>character wasted his entire 20s and ends up a friendless virgin with no relationship experience by the age of 30
Are there any movies which depict this turn of events in a realistic manner?
>character wasted his entire 20s and ends up a friendless virgin with no relationship experience by the age of 30
Are there any movies which depict this turn of events in a realistic manner?
cry more bitch nigga
download a dating app to fix one of those issues within the next 72 hours
lol fuck dude, what's wrong with you?
Get a Life starring Chris Elliott
Any movie recommendations guys? I'd like to keep the thread on-topic if you don't mind.
this. You have no excuse.
thats me bro
I'm 25 year old neet virgin and although I'm not exactly satisfied with life having a social and romantic life seems like something I would hate. I don't mind hanging out with people once every few months but once you start engaging more socially people want to do shit like every fucking day and I get exhausted and then just spend the next year a recluse
>Are there any movies which depict this turn of events in a realistic manner?
it will be ok bros
How about a movie where he doesn't want to fuck strangers but thinks it's too late to have a meaningful relationship?
>Some guy who managed to go his entire 20's without getting laid or making a friend is going to land some pussy within 72 hours on a dating app
nothing wrong with not wanting to fuck strangers but it's definitely not too late
still no clue on a movie but i'm still trying to think of one
He need to just b himself lol
there are no movies about this specifically but there is plenty of depressionkino out there
>he thinks sitting around and whining about it on the internet will do something
Just end it already if you’re not gonna even try
If you had a job chances are the misery inflicted by that job would leave you feeling like you needed something positive in your life to balance things out, namely a cute, soft girlfriend who encourages you and is a bundle of enthusiasm and optimism in an otherwise exhausting, depressing world.
the man who sleeps
it's unlikely but not impossible, there are some really desperate women out there
I made certain I left home before 30 with a woman I loved. Step it up motherfucker.
a lot of people just want to experience sex with a woman, if they're determined it's legitimately easy with an app
any day now he is going to turn it all around and show everyone
He could get laid tonight, it depends entirely on his standards.
sounds gay where's the realistic depiction of
>character in his mid-20s who was on his way to becoming a socially accepted normie becomes ostracized from society after getting caught taking creepshots to post on Yea Forums in public, he gets arrested and given a criminal record, his gf leaves him and tells everyone he knows, but he doesn't kill himself or move town he just sits in his room for years reliving those moments in drug induced hazes of embarrassment and regret
Depressionkino doesn't cover it. In most quote unquote depressing movies the protagonist still has a girlfriend and his problems are usually due to a sci-fi context (Blade Runner), stupidity (Requiem for a Dream) etc
There are very few movies about a sub-par guy who has led a sub-par, outwardly boring life but suffering intensely inside due to unresolved self-esteem issues and missed opportunities etc.
>going into the world like an 18 year old at the age people expect you to be an established man to lean on
I just don't think i have normal desires. the idea of a regular life is unappealing to me it makes me feel nauseous. not being able to have extended periods of solitude would push me to complete mental breakdown. I started losing it after going on a 3 day holiday with friends
R9k films with hope
Punch drunk love.
Lars and the real girl
Punch drunk love is what you want I think.
You can easily do it with an escort. Go to vegas or any other place within driving distance where it's legal.
You say wasted 20s but we probably wasted our adolesence and early teenage years aswell. I'm 28 I already accepted the situation I'm in, the best thing you can do about is stop being lazy and make the effort to change some things in your life, even if the effort seems hopeless you have no other option. Besides not every relationship is great, being alone means more time to improve yourself
wait, creepshots are illegal? oh shit maybe I should stop taking pics of 12 year olds at the mall
>within driving distance
>implying we know how to drive
>character falls for the "only post marital sex with the opposing sex in missionary position for the sole purpose of pro-creation" and lives a straight-arrow textbook imagery life made up by kikes
>he never showed his wife any real romantic love and he beat his kids
>his wife either died much sooner than he did or left him, his kids left and never looked back, and now he lives alone slowly deteriorating realizing how meme'd his left was
seriously what the fuck were you thinking? were you barred out or something? that's like nothing to lose cave troll level shit, not for someone with a GF on the road to normiedom. it's not even like you were even getting paid to get those shots right? what the fuck
I remember Misc did an experiment with pic related on some dating site and she got hundreds of replies.
It's a real clown world for substandard males
Would this come close?
Too bad real women are whiny cunts who are a bundle of jealousy and selfishness
Based and redpilled
holy kek
any movies about a guy in his 20s who thought he was actually a fairly reasonable normal guy coming to the stark realisation that he's actually a severely fucked up weirdo who is possessed by delusions of grandeur and a false sense of self?
I was the same. Just meet a Filipino chick, they have such low standards. Just being 30 is attractive coz they are used to only having 60+ year old men.
No, they are not.
But it's like deep fakes. Society has banned them. The internet has banned them.
A bit like yelling nigger. You can legally do it... but if anyone you know sees you do it you might experience some turbulence.
There's still hope for you. 40 is game over. Act now
jesus, even the peak doomer wojak hyperbole meme can drive his shitbox to the store to get cases of pabst. honestly how?
>real clown world for substandard males
it's a clown world for burn victims and people that are literally 500 pounds overweight
below average dudes can fuck regularly, anything else is a weak cope
steelys sweaty try again ;)
Wilfred (us version)
It's a tv show but still significantly underrated.
The wall for men is financial-based, not age-based.
>"Hehe, it'll happen some day. Remember that potential you felt you used to have? Oh boy will it be realized one of these days. Wasn't van Gogh only discovered in his 30s? Heh, looks like we're just going to have to hang on a little longer to be acknowledged. Yep, any time now. I mean, all these negative experiences will surely be atoned for by the success that's coming your way, right? Hehe, yep, it's coming."
I used to think that one day i'd just snap out of being a mentally ill spastic. now that I'm 25 and worse than ever I'm facing a literal mental breakdown because I feel myself day by day slipping deeper and darker. it's not funny or able to be brushed off as "just being young" that I'm a neet with zero social life and career prospects. it's getting to the point of no return. where my destiny is to simply continue tumbling down until my inevitable suicide. I always thought that it was likely one day I'd kill myself. but it always seemed like something far away, a kind of ironic joke. now I can hear the train coming
It was the upskirts that did it really, which I don't think are illegal in Clapistan anyway so don't sweat it
I was one of those 15 year old newfags around 2008, so Yea Forums (mainly Yea Forums) really stuck with me throughout adolescence. No matter how much my outward life had changed, I still had that little portion of degeneracy locked away somewhere
it's honestly incredibly easy to get laid. the problem is getting the motivation to even put forth the effort. i find myself just constantly asking myself 'for what purpose?' it won't make me any happier.
Yeah, sure......
> In addition, it was determined that a man of average attractiveness would be “liked” by approximately 0.87% (1 in 115) of women on Tinder.
Fatso (2008)
>wasted his 20s
Implying there was a choice....
No there aren't, not on dating apps at least where they realize everyone aged 18 to 45 wants to fuck them.
t-this doesn't really happen irl right bros?
>women immediately sense that you are an inexperienced beta virgin and make sure to treat you like a kid so you don't get the wrong idea and hit on them
>people genuinely think you are retarded and lack self-awareness because you are so inexperienced and asexual-seeming even though inside you're yearning for intimacy and suffering every day with suicidal thoughts
>your mother thinks you're asexual or too autistic to comprehend sex and love and maybe even gay but has stopped even wondering about the issue now that you've reached the age where you're not even handsome or wealthy
>you literally spend every weekend walking in circles around the nearest town centre hoping it will somehow lead to you meeting a girl even though the chances of that happening in such a context are so low that it would take years of random searching before a girl dropped something or needed directions or smiled at you in passing and found you attractive also
>people you don't even know mention how nervous you seem despite only talking to you for a few minutes and knowing nothing else about you
>guys your age instinctively treat you like a younger brother or autistic pet animal because you are so quiet and incapable of entering into the flow of humorous conversation in a natural, confident way
Absolutely HOWLING mate
>I was one of those 15 year old newfags around 2008, so Yea Forums (mainly Yea Forums) really stuck with me throughout adolescence. No matter how much my outward life had changed, I still had that little portion of degeneracy locked away somewhere
I'm exactly the same. no matter how much I try to cleanse and purify myself I feel like being exposed to Yea Forums heavily since 14 really moulded my core being. I thoroughly enjoy degenerate filthy neckbeard shit and find comfort in it. The idea of something being shocking to normalfags excites me like nothing else.
got some news for you bro...
Sluts arent worth my time. Id rather be single and live life on my own terms than lower myself to some whores level. Hopefully the right girl will come along at some point.
van gogh drew his entire life because he was driven to, he didn't randomly get perfect inspiration shoved up his ass by the gods one hungover 5PM "morning"
it boggles my mind people harbor these kinds of delusions and they haven't even started anything, ever
Alright then, I'm just getting eased into my 20s (21).
What advice do you have for me so I don't end up like you OP ?
I've already vowed I'll go to all the parties I'm invited to (that's not a lot mind you), no matter how much I hate it.
I also promised myself I'd do clubbing more often. I'll also try out the Toastmasters experience to lessen some of that stutter I have (nothing handicapping either).
Girlfriend by 2025 or bust.
>turn 20
>suddenly 25
>suddenly 30
>feels like entire 20s was 3 years tops
>soon as hit I 30 being 20 feels like a really long time ago
the next 10 years are going to feel like nothing and i'll probably look back again at 40 and think wtf
parents also look really old now when I see them, wasn't really on speaking terms with them for the last 10 years
also realised i never lived in the same place longer than 2-4 years my entire life and it has affected my memory a little
life feels weirdly short but long looking back, like sprinting up a ladder and then looking down
Taxi Driver, but the character there was a soldier
Her, but the character there is an attractive one
Drive, the character is also attractive but an social autist
>The wall for men is financial-based, not age-based.
I'd let you fuck me user
hang over
forest gump
the sean penn retard one.
I'm sorry I have to be the one to tell you this
but you gotta step up, bitch ass nigga
Feel the same, this spooky shit keeps me up at night...
based grandpa
they aren't shocked. they feel at most pity and a sense of "glad i am not that guy."
Never seen a more wretched hive of villainy. Ugly women begging out the ass for money and men actually caving to it.
>Sluts arent worth my time
this cope lmao
i'm a permavirgin too lad just own it, no need to delude yourself that you are too important to waste your time enjoying an essential part of the human experience (i.e. love, romance and sex)
I have quite literally zero interest in having friends, girlfriend, job, career. I will be a neet until I can no longer be a neet and then end it
>parents also look really old now when I see them
iktfb. visited my parents for easter and they are suddenly old as fuck, my dad is getting forgetful too
sorry about the lack of grandkids guys ;_;
dude theyre not even looking for a bf. They just sit there on their phones and like the attention
>guys your age instinctively treat you like a younger brother or autistic pet animal because you are so quiet and incapable of entering into the flow of humorous conversation in a natural, confident way
any of this goes away fast at 30 when you aren't a "kid" in any sense anymore and you're just a defective man who never figured it out when those people were trying to engage you
suicide booths when?
start saving and buy a house before you are 30
clubs are not fun
people around you have comfort zones also, just because they took photos at a club doesn't mean they always go and live it up
if you have a crappy job be good at it
I know, I know, somebody told me you meet easier women there. I managed to fuck an ugly, fat one, but I regret it honestly. No man should have to see that.
>you literally spend every weekend walking in circles around the nearest town centre hoping it will somehow lead to you meeting a girl even though the chances of that happening in such a context are so low that it would take years of random searching before a girl dropped something or needed directions or smiled at you in passing and found you attractive also
jesus christ dude just download tinder or bumble or any of those shits
it's not hard to meet women, it's keeping them around and interested that is tough for autists
I was in a relationship for 7 years m8, it crushed my image of women forever
Honestly I've grown out of it, I can barely stand gore/rekt threads unless they're military themed and the porn I watch is vanilla. It's almost become a role reversal where I'm becoming more normal at my core, but my social skills have regressed to the point where I can't hold a conversation with family anymore, as opposed to the past where I was a degenerate pretending to be normal and managing to fit in quite well.
> his problems are usually due, stupidity
Don't you think that most people would say the same thing about a film like the one you are suggesting?.
>this cope lmao
>i'm a permavirgin
yeah it shows
this tbqh. i have a good job but pretty much all the other NEET tropes apply. at work the regular people initially reach out and when you inevitably sperg out you just get labeled as the weird guy around the office and they mostly keep things professional. i work at a pretty big place so there are a few eccentric people so i don't attract much attention.
Fucking hate this shit. I'm 21 and keep thinking to myself how the fuck did I waste all of my teenage years? I have vivid memories of being like 13/14 and thinking to myself by 21 I'll have a life and have figured things out. Nope, haven't done shit and I've been stuck in the same rut for years and years now. No relationships, no skills, things seem bleak rn. It's only a matter of time until I'm 31 and thinking the same exact shit. How can I break this cycle bros? I can't keep doing this.
It’s a scientific fact that the old your are the quicker time passes, remember when you were a kid and an hour felt like an eternity? Because you lived a lot less your perception of time was a lot larger, but know that you lived longer you perception of time is shorter.
You are literally racing to your death, enjoy life while you can
i'm in a weird loop where becoming more normal makes rekt shit seem more horrifying, yet also consequently brings back the rush and draws me back in to do it all over again
You know the desperation that makes you do all this shit?
Women can smell that.
Just try not to give a fuck for once, try getting hammered also, just to see if it makes you more confident or just more weepy or creepy like alot of people do
>clubs are not fun
Might be there aren't but I don't see where else I'm going to meet "free-minded" drunk chicks. Maybe at the bar but they can overhear my autism there.
It feels like the last place on Earth where I can get laid.
I'm alright professionally, only place I haven't failed, and that's because I don't mind work since I don't have friends / a girlfriend to get home to. So I'll stay later and collect my bonus.
Same but 27.
Not trying to sound preachy or holier than thou, I still am a degenerate NEET, but my tastes have become substantially more "normal" ever since
I'm 27 and am just now opening a FB account/Instagram and going back to College for a masters degree.
It's never too late you just have to start NOW.
>none of them are anonymous and require giving up personal info
>none of them are open source and embed facebook sdks and other trackers
Literally not an option.
I think I might have something seriously wrong with my head like mild schizophrenia or something. My thoughts are so disjointed and abstract that I can't even focus on this extremely basic online course I'm attempting to do for 3 minutes
>just to see if it makes you more confident or just more weepy or creepy like alot of people do
I just get quiet, confused and linger in a corner. Guess it's true what they say about drinking making your real personality come out.
Also I like to think I don't show a lot of desperation. I never flirt with anyone, act disinterested when people around chat about dates, but people end up thinking I'm gay if I don't show enough outward interest for women.
>31 with a worthless degree and six figure debt
LMAO great life plan there you dumb weeb.
Spoops the shit out of me. I look anywhere from bad to average so I don't see what kind of fucking pictures I'd post.
could be acute mania or maybe you spent too much time on here and fucked your brain up. I know I have
If you're not a top shelf guy all this does is obliterate any remaining shreds of self-worth that somehow survived over the years.
He only started drawing seriously at 27, and part of his success was due to his surname being already famous in the Dutch art world.
have sex
Yeah, I know what that's like. It's funny that when I'm sober for a few days my urge to look up some fucked up shit on the internet goes up like crazy. It's like a drug my man.
go see a band you like or bands playing, just check the scene and don't be afraid to dress the image even if its not you
if you are semi good looking you can attract girls before band plays, they are more fun
clubs are full of depressed druggos work parties and people doing it ironicaly with friends
the only people who hook up at clubs have the same personality disorders
its not like tv
M8 stfu.
I've legitimately not given a fuck for 8 god dammed years and got nothing to show for it.
If you don't go after what you want it will never happen.
>>people you don't even know mention how nervous you seem despite only talking to you for a few minutes and knowing nothing else about you
Hahahahahha, yeah stop following me and documenting my life.
You need discipline and focus to solve 1 problems at the time and by all mean ignore that "FUCK IT" inner voice when it yells at you.
Doing shit is hard lying on bed feeling powerless is easy and comfy. Whatever you do, you will die anyway.
You're the one coping if you're settling. That's literally the definition of coping, user. Whores have nothing to offer you but suffering.
Alright I'll put that on my To Do list thanks. Now to develop a music taste...
literally me, stop spying on me CIA
>below average dudes can fuck regularly, anything else is a weak cope
i'm being stalked by government entities and all my online accounts are breached and being monitored. I have fake emails but they're watching those too. they're playing pranks of me and hoping I am pushed over the edge. they knock on my door and run away and purposely irritate me with gardening equipment
I have the money, poorfag.
>Muh usefulness
Enjoy being a slave to Mosiach Shekelstein
just whatever random cool photos you take, also it doesn't matter if you look bad, people are gonna look at you anyway, especially if you intend on fucking someone, so you might as well get a relatively decent shot of you up there
girls will note the self hating autism if you won't even put yourself on your own instagram much more than they'll care that you look bad. again, you will be looked at anyway, so might as well have a tiny bit of control and say fuck it here i am
Some pro-tips, learned from experience:
1. Try to trust your instincts and if they urge you to do something which isn't harmful then do it (if you don't, they will give up on you)
2. Do not allow your life to be dictated by fear, e.g. what if I fail?, what if she finds out I have no friends?, what if I quit this job and never find another? - you'll end up bitter and regretful
3. Don't allow yourself to assume that everyone is superior and more well-adjusted to you, this leads to self-pity and paranoia, which are both huge wastes of time and energy
4. If you have a genuine ambition then pursue it for as long as you can and if you've not made it anywhere by 30 then think about becoming a normalfag or whatever
5. Develop self-discipline and don't allow short-term hollow gratification to prevent you from attaining long-term fulfilling success
6. Don't be so concerned that any girl you meet is just looking for ways to not be in your company - some girls will want to get to know you, so make an effort to overcome your conviction of worthlessness
There are probably more, but those are pretty important I think. Good luck.
i'm not talking about large venues either
small local bands or semi popular who tour
>below average dudes can fuck regularly, anything else is a weak cope
>emale Tinder usage data was collected and statistically analyzed to determine the inequality in the Tinder economy. It was determined that the bottom 80% of men (in terms of attractiveness) are competing for the bottom 22% of women and the top 78% of women are competing for the top 20% of men. The Gini coefficient for the Tinder economy based on “like” percentages was calculated to be 0.58. This means that the Tinder economy has more inequality than 95.1% of all the world’s national economies.
Not that tinder is a perfect mirror of reality but helps to realize what we're dealing with.
There is no ugly mug in this world that high quality camera and photograph magic cant fix, you can make yourself to be perfect 10/10 there, you have no idea how many disappointments i met on the instagram and i cant even recognize 90% of my friends...
Social networks are the web of lies..
then who was phone?
this is good advice
Getting laid won't fix his problems. When will you normalfags realize that? the damage is done already. the only real way to fix it is find a good gf, not some thot on a dating app. and if you find a gf from said app, she's not good.
>just get laid bro
>it's a based janny deletes the thread 3 mins after user posts, episode
Hey user hope you like dog shit being smeared on your door again LOL hey man just kidding, it's all a prank we're just fuckin with you. Do you mind buying some better cheese? We make sandwiches in your kitchen when you aren't home. The overflowed toilet was us too. My partner ate at that new mexican place and couldn't hold it. Sorry for the mess! Your mom's hot btw!
who said he'll get a crumb of pussy if he posts on Yea Forums, retard?
Good shit, this is going to help more people than just me.
I see most of it comes down to letting go of inate feelings of worthlessness that stews inside you when you go too long without friends / girls.
>a cute, soft girlfriend who encourages you and is a bundle of enthusiasm and optimism in an otherwise exhausting, depressing world.
Not everyone gets to have that option, user
Getting laid = self-confidence boost that girls can in some circumstances be attracted to you
Which is key to getting a girlfriend. So step 1 of soets.
it happens.
source: me.
It was 3650 days long, not that much time in the grand scheme of things. Especially if your days are pretty repetitive.
Didn't his works only get discovered after he died?
Hey you probably know better than me, I've never been on there, only see screencaps when people from this board are thristing over an actress.
Other bigger problem is asking people to tale pictures pf me.