pitch your movie idea based on this webm
Pitch your movie idea based on this webm
The Life and Times of OP
Two parents love their child unconditionally for two hours
The Amityville Horror:Regendering
it's a movie about society...
Falling Down II
father decides to see his life as a comedy instead of tragedy and becomes the clowner
Is that how long it takes him to kill himself?
A movie entirely focused on a transgender woman's trials and tribulations from her perspective, but tangentially (and subtly) we see how her relationship with her loved ones becomes strained by her vanity.
the mom has a good power stance
*hits pipe* these days it doesn't matter if you have a daughter or a son, you're cucked anyways.
i find a comfort in knowing that white 'people' wont make it to the year 2100.
Some Erin Brokovich type of story where a father finds out about the hormones in the drinking water and sues big pharma.
Man has to hide the fact that he's secretly happy that his transgender """daughter""" killed """her"""self.
Maybe he fucked his son and that look is a look of guilt eating away at him?
At least he wouldnt be a cuck then.
>wonders how they guys are going to take it down at the motorcycle club tomorrow at bring your son/daughter day.
the ultimate black pill
it's like a mix of birdman and donnie darko, the main character kills xirself and can only rest in peace once xi realises xi cant changer xir gender
Jazz: The Movie
Someone post the clown version.
they're going to fuck that bussy
>gender reveal box
Oh wow another great invention america want to share with us. Thank you burger and fuck you.
holy xit that sounds like a nightmare
>Head goes a bright red as it desperately floods the brain with excess oxygen needed to control an entire body into not shutting down and forcing itself to make unnatural motion of smiling and 'high-fiving' at site of sun who is disgusting and has mutilated penis
I'd say avengers, guy thanoses and then snaps his fingers and the kids balls and dick disappear.
Die hard without a hard on
>John Mcclain is a cop from the 80s living in current year
>He comes home after saving Nacatomi Plaza again to find his wife has a surprise for him
>The red haired bitch decided to move back to New York for her work with the kids that are now in their 30s living at home making their parents support them.
>Wife tells Mcclain that she wants a divorce again, because he chose his shitty paying cop job over their family again and her pay in the private sector that is more than triple his salary because he is still a retard
>They recieve a phone call- Hans Gruber had a son and wants revenge
>Makes Mcclain run around Detroit doing benign shit threatening to blow up a bunch of different schools or shit again but this time the schools are filled with handicapped kids
>Johns old, so he finally fails
>Hans kid cuts off Johns sons jonson
>Movie ends with webm from OP
"The Box" is a story about a psychotic killer who puts his victims into a box that only opens after they put on lipstick and cut of their genitals.
Its the official sequel to seven.
kek that's actually a fantastic title
A dad honor kills his wife and son and then himself for that high five. Society then celebrates.
One by one, every homosexual, bisexual, transexual, beast lover, and every other possible combination of freak you can imagine gets rounded up and executed in masse by guillotine all in a single day. All the blood and bodies are collected then with hazmat suits and burnt in the wilderness.
The whole world rejoices
A drama about a man who just wanted a normal, successful son who he raised, bonded with, and led to what he considers his legacy; a son he could be proud of.
What if your son was actually your daughter all along? You'd still love her, wouldn't you?
does the interracial gangbang with the tranny on the parents marital bed fit in there somewhere
no, I’d kill that sodomite. The only good transexual is a dead transexual. Shame the doctor didn’t cut off it’s head instead of it’s manhood
A movie about a tranny who was forced to transition by exploitative parents, but later regrets it and an heros.
Protect white kids
Jazz Jennings
how do i short white """"""""people""""""""""
Two parents make love their child*
Say that again in white people speak please.
Trannies take over the world, then these guys turn up to reset everything.
There's already a TV show with this plot, but the ending hasn't been filmed yet
white """"""""people"""""""""" short but need i get of
>tfw my own father kicked me out of the house when I told my parents I was trans
You people are literally heartless. There’s nothing funny about abandoning your child over bigoted bullshit, that man is doing a brave thing, it doesn’t matter if you think he regrets what’s going on at least he’s supportive and his daughter will be happy. My gender does not even involve you or interfere with your life so who the fuck cares this much?
a modern version of Frankenstein
I'm not script writer, but if I may amend, why not have the MC Tranny also kill his parents before he kills himself?
Less realistic, I know, but it sets a good moral message for the audience to feel happy about.
shorting is when you believe you can make money knowing that the asset will go down in price
Your father had a son. This 'woman' freak you pretend to be is a random stranger.
Also fake and gay fakegay shit
Your father is based and you're mentally deranged.
sHOrtinG is WhEN you beLIEVe yOu Can mAke MoNEY knOWING thaT The aSseT WiLl gO dOwN IN pRIce
>You people are literally dickless
Get out of my house tranny
lol even your own father doesn't care about you just save everyone some tax dollars and join the 40% already.
Literally give me one way the existence of transsexuals interferes with your life that would justify your hatred.
It's basically the movie Taken, but in reverse.
They're very ugly
kill yourself
It's against the teachings of the Bible
Having to share society with people who think their sexual kink needs to be recognised and normalised by society.
Know why traps don't attract anywhere near the level of hatred trannies do? Because traps don't expect people to normalise their kink. They know it's a sexual thing and they keep that shit private. They don't demand that they be allowed to use female toilets, or compete with female athletes, or share female showers, or that their expensive and horrific Frankenstein surgeries be funded by the government. Furries faced exactly the same kind of backlash when they tried to claim that people not accepting their kink were being bigots, and just like Furries your kind will eventually slink back into the shadows and keep your sexual kinks private, where they belong.
Kill youself fast please, you're breathing my hair and you won't pass your dna.
Does anyone have the original video?
Kill yourself your parents hate you and you will never have children.
This and their shit posting
shit posts
propaganda to the children in my family
destructive nihilism
Just so you guys know, he's fully aware he's not really a woman, he did this to prove the lunacy of the left.
Look at the dad's body language
>pain in his eyes
>forced smile
>eyes darting around, cannot look straight
>hugging the wall
>pulls away from the high five so quickly he hits the wall again upon retreat
This is the look of a man deep in distress
Wow this based black man absolutely DESTROYED the left with facts and logic. I bet they'll stop trying to cut off your son's dick now.
Cool, somebody ought to do it.
But the train of (((progress))) has no breaks and it's full steam ahead to the (((future))).
hahaha lololol epik meme dood XDDD
All cops are gay though.
Sleepaway Camp x Texas Chainsaw Massacre 4 crossover
t. Ahmed
Don't have kids.
Obvious bait, but it worked nevertheless.
Being trans isn't real
Hopefully a true story soon
I hope your dad can get a child that he wants.
Great idea for a fantasy movie
i wouldnt molest my son so my son wouldnt grow up to become a sexual deviant
It's not a kink
pitch your movie idea based on this webm
Imagine being this insecure
Have sex
True, it's a mental disorder.
And the treatment is transitioning.
god, I wish I had a sister like this
You keep telling yourself that.
fond memories of groping my cousins butt and humping her as a kid
>tfw trannies dont see that they dont pass because mental illness prevents from see it
It's a mental disorder but the greatest mental disorder is the faggots that support such a thing and think it's good, for example
The treatment to people thinking they can fly is throwing them off a roof then.
I'm not telling myself that. The evidence is.
yeah, into a corpse.
Absolutely based.
Are there any other mental disorders that treat the body instead of the brain?
No, that's letting them succumb to their delusions.
Don't blame the mentally ill people, blame the evil sociopath politicians, journalists, media, doctors, big pharma and all the progressive liberal hypocrites that fuel their mental illness while they take their money, the money of the public health system and make these poor mentally ill souls more miserable and the society as a whole worse.
The evidence is that 40% of trannies kill themselves and modern (((gender science))) is based on the works of a pedophile who's patients killed themselves.
>greatest mental disorder is the faggots that support such a thing and think it's good
Not really. It's infinitely worse to say parents shouldn't support their kids in times of need.
>hey doc, I want to chop off my arm
>hmm, don't do this, it's mental illness
>hey doc, I want to chop off my dick
>hmm, gender dysphoria, take these pills and we are going to chop off your cock
>media: how brave
>politicians: this is the future
>big pharma and doctors: this is good, I love money
>liberals: how brave, I'm crying
Eat pork, towelhead.
Yes, supporting them would be not letting them irreparably mutilate their bodies.
Ignore all the people just being arseholes to you. They probably don't really mean it and are just making edgy jokes anyway because we're here.
My problem is when people are getting in trouble for being forced to accept your lifestyle.
I'm polite enough to call you whatever you want to be called. But that's my choice to and it should be everyone's choice whether they want to accept it or not.
Not necessarily you, but there is a huge community trying to persecute people for not wanting an ideology forced upon them and I will not tolerate that authoritarian control. Worse is people are getting in trouble for accidentally misgendering people and treated like hate criminals. That can fuck right off.
As a teenage boy who went through puberty very late, but had long hair because I've been a fan of metal music and the fashion that goes with it, I spent several years being misgendered as a girl, either accidentally because I hadn't developed any masculine features at that time or purposely as a form of bullying. It wasn't the worst thing ever, it was a mild annoyance. We shouldn't be putting people in cells or inflicting violence on them because of it.
>You people are literally heartless
but I love transwomen
everyone is laughing at you user. go back to your discord safe space
I'd rather have them around than people like you.
How do you mean?
It's not a delusion. That's a different category of issues.
The number of 40% is the attempt rate. The rate of actual suicides is probably lower. Also, the point about John Money is false. He's been discredited decades ago, and there's a whole field filled with other researchers.
Not comparable, and the fact that you think it is shows you don't know anything about the subject.
Many transgender people actually don't get surgery.
>it's not a delusion
It literally is. No matter what they say or do, they will always have their chromosomes. Natures dogtag, telling everyone that they were born either male or female.
>They still kill themselves at high rates
>Many go on to regret it
>Renders them infertile, plus a bunch of other fucked up side effects and risks
Great (((treatment))) you got there.
Explain to me exactly why we as a society shouldn't be equally as accepting of anorexic people. Because they have exactly the same kind of body dismorphia and yet we consider that to be a mental illness.
>I'd rather have them around than people like you.
youd get the same result. the reality is that these freaks cannot be fixed and cannot be saved.
Funny how you can't adress the point. Do people who think they can fly get cured when you make them fly? Or do you realise in this comparison that just like it's impossible for humans to fly it is impossible for them to change what they are born as?
I mean that HRT largely affects the body as well as the brain, while SSRIs and treatments for other mental illnesses target only the brain.
Is there a youtube video for this?
fanfic of genetic dominance already exist
t. doesn't know what delusion means clinically
all you fucks are still sad and crying on discord. you don't improve, you have no family outside of your online forums
>Many go on to regret it
Actually, very few do. The biggest claim otherwise comes from RT, which is hardly reliable.
You are also delusional.
Anorexics don't have the brain of a very thin person in the body of a normal person.
Stop with your pseudo scientific bullshit that are extremely recent, faggotry and trannies stopped being considered mental illness in the late 80s and today we are seeing the results of this destructive policy and see If you treated these mentally ill people the proper way and try to convince them that they are the sex they were born with instead of fuelling their delusions, it would be
>beneficial for many of them
>cheaper for them
>cheaper for the health system
>better for the whole society
Sure some would still kill themselves but they still kill themselves now after the "transition" but only after the "doctors" and the pharmaceuticals get a lot of money.
Good treatment, I mean scam for some evil sociopaths to get richer.
>injecting yourself with estrogen for years doesn't affect your body
I'm sure every confused 14 year old boy will be happy as a 6'2" man with tits and wide hips and a non-functioning penis in 20 years.
>Anorexics don't have the brain of a very thin person in the body of a normal person.
lmao look at this pseudo scientific bullshit
these bullshit is what tranny supporters actually believe lmao
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
The birth gender can't be changed, but the body or gender expression can be changed to match the gender identity of the brain.
No, they have the reverse. They see themselves as much fatter than they actually are, just like trannies see themselves as the opposite gender.
> Moment of silence
> Camera cuts back to a crowd of family members.
>Some are very obviously shocked, others are trying to hide their reaction.
>you are killing your self, start eating
>this is normal, take these drugs, chop off your dick
Der Untergang
>a man
>lives in a society
>the world is getting crazier
Game of Thrones, exactly how it is right now
You're dad sounds pretty based, I hope he had more children that weren't such massive dissapointments.
No, it really can't. You end up as a Frankenstein's monster. Leaving aside the disaster area of you genitals: your hands are too big, your voice is too deep, your jaw is too strong, your shoulders are too wide, etc.
Trannies are obvious anyway because they plaster themselves with makeup and choose porn actress names, because it's all sexual fetishism run amok.
I like this guy.
This is how you should treat this people.
I was raised in school and told that bullying is bad.
That you should accept all people as they are.
You should be a good boy and listen to your teachers.
Like a fool I believed my stupid leftie teachers
Do you have the pic of the archeologist digging up a tranny skeleton and then properly identifying it as male?
>birth gender
>gender expression
>gender identity in the brain
Nice buzzwords faggot
Depression treatment sometimes includes changes to behavioral patterns and/or life situations behind the depression. Similarly, gender transitioning changes a life situation that causes the distress.
>Trannies are obvious anyway
No they aren't
I'm not transgender.
D-don't bully me user! >-<
so you're fucking one and have inner homo feelings. take your pills Alice
kek thanks
90 minutes of a father fucking the degeneracy out of his child.
>faggotry and trannies stopped being considered mental illness in the late 80s
False, at least in the USA. Homosexuality was removed from the DSM in the early 70s after a vote among psychologists ruled in favor of it. Turns out it wasn't being treated like a disorder anyway at that point.
It doesn't have a vagina.
It can't have childer.
It looks superficially as woman.
It doesn't have the pelvis gap that is what characterises women.
It's a freak.
It's a victim of big pharma and immoral "doctors".
You didn't refute it or provide any evidence.
Actually it turns out that transgender people have brains resembling those of the opposite sex.
Okay, so you can't think of anything else that irreversibly alters the body. Lifestyle changes can be fixed, your infertile penis can't be.
xhe looks like xhe's wearing a muscle suit
Not an argument.
>You didn't refute it or provide any evidence.
>Not an argument.
>Actually it turns out that transgender people have brains resembling those of the opposite sex.
prove it
>Actually it turns out that transgender people have brains resembling those of the opposite sex.
Gonna have to see a source on that, famalam
I try to be a decent person, to be non-judgemental and understanding, then I see this webm and I wonder how awful, how gut-wrenchingly awful it must feel to be a father with a son like that. A weak, effeminate, genetic cul-de-sac that's signaling the death of the west.
Why do people keep enabling these confused young men?
Oh, here's my movie idea: a young man comes out as trans. Everyone is understanding except the local redneck, who hates everyone who's not like him. Tranny has a sassy black fatso and lispy Hispanic gay as friends, and is made homecoming queen at one of your 'proms'.
Everybody claps
The end
Sell to Netflix.
That is bullshit pseudoscience, but why shouldn't you try to correct the brain to fit the body, rather than the body to fit the brain?
they should transplant their brains with a 12 gauge
based post
I'm not. I just take the time to be informed.
>your infertile penis can't be
The term is "impotent," not infertile, first of all. Second of all, among patients who don't want to keep their male genitalia, that'd be equivalent to reverting to behavioral patterns that caused a depressed person to be depressed.
>The parents firstborn was a daughter
>Love her unconditionally
>She Love them back
>Watch she grew into a wonderful strong young woman
>Fast forward when the daughter was in early 20s
>The daughter have a surprise for her parent
>But the daughter died in a freak accident that leave them both devastated.
>The wife refuse to eat and stay catatonic for days
>The father then go around town and put up a Craiglist ad for those who wanted to discuss TLJ
>The father notice this one skinny guy, same body build with her daughter and have same eyes like her
>He then proceed to befriend the guy and spike his drink and kidnap him
>He droves all the way back to his house and said that their daughter is actually alive and here she is
>The wife snapped back into reality
>And for the rest of the days the family seems happy with their newfound daughter.
>The guy tries to escape multiple time but failed, and was forced to wear the dead daughter clothes
>For month the guy was indoctrinated when finally he losses it
>The final shot of the film was that webm
I want to see those studies.
honestly, you could make shit ton of money doing this
Lol whoops we misdiagnosed you sorry your dick doesn't work and you have tits now but hey at least Pfizer got their money's worth.
Holy shit, it's real, WTF
Cool do you have a rationalwiki link, too?
Not an argument.
what a profoundly stupid article
That's a great idea for a horror movie. Seriously
And it follows the depraved depths these two parents go to in order to support their child, and it climaxes with the kid maybe becoming some flesh devouring fiend who wants to become not just one gender, but ALL of them, and they believe they can do this by sewing pieces of flesh to themselves, or eating others, etc. Be creative with it
Do you think I would share information that are false?
Great plot user!
wow what a spicy new meme
There's an extensive process they go through to confirm the diagnosis. It's not as simple as showing up and saying you're a woman.
what a fantastic article, really changed my perspective on transgender people
Is Scientific American not credible enough for you? Would Breitbart be better?
Not an argument.
I didn't know things were that far gone.
Why do you refuse to post the studies, user? I don't care about Francine Russos's interpretation.
Why do they all kill themselves then? Transphobia?
The actual studies would be better.
So is transgenderism a paraphillic fetish, explain this to me! I'm convinced it must be some psychological thing.
The studies are described in the article.
>It's a girl!
We tried to warn you.
>what is confirmation bias?
Bullshit article, get fucked.
>are described
I don't really care about Francine's description either. Post the studies.
Still waiting for an answer on this one, LGBTQIA ally user. Why is gender dysphoria the only mental illness that's treated as a physical illness?
Come now user, you know better than to parrot the rumors of the common folk.
Fucking based. More men (male) need to do shit like this
kek it always gets me when you see how young the kid is
The Joker
Oh shit, another letter got added?
WTF, I hardly even remember what QI stands for and now A?
I love (((gender science)))
Reminder it's LGB, never the T. It's okay to be a fag but cutting off your pee pee is pure mental illness. Actually in modern history, trannies were never accepted within the LGB group until recently.
quaint but cute
A bunch of normal people learn to deal with their problems trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic world after 99% of mankind was nuked
Could make a chunk of money senpai and definitely create controversy
wtf I love rampant STDs and pedophilia now
>It's okay to be a fag
Joker's new origin story
>Actually it turns out that transgender people have brains resembling those of the opposite sex.
kek butthurt tranny right on cue
If you have to TELL people you're trans, then you're not TRANS.
The damage it brings to society as a whole. People are unironically putting children on hormone treatments.
>People are unironically putting children on hormone treatments
It is an epidemic now that is becoming child abuse for virtue signalling.
The few last years have been a blast.
I completely understand how Germans, Spanish, French, Russians and every other nation felt when they "suddenly" decided they had enough with Jews and started the purge.
You're right. One is removing a limb, the other an organ and replacing it with a malformed facsimile. Closer to someone chopping their hand off and replacing it with a hook because they are piratekin and you shouldn't judge them you bigot.
>all those kids hitting their 20s and start hating everything and everyone
The next decade is going to be wild.
You will never be a woman. You will never be seen as a woman. You're a freak in a small splinter of time. Ironically kill yourself.
Look in the bright side, if you have enough guns, then after 30 years feminism, jews, judaism, faggotry, aids, marxism, capitalism, liberalism, multiculturalism and other diseases would be completely eradicated.
Pile up on guns and ammo and be ready.
These are the kinds of skits Chris Farley would be doing today if he were alive and lost some weight.
Seething tranny detected. You will never pasd.
I just want to tell him it's not his fault.
LGB is what brought us here. I remember gay straight alliance shit in HS and now look
It's sad to say it but it's usually the father's fault.
There is a reason why kids from single moms, both boys and girls, grow up with issues.
A strong dad has a very important role, in my opinion even more important, than the mother.
>but it's the mother's fault
>it's the school's fault
>it's the media, facebook, twitter, movies, music, etc
A dad should somehow teach his children to avoid these shit and identify bullshit.
Of course when you have feminism and other evil ideologies systematically destroying masculinity for the last decades it's obvious that these things will happen.
Men should fight back and take back their rightful place, not for the benefit of me, but for the benefit of future generation and all humans.
that poor dad T_T
reminder that trannies are failed males calling you incel
It starts as Weimar-tier usa comedy but in second act it will be revealed as gritty and splatter horror
"What would my dad say about this? Jesus I'm such a failure as a parent. I'm glad he's not alive to see this"
>guaranteed replies.avi
>ywn pound your hermana’s bunda
>A strong dad has a very important role, in my opinion even more important, than the mother.
That's a tough line to walk. I won't say either me or my dad are perfect but he's generally a soft-spoken man, I'd always figured him to be left leaning. But as I got older (20+) he was a bit more forthcoming. Turns out he hates Muslims, gay people (male and female) and even other Indians. My dad turned out pretty cool.
Though growing up he'd always be sort of emotionally distant. Never a hugger or anything like that. But whenever I'd accomplish something, like getting my drivers license or graduating university, he'd shake my hand and call me his son. Seems corny as fuck but I appreciated it.
What the fuck is dialation?
it's when trannies shove stuff up their wound so that it doesn't heal back up
trannies have to use medicinal dildos to prevent their preventapussies from closing(healing)
i thought they did it to clean out the stink from the fake fagina?
>Poo Dad
Fucking disgusting. He's not cool, he's a disgusting brown man. You poos are vermin.
No it's because their bigoted bodies keep trying to close their vaginas
you're all nigger-obsessed faggots who shit up this board with your retarded beliefs
They have to clean out the shedding muscles and some parts of the intestine inside their artificial vagina and maintain the circumference for sex because it's just a wound that their body is desperate in closing.
Trannies are actually hostile towards regular gay people. It's fascinating.
lol what disgusting fucking freaks
this reminds me of a situation I've faced
>10 years old, playing in the playground
>a neighbor and his sister come to play with me too, been friends with them for a long time now
>when we stop to rest the guy pulls his pants down and show his rock hard dick, his sister asks me if I could show mine too
>say that I can't and run back home
now that I'm older I'm pretty sure that they were having casual incest
That's quite possibly the most sickening thing I've ever heard. And these "people" expect to be treated as normal?
boards.Yea Forums.org/pol//thread/211729550
>My fake gender does not even involve you or interfere with your life so who the fuck cares this much?
Yes it does when you try to make mandatory for me to roleplay into your dellusions
The hatred is well deserved and violence is long overdue.
If a man identifies with a panda, is the treatment convincing him that he is a man or stiching fur over his skin and giving him panda juice?
>expecting fag enablers to answer correctly
The right answer is death.
>Game of thrones season 8 episode 3 climax music playing in the background whilst everything moves in slow motion
an average life of a nazi
>things that did not happen
If it wasn't obvious enough from everything else in this post, there is no way he is postop a few weeks after coming out.
Black comedy about a step father who goes full driver at night attacking his trans daughters bullies yet is regarded as a boomer cuck by day.
cutting off any part of your body as some form of showing your true self is a fucking mental illness, end of story.
If your into drag, fine whatever but mutilating your body is not sane.
Is having a transgender son the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a tranny son. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a boy for at least 18 years solely so "she" can go and get ravaged by other confused teenagers he met online. All the hard work you put into your handsome little man - reading him war stories at bedtime, making him go to football practice, making sure he had a meat-rich diet, educating him in the deceit of women, playing catch with him. All of it has one simple result: his body is more enjoyable for the gay men that will eventually fuck him in every hole.
Raised the perfect female impersonator? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a mentally ill chaser who had nothing to do with the way he grew up, who "marries" him. He gets to dilate his tight neovagina every night. He gets the benefits of his submissive and unstable personality that came from the way you failed to raise him.
As a man who has a he-she son, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a genderbender for another man to enjoy. And it isn't even natural nor does it result in grandchildren. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
its not comparable because one is socially and politically motivated
When i was little, i wanted to be a dinosaur, specifically a utahraptor, and would walk around like one at school and roar at my peers and teachers. Instead of supporting me, and loving me unconditionally, my parents beat me and forced me to be normal. If i had been accepted, i could have started surgeries early and had a tail and maybe had jaw elongation surgery to appear more dinosaur like.
they came after my video games and get vocal about it, sometimes forcing idiot devs to change things because of their autism
>literally why is rampant degeneracy bad for society?
Is the treatment to anorexia liposuction?
I'm sorry to hear that. I pretended to be a T Rex for a week after seeing JP as a kid. My parents encouraged me because I'd actually eat all my food. Usually the same way the Rex ate Gennaro. They got me to eat my veggies by telling me that's why brachiosaurs were so big. So my plan was to become the worlds biggest T Rex.
> specifically a utahraptor
patrician choice
Bullying : early AND often
Why do trannies emerge mainly from gamers and commies?
There are many subcultures with pro-fag ideologies within them; such as hipsters, capeshitters, vegans, punks, goths, and star wars/lotr/got/star trek fags.
What makes gamers and commies different?
Do trannies gravitate to these cultures? Or do these cultures spawn the trannies?
Sarina Valentina biopic starring Justin Long
>worlds where anything is possible
>fantasy and imagination are the name of the game
>can be anything you want ingame
Gee, I wonder why these genital schizos choose gaming.
where can I learn to fight like this
A failed father spends hours on a drunken binge, ruminating on what went wrong. Story is told in flashbacks, every now and then returning to our drunken protagonist.
At the last scene, he stumbles upon his son's medical papers, and learns that his son was already a nutjob when he was ten.
Surprised that he wasn't entirely to blame, he gets up and puts on the TV. He smiles bleakly as the credits come on.
Trannies gravitate to gaming because they can actually be a woman there.
get lost boyinaband
Autism. Gamers are often autistic for obvious reasons and I guess autists might be drawn to communism because they are typically useless.
>wore mom's underwear when i was 4 and parents laughed
>these days they might have said i was trans and given me hormone treatment
Fuck this gay earth
makes sense that they're so obsessed with their irl avatar instead of developing their character or experience the world and shit
still never understood why CLASSIC DANO was hanging out with them
>friend's 3 year old boy loved Shrek
>came out of his parent's room wearing his mother's heels, saying "I am a princess, I am a princess (fiona)"
>I immediately laugh
>his parents tell him to take off those shoes
>slinks back into parents bedroom with his head down
>now is a chad that plays guitar
Why does literally every single thread on this website have to get filled with people whining about trannies?
I only feel pity. I justify this feeling with how this is basically just darwinism to make myself feel less powerless in my lack of ability to stop more kids from ruining their own lives.
cyka blyat
This exists. The skin I live in.
>you shall not pass
this is literally all the discord trannies/ kosher "conservative" ziotards have
They don't let me nut inside their ass
Same shit, different mental illness..
that tranny looks exactly like my sister (biological female)
Because every single other website in the internet gets filled with trannies whining
I grew up playing Tomb Raider, each and every game, all secrets, all items.
I didn't grow up to be a faggot or trannie but I ended up a 40 year old virgin.
Surely playing as Lara Croft had something to do with it.
double murder suicide
i'm trains too
this is right. internet is evil. stop the internet completely and thing will slowly return to normal.
Things were better before Internet went mainstream.
Internet is globalism and it's evil.
why are some many mtf trannies self labeled "lesbians in a male body"
if they were really female then wouldn't their sexuality be most like the same as what most women are. ie. attracted to males
leads me to believe that 99% of these cases are weirdos who can't seem to get a girlfriend (or even try for that matter) so in some twisted way they decide to become their dream girl?
they seem to be the same sort of dudes who hate the toxic masculinity Boogie man because they are too scared of competition or don't measure up to other men so claiming to be mtf is their coping mechanism to convince themselves why they are failed men?
Unironically this.
Dude I'm an average joe and I managed 4pl8s diddly in 6 months of doing SS
I've abandoned my child!!!
cute feet
thats an even better idea for a movie than OP's lynchian thriller
based dad
>tfw you realise calvin from calvin and hobbes would end up a trannie if he lived today because evil miss wormwood would diagnose gender dysphoria
Nuke us already
>who the fuck cares this much?
Society has to change to appease less than 01% of the population who by all definitions are mentally ill and prone to suicide, by doing this it encourages that behavior. It leads to a decline in morals and overall societal standards which can cause stagnation further hindering social growth and evolution
Fuck off back to the commune faggot. You will never be recognized as a woman any more than a furry gets recognized as a dog.
this kid's got some moves holy shit