I went on that site Stephen

>I went on that site Stephen
>saw a lot of frogs in tuxedos sayin' some pretty nasty stuff about the moderation team there. that make you feel bad Stephen? you like getting dabbed on by frogs stephen? that why you delete all those threads?

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Other urls found in this thread:



> you like getting dabbed on by frogs stephen?

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>Stayvun, your compuda has a folder innit
>You know what's that folder culled Stayvun?
>Women hate, that's what it's culled
>Naw, I wanna ask you, you have a prablum with whamen Stayvun?
>I'm trynna help ya out here buddy

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>Stephen....you ever sit down and think about the meaning of life? What's the meaning of life, Stephen?
>....I don't know
>Stephen, let me ask you this, as a friend....You ever stick a toothbrush up your ass? cmon every guy has done it

can someone tell me what's this about? why it's blowing up on Yea Forums lately?

>you're a virgin in all these timelines Stephen

Attached: 1556722261972.jpg (2048x1865, 954K)

>gibby goby gammy wammy stafvin
>hoopa doopa gobby bib bib aaaa bub bub

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>one you ain't ever had a girlfriend, and two you will never have a girlfriend

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too real

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>But Stephen, what about the Pentagon?

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>Stephen it says here you posted a picture of a preteen model with the comment "Tite tite cunny Tummy". what does that mean stephen?

>nahw steeffin lemme flobble gobble yall
>steefin yor my buddy blubby wubby right steefin?

>No more fuck, chuck

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>no more vidya stephun. no more ki-nohs.

Why are these threads so funny?

I don’t know but I love them

>did you hate Hiro Steyphan?
>what did you hate about him?
>I don’t know
>did you think things were better under moot?
>I don’t know
>wait, are you some type of newfag Steyphan?


"i don't know"

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Well, how the tables have turned detective...

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A better question is why he posted on some obscure chan like Operator Chan instead of here?




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>so did you see much activity when they found the body?

>Have you seen the police knocking on doors much this morning

The media interview he did was pure gold. It's not every day you see an autists master plan unravel on live TV. He might as well stand under a sign saying 'I DID IT'

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came her specifically to read the steyvan thread, found it.
great work OP

7:21 youtube.com/watch?v=Y_xb_JnXGeI
>"Whats up with the underwear in your apartment Stephen? Like a mask? *laughs "it was cut out like a mask, You cut underwear out to look like masks?

>Claims not to know much about her
>Spends ten minutes going minute detail about every aspect of her daily routine

>Nobody care who you were before you put on the mask Stephen?

>steyvahn, you worked 563 hours this year for a website called Yea Forums, did you pay any taxes?
>I don't know
>what do you mean you don't know? If you earn money in the US you must pay taxes
>I don't know
>I'm not seeing any evidence of an income Steyvahn
>I don't know
>Steyvahn, you're not telling me you worked those hours for free?
>Idon't know

He's actually innocent,he's just autistic

yeah those balled up panties belonging to Lauren in his sock draw were completely innocent, just an autistic mistake like the hacksaw blade and the broomstick camera

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His attorney admits under oath that he believed Stephen was innocent until the last weeks of the trial when he admitted to the attorney about murdering her, and went into extensive detail on how it happened and how he disposed of the body. He also actually confessed in the original trial.

fucking hell

what a fucking Jew

broomstick camera?

Do you think even the reporters were onto him and just let him set a trap for himself?

The number one thing all these idiots on these major cases do is that they just won’t stop talking. Same with Watts, who just keeps adding unnecessary detail after detail. It’s a telltale sign

A camera attached to the end of a broomstick to get a view inside of the window. It's not hard.

Based and paranormal pilled

I got the arrangement of items but i didn,t know he was spying on her.

he was peeping into her room, the cops recovered deleted footage of Luaren.
He'd spend nights searching things like "Lauren Giddings nude" before retiring to porn sites.

He had the maintenance key for the entire complex and had been in her room when she was out.
He'd stolen a USB drive and underwear from in there

Jesus fuck.

Alright then, dude fucked up

based i don't know posters

one of his searches just before killing her was "choked unconscious how long wake up"
He only wanted to rape her but she pulled his mask off and fought, he choked her to death and lost his boner under the gravity of the situation. Her torso was un-raped, still had the clothing on.

>He'd spend nights searching things like "Lauren Giddings nude"
jesus fuck I want this man to take an IQ test

The interview is honestly more entertaining and engrossing than most movies I've watched in the last year.

It's actually pretty boring. He just says "I don't know" to everything.
This one is waaay better, pure kino
Russel Williams, brilliant interviewing skill by Jim Smyth


>That same morning, he also conducted three back-to-back searches with variations of the phrase “molest sleeping girl.”

>He also spent several hours visiting pornography and dating sites, viewing advertisements for escorts on macon.backpage.com, reading erotic fiction and searching for nude photos of celebrities.

>He read local and national news, watched movies and wrote posts on the Operator Chan website using the screen name “SoL.”

>As early as May 1, he searched for “escape prison.”


It gets airtime on the CSI channel which rekindles interest.
No way is it only just blowing up though, it's as old as Yea Forums itself. The guy was a chan poster back in the day

It's probably the faggot in prison with a smuggled in cell phone posting here.

why did this meme make a cumback?

a light evening

this shit happened years ago why's Yea Forums zombiefying it as a meme

I doubt it, even if I smuggled a cell phone in here there isn't wifi or internet reception in prison.

I wish it was raped. I would have raped that torso no doubt. It should have been raped