exists after ROTJ
So Anakin failed to bring balance to the Force? The Chosen One thing was pointless?
"The Chosen One" is probably, just like Palpatine, an entity that inhabits other bodies. It started with Anakin, then went on to Luke and by the time he "shut himself off to the force" it already inhabited Rey.
It's literally the counter-balance of light/dark