use this thread to post and discuss transgender neovaginas
/Tranny Pussy General/
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Don’t have sex user
i have no fucking idea why the fuck i clicked on this shit
legit gonna puke
What the FUCK
I think I’m gonna be sick
Ooo, that's gotta sting
the absolute STATE of modern "conservatives." Why do you have this shit saved on your computer you degenerate faggot.
You're literally going to die a virgin m8.
It's stunning and beautiful, vaginas come in all shapes and forms. If you are not sexually attracted to this you are a bigot
Imagine the stench coming from that. FUCKING DISGUSTING.
That’s what I call a sticky situation!
finally a thread for this thanks OP
Rightists, blacks, Muslims and Jews are all people rightists want to fuck or be fucked by. The fascist psyche is a mess of sexual anxieties and insecurities.
Trannies should keep their peeners
This fucking thread my sides
I have become so desensitized that this does barley anything to me.
Is that top hole supposed to be closed or do trannies need a third hole to piss out of?
>last post was 10 months ago
What is dialation
rate my hole
just google it user
I only want to colonize hot muslim girls
does that make me a hypocrite? maybe
Being tranny is a one thing
But what level of delusion is this
When trannies have the surgery they have to keep a dildo stuffed in their new hole so the wound doesn't heal. that brown stuff poop or puss?
Whoop! You go girl!
Are they fuckable? Is it safe to out your dick in? If it is safe, does it feel like a natural one? I have so many questions
10/10 would eat your puss
Its on my phone I'm currently in an important meeting at work (Im the CEO) and cant use a computer at the present time
8 is way too high
Holy shit. And there are tranny chasers out there.
Sounds like a case of projection. Now, back to the discord, faggot.
We're muslim you fucking trash
We must stop degeneracy at all costs
>Are they fuckable? Is it safe to out your dick
>does it feel like a natural one?
lol no
Surprised no one's posted Chris-chan's.
Imagine sucking that wound and making out with it
This is child abuse.
In the future they'll look back on this the same way we look back on ice pick lobotomies of the 20th century.
Imagine someone removing chunks of your brain just because you don't smile enough for American protestants until you have the same mental capacity as a dog.
Imagine someone taking a knife to your dick to turn it into a gaping pus-filled hole because you like to crossdress.
Is there an example of a decent transgender "vagina" or do they all look like lovecraft monsters
We only like the ones with dicks. If I wanted to fuck a crazy person with a vagina I'd just find a woman. They're literally everywhere.
Anything a woman has these schizo men want for themselves lmao
Are you speaking from experience
Fuck me that's bad
It's just an open wound. It behaves nothing like a vagina.
what's an amab?
Is this Jazz new frankgina?
I want to die
I've heard stories