User was right

From the recent trailer and from scoops from makingstarwars (who were right about 80% of the last jedi a year before it came out)...
the dark side possesses people, thats how it is passed down
thats why there is a rule of two
the younger sith kills the older one when they get too old and the dark side posssesses him
thats why palpatine wanted luke to kill him because vader wasnt worthy as a host body for the dark side since he was half machine, neither were darth maul or count dooku or kylo since he is an emo brat
the dark side wants to possess rey, it now inhabits matt smith, one of the knights of ren
kylo wants to kill the past (dark side) because it destroyed his grandfather's life.
Sheev and Snoke were possessed by the same being.
Thats why Snoke immediately had a following and could rebuild the empire (first order) so quickly.

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>thats why there is a rule of two
pfff, that would make palpatine darth bane, the original creator of the rule of two and most powerfull sith that ever lived.

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>believing rumors this early on, especially from MSW.

You remember those rumors in 2017 about Luke fighting the KOR and shit?

almost right, darth bane was possessed by the same dark side entity that every head sith has been possessed by

he was right 80% of the time.
he even had the luke's severed hand floating in space as the intro, which was later confirmed to be in the original script/treatment, he has a mole inside bad robot for sure.

before bane there where millions of sith, he alone is the one that concentrated all that power onto one entity, him

>moomin mask

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>they are actually going with the Valkorian Sith shit from the MMO

I clapped when Princess Leia's propped-up corpse said "That's no Macguffin, that's a Phylactery!"

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Is this meant to be some kind of news? The only remotely new addition to this theory is the possession of force users by an outside entity. The rule of two has always functioned this way, with one grooming the other to eventually kill him and go on to find his own subject so the dark side would be constantly growing. I don't know if it's even still canon or not, but this was all pretty explicit in that Force Unleashed game. The main strength of the jedi has historically been their quantity versus the sith's quality, that's why an old fuck like Sidious could take on 3 masters at once.

Who cares about this stupid saga anymore?

Johnson Trilogy > Original Trilogy >> Sequel Trilogy >>> Benioff & Weiss Trilogy >>>> Prequel Trilogy

>Another key tidbit: in Aftermath (the first book of the Aftermath trilogy), Imperial adviser Yupe Tashu made a comment about the Unknown Regions. He said Palpatine believed the Unknown Regions were the source of the dark side of the Force. Tashu mentioned Palpatine was seeking a way into the Unknown Regions using laboratories at the edge of the galaxy, which turned out to be accurate

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Still no motivation for Kylo to kill Han, what a pathetic emo faggot
And of course the dark side wants Rey, the Perfect Mary Sue.

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> "If we work together, I know we can discover the secret"
> Turns out he really was trying to hold up his part of the deal and help Anakin cheat death for Padmé
> Actually did work together and discover the secret between Episode III and IV

Bringing back Sheev:
A) Doesn't excuse the trainwrecks of VII and VIII
B) Is basically an admission of failure at making good new characters and threats
But that being said, since VII and VIII were indeed abject failures and they have failed to make good new characters, I think this probably is the least worst option... so long as they don't fuck up Sheev.
Jesus Christ don't fuck up Sheev.

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They've fucked with the force so much.
It used to be an inherited ability, some people had it others didn't, now it's anyone can use the force. It's alll shit.

>They've fucked with the force so much.

Essence transfer was a thing before Valkorion/Vitiate. Sidious was doing it in Dark Empire.

Midichlorians were explained as little micro organism that feed off the force, that's why force sensitive people have a lot of them in their blood. They were never the Force.

That's just the Jedi In-Universe trying to factualize the force, probably studied Force-Users against Non-Force Users and they noticed a pattern, Midichlorians where more present in Force Users than they where in Non Force Users.


"It's an energy field created by all living things"

That was a recon, in Ep1 it was implied that the Force comes from the midis and then when everyone hated that ("You're fucking with the Force it's supposed to be mystery magic!") they walked it back.

All I'm saying is they've fucked with Force lore before. This is not to excuse them doing so - they shouldn't have done it in I and they shouldn't again in IX - but as far as this particular piece of intentionally trashing the franchise goes, the ship already sailed in the prequals.

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Same man sat in front of a monitor and observed both Anakin and Yoda's blood streams.
"The readings are off the chart. Over 20,000. Even Master Yoda doesn't have a midi-chlorian count that high."

"they continually speak to us, telling us the will of the force"
"without the midichlorians life could not exist and we would have no knowledge of the force"

the real retcon wasn't that midichlorians are the force, it was that the force exists independent of life (inc midichlorians). so the force isnt an energy field created by all living things, just an energy field that midichlorians use to create life and communicate on behalf of the force

Sounds dumb

why delete dark empire if they were going to copy it?

Midichlorians dont cause the force, highly force sensitive people just have a lot of midichlorians because they feed off of the force. So the midichlorians are a way if measuring how force sensitive someone is, much like white blood cell count measures how sick someone is.

That would actually fix the "subvert expectations" bullshit with Snoke. He died like bitch without even knowing who he is because he was just a puppet.

Yes some people have more midichlorians (connection to the force than others), but ALL LIFE exists dependent on midichlorans
There is person, animal, or plant alive in the galaxy who isn't using the force

"But the question is, does the advent of midi-chlorians really change anything? Lucas never said that regular people have no midi-chlorians (except when he was joking: “Han Solo has no midi-chlorians. He’s a zombie.”). In fact, he said just the opposite. When speaking more seriously about them, he stated: “Midi-chlorians are like a single entity: meaning each one doesn’t think individually and have a life to itself; they think as a unit because there’s so many of them and they’re everywhere. They’re in every single cell [italics added]. And sometimes there’s more than one in a cell. Sometimes there’s a whole bunch in a cell. But there has to be at least one in a cell, otherwise the cell can’t reproduce. All cells. Plant cells. Every life form has a midi-chlorian living inside of them.”"

some people have more midichlorians than others, but everyone has em. this isnt contradicted by the new shit, clearly kylo ren and ren have more midichlorians than almost everyone else


Lucas just read a pop-science article about mitochondria, didn't he

"subvert expectations"
>the emperor is killed in his throne room by darth vader to save luke after 7 minutes of screentime in two movies
>snoke is killed in his throne room by kylo ren to save rey after 7 minutes of screentime in two movies

how many scoops?


The Knights of Ren and the red Stormtroopers from the posters were on a mission to "The Beyond" (outside the galaxy) in VII and VIII. There's some outside evil faction that is going to attack the galaxy. Rey, Kylo Ren, and disloyal KoR Matt Smith possessed by Palpatine compete for a macguffin in the death star wreckage important to this


And yes, this is all J.J.'s way of not ripping off Return of the Jedi while simultaneously ripping off the Vong and Clone Palpatine

>final movie in the nutrilogy
>still introducing new villains and heroes

There's effectively only 4 returning characters in IX: Rey, Finn, Kylo Ren, and Poe. Finn and Poe are kinda just there and shit, so to be really honest it's just Rey, Kylo Ren, and new characters